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A world without money | Jade Saab | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh

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Information A world without money | Jade Saab | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh

Title :  A world without money | Jade Saab | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh
Lasting :   14.45
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Frames A world without money | Jade Saab | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh

Description A world without money | Jade Saab | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh

Comments A world without money | Jade Saab | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh

A world without money is possible only if people address their psychological issues and value their bodily experiences instead of using objects to compensate for feeling incomplete
Comment from : @farazpaw

How about the like minded get together and create the utopia we want!
Comment from : @marockson

Honestly if you ever want to get together and try it out Y’all can give me a call 😂
Comment from : @cyruahawkins5289

We will live without money 100 brPlease see my project
Comment from : @mrsarkateearthsave

Well spoken from a socialist
Comment from : @Justicescales123

He’s literally explaining what government actually does brbrSo many Socialist ideas Guess what? They’ve all failed
Comment from : @Justicescales123

Who’s going to teach those who want to be doctors? Who’s going to be the one that desires the qualifications needed to be a doctor and force the rules on them?
Comment from : @Justicescales123

Money is just a vehicle It’s proof bartering exists
Comment from : @Justicescales123

Community Living, cooperation, and living life as a service to others is the right way to go🙏
Comment from : @sudhirrao3508

Comment from : @kadinwillauer2114

The presentation has holes, however, "It's about time", I agree
Comment from : @arneely65

Smells like communism 😂
Comment from : @ulugbekaynakulov4424

13:35 it will happen wen people finally understand what Jesus was all about
Comment from : @mmc5261

What is to Caesar give to Caesar what is to God give to God, Jesus was about what this guy is saying
Comment from : @mmc5261

It can work but we would need a transition period, even the speaker is seeing that world from our own social conditioning
Comment from : @mmc5261

dont say the communism word theyll freak tf out, when you forget the fake communism it sounds pretty nice tho dunnit
Comment from : @daeganvanleeuwen1965

How are you going to get your house built? brbrMost construction workers hate their jobs
Comment from : @יוסףשטיין-ל5נ

Money is the lifeblood of the planet, it's the one thing that connects us all We are the cells and neurons going all over the earth bodybrEveryone on earth uses some form of currency, and those that don't use money, known of money and made a decision to not use money on purposebrbrNot sure on all that but yea just thinking
Comment from : @SeQwertypup

Please, everyone, don’t let your emotions and actual economics knowledge decide if it makes sense or not Study the reason of monetary system (history of money) and Monetary Economics For those who aren’t ignorants, you’re welcome
Comment from : @danielmarquesr

Barter and trades never existed??😂😂 He has to be sponsored by a BANK
Comment from : @itsjustme5620

I knew I wasn’t the only one who thought this way “Imagine all the people…” It’s so sad to see some comments to keep this current toxic money system going… But it’s encouraging to see that most of the comments agree with this! TEDx Talks… I hope you can be part of a platform for a world without money!
Comment from : @TC-en7vi

Money causes most killing in the world I think if we didn’t need money we could still have your dream job but passion would drive you instead of money People wouldn’t have to starve to death or worry about having a place to live I could go on and on about money being unnecessary but we know how money destroys the world
Comment from : @brandonperry6698

TEARS 🥲amazing speech
Comment from : @Freedomisintelligence

We needed money to show us how we don’t wanna live now we see a better way
Comment from : @dabullsmac

Star Trek
Comment from : @vladimirnekic3241

Hunter-gatherers didn't have money, but they sure had crises equal access to starvation and death Not insane, just open disregard for reality, intellectualized stupidity
Comment from : @davidgrant9132

4:55 that was a lie
Comment from : @nodical802

We are the stewards of the earth and what he is discussing is how to become that 🙏
Comment from : @Primo_extracts

Thats the thing Anytime something external motivates If taken away it will destroy youbrbrSo money can not be the most important thing in your life Abundance should be imobrbrLet everything come from a spirit of abundance
Comment from : @voltear

rich people will try to stop movements towards money without money Rich people have a lot to lose - power
Comment from : @evapirug112

Thank you 16*
Comment from : @OrcjaEnglish

It's funny, I can't think of an aspect of our society that would diminish if this was applied I have often thought about this, and I think it is definitely the future
Comment from : @malcolm_ben8

Its feasibility is beyond my imaginationbrbrI can't even imagine a way to even start getting to it 😐
Comment from : @the_infinity_snake

Is there any work being done to make this a reality? I see all the comments that there are a lot of us who agree with this We just need find a way to take the next step
Comment from : @breanapettiford620

With the era of AI we are in, this talk is so much more relevant now 👏
Comment from : @joshwong800

I have an economical systeme like that on my PC😂
Comment from : @antoineriwalski4074

This video needs more views around the 🌎
Comment from : @papacos4745

Comment from : @navidaakhtar6247

I believe that one day a world without money will be created; For this purpose, I guess before that, there will be a system with a common currency that does not depend on any country or person, so that mankind will be closer to harmony We the People, built the countries Today is the time to build a Planet (English is not my native language)
Comment from : @aminshahraki-h4d

No such thing as money so this talk is irrelevant , we have currency however we do not have “ money “!
Comment from : @iamasmurf1122

We need young people, parents, teachers and employers to get into this
Comment from : @discoveringtobago6459

Alexander Bell thinking about his first milli: 50 on neck, 100 on my wrist
Comment from : @discoveringtobago6459

So, who will do jobs Like drainage cleaning, assuming people arnt happy doin themwill we take turns ? Or will we make robots for this?
Comment from : @AshvikaNr-bp8fm

This will one day will surely be possibleIt will be the day when Our Brains memory are recorded and Transferred to an AI Robothis will make us immortal to a certain extent hence Money or barter will go awayExploring the Universe wil be our Motive of Existence with the unimaginable energy resources available for us to Exist if we are Robos!!
Comment from : @deepakkhandelwal2042

The way we're going rn, we might as well live in a paperless society tbh It would kinda be better that way for the most part, I guess
Comment from : @Baseds_Backup_Account

12:00 in communist societies, people stop inventing and innovating, because there is no money incentive to encourage them to do it sure some inventors take pleasure out of their inventions, but that’s not enough alone for most people to bother
Comment from : @winggoddess

7:02 people who donate to charity are usually rich and are just doing it out of obligation so they look good to the masses The common people who donate to charity usually do it cuz they have too much stuff they don’t use anymore and want to get rid of it Hardly anyone volunteers or gives without getting something in return People usually do volunteer work so they can put it on their resume, for eventual PAID work
Comment from : @winggoddess

6:28 wrong People want those jobs for the MONEY, so they can buy STUFF How many people do you think would bother to become a doctor if it only paid minimum wage or didn’t pay anything at all? Hardly anyone That just goes to show you that people aren’t doing their jobs out of the goodness of their hearts They want to be compensated for their time The small amount of people who give without receiving anything in return show that the majority are selfish, and a system based on selflessness will not work
Comment from : @winggoddess

Money extreme? No, it’s practical as a way to trade Government can’t provide anything to anyone without being able to pay for it Therefore money is required
Comment from : @winggoddess

Bitcoin is critical in creating the world he described It is the only database we can use to form consensus and vote democratically that cannot be corrupted by 3rd parties and has no counterparty risk
Comment from : @mikestaub

If money was abolished, we’d live naturally, bartering and trading, hunting for, and growing our own food If our food is not grown or caught by our own hands we’re not eating anything that is freshly grown And just like in this video, they use and manipulate the way of life they created for us to go by as a form of fearbrNoting is going to happen that I think is going to happenbrWe create what we think is going to happen in our minds when it's just fear itselfbrFear is apart of that illusion
Comment from : @hawaiiman33

This is literally socialism 🎉epic
Comment from : @jpspillz9218

An impossible pipe dream that isnt rooted in reality or logic
Comment from : @anubisgod23

I'm too economically uneducated to understand the repercussions I guess it's nice to dream though
Comment from : @cokeweasel1064

You don´t understand that the problem is people don´t have a universal basic income ,is not the money perce ,money is a technology for changing with each other it´s for trade ,the problem is people don´t have a right to an income yet ,a sistem without money can be worst than what we have now, of course to much money like billionaires destroys a society ,but people to start living needs a modest basic income ,universal housing ,healthcare and education
Comment from : @pauloemartins

This would take humanity to the starsbrImagine the space industry without the limitation of money
Comment from : @kitsune

Saving this one for sure To be honest It's probably inevitable, even if you compare money based society with moneyless society We will probably advance and be greatly enriched as popularity of moneyless concepts grow and affect our lives The hard part is trying something new
Comment from : @HermonKruger

Farmers aren't going to get up with the sun and go home when it's down to be a part of society This is a utopian idea but I don't see how we get there
Comment from : @donivanhummel3106

1:36 2:03 2:37 3:02 4:32 5:27 6:00 7:00 8:34 10:57
Comment from : @jasomega2446

End capitalism
Comment from : @andrewusa14

Who's gonna volunteer to clean public bathrooms?
Comment from : @ThomasH7

Yes it's a beautiful idea more commonly known as communism it is a beautiful idea but a horrible reality
Comment from : @nathaneacmen5938

But how will they control us without money?
Comment from : @RDesign9483

Wonderful, I couldn't have put it better myself! For years I've been telling peole we can live without money, I have ideas and dreams about it but I've only ever been laughed at in the face Thank you, this has given me hope
Comment from : @colleencant4112

Excellent presentation! Trully
Comment from : @LinhaDePensamento

Anyone from London watching this?
Comment from : @Catthepunk

He said "Most of us want to be doctors, engineers" LOL no we don't I don't necessarily want to benefit society, just live how I see fit to I don't have any sense of responsibility to society
Comment from : @jproog41

The problem I have with this: He says gov't should meet our needs Gov't can't even do basic things adequately, and wastes resources at a staggering scale I don't trust them to meet my needs In light of this how do we meet them?
Comment from : @jproog41

I don't see how even if we have the replicators seen in star trek that could make anything, it would make a moneyless society, definitely cuts down on the labor costs/manufacturing time, but there is still energy/matter is still a a finite resource I wonder how real estate would work
Comment from : @thesnare100

I couldn't agree more
Comment from : @ozycuervo6506

Meh even without money humanity will just find another excuse to destroy each other Like we always do
Comment from : @recluseauhermitticus2033

As a scientist it infuriates me to see how much we’re held back because people have to fight for grants or because they won’t share information unless they can profit off of it Disturbing
Comment from : @8BLOO8

I think it would be the opposite, the future would be a world with too much money and resources So much that the average human would be useless They could do nothing better than a robot, or more efficient than AI However it would be deduced that giving us just enough ice cream and netflix would keep us pacified Those in power would be delighted as they can influence and direct the world in exchange for the price of cake Sort of how Russians are now waking up to the fact that they left the putin in power for 20 years and asked no questions as long as he gave them cake and they shut up Now he is sending them all to die for his mad plans
Comment from : @NaggersandJoggers

AI technology is accelerating and already threatening they way society functions For example, AI Art is extremely advanced now to the point it jeopardize artists careers I believe this is just a prelude to what will happen to most jobsbrbrBlue-collar jobs like grocery worker, cashier, cleaner, etc will be performed by AI and automation very soon Perhaps even in 10 years considering how fast AI technology is evolving Millions of people may not have jobs or money to survive anymore We do need to rethink about how we structure society because we are running into a wallbrbrTheir is already many flaws with how this society with money functions, poisoning our water for profit, violence from poverty, exploiting workers, greed, etcbrbrI am open to the idea of a moneyless society I hope we can achieve something of this nature
Comment from : @lazylight007

What we lack is humility 🇬🇭
Comment from : @memphisakan4691

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