Title | : | The Real Life Wayfinders: The Untold Story Of Polynesian Voyagers |
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The Lapita people were killed off by second wave of seafarers Comment from : @TupuolaSilifaiva |
Can’t imagine blue water crossing in those conditions Comment from : @caroleminke6116 |
The occupation route of the Islands mentioned in this video is contrary to the local oral traditions that claim the ancestors of the Polynesians came from the east This makes sense if you consider the prevailing trade winds which blow east to west Even today most blue water cruising vessels travel the Pacific ocean from east to west using those windsbrbrRefuting evidence of this videos claim was offered through the exploits of Norwegian Biologist Thor Heyerdahl who was inspired by Polynesian folklore and wanted to prove that ancient people from the Americas could have settled Polynesia He built a raft, named after a legendary Inca god (Kon Tiki), from locally available materials in Callao, Peru On April 28, 1947, Heyerdahl and his companions set sail from Peru and after three months and 4,300 nautical miles reached the Polynesian island of Puka Puka Just food for thought Comment from : @rjsparling1696 |
I've dreamt about the sea taking the lands again and the great sea faring days come back Comment from : @draven3838 |
Oh gotta love the fictional female steering this voyaging canoe, perpetuating myths to fit the DEI narrative Moana is a fake character and a cartoon, not historical fact The Polynesians were amazing navigators and survivors, there’s no need to add fiction to that fact Comment from : @kapenahill |
I recommend reading; "Two Years Before The Mast" by Richard Dana It is obvious that the Islanders were all great sailormen Comment from : @elijahhodges4405 |
Not 40 thousand years ago though Comment from : @Djbrsmith |
They followed the birds Comment from : @Donationsfordelivery |
Star navigation is now taught at the USNaval Academy Comment from : @RunsWithScissorsSenior |
Bloody music and pious voice I’m out Comment from : @TontonMacoute |
Straight outta Disney Comment from : @Jazzfestn |
Āfeāfe Comment from : @Pakilau |
Chicken bones were discovered at an archaeological site called El Arenal, on the south coast of Chile, alongside other materials belonging to the indigenous population DNA extracted from the bones also matched closely with a Polynesian breed of chicken, rather than any chickens found in Europe Polynesia was settled by sailors who migrated from mainland Southeast Asia, beginning about 3,000 years ago They continued gradually eastwards, but were never thought to have journeyed further than Easter Island, about 2,000 miles off the coast of continental Chile The chicken DNA suggests at least one group did make the harrowing journey across the remaining stretch of Pacific We cannot say exactly which island the voyage came from The DNA sequence is found in chickens from Tonga, Samoa, Niue, Easter Island and Hawaii It was thought that the first introduction of chickens were on Columbus`s second voyage This is now proven to be not the case We now believe that the Polynesians discovered the Americas hundreds of years before Columbus It is now believed that the voyages may have came from Fatu Hiva The oldest Polynesian DNA is found on Fatu Hiva Comment from : @Pasovineyard |
Yakwe from marshall island 🇲🇭🇲🇭👏👏 Comment from : @Rimajol-i8b |
The real ones are Tonga, Fiji, and Samoa Comment from : @Michael-ey2oz |
There is only one race of humans We are all the same Comment from : @dalepurvis2412 |
Polynesian and Melanesian are racist slurs given by white colonizers Correct term is Oceanian since we from Oceania Just like how Asians are from Asia or how European are from Europe or African from Africa, etc Comment from : @heaven1189 |
Hokule'a is planning another around the world voyage A few years back they completed a complete voyage around the Pacific They are teaching young people on all the islands to sail using the stars, currents & birds to guide their way Islands all over the Pacific are building their own canoes All that is from Nainoa Thompson bringing Mai Pialug to teach his skills He was having a hard time finding youngsters who wanted to learn the old ways & thought he would die without passing on wayfaring Now it is taught in elementery school Comment from : @sandramorey2529 |
The Micronesians taught star navigation to the Polynesia its undeveloped country with little effort to keep the history alive Comment from : @herbsantos8188 |
Imagine if the Polynesians were as smart as Vikings the Vikings are the best to ever do it sorry guys Comment from : @Hancock-r2v |
Video is about Polynesian but starts out with Captain Cook Comment from : @RiMajol8081 |
Very interesting and well-made documentary, but this is not a 2024 film Most of the key and hugely significant individuals featured (Professors Roger Green, Yosihiko Sinoto, Ben Finney) passed a number of years ago, and science had since advanced The settlement patterns and chronology suggested do not conform with current archeological and genetic dating technology Eastern Polynesia (eg Marquesas, Rapa Nui, Hawaii) was settled centuries later than this documentary posits However, none of this diminishes the central themes so impressively presented Extremely well made production I have not been able to find the original title or date of this film (circa 2001?) If anyone knows, please weigh in Mahalo! Comment from : @rvm1789 |
Captain Cook was a lost boat in the Pacific with out Tupaia Comment from : @thetruthhurtz8891 |
Hawaiians at this points are lost, and they have the tendency to accept stories of their existence by anyone! 😢brI have seen books with ancient Hawaiians, and I would believe they were native Tongans Unfortunately, they were easily misguided by the western world, therefore unable to inherit their past history! Comment from : @elizabethkioa8303 |
Why are you relying on pottery? brWe totally dismiss your finding There are no linguistic connections either, between the Asians and Pacific Islanders I’m also confused on how you’d determine linguistic connection not being aware nor speaks any of the islanders language brAgain, you’re being Caucasian, and trying to tell our stories are a joke! brForget these Lapita nonsense! Did you ever think that perhaps due to Tongans being navigators brought pottery to Tonga, instead of Lapita having any existence in Tonga Pottery were never used as cooking ware in Tonga, therefore absurd that Lapita existed Comment from : @elizabethkioa8303 |
Good video, but most of the archaeologist’s questions that they had no answers too could have easily been solved using common sense Sometimes I think these scientists and doctorates get so caught up in the science of things and their need for scientific evidence that they tend to overthink everything to a certain degree Often times making common sense and keeping things simple a tool that’s either forgotten or overlooked Comment from : @nomakeanykine |
Its amazing how these people don't see that the people of the pacific are part of the same aboriginal populations in SEA and New Guinea The absurdity of the logic that somehow it was some "other" group of people that somehow went through the pacific separate from all these other populations on islands in Near Oceania is ridiculous Just note how they conveniently skip over Tonga as the next step that the voyages would take and go straight to Samoa, even though the culture evolved in Fiji and Tonga first before going to Samoa, because those populations were dark skinned but somehow they got to pretend they were originally light skinned Comment from : @dnifty1 |
They found very small islands across the pacific but never found south America? BTW something, they understood stability with two hulled ships England never figured that out… high tech… think about it One other thing, they took women with them into these explorations Comment from : @24-Card |
I read James Michener’s Hawaii many years ago Although it is historical fiction, it was a great read! This special fills in a lot of the blanks that the book doesn’t cover Really enjoyed it😎 Comment from : @jessejames14 |
We the true navigators 🇲🇭🇲🇭🇲🇭 and only real Pacific Islanders would know this Comment from : @MikeyKaiuiuejkel2ke |
Trash information 👎🏽 Comment from : @XIII5XIII |
Melanesian Denisovans Cousins! Hi! Comment from : @billsadler3 |
@BigShips-fi8zm A decent video - damaged by the music which makes it hard for anyone with a hearing disability (hearing aids) to followbrPlease in the future if you have dialogue don't have any added background elevator music It's a common faultbrThe times there is music from people singing-playing instruments I can understand and accept Added music no Comment from : @bj8342 |
Cook was not the first - people already there - wailers visited other islands but kept to themselves Did you know Cook is still in Hawaii?? Well parts of him !!!! Comment from : @makapa2u |
Austronesians Comment from : @drewbox4625 |
A little disappointed there wasn't more information about the boats and navigation methods Both were touched on, but not really examined in any detail Considering the Polynesians were among the greatest sailors in the world, this lack of information is sad Comment from : @jackrice2770 |
Based on pottery?! 😂 we have more connections in the Americas Crops, artifacts, mounds etc match Colonizers still trying to narrate our story These are the people that think humans came from monkeys 😂 Comment from : @K1DFR3SH77 |
We know they made contact along the S America continents coast the cultures there whilst possibly sophisticated may not have been compatible with their goals and explorer traders spirit brConsider what we know about some of those Cultures and the conflicts between them it may have been a case for turning away and leaving them to their own conflicts and not leading them back to their home islands Comment from : @clivestainlesssteelwomble7665 |
One of the verses from Easter island song goes "o le alii, o le atua" in Samoan language it means "lord is God" sounds like they were referring to Rapanui as god Comment from : @kakisamasogi5578 |
Soon, GPS Will Not Work Because The Magnetic Poles Have Moved More Than 1,500 - 2,000 Miles Comment from : @pauldaystar |
They were so smart and brave Such beautiful islands and cultures and climate! Comment from : @sstarklite2181 |
I remember hearing that when Hokule'a and Hawaiiloa canoes came to British Columbia to receive the gift of a tree to build Hiki Ana Lia canoe, the Hawaiians and the Natives of the island they visited did "protocol" and part of protocol is that you recite your geneology until you get to a common ancestor This they did They don't make a big deal out of it-they just do it That I think was in 1995 I will never forget the sight of Hokule'a sailing underneath the Golden Gate Bridge Hikianali'a sailed from O'ahu to Half Moon Bay and Sausalito and we got to board her, meetbrthe crew & see how they lived under sail Comment from : @sandramorey2529 |
I'd hope one day the Polynesians would change the European names of their Islands back to the Original Native names!! Comment from : @michaelsamuel9917 |
Interesting material The music track is too loud in spots, swamping the narration Comment from : @HappyDog6 |
Aloha from the Big Island Unfortunately there are only a few people left who know how to navigate by the ancient methods Since the death of Mau Pialug years ago there one less person who can teach the amazing old ways Nainoa Thomson is still with us and I hope this knowledge is not lost Most people think like “why spend decades learning the super complex and intricate ancient ways when I can just use GPS?” So sad Comment from : @jeffhiggins808 |
Amazing feats of navigationand courage given that we see more and more evidence of man's seafaring ability in the far distant past it would appear that for eons the world's waters were highways rather than barriers - certainly true for the Pacific islanders Comment from : @semiramis47 |
Absolutely amazing - I don’t know why other than ignorance, that it is not recognized that these people actually were the first people from the old world to find the new world by sea - way before Columbus and way before the Vikings - and at far far greater distances than any of them by far Truly greater feats of navigation this was proven recently by genetic studies showing that one person was taken back from the new world - so cool that genetics could prove something that archaeology would be extremely unlikely to - and even the very region of the Americas - which was not expected, if I remember right it was way far north from Easter Island - proving that these people for certain were skilled at navigation as they traveled there and back - waht is strange that once knowing this - they stayed away after that encounter - wisdom perhaps to know it would not probably end well -but will perhaps ne’er know These people had made the longer trip a couple thousand miles - across far more challenging waters than the trans Atlantic voyages much later Not sure I got this correct, but from memory it seems accurate It is just mind boggling they could develop such skills so very long ago but as people in other parts of the earth thousands of years developed entire;y new foods - staple crops they actually created wiht nothing modern even comping close to such feats of ingenuity thanks for posting this - it seems strange there are not more depiciotns of these voyages - tehy are breathtakingly fascinating Comment from : @atrayser |
presidents are temporarybrbrWU TANG FOREVER ✊🎊 Comment from : @Mrdoodiehead007 |
Thank you for this video Aloha from Oahu Comment from : @libramoon9968 |
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