Title | : | Should I dropout of High School? | What I learned |
Lasting | : | 5.41 |
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Views | : | 39 rb |
This was one of the videos i watched just before dropping out into my first semester of senior year in 2022 Well worth my time, energy, commeitment to my business and most importantly mental health, really my overall wellbeing i just needed some sort of light at the end of the tunnel This was some of that light for sure Comment from : @tommyfish8374 |
School gave me a mental breakdown and I'm not talking one of those fake dramatic ones Im talking i was screaming, scratching down my face til i bled and laying on the floor I couldnt function When i was in elementary school i used to pray to god to light it on fire so i could get out In middle school i would contemplate pulling fire alarms and once we were outside just running Im mentally ill Anyone who knows me can say that OCD,PTSD, depression and severe anxiety Every day i felt like school was slowly killing me But i don't know if i can handle the judgement that comes along with it Comment from : @Sofarinrunning |
I’m 17, a junior currentlybrbrI decided to drop out like a few days ago and am on the process, I want to join the marine corps and to do that I’ll have to get my GED, which at most should take 3 months brbrI am just so tired of it all, the pointlessness, the lost time, and hours pissed away that could’ve been dedicated to more important things in my life I’m always so pointlessly stressed over classes I won’t even remember brbrEverything I know I taught myself, school only stressed me out and wasted my time Comment from : @FlippidyDooDoggy |
Its very frustrating to know that millions of people are continuing to be told that we need school specifically high school and college despite the facts that the majority of info the we get during our school years will never be used again Thank you for this, I felt lost I needed someone who has had personal experience of what it is like to drop out of school and instead pursure the GED I will be getting my GED too, eventually Thx I really needed some encouragement❤❤❤ Comment from : @Souls-g3t |
Its very frustrating to know that millions of people are continuing to be told that we need school specifically high school and college despite the facts that the majority of info the we get during our school years will never be used again Thank you for this, I felt lost I needed someone who has had personal experience of what it is like to drop out of school and instead pursure the GED I will be getting my GED too, eventually Thx I really needed some encouragement❤❤❤ Comment from : @Souls-g3t |
Just rough it out and finish high school Life is tough enough with just a diploma School is easy just pay attention and do the work Comment from : @TylerMBuller12 |
im watching this video for the first time right now i paused at 2:54 an i just wanna say thankyou for sharing your experiences already this has been grounding to hear about that i share a perspective on pretty much every word ive heard thanks for being you man you are the goat Comment from : @rooneysowner1130 |
Interesting video ❤ I tried getting my GED several times after dropping out I kept failing cause maths was hell lol had to pay an online vendor for my diploma Comment from : @gloryjay2025 |
I'm trying my best to figure it out Comment from : @Randall_ME |
The ONLY useful classes in highschool is Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Business, and maybe Computer Science due to online work skyrocketing in these future generations Comment from : @skepticGFX |
What the point of having a piece of paper that you called a diploma when that piece of paper won;t help you to land you a good job Comment from : @BrianJohnson_806 |
Ya'll whine a lot Comment from : @diannamoraga3110 |
You are right about the things you learn in high school are useless in most jobs You only need to be able to read and write and do math at the 6th grade level for 98 of jobs However, there is a value to just learning things which is why we go to schools like college and so forth that don't necessarily apply to the work we do Comment from : @chucksucks8640 |
i’m 13, I want to become a professional nature photographer, my grades in school are super bad and also, i don’t see any point in learning what school is trying to teach me because it has no significance whatsoever to what i want in life, i don’t need to know algebra etc to learn how to be photographer I am thinking about asking my mom if i can drop out in my freshman year to pursue photography, but i don’t know if i should What do you think i should do? Comment from : @Ariyah-xs3yf |
Just failed 9th grade I just turned 15 idk what to do with my life since Covid everything went down hill I wanna drop out but I just don’t know yet what do I do I was in sports I tore my acl my life is just screwed Comment from : @Drizzzyxdre |
Thank you for sharing! My son is choosing a unique path in life I don't believe he's going to graduate high school, so I'm trying to see what his options are to help him be successful regardless I told my son there are different paths to success, but no matter what path, it takes working hard and being dedicated Comment from : @JMarie-th8xe |
I dropped out of high school after the 9th grade big mistake I got my GED but it's not the same I lost out on a lot of education stay in school Comment from : @ralphmelvin1046 |
Yeah unless you are getting laid alot/ are popular or going to become like lawyer engineer or doctor hs is 1000 percent pointless i really wish i had dropped out and worse case you can get your ged without spending thousands of hours in a classroom Comment from : @graham9334 |
Now I'm in high school and i want to dropout school in the end of these year i know it very hard to dropout school and it is risk but these times to believe myself and show the world who i am can anyone remember it me in 2026 Comment from : @ABDULLAHIBILLOWHASSAN |
Just remember Junior year will be your worst year Especially your second semester I just dropped out and I was a 11th grade Comment from : @HiBitches124 |
5:19 Comment from : @lovelylipbonesouwwwwwwwolv2198 |
Bro im so glad that I dropped out I actually spent my time playing video games Best decision of my life Imagine you die a year after graduating Comment from : @DrJohannPryce |
You do need your education!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment from : @charliemorrison8168 |
💯💪😎🎸 KILLA 🎸👻 Comment from : @darthstarone3532 |
Got to say though, the social aspect of school is amazing The communication skills you acquire and ability to form bonds… Makes it well worth sticking to high school I nearly dropped out Stuck with it for my parents The education was useless, but what you are able to teach yourself, with highschool, makes it worth it— Graduated 2021 Comment from : @HoneyBeeofficiall |
Well back in my junior to senior year of High school when I was like 17 to 19 or so I was told to drop out of school and not even bother going to college while they help other students prep for colleges Comment from : @AndonBW |
I’m 13 turning 14 in may I only have 2 friends and I hate school I have bad grades so when I turn 16 I’m dropping out I’m not learning anything in school in my state when you turn 14 you can get a job so I’ll save up until also the school system is total shit my teacher graded me for assignments when I was home sick and couldn’t do them now I have a 30 in history I just barely passed math this quarter so school really isn’t for me I feel like I can do some much more with my life like actually get money Comment from : @HuntersBlueMonkeys |
I am 16, I have a cyber course and I am not good in high school, I feel like am wasting my parent's money, should I drop out? Comment from : @VirginiaNjuguna-fx3ex |
if school is preventing me from doing my dream and what I'm most passionate about should i just dropout and just get my ged? Comment from : @ONIAMV |
I dropped out at age 17 Cuz i was getting bullied so bad the day before dropping out i had a axtreme mental breakdown It was so bad that my parents had to call the police cuz i had a knife and was seconds away from stabbing myselfwhen i tell people this They shut me down telling me it was not a big deal and that i'm just an attention seeker Comment from : @Wassupmeh |
Dropping out of highschool just made me even more suicidal Comment from : @ros2480 |
What if I just tried to learn piano and quit high school Comment from : @Lratiobozo |
Pure facts The school system is SHIT 💩 Comment from : @aaronaustrie |
Here’s the thing, you teach everything because who knows what someone will use down the line, and even if you don’t use it you learn how to learn or at the very least how to get through stuff you don’t like That’s a life skillbrbrWe kept pushing STEM and downplaying humanities What did we get? The guy who made 8-chan and NFTs (which were bad art for people who know nothing about art) Even if something’s not valuable to you, doesn’t mean it’s without valuebrbrMy cousin dropped out of high school His kid dropped out of high school I can tell already his kid will too When you do that and take a GED you wind up with no sense of history Being practical all the time will make you practically a slave Comment from : @gibsonraymonda |
Getting my GED was one of the best decisions I ever made in 2001 Comment from : @deborahallen8540 |
I dropped out at the age of 18, before graduating I now have a comfy job in IT at the age of 25 If I could do things differently, I would have gotten an apprenticeship after dropping out Comment from : @dieu5041 |
I dropped out of Marietta High School after the 11th grade because I was too autistic to learn math, economics and foreign languagebrbrGood thing I moved to Mexico and took online classes hosted by the Mexican government for my high school education So yeah! Online school is the second best thing to a GED for autistic people Comment from : @luciusirving5926 |
I’m a 9th grader and idk what to do I wanna drop out but I’m scared my mom will be mad because I’m stressing because of my grades idk what to do Comment from : @christianAlston806 |
Am currently at breaking point 😞 Comment from : @arizkid_strong |
Yessir 💯🔥 Comment from : @CiyaTrix2023 |
Yessir 💯🔥 Comment from : @CiyaTrix2023 |
Do American kids drop out of High school because America is the worst country in Education for American people kids know iam telling the truth graduation in America is not worth it for any American people anymore American people don't matter in any school's Comment from : @FireWallthefts |
I dropped out of High School a long time ago and now employed with this World wide Company for thirty years A Salary of $ 2156 higher than a minimum wage Any questions ? Comment from : @V6Y2j5 |
As a college community graduate do it School is literally killing your mind There so many ways to make money online now I can name like over 50 jobs done online and even more if I add remote work Comment from : @kylemonkiewicz2803 |
Thank you Comment from : @eyes1168 |
The worst days of my life was high school! Comment from : @jo4285 |
The “on repeat” is so real, always felt like my day was the same cycle over and over Comment from : @TreeSideMac |
My dad forced me to stop school at 15 because of my previous resultsi passed but didn't pass with high marks in 3 subjects so he decided to stop me schoolwhat a wonderful father, anyone has tips of what I should do now? Comment from : @netherspider8219 |
bro was a certified loser in high school Comment from : @Providerg7 |
Perspective changer🌾 Comment from : @jawvees2585 |
What can i do if my mother isnt willing to believe that school is bullshit!!!! Comment from : @taniaibrahim2442 |
While I agree with the general sentiments expressed in your video, as generalized and broad as they are, I feel like you left a few things out that are importantbrbrNobody should ever be encouraged to drop out of high school unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances You sound like you're a highly motivated young man that didn't have a problem buckling down and studying enough to pass your GED but a lot of people lack that discipline I worked in the restaurant industry in between semesters of college and a lot of people that I worked with were high school dropouts who told me they wished they would have stuck it out or that they have been planning to study for their GED for a long time but have just never gotten around to it Unless you are highly motivated and disciplined, you shouldn't drop out of high school just because you don't like itbrbrIt's great that your brother was able to find a good career with no high school diploma or equivalent, but you are severely limiting yourself in job prospects What if your brother no longer wants to be a truck driver? What if he's sick of being on the road for half the year or he gets injured and can't do that kind of job anymore?brbrAlso mentioned a few highly successful high school dropouts and obviously those people are more successful than any of us will probably ever be but the part that you conveniently left out is that these individuals showed incredible prowess in whatever they later became famous for early on in their lives, whether it be musicianship, entrepreneurship, or intelligence Even these people who are incredibly talented had no guarantee of success and in fact the odds were stacked against them I knew a guy who was one of the most talented guitar players I've ever heard before, even when compared to professional musiciansbrbrHe moved from Michigan to New York City to pursue a music career He worked at it 7 days a week 365 days a year booking small gigs, trying to get noticed by talent agencies, trying to make connections with industry insiders He did this for nearly 5 years and never made more than what could just barely pay for his living expenses He eventually gave up and became a software developer My point is that using examples of high school dropouts being rich and famous is a little bit disingenuous because while it is certainly possible, by every metric you have a 99 chance of failing spectacularlybrbrI'm glad things have so far worked out for yourself and your brother but to anybody reading this, I highly just encourage you from following this person's path unless there are extreme circumstances that can justify said pathbrbrI didn't like high school either but I stuck it out and went to college I didn't start getting good grades until my second semester of my sophomore year A lot of it was due to a lack of discipline and maturity on my end It does and will get better if you stick it out Comment from : @FIDEL_CASHFLOW_ |
On my last year of high school 5 months left Once I get out with my diploma I am living my life the way I wish I planned on getting my computer technician certification and moving on and opening my own computer repair company or making my own devices Comment from : @truthinpixelsrblx |
Thank you man, really helped right now I love the good vibes! 🔥 Comment from : @SadasivayaMusic |
Is it worth dropping out at 16 to get a job to save for a car? Comment from : @nyebartlett |
but how do i get a job without a diploma or ged Comment from : @PlumDoofy |
Personally I thought about dropping out of high school, But than I was reminded that I can’t get a good job without a high school diploma, unless you’re doing self employment or going into entertainment I decided to stay in school and get my diploma and I’m glad I did too brbrIf life is too tough for you, or if your education isn’t benefiting you, try homeschooling or taking online classes Comment from : @fernandasoares7645 |
Good luck at McDonald's or a warehouse job You'll need it Comment from : @TJ-eb9ex |
You can tell how bad the education system is if almost everyone in it wants to leave and finds it useless Comment from : @olduhh |
Great video thx for the advice Comment from : @Lovellz |
I remember in that 70’s show, when red told Eric that he needed to buckle down, and that he needed a plan I’m realizing now how true that is Comment from : @lukes401k |
Angel is Joan's granddaughter Comment from : @hansstepford7824 |
Jon Steeper, Unity Church
brMrs Herbsman, Jim Dyer
brAngel is hit on by the women in her family They want her to be successful Comment from : @hansstepford7824 |
High-school is dumb and all the fake teachers making them broke They don't teach nothing useful because they want to manipulate you and lie There is no truth in that system so flick it off and if you need a diploma Pennfoster online is easy to cheat so there you go thats how I got minebrbrGet a job so your not broke its easy or go to jobcorps learn a trade Job corps was a great experience for me, but to a lot of people no, but for me yes That system totally works better than those fake teachers in High-school at least I can weld and cook and do maintenance and be outside most of the time Shoot pool tables videogames all that stuff was there But I would cheat for the diploma not follow what they tell mebrbrAlso you get payed for work from jobcorps unlike High-school they don't give you no money they just make you broke like fu Comment from : @XxlightxX |
Not all high school dropouts are failures that’s what I tell people Comment from : @littleice9731 |
I’m 15 currently, I believe you’re right with everything you said in this video, I relate to all of it I hated school from the beginning even as a little kid, I never got good grades but I know a lot more about the real world than most kids my age I stopped caring about math past middle school and I completely stopped caring about grades last year, which made me fail 9th grade I start again in a week and the second I turn 16 in February I’m dropping out I get the worst anxiety in class and I hate the teachers and my peers I’ve decided this is going to be the best decision for myself because I don’t think I can make it through the rest of high school without my mental health completely deteriorating Soon as I drop out I’ll get a job and I bet I’ll be earning way more money than my friends and I’ll have more experiences in the real world I just can’t wait for this headstart Thanks for reading, I’ll edit this after I drop out and let you guys know if it was right for me Stay safe and remember to be yourself and you can make your own decisions in life Comment from : @jslap5558 |
Wow, well said man, well said, thank you God bless Comment from : @climxfo975 |
I just found out that I failed the 9th grade and have to repeat and for a few hours I was crying and almost considered killing myself because of how much of a failure I truly felt like school bings me nothings but stress and depression and I don’t even think I would make it I’m just so lost Comment from : @Wokytoxin |
I personally think that we should have only 4 to 5 years of school or none But in those years we should learn everything about live Like what you said Comment from : @user-vx4op1dx9c |
I was at the top of my class but a year ago, I have decided to take a break from school and I feel like dropping out because I just dont feel like continuing this boring path anymore, I'm currently learning how to program games n do stuff related to computer science my myself Was this a wise decision? Comment from : @thewarspell |
I’m droping out and going back on the adult one that’s online and stuff it’s just to negative effect on mebrOr a ged Comment from : @JoeMama-dq5wq |
GED shouldn't be a thing Comment from : @castlev1986 |
Actually learning things that you’ll probably never use isn’t that pointless When we’re young our brain is fragile and everything you learn will extend your brain functionallity etc It doesn’t always matter what it is you learn, sometimes it’s just the fact you learn something that helps your brain developing Comment from : @nantvandevyvere9557 |
TBH I only dropped out because I got accused of sa/SH No facts or evidence, Just her words And I'm in a wheelchair Comment from : @drakenpage777 |
Some people in the comments are literally ignoring the fact that he got his GED which is an equivalent It isn’t like he made a life altering decision with nothing to fall back on, he found a way to support his decision Comment from : @nathleelaroda6107 |
I can relate I dropped out of my s**thole of a high school many years ago It was an angry place run by angry people that shoved worthless classes down your throat that had no relevance to real life There is no more demoralizing feeling than sitting in class after class, day after day, knowing those subjects would never help you in real life and knowing you're going to fail anyway After my escape from high school, I graduated from college and law school, and I enjoyed the ride For me, high school was a daily exercise in hopelessness F**K HIGH SCHOOL (and my high school was Brooklyn Tech)!!! Comment from : @ECO473 |
Moved to Alaska from Boston in 2019 Alaska is like 47th in education It felt like living in the 80's I would think this LoL Comment from : @Leeta |
I'll only use dropping out as a last resort, like if I have to say 4 additional years at school Comment from : @primus6677 |
The reason school is pointless after middle school, is because it was made during the industrial revolution, and school was designed to build children to be obedient factory workers Comment from : @laneleach |
Yes You can get a GED Comment from : @liveyourlife7021 |
Thank you for this I was currently making near equal of the amount some of my teachers made and soon, I will try to make maybe double This helped me out a lot thank you Comment from : @thatsrichie |
I dropped out two times of high school final year Comment from : @NitroSpeed253 |
DROP OUT OF COLLEGE? Comment from : @AtticTapes14 |
Think for yourself guys we all wanna be happy with what we do in life and sometimes it’s hard to go against society, our society is full of bs Comment from : @Pain-bf8mr |
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