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Income and Assets After Your SSDI or SSI Award

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Information Income and Assets After Your SSDI or SSI Award

Title :  Income and Assets After Your SSDI or SSI Award
Lasting :   3.40
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Views :   141 rb

Frames Income and Assets After Your SSDI or SSI Award

Description Income and Assets After Your SSDI or SSI Award

Comments Income and Assets After Your SSDI or SSI Award

Long time listener first time poster I recently received SSDI and I’m glad I can still have my other retirement or rent my property One question please I am moving overseas and would like to sale my property Will I be penalized for capital gains tax?
Comment from : @k9companion231

Can I mine crypto on ssdi? What is the limit on crypto mining? Is crypto mining counted as an investment or earned income?
Comment from : @timothyyoung980

I've been on SSDI for 20 years now and I own a piece of land which is used as a camp that I just sold do I have to report it and will it affect anything if the money is place in my bank for a very short time until I payoff my debt ? Google tells me it's ok to sell an asset and it's not considered a income
Comment from : @larrywalter4576

I have a house in Mexico worth $4,000 and my relatives live there I don't charge them rent and if I sold the house they would have to become homeless My question is, does my house still count as assets?
Comment from : @Quemevestgusto

If you on ssdi and win 4-8 thousand at bingo and have to pay taxes on that money if you lose your SSDI
Comment from : @lorimichalski697

I am on social security disability and I am going to inherit my parents house and all there investments does anything happen to my social security disability?
Comment from : @RA-Texan

Thank you so much
Comment from : @DecarlosSmith-p2n

My ssdi letter from the ALJ had me at partially favored Will i still get an award letter and backpay? She moved my onset date up 3 years:(
Comment from : @maneevent1508

I was told that you can’t own a boat if you’re receiving SSDI I bought one before I settled my case with work comp and before I started receiving SSDI
Comment from : @pault5816

🛑 Question ❓brWhat do we do with the large back payment they deposit in our bank account?brIt's over the $3000 limit for SSI
Comment from : @nevermind7253

Can I spend a personal injury settlement if I’m not yet approved for SSI?
Comment from : @holdingcopsaccountable6554

Comment from : @mikeappignani4383

I'm confused,, pensions are taxable income for federal and state taxes I receive a military pension from my 21 years of service Will that retirement income affect SSDI pay
Comment from : @richardyeagerjr8200

I receive a retirement pension from 21 years of military service Will that affect my SSDI?
Comment from : @richardyeagerjr8200

Thank you very much for the ssdi information
Comment from : @shondahogan1487

Good evening i got approve for ssi and the judge and the administration Social Security Office decided to back pay me from 2005 until present but they only give me $2,500 every 6 months so I wanted to know can I request $5000 to buy a car n license and insurance it
Comment from : @staceyanndavis125

Just wondering what happens to the approval funds for Disability?
Comment from : @roberthunt4538

My court date was Apr 12th and my lawyer cancelled She said that she had given them specific dates she wouldn't be available and they gave hearing on that date Does this really happen? Also I've been waiting for over 18 months now and I live with mother I'm 46 years old Should she have had my mother and I sign a loan of ISM in the beginning? She said I have to go through her for the contract and it's only valid from the day it was signed She also said we cannot get any retroactive payment Any help would be greatly appreciated
Comment from : @davemartin1187

Can someone on SSDI sells their motorhome would it affect their benefits?
Comment from : @lk269

thank you for the video
Comment from : @tonyroma7599

I have two questions number one can I buy a car with Social Security income and 2 how many assets can I own if I'm receiving Survivor Benefits Package from a family member who passed away?
Comment from : @hubsanrcproductions7222

SSI recipients have a $2000 asset/resource limit : Immediately cancel any Life Insurance policies, even if it's just meant to help with one's burial costs I just had a third encounter with a SSI Interview Technician who would misread our life insurance policies and record the death benefit as an asset So a policy we don't have access to is valued at akin to money in a bank account Of course, our monthly payments get cut off for 2-4 months until the appeal/Reconsideration/Waiver paperwork reaches the correct SSI Technician brbrThe system fails to prosecute welfare queens with 4 kids with three different fathers On the other hand, Heaven forbid you are a poor woman in her 70's receiving SSI Her thrifty ways , a $2,500 life insurance policy for funeral costs, & stimulus check not immediately spent resulted in her SSI getting suspended brbrIf she would of been irresponsible and not bought a $1499/month Funeral life ins policy & spent all her stimulus money the same month she received it on, she would of continued to receive SSI aid Resources allowed for SSI recipients has not been updated since 1989
Comment from : @ferndog1461

Can i work for my rent if on ssdi ?
Comment from : @slydogg8624

He looks like Frank duke's
Comment from : @shaunrussell2106

My husband lost his leg and job and was just denied for ssdi and he paid into that for many years Unreal
Comment from : @ellenfern7380

Is it ok that my mom rents her extra house for 200 being on ssdi???
Comment from : @butterflygrl_1007

I closed my IRA before getting SSI and now they want to know what I did with that moneyI paid a debt that I can't prove I paid backI now have no income and getting evicted
Comment from : @tammypeace5873

I'm very confused Please clarify So a month ago approved fully favorable on the phone hearing with the judge I'm still waiting on the letter I'm owed 6 years I applied both ssi and ssdi as I worked 20 years My benefit amount is roughly $1000 a month Why is ssa trying to give me ssi for my backpay of $60k and take 2 years to do so? Why can't I have lump sum since I'm on ssdi? Please help clarify Yes I'm still poverty no income no assets
Comment from : @sunshinetx36

Scocial surcurity is nothing but a ponzy scheam
Comment from : @brianseverance6490

SSI jail
Comment from : @theresaandrade5708

How can I buy a car! If I can't have more than $2,000 in the bank SERIOUSLY!
Comment from : @OfAngelicParagons

Comment from : @thedude-jb7wx

Comment from : @thedude-jb7wx

Get ssi and get treated like an ahole with ridiculous rules 2000 dollars and you lose on ssi so what yeah that was how much you could have in 1962!!!!!! CHANGE THE GD RUYLES ALSO ALKSO YOU CANT PAY RENT IN MY STATE AND I WAS A CITY BUS DRIVER AND GOT HIT BY A DRUNK OFF DUTY
Comment from : @thedude-jb7wx

I have a couple ventures in mind that may end up paying a substantial amount of money The emphasis is may be realized I am thinking about having my kids set up a trust in all of their names Everything is going to them when I die anyway, I do not know the best course of action that keeps the royalties and so forth out of my name but in my control (Inventions, several books ready to publish, etc hobbies turning towards realization) We are on Medicaid Will this keep the government away from the recovery of funds from our estate? I also stand to inherit a substantial amount of money as well as income properties Ideas?
Comment from : @heartfacingupward

Someone mentioned that tax papers have a right to be mad at folks on SSI well you are wrong 100 the Social security administration does not count Military time so take that and my Decade in the Military into Consideration if you were Military you would know that No one, NO ONE can live on what they pay you per month it is impossible, you have to Hustle you don't have a Choice
Comment from : @themaximusone

I have a problem with the way the government handles disability I want to be a productive member of society but with the income limits that ssi has that’s not possible How can one person live on $710 a month That’s ridiculous If I had a job that pays $11 an hour x 8 hours per day x 7 days a week x 4 weeks per month x 9 months bc that’s how long it took for approval I would’ve already had $22K minus taxes
Comment from : @Officialstephensgaming101

I am on SSI & I hold crypto currency will that Hurt my SSI
Comment from : @grant1051

Thank you because I"m looking into rental properties
Comment from : @lele2216

What about filling for bankruptcy Could they take the income
Comment from : @gerarddasilva9535

I don't work and I don't own a car
Comment from : @dianejennings50

My father is planning on setting up a trust for his property and his money My question is if I'm named as trustee along with my stepsister is it counted against me if say the trust pays off my house? I only owe about 40000$ on my house now I'm not planning on him dying anytime soon( Lord please) but don't want to do something that is going to get my medical or checks cut off I'm on ssi
Comment from : @reneebrown2968

Im receiving ssdi only for 2 years Can i invest money in stock or crypto currency?
Comment from : @salvadorramos3370

It may not be a problem with SSDI itself but it can affect if your eligible for help paying Medicare, also from what I read depending on the state you live in owning a vehicle is something they take in consideration if your trying to get help with it or prescription plans you really gotta watch everything and keep your receipts!
Comment from : @josephskiles

Can i have a stock account ? It shouldn’t effect it since the money isn’t liquid or am i wrong ? For ssi
Comment from : @kidcasual1981

What happens if you get worker’s compensation payments?
Comment from : @russellsmejkal304

Is a person on SSI allowed to own a new car? If someone gives them the car as a gift? Awesome video thanks for sharing
Comment from : @thomastommy1192

Comment from : @sallyjace7911

If I get SSI and I have a husband and daughter what are the income limits?
Comment from : @hairstylistkjb

My neighbor who was just given disability ck He works But pretends he can't This is so wrong
Comment from : @sandicooley1611

What about income gotten through livestock ranching
Comment from : @anngully9988

Would credit cards count as resources concerning title 16 ssithanx in advance
Comment from : @jacquelineyuurxutrambl9865

Thanks I was wondering about that I have one rental do you have to fill out any forms letting them no because the management company do send me a 1099 at the end of the year
Comment from : @puppyrex1789

Why does my first payments a one-time payment what does that mean
Comment from : @dorisbarela690

Hey GREAT Video!!!!
Comment from : @sabuneemt2336

I have questions !!!!! My situation is a lil complicated my perc appointment is coming up in a couple weeks I am not prepared I don't want to lie but I also don't want to mess up my son's case he really needs his benefits he's six with major severe ADHD and odd hurts himself in trouble with school hyper doesn't listen lil bit in adderol and he gets bad side affects I don't want to mess up his appt I need advice on how to word our living situation and income cuz his biological dad took off years ago and is homeless now but my boyfriend helps me raise him and helps pay bills but we're not married and he's not actually his dad biologically he could leave at any time
Comment from : @marlohcook9179

I will be edible for my pension soon I’m on Ssdi Can I withdraw my pension Without losing ssdi
Comment from : @bryontnrichards4049

Comment from : @lukaszskiba6482

Had two hearings and received a denial My attorney quit and I wrote an appeal letter I'm so confused
Comment from : @kcwapole4407

So if I trade stock while on ssdi there's no dollar for dollar offset?
Comment from : @bumpynonsonpublishing9623

Could you talk about medical reviews and ticket to work some Enough to understand the two and how they go hand in hand, thank youAnd why only some are reviewed every three years, and others are never reviewed
Comment from : @jefforr1091

I am on SSI my home sold for 165 k but I only got 111 k after title the money is going tomorrow new home do I have to let social security know about the home sale
Comment from : @jaytravel-12

hi I'm on ssi and I'm about to start van dwelling,my choice I wanna travel a bit any advice you can give me?
Comment from : @codyhare666

Was just approved with a fully favorable ssdi I’m here to learn what happens nextthanks for the video
Comment from : @ebperformance8436

I won my case in December 2019, however no interview as of yet Just wanted to know what happens to January and possibly February check?
Comment from : @jojogurl83021

What happens to your monthly payments while waiting for resource interview?
Comment from : @jojogurl83021

If I inherit money from a deceased parent will this effect my SSDI?
Comment from : @bmanrandom893

can a person own a Roth IRA or a 401 k and trade in the stock market if they are on Social security disability as long as they dont pull money out of it YES or NO ???
Comment from : @themaximusone

is there a value limit on a vehicle while on ssi? say you get a settlement and you have to spend it downcan you buy a new car for $50,000 and still be fine? thanks
Comment from : @healthyamerican

Thank you Johnathan this video helped me SSDI I haven't had it before so all this income stuff is new to me Thanks
Comment from : @JenaPeters99

Can a website that your own points and get gift cards hurt you if you collect SSDI?
Comment from : @firee143

I was approved for SSI for four months so I can make it financially until I start getting SSDI That is what the letter said I have a phone interview next week with SSI to discuss financial and residence issues I have not had any income in three years and only own an old mobile home that is in mine and my sisters name No other assets at all Is this a normal procedure? The letter said partial favorable, but onset date for SSI said only the past four months SSDI said march of 2017 even though my attorney asked for it March of 2016 Is this the partial favorable decision? Thanks!
Comment from : @sandyb3487

I get ssi I move out
Comment from : @kristapettibone5536

Comment from : @donaldmoss9154

Yawwwwwn idk wtf this man is saying all I wanna know is how much am I getting once I start collecting
Comment from : @JuukezeBarbie

I was turned down for SSDI because we have a car and a truck, by the Dallas law firm doing the telephone questions I have severe COPD
Comment from : @judyallen5929

I was awarded SSI over 6 months ago and have yet to see any benefits my lawyer seems to be severely mentally disabled and is unable to properly speak to SSI on my behalf what can I do I went to the office signed all of their paperwork I have no funds no income no assets whatsoever and they keep coming up with these random pieces of papers for me to fill out that keep asking me about my income and assets I have no money whatsoever that's why I applied and was awarded SSI but the financial department will not do their job what can I do
Comment from : @thomasfan7thereal317

Talk to your lawyer? Who is on welfare and can afford a lawyer?
Comment from : @Cwgrlup

How are SSDI lawyers typically paid??
Comment from : @paintedwarrior516

I am getting social security survivor disability checks from my husband dying and me having major health issues I have 2 lawsuits going One is for overtime pay I did not receive when i was working The other we will not go into How will this effect my social security disability? I also want to sell my home and get a truck and a motorhome bought right out How will this effect my social security The home I'm in is just too much for me to care for anymore
Comment from : @dottiewentz5121

I qualified for SSI the same day my divorce went thru The marital house is on the market, when it sells I have 30 days to spend the money and show no assets, with the exception of 1 car and a dwelling that I am living in SSI says because my ex lives in the house and I don't, I can't receive my 1st payment until it is sold and the money spent I qualify for a loan but I have to have received 1 check from SSI in my bank account I am in a catch 22 Can I put a down on a home, with my children and me as the owner to get the loan or can I buy my son's old bravada for all my money? Trust me it isn't worth 1000 which meets their asset requirement I know I can't give it away I feel my only option is to rent a room at some swanky hotel with room service and throw a huge party till I'm broke That would leave me no assets and being homeless
Comment from : @Riversage1

Can you own a home and vehicle on SSI?
Comment from : @LaochWellnessPalmetto

supposed its joint ssdi/ssi can you keep the 39k retroactive payment in a bank?
Comment from : @cameron_fairchild

Hi I was wondering if a person can get treatment in a other country and live their and be able to collect SSDI
Comment from : @esthermarin326

If a person is able to collect SSDI can this person get married in the future?Would it effect the income ???
Comment from : @esthermarin326

thanks I was approved Friday thanks for your video
Comment from : @markbrown9650

Was just awarded $4 ssi but if i paid rent to the home that belongs to mom in nursing home would affect her ssi medicaide so how do i get the full ssi of 733 in Tex
Comment from : @kkjustlittleolewaw6813

I would not agree that "this is the best way to answer these questions" Your title says "income" and you did not address work income effects on ssdi
Comment from : @shankyclause8728

I worked over 22 and some years and applied for disability and got ssi  and not ssdi
Comment from : @benjaminmassie2978

What if Your on SSDI, and You won at a casino, or a lottery?
Comment from : @bigbudd7575

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