Title | : | The KinGrinder P1: Why A Cheap Hand Grinder Has Me A Little Excited |
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James stahp You’re driving up the demand with your reviews 😂 Comment from : @PM-Ghost17 |
@hamesjoffman would have a field day with this vid Comment from : @aaronwinkels |
I'm just getting in to coffee Do you have links to buy good coffee and what you recommend? Comment from : @marcusdc2 |
If you have a hario slim and a 3d printer, there is a printable adapter which eliminates most of the play of the shaft The results are much more consistent Comment from : @tomaspilcer1014 |
Having this channel for all my coffee questions is invaluable! Comment from : @zacbramante16 |
"This seems to be symptomatic of something that gets me a little bit excited" OMG! So British Old school British! I don't care that much about coffee, but I love listening to this guy talk! And, man does he talk Comment from : @groomdoggi |
Why is a $33 grinder £33 in the UK It should be £26 Comment from : @voiceofreason |
I would just like to say that James is a good example of a great UK export to America There are many people with his mannerisms and way of speaking in the home counties of England I worked with many Comment from : @voiceofreason |
So glad to see a good review on the entry level Px line They came out just when I started looking for a hand grinder and I bought a P2 and have been so happy with it For reference I use it for pour over Have not tested with espresso Comment from : @bobtausworthe |
Amazon notified me the P1 is available Within 15mins, it's sold out again! Comment from : @maleman67 |
I bought the P2 and is good, but only fits 12g of dark I have to do more tests Comment from : @uw0h580 |
I bought a P0 after seeing this video and I absolutely love it P0 and P1 are constantly getting sold out here and I truly understand why brI'm definitely more consumer than gourmet, but the P0 and a French Press are such an upgrade even to a 200€ machine I've been using a basic 50€ electric grinder before and it's okay, but also very loud So I prefer the hand grinder as long as I'm not serving for more than 4 people (For that occasion you can still keep your filter machine around If you're having relatives about that are used to basic pre-ground-coffee, even the usage of freshly ground coffee will be a major upgrade and delight for them) Comment from : @yammyamm8480 |
legend Comment from : @mramritbhatia |
Id go with the k ultra or maybe ZP6 as a benchmarkbrbrbrbrI don't say that the CD isn't good but these tow are more of a benchmark Comment from : @G3BEWD |
Thank you so much, I'm new in this world coffee an I was going to buy the hario, thanks god for giving me this video and understand english 😅 Comment from : @javierquintero2962 |
It's cheating using the electric drill! Might was well have an electric grinder lol It changes the way a hand grinder works as it is too consistent in speed My opinion only of course :) :) brI don't really like hand grinding either to be honest I prefer to just press a button and get coffee Comment from : @EsotericArctos |
You should be ashamed of selling any Hario Grinder At any price You could do as well with a hammer And it would be faster too Comment from : @MudflyWatersman |
"it turns beans into pieces of beans" - I'm dying - I have never laughed so hard about coffee - thx James for steering us clear of the competitor and can't wait to try this KinGrinder! Comment from : @TheFroneyZone |
"Just calm myself down for a second" lol Comment from : @GarikDuvall |
Coffee is just a hobby for people who left it too late in life to get good at anything interesting, and so they use it as a substitute for personality Comment from : @frankcooke1692 |
kingrinder is the ultimate price to performance grinder Comment from : @napatt7943 |
I have the Vevok chef manual burr coffee grinder off amazon It is $39 US, so should be about the same price if not a little cheaper I am fairly confident it will out perform that one Comment from : @kraftzion |
Until I watched this video, I never would have confessed using a drill motor on a hand grinder Comment from : @danamcreynolds9456 |
I bought one of these and my main gripe with it is that occasionally the grind setting adjuster comes loose and you find yourself grinding coffee on its coursest setting, which is annoying Comment from : @overthehillmountainbiking |
Missed an opportunity to pull a phone out of the drawer at 0:18 instead of a coffee grinder 😁 Comment from : @sciez22 |
After watching this video I've bought P2, slightly higher yet not very different version of this grinder So 6 months later, 3 grinds a day and I will be returning my P2 to Amazon The rubber grip on it got loose and it's not serving it's purpose anymore, while also the wooden ball on top fell off and it became really awkward to use It was brilliant while it worked Comment from : @MikeG0ld |
12:11 Could you please specify the salt grain particle size we should take it with? Comment from : @surkh |
I own an electric grinder but the hand grinder is quieter, so that’s what I use in the morning before my family wakes up Comment from : @BillSmithPerson |
obviously he got paid to promote and shill for the product and also to push the price up clever tactic Comment from : @moenibus |
So, according to this snob, a good grinder must cost how much? 200 USD? what a disconnected snob this guy is Comment from : @moenibus |
213 extraction sure But how does that translate to grinder setting (clicks), since we don't all own refractometers? Comment from : @georgemas |
James speaks real English YouTube's subtitles understands the difference when James is saying KINgrinder or KINGgrinder Comment from : @johnmknox |
I would love to see a deep dive into the range of this brand of grinder, from their different grinder types to how they brew with different home equipment Maybe it's not suitable for espresso, but could it make something decent in a moka pot? Comment from : @SazBerry |
Just before I go for good, this ridiculous content keeps appearing😂 just let me say this is the epitome of the totally vacuous, yet for some reason self important, drivel that plagues YouTube😂 Comment from : @sausagembape677 |
I don't even drink coffee but I really enjoy relaxing to James H videosbrThank you sir Comment from : @DaBlaccGhost |
My oldest grinder is a Timemore C2, and I am totally satisfied with it for pour over, Aeropress, and mokapot I wanted another grinder at around the same price to leave set super fine for my 14g Turkish coffee But I wanted to try a different grinder, so I bought the Kingrind K2 I have been using it for about a month now I like the Turkish coffee I make with it and ergonomically, it’s great The two drawbacks are 1) it takes nearly 300 turns to grind 14g at 20 clicks, and 2) it only holds 14g My C2 grinds more quickly and it holds 17g Given all that, I should have just bought a second C2 Comment from : @OCteahead |
All 3 models of P series grinder are unavailable K series that this now links to appears to be quite a bit more expensive Maybe it'll come back around Comment from : @PeccatorGratia |
I bought the P0 recently off Amazon for $22 and I absolutely love it It's super smooth and the grind is perfect It took a month to get here from China, but it was well worth the wait Just order one and forget about it When it comes you'll see that it is more than worth the wait and the super low cost Comment from : @jeremyd8270 |
King grinder, or Grinder King?brDefinitely Grinder King Comment from : @stevechance150 |
Him tasting the coffe makes me forget that it is 3 times the same coffe😂 Sounds like he ist comparing different beans Comment from : @raphael3835 |
Is there a big difference between P1 Vs P2? You have another video right there 😂 Comment from : @pablovegaarroyo5713 |
Have you tested the K6 since? I'm seriously thinking of buying this model, as I'm just getting into grinding my own coffee So glad I have discovered your channel today Comment from : @pamdooner9922 |
Could motorized those things Call me a genius if you want Comment from : @TomH-nl5uw |
P1 was sold out so I've ordered a P2 👀 Comment from : @TTheLemon |
Guys any recomendations for amount of clicks for P1 and chemex grind? Comment from : @marekkordas740 |
Jacob Collier but for coffee Comment from : @SuperUSBman |
I bought the K6 because I wanted the adjustable bits on the outside and a sturdier build, but now I'm thinking I could have just bought two P series and saved a bunch of cash Ah well, at least this takes up less space in the cupboard Comment from : @tropezando |
They have another model P0 that’s even less expensive at $22 Comment from : @madlad8059 |
Purchased the KinGrinder K6 in Taiwan - my first hand grinder under $100 USD has been my daily grinder since! Comment from : @jb3076 |
It looks like you are using a a Kingrinder K2 The quality of the K6 model is much better and offers a competent espresso grind Comment from : @egomartini |
12:16 take particle size analysis with a grain of salt I see what you did there! :) Comment from : @diracraj1 |
Yesexcellent video and we do need coffee equipment and coffee's that the common man can afford Comment from : @deevnn |
I have a larger Hario grinder, a Skerton, that I fitted an easily available mod to, which is an additional metal piece that stabilizes the other end of the burr, keeping the grind more even Possibly, it’s somewhat wasted effort, because I only use it for French press and cold brew anyway, but I don’t think I see nearly as many larger chunks as the Hario in this video made Comment from : @modulusshift |
I prefer electric, it’s just so much easier and also these can only do like one cup at a time so let’s say you’re making coffee for six people You’re gonna spend something like 10 minutes, hand grinding the coffee to make a pot Comment from : @phototristan |
Kingrinder K2 vs P1 ? Is it worth it if i already have a K2? Comment from : @ppn7 |
The grinding sounds pretty much tell you which one produces a better cup Comment from : @bennykwong3172 |
still a grinder doesn't matter if it is 2 or 500 money (not gonna use the american coined term!) as they all grind the same with little variations negligible to your average user maybe sometimes even pro user Comment from : @user-ix7iu4wf8o |
I was so worried that since this video came out months ago and had over a million views, I could not get this grinder for $33 Looks like they're still selling them for $33! Very excited, just got mine Comment from : @citruskeys |
I wonder how this compares against, say, preground Illy coffee from the supermarket Comment from : @loupax |
I cant do caffeine and never liked coffee I love your channel tho brbrThis Christmas, my brother who loves me (but maybe loves coffee more) got me a kinGrinder k6 i think and an aeropress and found me a local roastery that has a decent decafbrbrIm now drinking decaf and i love the grinding process 😂 Comment from : @hv9988 |
thank you for this video, sir Comment from : @NyiMoeHtet-w6j |
Love your videos Please may you do an espresso hand grinder video? The machines are very pricey and I'm not sure how to shop for a decent espresso hand grinder with steel burrsbrbrI'm hoping someone in the comments section can helpbrbrAlso apologies if you've already done this kind of video I'm requesting Comment from : @zakariahforbes1559 |
I really love my Kinu M47 Classic, I wouldn’t give it up for anything I typically use my DF83 V2 but if I come across a good coffee I’m getting my Kinu out to play Comment from : @rigocastillo2893 |
I see Kingrinder now promotes the P1 as "Famous KOL Recommended" Hm, who could that Key Opinion Leader be? Comment from : @HollywoodGothique |
I was lucky enough to have this as a Christmas present from my son First of all we like your channel and respect your knowledge and recommendations My son is more advanced than me on the art of coffee I was a little mystified on how you set it having never used a hand grinder but once I got my head round that I made a coffee using my V60 and compared with my old electric grinder, well there wasn't a comparison the KinGrinder gave me a vastly better coffee with very even grinds I ought to be fair my old grinder was ceramic and has been used pretty much every day for 10 years I am now another step up to a better daily coffee Disclaimer, I am probably not expert enough to differentiate the difference between mine and a £200 grinder Thanks a lot for all your help in improving my daily coffee moment PS Like your book too Comment from : @7sif |
There is not enough of a difference between the two grinders in function and price point for me to consider ditching my Hario that's worked well five days a week for the last 14 years! PS No one, but you cares how many times you have crank the Hario! 😂😂😂😂✌🏿✌🏿🇯🇲 Comment from : @gmwilliams4314 |
I know very little about things like this but I've discovered that I MUST check the grind as it starts in a saucer before continuing The setting almost never holds Unfortunately, if the gounds don't contain significant amounts of those large pieces, the coffee is bitter/nasty And the bigger the pieces, the weaker the flavor, but occasionally it gets it just right It's frustrating that the process has to be so delicate and difficult Comment from : @echt114 |
It’s £55 now Comment from : @benwatkins3794 |
Does anybody have the p1 and can share the settings? How much clicks for a v60? Comment from : @TheBloomingBean_gg |
£30 is cheap? Ye gads! Comment from : @indiumB |
I found one for $2799, 304 stainless core, variable grind, manual grind, Amazon With glass bottom resevoir and aluminum body Came with nylon cleaning brush and 2-yr warranty Comment from : @MrPopo-bd1ix |
❤u brother Comment from : @SonofDarnell |
I can always remember Timore! What about the Swiss! Do they make decent hand mills? Seriously! Comment from : @ChrisEbbrsen |
If you will use distilled water, youve nailed it! Cheers! Comment from : @ChrisEbbrsen |
Dear at only David! Try the Imusa 6 cupper stove top Its reasonable and delicious! Good show! Comment from : @ChrisEbbrsen |
Dear At mathochist! Thanks James! But ill still look for it! Comment from : @ChrisEbbrsen |
Probably beats my pepper mill hands down, but I aint kickin! Thanks MrHoffman! Comment from : @ChrisEbbrsen |
I came back to this video to get the model so I can order on Amazon, showed available 🤣brbrLove the videos, keep it up!! Comment from : @Shunjut |
I bought a hand grinder off AliExpress from the Hasien store it’s their bottom of the line one with the heptagnal burr set all CNC and 3-4 bearing (I can’t remember) brThe build quality is amazing I mainly use it for pour over but it is more than capable of espresso grinds When playing with it I have one of the best lattes I have ever had with this grinder My only concern was the me clicks on the grind were a bit course Also it holds exactly 20 grams brbrI thought ok I want a grinder with finer steps so I brought their top of the line and external grind adjustment and it can do both pour over and espresso but the cheap grinder is much nicer to use The new grinder slips in your hand and if you hold it wrong you adjust the grind settings as you grind … grrrr It’s also physically bigger and hold over 30 grams Both grinders are super consistent)just have to watch how I hold the big new one brbrI am giving the cheap one away for Christmas Tho I am seriously think of doing “No nasty Hobbitses it’s MINE” or o could just buy another for work 😇😃 Comment from : @PubRunner |
33$ is not cheap in this Bidenomics economy Comment from : @the415giant |
Can you make espresso? Comment from : @solomoe2 |
06:53 I realised it`s about coffee Comment from : @philiptomaschko9443 |
Does this grinder do moka, v60 Aeropress and cafetiere? Comment from : @user-fv7jb1bd3s |
I think two blocks of slate used with a circular motion for $8 per piece will outperform all the grinders you have touched in your life Comment from : @prjndigo |
HI, I would like to buy a manual espresso grinder for a Rok GC with a naked filter I don't want to spend more than 200 euros, what do you recommend? I'm not a professional but I would like to get the best from the specialty and non-specialty coffees that I usebrThank you Comment from : @riccardospurinisi523 |
As of 11/28/2024 all three of the affordable Kingrinders on their website and amazon are sold out, the P series The K series is available with the Ko for 44Pounds on their website I wonder when or if the P series would be available or how long it's been out of stock Comment from : @Fu3R4 |
I’m sorry I don’t have this much time during the week to spend on a cup of coffee I’ll stick to my Nespresso and Keurig machine Comment from : @Jeffisright |
I have a similar grinder (possibly re-badged?) at a similar price, which does a great job, better than my mates' electric grinders Used with my trusty mocha pot it produces great coffee, dispelling the myth you need to spend ££££s Comment from : @barlow2976 |
Today, I just got my Kingrinder P2 from AliExpress, I love it, it feels quality Comment from : @damnhockey |
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