Title | : | Tips for Raising Bilingual Kids | Superholly |
Lasting | : | 21.12 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 466 rb |
Hodor Comment from : @LSK1 |
I want my child to speak 3 languages; Spanish, English and Chinese Comment from : @sabinoluevano7447 |
Does the app still exist? Comment from : @betterwithbri9215 |
Hello, I’m taking this as a reference! But curious at what age did you start speaking to them kn your second language? Comment from : @darirue |
well i am a Child and i speak 4 languages Comment from : @yassinelafram-j3i |
In our situation, the majority language (which includes my husband) is Spanish I’m the only person who speaks English to our daughter We also read books in English She used to speak words in both but now that she’s creating short sentences (20 months) she uses Spanish only I’m not sure how I can help, since I’m the only English-speaking reference for our baby girl 😢 Comment from : @justtrilce5109 |
I watch this video because I'm Indonesian dating an Indian guy😂❤ Comment from : @riisssttttadhi |
This video is very useful for me Thank you, I Will subscribe Comment from : @mielato5851 |
Asian kids can be multilingual so easily idk how bt yes Comment from : @jinssthicklips5286 |
How do you teach reading in English and Bahasa Indonesia when phonetic rules are different?brWhich one do you teach first? Comment from : @woofandfly8229 |
Woah that's a lot of namesis that just first names I'm confused lol😅 Comment from : @monraveny8009 |
It doesn’t seem like the Mamalingua app exists anymore 🥲 Does anyone know an alternative ? Comment from : @MrKev_77 |
White people are always the one who make they kids name really white like for example…ADVENTURE WHITELY😂😂 Comment from : @JanesMaxiy |
I am glad that she mentions the challenges that experts warn about: do not speak a language that you struggle with being spontaneous in, that you don't know well as PRIMARY language, and there are really many many reasons for this There are many multilinguals – like myself – who could choose from two or more languages to speak as primary language with their children, but we are an exception It is of utmost importance to speak a language you can bond on an emotional level with your child, be spontaneous and do NOT have to look up words when interacting with your children!brYou can always ADD another language when your children are around 3-4 years old, or add it at very clear moments (using the Time and Place strategy) even earlier on, hire a nanny who speaks the target language and therefore use the strategy that for babies and toddlers is easier to understand: One Person One LanguagebrI understand the intention of the parents, but the children can feel when we express ourselves better in the other language and they sense the filter that the language we're not so fluent in puts between us and them You don't want to risk thatbrThis all said, I grew up multilingual myself and raised my, now all adult, three children with multiple (5-7) languages too It is possible to do this in a healthy and effective way Comment from : @UtesInternationalLounge |
She has a beautiful singing voice Comment from : @essexitagermeng5504 |
Hiii please make more videos about how to raise multilingual children!! I personally loved it, I’m Brazilian getting read to teach my little boy who is about born this month!!! Comment from : @vinicius11hp |
Tip number 1 ,my mom messed up by assuming we would just learn Spanish at home living in the us 😢 Comment from : @happyd1479 |
Father is Venezuelan doesn’t speak English ; I’m American i speak English and Spanish I want baby to speak both with my husband I think well speak Spanish a lot but I want baby to communicate with me as well in English Comment from : @skycutie77 |
I,m from india my language is hindi but I want to learn english speaking so help me anyone brI,m baby child in english so help me like,s baby Comment from : @HafizSaqib-sh8wu |
South africa is a really good country for research in this field It's a norm for a person to be bilingual, trilingual or even multilingual Comment from : @justkat6 |
Como Maestra a veces me pregunto cómo puedo ayudar más a mis alumnos, pero veo que, en este caso, mucho depende de los padres Comment from : @hfsv |
Thanks for these nice tips I really think it was helpful I am an English teacher and have a two year old girl She can sing some songs and knows some words in English but it was stucked Now I think I can move on teaching her the language Comment from : @teacherdayanna9829 |
I don’t even have kids yet but I really want my kids to be in touch with our culture as much as possible I know a lot of no sabo kids and they struggle a lot with Spanish and I feel bad because their parents never thought them And i don’t wanna make that mistake, My first language is Spanish so I find it easier tbh but i also want to take them to my country (Peru) so they learn more about our culture, food, people and my family :) Comment from : @pescuezoee |
I can’t find the app Comment from : @kylielarain5051 |
A goal of mine is to raise my future children bilingual I'm learning Russian for a variety of reasons and want that to be the second language, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to create that need you were talking about for learning Russian According to a few sources, Russian only has around a million speakers in the states I do plan to learn Spanish since it is such a widespread language in the US, so I may teach my future children Spanish instead Comment from : @mrchristian0457 |
Heeey! I'm from Itaperuna Contryside of Rio de Janeiro State in Brazil! I'm a english teacher, willing to know USA and I really want to raise bilingual children! Comment from : @marianapoly6194 |
Learning language in childhood will have tremendous benefits in their life not only in terms of opportunity but also brain health ^^;; children learn language much easier than adult Comment from : @백인줄어든다 |
Hi heather, thank you for this informative video I'm English, raised a bilingual child (in France) and since their birth my French son wants me to speak only English to my two baby granddaughters One is 3 and the other 18 months The problem is I only see them a few hours a week and he's now saying I can't establish a real relationship with them because they can't communicate with me It's very frustrating for me to not communicate correctly with them and have feedback Do you think I can stop speaking English and just teach them words rather than depriving myself from a full conversation ? They never speak to me in English, just repeating the odd word anyway Thanks fro you reply, take care Comment from : @alisonbell-Delassa |
Just watch your video I feel intimidating teaching my toddler Spanish It's my second language It used to be my first language but I got adopted at 14 so I do great at understanding itbut not doing great at responding Comment from : @raekairi |
That was fantastic! I’m pregnant with my first baby and we’re Brazilian My husband and I were talking about raise her as a bilingual child So he’ll be talking only in Portuguese and I’ll be talking in English This is called OPOL, I guess However, I’m an English teacher and a sign language interpreter in Brazil I’ve heard that newborns can communicate with us using sign language So what’s is your opinion about that? My husband just speak PortuguesebrbrbrAnd about English I need to study a lot about it, to be consistent and also creative to do some activities with her And to learn baby vocabulary because I’ve been studying English since 2005 and I’ve never saw those kind of things in my entire life I hope that I can do my best for her 🤰🏻💖 Comment from : @PolianicesdaPolly |
I want to speak and teach English to my future kid since the kid will be surrounded by Brazilian português Comment from : @guitarrathiago |
One should be at least c1 advanced level in a language before they try to raise their child in it And get an aupair that's a native speaker of the language, to be exposed to a natural, native accent Comment from : @shutterchick79 |
I have a 2 and 4 years old and I speak in Spanish only around them Whenever I let them watch a kid video they will watch it in English They also understand when spoken in English to them at the Daycare Comment from : @CarlosRo |
youtubecom/@spanishplayroombrbrYes! I completely agree! I’m also going through the process of teaching mybrKids Spanish and love watching them catch on at such a young age! Also check out Spanish Playroom to help your kids become bilingual! Comment from : @spanishplayroom |
Ok but what if your bilingual but your husband only speak English How does that work? Comment from : @LoKi-lj9zw |
I speak Spanish as well as English brbrbrSpanish is My Second language and I speak Spanish pretty well even though English is my first language Comment from : @lucindawinehouse2002 |
Excellent video ! One tip for google translate - it does a better job if you give it context than with just a single word :) Comment from : @dychui |
The heavy editing is very distracting I like the info you present but the edits are distracting Comment from : @joeyjojojunior1794 |
Amazing Comment from : @KB_NA |
Thank you for sharing what you do! It’s really helpful for those of us trying to raise bilingual kids I love the story about the little girl speaking Swedish to the kitty :)brJust to add to your list, my kids love watching the Peppa Pig en español YouTube channel, and I always change the language on Netflix to Spanish when they want to watch a show on that platform Comment from : @spanishforkidswithmissjuanita |
Here is another great resource: the Bilingual Family Newsletter, available online These are archived newsletters and were very helpful in my journey with my kids Comment from : @elizabethblane201 |
I raised my two boys bilingually, even though Spanish was also a second language for me that I did not learn until I was 30 We spoke always in Spanish until he was about 6 years old, but he still has excellent receptive skills and OK spoken skills He is now 35 and expecting his first child; he and his wife came to me and asked me to be the Spanish-speaking abulelita, which I'm thrilled to be able to do Comment from : @elizabethblane201 |
Esta muy bien pero no entendi nada Comment from : @adrianarredondo742 |
I’m surprised more schools don’t teach kids a 2nd language at a young age Comment from : @theresamiley8917 |
This is the best video I've seen by fay woth AMAZING tips and resources and your voice is so melodic I'm not a native speaker but I know a good amount of Spanish and want my kids to be bilingual This is soooo helpful Thank you SOOOOO much Comment from : @tarabryant2141 |
That boy is more fluent in Spanish than I am, and it’s my first language- Comment from : @stone1488 |
Is the Mamalingua App still active? Comment from : @estherfuentes3803 |
Why did she say ustedes to the little girl? Isn't that plural? Comment from : @DaddysFastestSwimmer |
My mom and dad are from Mexico and they mostly speak Spanish at home, they will sometimes slip in bits of English and a couple of sentences, so I learned Spanish by just listening No one taught me how to write or speak in Spanish I just learned from listening But at school i hear English because most people speak English, so I also learned English from going to school, but before I went to school I learned from tv cartoons At home I speak both Spanish and English because my parents can understand English just not speak it well Comment from : @EradicationOfTime |
I need to improve my listening skill, your sister helps me to practice my ear, thank you :) Comment from : @ameliaaguare4083 |
My girl will be born in 2 months I'll speak French to her, my wife will speak Vietnamese (we live in Vietnam) and she'll naturally understand English because that's what we speak together Comment from : @mrrandom1265 |
Couldn't get enough of this video , loved it and the end so cute 😍 Comment from : @irispetak3887 |
This is such a great video, super helpful thank you so much!! Comment from : @squish9479 |
Pisses me off that my spouse speaks fluent Spanish and English I only speak English and very poor Spanish But he puts the responsibility on me to help teach our kids Spanish when I tell him hr needs to speak to him more in Spanish He has the full capability to teach him effortlessly I'm self taught in Spanish and my grammer is very poor when trying to form sentences Comment from : @korbinm1 |
I was raised by Chilean parents in Australia, I couldnt be more grateful that my parents only spoke to us in Spanish I want to raise my children in the same way I plan to speak to my baby in Spanish Thanks for this upload, its very helpful Comment from : @booradley0x0 |
I have 3 babies myself and it's been hard to teach them both languages English and Spanish, Spanish was my first language and my husband doesn't speak Spanish I've been trying to teach them both languages myself but I feel like my oldest doesn't have much vocabulary on either of both languages I want to know how to teach them and if I need to take them out to hang out with other kids as well Comment from : @monsepecina1885 |
I Am Bilingual Person I Lived With MybrGrandparents They Always Talk SpanishbrAnd English But More Spanish Comment from : @kittshigh |
This is so cool! I don't have kids, but I love languages and I remember asking my friends how they did it, and they all had different methods It's fascinating Comment from : @ronmorgan737 |
Makes me feel better my 19 month old son is only spoken in English with his mom and but when he’s around my family it’s Spanish especially around my parents Comment from : @hunchojack5143 |
One thingbrI have two daughters, 4 and 7 years old I speak to them in English and my wife speaks to them in CatalanbrBut they only speak Catalan They understand everything I say to them in English, but they reply to me in CatalanbrI want them to switch to English when speaking to me, but they refuse Have you got an ideas? Comment from : @jimmorrison2657 |
Incredible video Thanks 😊 Comment from : @Kayholiday4 |
the boy sounds like the Nemo voice actor Comment from : @rrivera497 |
44 Comment from : @anamasianamasi9536 |
Me encantó este video Soy de Venezuela, y estoy tratando de ensenar a mi hijo ingles Mi hijo tiene 11 anos Comment from : @hectorluismartinez6597 |
Heather is so adorable, I love her way of speaking slow and gentle, i don't know I love herbrbrI would love my children to speak English, I teach English but it's so hard at home to speak English to them I'll try harderbrbrThanks for your recomendations Heather Comment from : @ofeescobar9738 |
Dios me encanta tu metodologia, acento y estrategia OK! I'm Dominican Republic, my native languaje is Spanish and 2nd English i would like to teach my daugther Spanish but i don't know Comment from : @yophierriverahilario4098 |
Heather needs a Flygrip for her phone Comment from : @bfee20021 |
I speak English, Spanish and French at 14 years old Comment from : @frannylissetrodriguez4066 |
We thought a toddler in our family was speaking gibberish, but it turned out he was repeating Korean words and phrases picked up offline It was amazing Comment from : @playzoofun8591 |
I'd totally subscribe to a channel if Heather were to start one Comment from : @lindsayevans9543 |
Thank you so much for sharing your time, experience, and wisdom! Comment from : @lindsayevans9543 |
I would have liked to be born bilingual, thank you very much for this video even though I am no longer a child, I will adapt these tips to continue learning Comment from : @monicacruz1833 |
I don't know much Spanish but I try to learn as much as I can for my kids I really want them to be bilingual I just have no one to practice with Comment from : @esperanzadondiego2624 |
Hi! I'm Brazilian and I speak Portuguese I study English and I still don't have kids But I want to teach English as a second language to my future childrenbrThanks for sharing your experience with your kids! 🥰 Comment from : @agnesrichter7655 |
This video was very helpful! Comment from : @UnschoolingtheSpitz |
super sisters!! Congratulations! Comment from : @alejandrojoselizano |
Great video! And it got me reconsider the way I taught my daughter English My wife and I are native speakers of Mandarin currently living in China, and we also speak (what we consider to be) pretty good English thanks to our studying and working experience in North America When my daughter was younger, we tried to speak Mandarin and English to her interchangeably But as soon as she started to speak up, her Mandarin proficiency has skyrocketed, since her grandparents speak Mandarin at home to her all the time when I go to work during the day, and she also attends a Mandarin kindergarten And it's only natural that as she is turning 5 years old now, she has a growing preference to communicate increasingly complicated ideas in Mandarin, and her English is still very insufficient for the increasingly sophisticated communicational and emotional needs at her current age This makes it a lot harder for us to adopt the 'minority language at home' or the 'one parent one language' rules than it would have been, had we started at her early age and stuck to it We might have to accept the fact that we'll need to teach her English in the traditional learning method for typical second - language learners Comment from : @WChocoleta |
Great, video, thanks! I live in Colombia and have a 2 year old boy At home my wife talks to him in Spanish and I do it in English He is just starting to say some words in Spanish and he can imitate some words in English, but he can understand commands and things in both languages Even though I talk to him in English at home all the time, I don't know why I still feel self-conscious about speaking to him in English out of the house or in front of other people since I don't feel comfortable talking in a language that people around me don't speak or understand I guess I shouldn't care about what other people may think or say, but well, it's a process, I guess Comment from : @javierrojas3846 |
👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏🥰🥰🥰 Comment from : @minervafernandez9950 |
Such a wonderful thing to raise children this way Please come back, Hollies sister I really enjoy listening to you Comment from : @Hootyhoo-jq9vq |
Hahaha! About the kitten only knowing swedish Comment from : @deonpersaud9540 |
Paused at 6:07 to download mama lengua Comment from : @keesh5882 |
thank for helping I hope It will be benefited to raise my child to teach sinhala and english (Sri Lanka) Comment from : @mindanaashoka7453 |
It really makes me angry when I hear immigrant parents speak broken English to their children instead using their stronger language Here in the UK, this sadly is way too common I think it’s great to speak more than one language, and if parents really think that speaking a language other than English to their children is harmful, they should think twice again To integrate in a new country, preventing your children from learning your language is the wrong waybrSo to every immigrant who reads this: Pls teach your children your mother tongue, there is nothing wrong with speaking more that two languages! Comment from : @B4sed_Austrian |
Hi Holly how can I help my son speak Spanish I know Spanish and my husband does too We just talked to him in English because he is in speech He is 8 years old My daughter understands Spanish really well but does not speak it She is 12 years old How can I help them be bilingual thank you and have a wonderful day! Comment from : @aliciagarcia5541 |
I'm blessed to have been raised in a bi lingual home My first language is now my second language (english) Comment from : @scp-09698 |
Dont Forget this Spanish Word:brbCHU PAPI MUNANYO/b Comment from : @Sean_Marquez2013 |
My baby will be a bilingual, English and Portuguese I'm trying hard to teach her English while growing up in brazil Comment from : @GG-wy8pk |
thank you so much for sharing these helpful tips and love your happy family a lot Comment from : @jinzou9300 |
I loved the story about speaking French to the son who kept answering in English! It's very relatable I did the exact same thing just reverse My five year old son kept answering in English when I talked French or German to him, so I would switch to speaking Spanish, which is my third foreign language (He doesn't understand/speak Spanish) lol Comment from : @elisabethkonopacki1575 |
Shona is my first language and I cannot wait to teach my children Shona I however cannot find material to help me so creating my own Comment from : @muzimbo8659 |
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