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2024 here and Ruby on Rails is still used by a lot of startup because it’s fast to ship a web app with It’s still use by big companies like GitLab, Twitch etc
Comment from : @kalist8938

4:37 Ruby has still something fundamental that differs from all its concurrents : simplicity and elegance But yeah, not 10 times better And Smalltalk could have said this before
Comment from : @jean-christophelelann6308

can anyone tell why Python is adopted in schools It's just data science thats keeping it up
Comment from : @developerfoe

most human friendly language that you can see is ruby not even Python is close to ruby when it comes to human friendliness
Comment from : @developerfoe

Lot of project use Ruby on rails even now, in my company, most projects use Ruby on rails for backend
Comment from : @moinahmed2491

0:46 dawg why do I need to know this? 💀
Comment from : @leg1187

Listening to your Ruby theory I thought about Python If Data Science wasn't as popular as it is today and one day data science died off, hypothetically speaking, would that make Python the next Ruby?
Comment from : @DevlogBill

Here's why Ruby is losing its market share and its really simplebr1 Ruby is competing with Python but Python is a simpler language to learn while Ruby embraces and forces a complicated object model onto the developer Note: I like the Ruby object model but you have to take the time to learn it and the resources are lacking br2 All the major Ruby app's (that were developed to help Ruby programmers write Ruby app's) have terrible compatibility issues with each other ie The bundler scripts use the wrong version of rake so you have to edit the scripts that bundle produces and that just the most obvious example I find most of my Ruby time is spent tracking down compatibility issues and not writing Ruby code This shit should be done by the software maintainers but somehow it always eludes them
Comment from : @gerardgauthier4876

So is it just an accident of history that PHP now has achieved that critical mass to the detriment of Ruby? Is there not that much that is special about PHP vis a vis Python, Ruby, or other similar languages with respect to how PHP has gained so much market share? Is there something better about PHP for making CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, or Joomla than other languages? What, if anything, is PHP's special niche that it does exceptionally well within the realm of web development vis a vis Python, Ruby, Nodejs, or Golang?
Comment from : @KevinLopez-rl6wq

Do you think that because Shopify is built on RoR that perhaps it still has a chance? Seems like Shopify is really growing these days
Comment from : @KevinLopez-rl6wq

You can't use Rails for microservices?brCan someone suggest a Nodejs framework with less configuration with a good market share (not adonisjs it doesn't have a good market share), there's so much to setup on a bare express application,
Comment from : @NathanielBabalola

Learn C# and dotnet and you will have a 90 chance to find a job, enjoy working with it, have a good sandbox and never have to worry about the new languages or frameworks or stacks or whatever, the IDE situation is awesome (VS, Rider and even VSCode are good) the language / framework is future proof and backed by a huge company and you can develope anything with itbrbrI'm a JavaScript dev btw :P
Comment from : @whenlifegivesyouLSD

ruby is actually quite cool it's not only a web language and it's getting faster and faster
Comment from : @alainterieur5004

Hey Stefan MacBook thanks for the video
Comment from : @himanshushukla6451

Evrone team (Ruby developers and organizers of the largest Ruby conference in Russia - RubyRussia) made a film about how an IT company survived 2020 Check out this movie: youtube/0tGPuFIwMvQ
Comment from : @maxatwell59

I looking for resources to understand How Rails works under the hood!brCan anyone suggest some resources brGoing through the source code is very tediousbrFor ruby programming I have resources that goes under the hood working but I am unable to find any for Railscan you help on that?brI am looking for WHY things work the way they do in Rails
Comment from : @siyaram2855

Ruby is Joy PHP is Hell
Comment from : @duda-me

I moved away from PHP because there was way too many frameworks And Ruby is a way better lang But not as fast as PHP
Comment from : @NDSireAuthor2025

Ruby has been side track on Its Rail
Comment from : @iscreamfitness

This guy is a fool
Comment from : @durrell909

"Look in your neighborhood?" This is 2020 I haven't worked for a company in my neighborhood in years But great video otherwise
Comment from : @johngill5175

"Why do I rag on Ruby? Because it deserves to be ragged on"brbr#InstantSubscribe
Comment from : @edwardcullen1739

im about to be ruby dev :*(
Comment from : @iliketocode6986

XML was released in 1998 So it’s not an 80s 90s thing 😂😂
Comment from : @tschundeee

Awwwwwwsum CAR, Stefan!
Comment from : @NOCTUMSEMPRA

Surprised you didn't even mention Crystal
Comment from : @pierbover

I am using Ruby for data science by using pycall almost all python libs can be used even you can use java In if you like
Comment from : @themastermindteacher

And Elixir ?
Comment from : @MarcosVMSoares

Ruby and PHP are basically done No one in their right mind who knows what they doing would build a platform on those technologies There are three important tiers of development Those are: infrastructure, apis, and front-end/ux Everyone wants the infrastructure layer to be completely automated using cloud services Automating cloud infrastructure is one job Now the other side – the actual application No actual end client cares about the scaling capabilities (until they do) Now you deal with the end client The people who are responsible for building the end application It is really important to understand there are two parts to building modern applications One part is creating APIs the other is building the front-end Anyone who wants to find themselves in a position to stand out among the rest understands this No longer do enterprise level companies want people building solutions like those proposed with the legacy php frameworks They want individuals who want more than that They want the engineers who are able to build a rest api and present that info using the latest and greatest front-end framework I do have a difficult time recommending learning a front-end framework before javascript
Comment from : @toddzmijewski6002

The programming language of the future is GPT-3
Comment from : @Nerd2Ninja

I am currently learning rails and find it pretty interesting Maybe it is not as good as node but much more beginner friendly in my view atleast
Comment from : @brijesh1809

Julia is the future
Comment from : @johnnycincocero

Agree with what you say about Ruby todaybrBut - Ruby NEVER going to be faster or more configurable ?brReading this article naturailycom/blog/who-gives-f-about-rails we are told that old Matsumoto says Ruby 3x3 is due out in 2020 and will speed things upbrI see that Chinese student promoting coder courses is back to drive us crazy
Comment from : @benzflynn

I jave huge shift from java to python since advent of cloud Go to production is super fast in Python vs java And you can pretty much do everything in cloud using Python Not as fast as Java but the difference is not huge Seeing Flask being used in Api layer heavily even by big enterprises
Comment from : @dsinghr

NicebrMAKE VIDEO ON bPHP IN 2020?/b
Comment from : @TechnoDB

Ruby will not die It will just change its name to crystallang
Comment from : @tonymarks4694

It died from CovidjsbrSeriously tho, Ruby is a good language, regardless
Comment from : @randerins

Great talk Sounds like best approach is to gain experience of several languages My commercial experience has been Ruby on Rails which I have to say I do like I’ve played around with PHP via Yii framework which I also like Lots of similarities I’d like to get some Python experience as I agree this one appears to be the direction lots of corporations are heading as they become more cloud focussed
Comment from : @vacation_generation

php devs are about to feel a whole lot worse, when they see that microsoft wants to drop support on it
Comment from : @daniellionel01

Ruby 30
Comment from : @MonsieurChips

In all fairness, whether Ruby is popular nowadays or not, real Ruby ninjas know its power It still helps me rake in $64k/month off a niche SaaS offeringall while I still get to keep my head hair! As a programmer, I don’t think you need to follow the hype and jump on the most popular language bandwagonyou should strive to become the best at one language and have the discipline to follow through I know a couple other guys pulling in more dough and their Swiss Knife was VBgo figure! Don’t follow the hype!
Comment from : @pupdoggify

My eyes flare up when I hear Ruby lol Stefan must have been your first love I guess?
Comment from : @bencroacademy

No matter what anyone says, Ruby is not going off the Rails anytime soon! :)
Comment from : @lord9562

Python in AI community will end Julia will replace it
Comment from : @karthikeyanak9460

Ruby made me and is still making me earn more than JavaScript and PHP To be practical I can build apps far faster using Ruby on Rails than any other framework
Comment from : @karthikeyanak9460

3:32 I'm not a fan of Ruby, but its performance isn't really the reason; if you put any value on your time or your employee's time or your client's time, you can almost always justify better hardware to compensate brbrI have just simply found the language irritating to use; there's a lot of inconsistency with it, and while Rails is ok for rapid prototyping, I've found that maintaining it can be really difficult for anything large
Comment from : @tombert512

I like Ruby, but hate how long it takes to install it correctly on windows 😂
Comment from : @Anstroy95

Stef knows he's got viewers from Karachi Seeing snow on the ground in July is so cool and refreshing
Comment from : @taariqq

A very accurate and succinct summary of the language in my opinion I've always thought that Ruby, and the reason I treasure it so much, is best as a tutorial/beginners language and framework As web app development can be horribly intimidating, it has great value in helping new programmers in building RESTful applications, and that is invaluable from that perspective Really nailed it with Convention over Configuration
Comment from : @AlphaFoxDelta

I am a PHP lover <3
Comment from : @opuu

I'm a Ruby on Rails developer, and I loved your insights! brAlso, since I was tied to the conventions when I learned rails, I also learned so many good practiced that I can easily reapply to other languages brSuper easy to transfer from rails to python/js/golang etc :)
Comment from : @lucasucs1169

java server pages lol thats what i use at work
Comment from : @harambetidepod1451

Fair points but Ruby is just a very elegant language :) Show me some Python or PHP code vs Ruby code and you can see the difference!
Comment from : @sajadtorkamani9399

Why Google have Kotin and Flutter/Dart simultaneously? Is there a reason to learn Flutter/Dart in 2020?
Comment from : @StalXERHD

Hi I have a question Would you mind answering it?? I am learning to be a web developer and I know that I should learn Java script How much JS knowledge should I have at least to build a website and make money🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ (It would be better if you mention the topics) Thank you all😁😁😁
Comment from : @alicoder9872

Ruby is dead, PHP is dead, everything is dead
Comment from : @stanleyextra2812

If you don't like Ruby don't use it No one is forcing you to brI just wrote a couple of scripts for a company in Holland, refactored their website and earned 45k for 2 weeks work (with an ongoing contract)brRuby 30 is coming in December with static typing and will knock many languages out of the waterbrbr'Hey' was just released and was written in Ruby and Rails It's looking great so farbrbrRuby is alive and well with jobs, community, a growing list of maintained gems and excellent documentationbrbrStop posting crap Stefan
Comment from : @je9625

Ruby is improving performance with time, lot of things are fixed since 2011 and there are still lot of improvements in the future with Ruby 30
Comment from : @taab84

It's important to learn Ruby so that you can simultaneously talk about how much you hate it and how much you wish some other language was more like it
Comment from : @programming2249

The only framework close enough to be a replacement for Ruby on Rails is Laravel The NodeJS people made multiple attempts to replicate it, like SailsJS The NodeJS community is too fragmented, unlike the PHP community who agress that Laravel is a clear winner So I'm sticking with Laravel I suggest learning Ruby if someone is interested in programming languages It's a lot more elegant that Python I use Python too but having deeply nested conditions/loops are hard to read because it has no closing element ( } in PHP, end in Ruby)
Comment from : @terryhenyo9216

Ruby currently holds 3rd position in server-side language usage It actually surpassed Java this year and is still growingbr w3techscom/technologies/history_overview/programming_language/ms/ybrI have used Laravel , Ruby on Rails and Python Django and Ruby is superior to Django not only community is bigger and more helpfulbrDjango probably the most overrated Back end framework out there and Python only has a Market size of 14 less than half than RubybrNodejs is probably the most "overrated" it was supposed to even replace PHP yet it's market has only just recently reached 1 and has multiple frameworks and now is dividing again due to Deno Laravel is the Better than Both Django and Ruby on rails is more modern and has a VERY stronger community The only second choice to PHP is C# which has second place and is strong in corporate world and medium businesses
Comment from : @cla1814

Yep, the mic is good
Comment from : @pen8142

Local job prioritize first, not about hype on outside there, in my country PHP still many demand
Comment from : @ariosetiawan173

Redmine seems to meet my needs I haven't used it yet But it checks off all my boxes on Wikipedia
Comment from : @SportsIncorporated

Stef you are KILLING me :D Greetings, a full time ruby/rails dev from Germany (yes, we have almost no ruby jobs here in Germany, but the job is nice so far I am honing my javascript /c# skills with side projects, CANT DEPEND ON RUBY ON THE LONG RUN)
Comment from : @cocoman710

"Jobs?" I don't use Ruby for jobs!brbrI just use Ruby
Comment from : @computerscience7048

Only learning for CocoaPods and Shopify right now
Comment from : @NintendoGamer789

Thanks for the insight! And, yes, I like the mic
Comment from : @scottisitt

JavaScript and PHP is the best way to go
Comment from : @pinchasjm

Stef, your content is great Thanks for sharing your wisdom and life experience to educate people like me This is one of dozens of videos of yours I have watched Thanks againbr^My first youtube comment ever
Comment from : @johnathonmarshall4857

Thanks man you videos are very helpful to me thanksI Also made my own programming channel I will love some support please
Comment from : @sabelofakudze123

0:42 Stefan's been dating so many women, both while writing PHP and Ruby, that he's been able to pull stats on how attracted women are to him, depending on what language he writes! 😜😂
Comment from : @DidiGrooves

Rails was dead in 2016, It was dead in 2017, It was dead in 2018, It was dead in 2019 and finally it's dead in 2020 and more interestingly I am using it
Comment from : @kamalpandey7177

Stefan kills me whenever he mentions Ruby lol
Comment from : @koketsommusi8374

Stephan I just fall in love with Elixirwhile every body is going with golangif elixir what a woman I would have divorce for her what do you think about elixir?brThanks for answering
Comment from : @servantofjesuschrist8790

My goal is to become a not Ruby developer
Comment from : @davide4607

So this was all to say that I should put PHP developer on my Tinder profile?
Comment from : @after_alec

When I saw the title I closed everything to watch this Lmao
Comment from : @thefakedeal

Hey dot com was just to remind people that Rails exists
Comment from : @MikeDest

Yesterday I was wondering about the history of ruby jokes Here comes the video, stay safe, Stefan is a mind reader!
Comment from : @dalaciu

I love Ruby as a language - but last year I chose RoR as a framework for a commissioned web project, and that has probably changed my view on itbrServer keeps hanging, for no apparent reason - gotta manually send a keyboard interrupt about twice per week - could be that it's all down to the server being run on a Windows machine Nobody on seems to knowbrBut I love using it for smaller scripts, like eg managing files on my own machine, more so than I do Python
Comment from : @8bitRemakes

Twitter, GitHub, Airbnb, shopify, etc are based on Ruby brscrimmin app taken so long' d be a little amorsification
Comment from : @Diegoalllll

NASA and Tesla using Ruby to launch satellites
Comment from : @vkray

For BFF and writing jsonapi, rails is still good option 2020, Ruby on Rails takes two developers that never worked together before and put them in the same pagebrThe problem with ruby and why I wont revisit the language anytime soon again, is the lack of static typing
Comment from : @guled669

I observed that are are less (almost non-existent) entry-level ruby/rails roles and a lot more entry level roles for PHP/Laravel
Comment from : @calvinebun-amu5397

this whole video is a jok 😂
Comment from : @gogogogogogogogogogog9

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