Title | : | Will Digital Payments Replace Cash In The U.S? |
Lasting | : | 14.14 |
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Views | : | 794 rb |
I surmise that the main reason people still operate in cash is because they are doing business under the table that they would prefer the government not know about Cash is untraceable Comment from : @pluggy86 |
I don’t think companies would allow this to happen I work for a small business and bossman says the fees the proceeding company charge are ridiculous Comment from : @btk1207 |
I like to always have my cents Have cents in your card, you can't use it😉 Comment from : @TreeswithFlowers323 |
Until tornadoes come throughout no power to get money or make purchase Comment from : @patrickgable610 |
Payment Every month payment ATM 🏧 card number cvc on Comment from : @kadarchirankara |
My ID can ATM card uosed only Comment from : @kadarchirankara |
KADAR C yes 🇺🇸 NRO ID NRI ID ATM card aire many transfer today Comment from : @kadarchirankara |
Y'all idiots are crazy to let Joe Biden and Alicia his wife burn good currency in the federal reserves and fort Knox system Comment from : @BeatriceFord-d8e |
Good one tiller doller 6e nch and12en ch money give me ramhari luitel Comment from : @SnehaThapa-r9n |
I remember when I just got into crypto back in 2019 but later in 2020 I ended up selling it because I was dumb and I didn't understand it I studied and learned and now I know how it works Got back into crypto early in 2023 with 10k and I’m up with 128k in a short period of time This comment serves as motivation for all those who have invested and continue to invest in cryptocurrencies with so many losses, do not give up, cryptocurrencies can change your life Do your best to connect with the right people and you will surely see changes Comment from : @dulcehahn12 |
What if you don't have internet outside how will you use cashless payment in stores? Comment from : @isaacph3989 |
They would block your bank account for political reasons in a heartbeat like they did in Canada and to Kanye West Do not let them take cash away ever! Comment from : @zergilli9719 |
Removing cash will make people vulnerable to unreasonable government oversight and ovcasional technology failures which can be global Comment from : @specialandroid1603 |
Government is shoveling this down our throat no cash less government Keep it the green money tell your neighbors hell no keep cash Comment from : @ronstrahl4763 |
They want to control you hell no Comment from : @ronstrahl4763 |
No your trying to shove this fake money down our throat Biden Governmet made to much cash Comment from : @ronstrahl4763 |
Another lie there telling 3this I use cash all the time hell no digital dollar hell no Comment from : @ronstrahl4763 |
First thing the Communist dictator does is confiscate all guns and get control of the money This digital system end game is it takes control of the government from the people and hands it to the big brother dictatorship Just say no! Comment from : @77space-vt8wi |
To walk around without any money in your pocket doesn't make any sense to me, I never walk out the door with just a debit card, never If you think money is dirty, learn how to wash your hands, it's a better habit than constantly borrowing money When I buy something I prefer that the transaction is over, I'm not interested in dealing with it a month later Comment from : @irocitZ |
I have gone back to cash I withdraw the amount of money I want and that lasts me for the week The best thing about cash is your payments are NOT tracked Comment from : @Dean256 |
This was done on purpose They created Covid so people would go along with the global agenda Comment from : @Amer1st |
Yep you go ahead and go cashless, the black market is going to explode thank you very much you just made me a millionaire Comment from : @neilcolley4146 |
It's going to be just like God said it would no difference if you don't know what's happening read it yourself the last book you'll be glad you did reid it one more time Comment from : @Greenthumme1962 |
God said that when one man stands on the shore of Galilee and talks to another man on the other side on their shore though a talking Stone we would know the times at hand for his returnarnt we doing that now Lord God knows ❤ Comment from : @Greenthumme1962 |
People are getting rid of cash on their own Nobody instructed them to do it I have a $20 bill in my wallet that's been there so long I don't know how it got there I think I was at a restaurant paying the bill and one of the party offered to pay the tip and gave me cash Maybe I'll hold on to it to remind me of what money used to be Comment from : @erniekeller1093 |
I'll tell you why companies want to be cashless, because people spend more on plastic or apple pay, end of story Comment from : @anaymakan6989 |
This is so true and yet so many don’t even realise it!brCashless societybrNew World OrderbrRuled by AIbrEverything we do monitored brNo food / buying / selling unless vaccinated / Mark of the beast - 666brbrTime to seek Christ & be saved from all this & HellbrSeek eternal life in Jesus✝ Comment from : @MichaelCashVEVO |
Politicians will never approve a cashless society They need cash to cheat and spent campaign cash without scrutiny Comment from : @roberthicks9191 |
I play on the old man angle and act like I dont understand new technology I play dumb and use cash with no problem,its part of my disguise,Im smarter than I appear I already know that society and government cannot be trusted, I also spend a lot less than I used to,therefore I have a good surplus of cash on hand😊 Comment from : @JohnGalt1960 |
Immanuel macron is the antichrist pope Francis is the false prophet the end is near Comment from : @ShebaZwick |
Never rule out cash Comment from : @SinghAu |
The End of Doller Soon brbrIts Better Day Ahead brbrThank You Russia and China Comment from : @Cosmicenergytrapper |
CBDC is not just a digital version of the dollar This blond lady is lying Central Bank Digital Currency will be programmable, which means the Central Bank can set limits on what it can be spent on and how much can be spent It will also keep track of everything you spend, so that every single transaction is recorded You will have no option to extract a physical version of the CBDC It will be completely 100 traceable and controlled Comment from : @Procopius464 |
Let's go back to trading in metals Comment from : @Procopius464 |
She says she's concerned about sanitation, but in the meantime has this big huge nose ring How is that safe or clean? Comment from : @Procopius464 |
It has nothing to do with electronics, they just ran out of it!! Comment from : @classesanytime |
Greetings: Greetings: 1) My opinion if Covid is that it was mostly an over dramatized facade abused by governments, businesses and law enforcement 2 exercise control Such which I delined 2 let alter my life 2) Stimulus and "cadh payments" A) Most do not realize most or all of that is taxable Not being eligible I cannot verify 1st hand I am interested in knowing how they define "cadh payment" I doubt they send or deliver cash (currency hereinafter referred as cash) Which brings my 2nd 2) The Payment Choice Act has been stalled many times and reintroduced I attempted contact with Mr Payne (the original author) , legislators and media with no replies The refusal of cash is hypocritical by most As is the use of non- cash payments 90 /cent of goods paid by non-cash is handled by hand at some point I understand the convenience and false security False Bcuz, as history has proven, electronic transactions R not secure of funds ir privacy Thus violation of citizens' liberties I know 1st hand of suffering from the the refusal of my cash I am 1 of the 55 million Which brings my 3rd 3) In 2005 the feds forced a bill thru congress called Real ID Act It was commonly labeled Anti- terrorist Act Such allows said governments , agencues and law enforcement 2 view and violate citizens' privacy without due cause or warrant Most of the states rejected it On the outside it eas said 2 prevent terrirism by citizenship verification and tracking of international visitstions Indide it is a tracking of all peoples in, entering and departing the states Also ut created funding, further laws, agencies and funds and great expenses violating citizens' liberties Many reasons many of the states disliked and refused it The, now law, requires 50 state complianxe and is enforced by federal funding as usual Still now not states approve or R 'in compliance ' I and millions if others have been victimized by the hypocritical, false presented Real ID Act Such has led 2 homeless, oppression, discrimination by such oppression Such has led 2 many orotests, riots, crime and sevete social disruptionsand will probably continue until a serious amendment or repeal occurs I do not condone such acts however I understand the idea leading Imagine a person trying 2 purchase food, clothing, medical/ medicine 4 their family or themself They only have cash Bcuz the Real ID Act stripped them of bank account, job, driving, Rtc and businesses refuse cash br I have contacted legislators and media on such exploits and the repeal of the Real ID Act As expected, no replies Yhe aforementioned is evidence government is not interested in "we the people" Only those who directly benefit said government has their interest Educate, contact legislators, lobby, peaceably protest the repeal of the Real ID Act and approve the Payment Choice Act Lets restore the USA Comment from : @Dark_Knight_USA |
These Rich people that over the government want to take everything away from America and make this country like 3 world Controlling People life's that wrong Comment from : @Cindyann-is3ek |
PEOPLE blame the covid for everything Comment from : @Cindyann-is3ek |
This isn't good This is Sad This Government has mess up everything Cash the debit card are good Cash people are stealing more Comment from : @Cindyann-is3ek |
They want to get rid of cash so that they can control the way we spend our money keep cash cash is king Comment from : @The_Unkown_144 |
Just imagine that $100 bill you have in your pocket or purse, was at one pint… in between someone’s butt checks in a strip club or up in a nose snorting coke through it Comment from : @revxgirl1231 |
Cash NEEDS to be ALWAYS usedbrREFUSE to do business with business owners that only accepts cards and mobile payments Comment from : @johnnyangel504 |
the General population will choose the most convenient and card/mobile will win over the next few generations Comment from : @sounds0fmeows |
did you buy a can of beans yesterday, no sir, go to the account, yes you did lock him up Comment from : @mothermarlow4914 |
Anyone that says everyone will go to cash, had no clue how a big chunk of our population works Comment from : @Mike7734-r2g |
Greetings: Thx for your presentation The political control and oppression of society is dead on In fear the 'sheep' aka: citizens will, again, be slaughtered by the wolves aka: governments brRecently such a bill was proposed here in the USA Such bill has been stalled by opponents in both dtate and federal legislation Such opponents are similar views of yhe Real ID Act of 2005 in that they are invadive of our civil liberties and rights Governments cannot take away our rights as per the Constitution however they have manipulated it and found eays to make our rights harder to enjoy Example: Firearms are legal to own and shoot Yhey have taxed and regulated their ownership, use and ammunition making such right difficult 2 enjoy As such currency is under attack The recent COVID propaganda has enforced such fooling citizens The removal of currency and the Real ID Act are both masks of government infringement of citizens liberties, privacy and rights by control As such they split society in 2 groups and further oppress those in the lower The Real ID Act was passed against initial states approval by control of funds In essence the legislators' votes were bought Those not later found out they were deceived In the USA there is confusion by the judicial system and people in the meaning of "Legal tender" and " for all debts and services" As in much other legislation this argument will have to be followed up by the Payment Choice Act to resolve Thx 4 the share Comment from : @Dark_Knight_USA |
Cash can't be replace That will lead to more control for the government over us Comment from : @felixaaliceamartinez7890 |
The content in this video hasn't aged very well! Comment from : @TeamAzeanVentures |
When email come around we didn't get rid of the postal system In the same way we don't need to get rid of cash just because cards/digital payments are here They both have their uses Comment from : @infohound41 |
How stupid do they think we are Comment from : @arthurrussell7524 |
No thank youbrCash and lawful money are still kingbrLet the grid go down brOops no can do transactions brDamn now whatbrDidnt you tell us the grid andbrInfrustructue was susceptibelbrTo fail uh oh no more digital anything Comment from : @arthurrussell7524 |
I use 95 on digital cards and apps I hate handling money 💰 Comment from : @rudyb2755 |
I agree will never happeneing in us Comment from : @ghostbaz12 |
Cash is the best it be a shame What is everything coming to? You gotta be careful using some of them cards that they make you purchase online It just feels good it’s like it’s real you know what you’re going to get you’re not going to get ripped off Comment from : @BonnieBurton-o8t |
Powers down internet down eftpos is down who do you call? 3:17 Comment from : @shanerichardson3212 |
Although I prefer using cash with small transactions, the larger payments, ie mortgage, car loans, etc I trust digitally So much so, I invested in a company, Intercomputer, with hope their system can be implemented Comment from : @mcdogloo |
I prefer cash and am 18 Comment from : @shelbys6758 |
What if there is no need for money as in Star Trek Comment from : @EngPheniks |
Oh dear People want to keep dirty pieces of paper that have no value unless teh central banks say they have Why? They even have serial numbersbrWhy not go backk to teh barter system? 2 chickens for a haircut? brAnd dont be fooled with the odd business saying they prefer cash, most businesses dont Electronic is instant, and doesnt need a security company to come and pick it up Comment from : @erichalfbee503 |
49 seconds in - and these guys just tell lies - Digital Currency is Not Money - It is not Backed by anything real that gives it Value, and Digital Currency is EXPENCIVE - It is UNSUSTAINABLE and uses huge amounts of C02 through all the Electricity and Devices required to use it Anyone that uses a Cell or Mobile device is causing as much C02 as a Fossil Fueled Truck in a Year WHAT EVER IS CONVIENIENT OR EASY COSTS HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY AND RESOURSES to run Stop being so dumb Comment from : @radiopete7290 |
George Orwell is doing flip flops in his grave Comment from : @johnwright291 |
Billions of people are still using cash not just cards let’s be honest Using a card to order off line you have to worry about your packages being stolen when they deliver it that’s not safe either Comment from : @raheemajohnson8429 |
If we do not use cash the world will become very diiferent Also many people will get stressed and will have difficulties In my opnion, the cash should still exisist Comment from : @eomseoa |
Lazy people are what is causing a lot of this stuff, to lazy to figure stuff out Comment from : @janetdavis4724 |
Cashless transaction will not replace cash, because cashless transactions are easily traced & the crooked politicians & gangsters would not want this Cash is untraceable Comment from : @grahammidwinter9895 |
Must have essential service?😅brEvery prison that is deployed up us is either a "right" or a "service" br I'm thankful that I'm not dumb enough to take these "experts" and their e_delphi from Hell seriously br Still frustrated with how easy it has been to convince the youth that any of these changes is a unanticipated reaction to "hygiene" issues and unforseen accidents br br The younger generations were born to be conditioned for the collapse in the same way that the older ones of us were conditioned to gravitate towards accepting the inevitable loss of "traditional trends" Comment from : @necksugar |
Thanks bud for keepin us financially Educated! Regardless of how bad it gets on the economy, I still make over $13,000 every single week Comment from : @johndomnik-z3g |
Yes, democratic countries should never go into digital currencies Please continue to print paper money Comment from : @zhenwenlu2607 |
I think having both is best Because while digital money is convenient, you don’t have as much privacy and it isn’t always guaranteed to function Cash can always be a useful backup in those situations and is more private Comment from : @morsecode980 |
When the power is out that card is worthless All natural disasters come with power outages Digital currency requires electricity and internet connection Comment from : @danielburgess1769 |
When the grid goes offline, digital is worthless Real money, hard copy dollar is king Comment from : @johnsotelo3125 |
Cash will always be king Comment from : @JayJay-ft9zu |
Just looking at this after its release two years ago Cash is very essential and I cannot imagine when the Cell towers and satellite systems relays are disrupted due to a catastrophe like here in Florida 2022 by Hurricane IAN you needed cash to purchase gas, oil, food even food being served along side highways from vendors No electronic service or phones for quite a while Comment from : @lls8890 |
ok let me guess this straight i got to take advice from a woman with a nose ring like the cows have in india i don't think so AS FOR THAT BLONDE BIMBO YOU HAVE LOST YOUR MIND /brNOT INTERESTED IN HAVING GOVERNMENT RUN MY LIFE more than they already do you want 666 on your forehead you go right ahead !!!!!!!! count me out Comment from : @enzomadonia8674 |
Dont be fooled, the banksters will control all of us, use cash and barterthe bank system is full of corrupt people Comment from : @robertcua2337 |
I prefer cash cuz if power goes out u can't buy anything Comment from : @simplyclean4907 |
I still use cash for most purchases i still use checksach and other services i have issues with with theft Comment from : @cheezeball6109 |
Joe Biden wanna send digits every election lol Comment from : @goneviral8814 |
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