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Are learning styles real?

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Title :  Are learning styles real?
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Comments Are learning styles real?

A few folks in the comments have correctly pointed out that the video does not specifically address individuals with neurological or psychological conditions (eg autism, ADHD, complex trauma, etc) The video is specifically debunking the VARK theory and similar learning style theories that are proliferated in our education system I understand the argument that certain diagnoses can affect one's capacity for learning in a particular manner To put this in extremes, someone who is deaf may not benefit from auditory information However, that doesn't mean that deaf people are therefore visual learners There is great diversity in every person's experience, but having a particular neurological or psychological condition does not mean you can only learn one way or that there is only one style that inherently works best for your memory I am not claiming that there is no variation in how people learn, but simply that there is no evidence to support that individuals learn better when using their preferred "learning style" At the end of the day, tailoring lessons to the material and a mixed-style approach are still the superior methods for learning, and different people may have different needs
Comment from : @neurotransmissions

well said 👌🏼
Comment from : @rezghiyasi

Why do some bad ideas refuse to die? Because they are politically useful Learning styles is politically useful It allows someone to say that failure happened because of marginalization Sally was marginalized because shes a visual learner that got an auditory teacher Therefore we need to have communism brbrYou will find that "the system was designed for someone with privilege" (no matter how spurious the claim actually is) is a claim that never goes away in any domain You might also notice that learning styles is about 99 promoted by leftists
Comment from : @gbiotaone5814

Gen Xers killing it
Comment from : @sourcecodeman

I mean if you enjoy something more aren't you more likely to put in more consistent effort to remember things?
Comment from : @wolflink9000

Why don't they combine all four?
Comment from : @spacetoad3474

how does this only have 8k views?
Comment from : @TravisGilbert

Hey Man I love your videos and I have a question I was asked to put together a class that teaches executive function skills to middle and high school students that included teaching learning styles I was wondering if you have the title of the article that you got your information from so I can best serve the clinic that is looking to hire me If you could help it would be greatly appreciated!
Comment from : @cfrka114

This is what you clicked the vídeo for 10:30 I just saved 10 minutes and a half of your life
Comment from : @jonascarrillo8699

Ok this video format could get a lot better It is toooo slow Why not making it more straight out to the point?
Comment from : @jonascarrillo8699

I see the portal glados reference
Comment from : @jonascarrillo8699

I know I'm late to the party, but I'm not really convinced that the "multiple styles of learning" is actually more effective, simply because it is hard to get a good control groupbrbrFor example, if Group A is learning a fact via multiple methods, and Group B is learning a fact via a single method, of course Group A is going to have better retention Repetition is key to learningbrbrHas there been a study that compares "multiple styles of learning" to "single-style with repetition"? Ideally the single-style with repetition would also present the information in different ways while keeping within the style
Comment from : @thenameipicked

As a high school psychology teacher, I explain to my students all the time that things like learning styles and the Myers-briggs personality test are bogus even though our guidance staff and administration continues to find validity in pop-psychology
Comment from : @jeremygreen5230

Getting Portal vibes
Comment from : @MonaMona5533-k4u

And, like always, everyone forgets about Gen X Which is basically the most descriptive way to describe them anyway
Comment from : @jameszakalwe1522

0:29 "Hello?"brbrme: IS IT ME ThAT YOUR LoOKInG fOR??
Comment from : @richardreed87

Whyyyyyy! Why did you encourage me to take a test that proves nothing! I'm so disappointed at Fleming
Comment from : @standowner6979

people needed this
Comment from : @ioan_jivan

i absolutely agree with you , we should involve multiple learning methods to improve are knowledge depending on the subject that we're learning great video 👌
Comment from : @قاسمالشيخعلي-ك5ح

Nah look at memory competitions visual/ imagination is most effective Probably more effective than mixed
Comment from : @iknowyouwanttofly

Amazing video love from india
Comment from : @shailygupta5849

I think the give away that it was all a load of rubbish, no better than a personality test, was the fact that every time I've been made to take it there has been no subsequent attempt to adapt material for my supposed style(s) or even provide learning materials in each of the styles (I'm not sure how you'd even do so for a "kinaesthetic learner") Unfortunately it's just become a box-ticking exercise to pad out training days rather than a tool to improve learning It's worrying that it's so widely regarded as true, most likely by virtue of its sheer ubiquity
Comment from : @IncidentElectron

The more associations you can make with the material, the better Learn the information in as many ways as possible Reading, listening, writing, teaching, theory, examples, visuals, etc
Comment from : @notgate2624

It's okay, schools are just daycare we all agreed was necessary and "educational"brEdit: Active learning is the best form of learning so I'm glad you touch on that towards the endbrEdit2: Did the vark test I'm multimodal😂
Comment from : @beskamir5977

This is very, very, VERY important And this information has been available for a long time Education needs to catch up
Comment from : @Khristafer

How is “Everything in moderation” the answer to all my questions 😅 Great video btw 👌
Comment from : @ssiddarth

depends by what i'm seeing i have to say no no style
Comment from : @d4v0r_x

wow this video is such high quality! brthe script, the sounddesign and of course the acting ;) brbryour other videos are great, but this really felt like its a level higher
Comment from : @DonQuiKong

I learn the best when at least two or three of those styles are combined in teaching
Comment from : @KiraFriede

I think the most impressive thing about this video is the fact that your tobacco never fell out of your pipe It’s like magic, lol brGreat info! I actually try to implement many different styles when learning It keeps me engaged and I do feel like I retain the information better Any help I can get in the cognitive department, I’ll take 😉
Comment from : @Nazy0822

I learn in all the ways, hearing, seeing, writing notes, rewriting notes, repetition, learn by doing (homework etc) and I've also learned that there are many communication styles, language is only one of them
Comment from : @recoveringsoul755

I think there's one important aspect you're forgetting about You probably spend more time learning with a style that you enjoy than a style you do not So you invest more time
Comment from : @WoLpH

Thanks Micah, as a teacher, this was both comforting and entertaining
Comment from : @Corporis

I remember REALLY wanting to know what kind of learner I was, scoring "10/10 words remembered" in all 4 styles, and the teacher's response was to make fun of me, say I was obviously cheating, and send me to the principal great learning experience
Comment from : @Tr0tim

U can learn only if you accept that u don't already know all of that irrelevant information If you wanna learn something - make it a habit - treat yourself like a behavioral scientist treats an animal and you will teach yourself all sorts of useful tricks Embrace those disruptive notifications to out-compete your peers and enjoy well timed distractions!
Comment from : @scorpiss9

I think learning styles might be real but a lot more complicated For instance, maybe autistic, neurotypical, and ADHD people have different learning styles I have ADHD & autism, and I can report that traditional schooling is completely incompatible with effectively teaching me I learn much better with a hands-on self-teaching approach rather than regimented classes -- and yet, there are many who seem to do better in traditional education rather than left to their own devices Maybe we need a new theory of learning styles rather than rejecting the concept entirely
Comment from : @alexandriap3285

Yes, what a great video! As a cognitive psychologist, I can remember how many times I tried to explain to students, parents etc there is no such thing "visual" or whatever learner The way the brain "learns" new information is pretty much the same for everyone Thanks for the wonderful video :)
Comment from : @milamarinova9615

I miss your wife😔
Comment from : @MmTriplem

GLaDOS? Your voice changed a lot
Comment from : @avi12

This was an awesome video!! Definitely sharing this to my mentor and friends! I also started school on Monday and it's going pretty well
Comment from : @Mina-bs2fy

Cool Good info and entertaining
Comment from : @rickharold7884

TLDW: learning styles are a myth
Comment from : @vuzinski

Wait, it was a lie the whole time?brbrbrbrbrbrbrbAlways has been/b
Comment from : @nooruzuneel5343

I'm an old git and went to college about 5 years ago One of the first things we did was a learning style test At the time I though I was being taken for a fool and my time was being wastedbrbrAll classes were taught to all of us uniformlybrbrI wondered if you gave these tests to a number of people and averaged out the results you would nearly always get the same result and could therefore justify a teaching style?brbrThe emphasis on working hard and asking questions didn't come into it, but these things I thought were perhaps the most important thing a student needed to do and that would trump any stylebrbrAnd, the subject that you were learning would have a number of elements within it to cover all teaching style basesbrbrThanks for the vid, it confirms my scepticism
Comment from : @SqwarkParrotSpittingFeathers

Literally when I was presented the four options, I answered to myself, "I use all of those learning styles I use at least 3 regardless of what I'm learning"
Comment from : @CassieCollision

Short answer: No
Comment from : @UnknownCartoonEditor

That 100 realistic CGI though 😍
Comment from : @BrainsApplied

While all learners can develop subjective preferences for studying or digesting material, studies deny that students learn better through a self-reported learning style👍
Comment from : @dailydoseofmedicinee

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