Title | : | Questionable Color Morgan Dollars - Artificial Toning, or Natural Toning? Taking a Closer Look AT NT |
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So did they comeback questionable color? Comment from : @mattp5712 |
those are the prettyes toners ive seen in a wile Comment from : @kennethwolfey |
I have an 1881-S Morgan that has a similar toning to it as the Morgans you are showing and saying they are artificially toned I am old enough to remember when my coin didn’t have that kind of toning, yet now it does The only thing I can figure is that 40 years ago it was placed in a box that had some cotton batting in it because it was a gift and it simply remained in that box for all of those years Surely the cotton and the box must have caused the toning, but I wouldn’t call it artificial toning It wasn’t intended to tone the coin at all and I never thought about it toning the coin, but the fact remains, it is toned now Comment from : @_CYB0RG_ |
When I hear the words "artificial toning," I infer that someone did something to the coins that caused toning to occur This is opposed to what happens to a coin when it is just left to age in a way that nature would take its course over time to change the appearance of the surface of the coin What do you think of my interpretation? Comment from : @brucetelfeyan |
Skin Comment from : @camarneal8058 |
hi sir, thanks for the awesome videos sharing, has learn alot from ur videos!! Comment from : @sgstackerdiary2312 |
Did they come back from grading? Comment from : @tom_morgandealer_pgh1648 |
Those are all artificial tone Comment from : @jbjz1154 |
Did you ever ask the lady how she stored them? Comment from : @garyhashimoto5915 |
Ciekaw jestem czy patyna na monetach jest oryginalna czy nie ! Comment from : @pociecha-ub3et |
I will mention this, toned coin's can be beautiful but they can also hide surface imperfection's underneath the toning As an example, in the past I had purchased a 1956 MS-65 OGH Franklin Half Dollar - Toned Honestly, I cracked it out and had the coin "dipped out" to make it Gem White (I do not recommend messing with a coin - I did it in this case because the toning was ugly and wanted a nice raw coin) and I discovered a large scratch in the left obverse field that was hidden in the slab underneath the toning Lesson learned Comment from : @ProKarate |
This was a very informative video Thank you Comment from : @frankchase9297 |
I want buy a Morgan dollar or peace dollar with any kind of toning or extra color on the coin, those colors can be added to the point so they can jack up the price and try and say oh it was done a hundred years ago them coins were put out like brand new pieces of silver a hundred years ago and they did not come out with toning and coloring all over them come on get real think about it some of them coins look like they've been through fire to get certain colors on them, I won't buy a silver dollar that has any kind of excess of extra color on it, to me that is damaged and it should lower the value Comment from : @robertrichards9275 |
Leave them in direct sun for a year or two you'll have the same result, so ls it artificially toned or Environmental damage or not damaged at all? Comment from : @gregciesielski683 |
Love those toned coins they are lovely Comment from : @timmaybanks5473 |
Artificial toning can be removed by a quick dip Comment from : @typeviic1 |
I like each of those rainbow colors Morgan Silver Dollars regardless of natural or artificial toning 👍 Comment from : @fernandorivera2395 |
Idea for a video: take some inexpensive Morgan’s and see if you can artificially tone them using some of the more popular methods brAlso I’d really like to see how people turn old copper red and show the difference between the natural and artificial red Comment from : @tylonnplatinumthe3rd659 |
Good job guy’s 👍🤙 Comment from : @Lani91113 |
Both the Sunnywood color scale and the "toning ignores the level of the coin" explanation may be sufficient as a baseline to determine whether some toned coins are natural or artificial While these coins roughly follow some of the terminal colors in the Sunnywood scale, I would stay away from them at premium prices The progression from "N" to "T" (NT would be confusing) stages is too uniform while being spotty The "Bullseye" effect on these is totally wrong Comment from : @bulacano3014 |
Ben, How can all these Silver Eagles that are only 10 to 35 yrs old have such fantastic natural rainbow toning certified by NGC & PCGS ? Check some out on Great Collections How does this happen in such a short time ? Comment from : @kevinhoock9742 |
hannibal luster Comment from : @rogermueller9143 |
black coins matter Comment from : @rogermueller9143 |
This is one reason I prefer the blast white to only slight toning near the rim Comment from : @alwaysseekingsilver |
I would have thought the ice-blue disc of tone on the first Morgan was a giveaway for artificial toning There’s an auction company that sells mostly raw coins That blue disc is commonly seen on their seated liberty types, capped bust halves, and some of their Morgans I got burned once with that I suspected and NGC confirmed brbrI did see a lustrous proof late Washington that was 100 Caribbean Blue on both sides It got certified The guy wanted low 5 figures for it I suspect he will get it Comment from : @tyrfingbroadaxe1217 |
i like the reverse think with the graders ,, now they will grade high ,, lol Comment from : @THEBULK1023 |
Very rarely is toning symmetrical & those Morgan's are damaged, too bad they have such nice detail Thank you for your contributions to the trade Comment from : @JrGiles911 |
Yep, it looks like that little old lady put her morgans in the oven with her muffins If you do decide to send some in for grading, I would not send them all at once, that would be an automatic AT for all more than likely Some of the reverses looked great, obverses did not Comment from : @Olde-Raleigh-Shoppe-NC |
Nice coins Ben do you have any examples of toned wheat or indian head pennies over the years i have found some wild looking pennies but am still learning all the time Keep up the good work enjoy your vids : ) Comment from : @jason4109 |
My ‘21D is on its way to looking that way but it’s natural Comment from : @silverdrillpickle7596 |
I do think that artificial toning damages the coins and people along with dealers think they are worth more when in fact they just ruined the coin but that's my opinion Thx for sharing 👍 Comment from : @lewisoverfield5294 |
This subject is why I got out of the hobby, I love toned coins and had original ones, and got killed trying to sell, no more Comment from : @Patriot1777 |
Every Noob Morgan Collection needs a good Questionable Color specimen, yeah?! It should be mandatory for all people who O-bey, so that it may serve as a reminder to all, that it's strictly forbidden to defile any virgin Lady Liberty on a single Morgan dollar! Punishable by up to $1,000 fine or 12 months in jail, whichever comes first This won't hurt the poor the most or anything like that don't you worry It's just how we do "Rant Circuits Activated* There's a vendor on eBay who defiles large numbers of Morgans every day to sell on his page Obviously in most cases, he just lazily dumps chemicals on them to make them all kinds of rainbow colors Do these chemicals cause damage to the coin's top surfaces? I have to 99 believe that yes he is He's forcing the metal on the top layer of the coin to have a reaction to his chemicals In any case the eBay guy is incompetent and his coins would never fool NGC or PCGS He colors Morgan dollars and slings coins all day long What a career I don't know if he's using sulfur concoctions or perfumes or what He makes a premium $$ over what those coins would sell for otherwise Sad! Okay, rant is now completed Comment from : @fifteenbyfive |
Like the look of some of those Comment from : @machine260292 |
One of the most important things to consider is the length of time that it takes for a coin to tone Those first 3 coins actually DO NOT look artificial at all I’ve seen many coins in old folders that I know for sure have naturally toned like this Some of the dead giveaways for True AT coins are the colors : neon blue, pink and yellow Those deep greens and reds that are in some of those coins are not produced in a short period of time; it just cannot be done fast (hrs, days weeks) In order to progress according to the Sunnywood toning classification system Time is the key factor brTechnically there are three kinds of toned Coins artificial natural and intentional Intentional can be market acceptable and achieved by means of putting in old folders or albums etc even the old envelope in the windowsill trick works and in my opinion is a fully natural means of toning a coin brFor a full comprehensive detailed description of toning I would check out the Sunnywood color classification system online by Doug Kurz Comment from : @gtrlover7 |
I appreciate your explanation of toning It is very hard for me to tell the difference and I would like to learn more With buyers paying top dollar for toning, I would expect to see more coins like these coming into the marketplace Looking forward to seeing the results 👍 Comment from : @Ontario100 |
Great work Ben !!!brThe a-toning looks like mardi gras time 🍀😎🍀 Comment from : @macmcguffie1003 |
There should be a market for artificially toned coins as well as cleaned ones Sometimes they look nicer that the original ones Comment from : @josevarjas8263 |
What those who artificially tone coins How they do it Is there a process A special paper that over time tone coins And how long does it take Questions questions Comment from : @josevarjas8263 |
your leaving out the question of length of time and purpose of were people place coins Lets say someone places coins in a cardboard box with the intention of toning them, They tone in 1 yr colorful from sulfer in the cardboard(I have personally done this for experimentation) Is that artificial toning? What about the old lady who placed them in the same box for 10 yrs without any purpose and they also tone Is that natural or artificial toning? Remember the same chemical reactions are taking place whether they happen fast or slow No matter what chemical(s) has initiated toning they are all a form damage I suggest the book "coin Chemistry" by Weimar W White It goes into the same subjects as Ben but way more detail like chemical reaction equations Comment from : @colbysvids |
Liitle Ole lady with an easy bake oven?? 😁 Comment from : @musicman102357 |
I would never buy a coin like these raw Comment from : @alfredparsons6811 |
When you think about it and look, you can see the edge outline daisychained around the target coin from the overlapping coins 👍💰 not always but sometimes Comment from : @edwardjohn1614 |
All toning is "environmental damage", because it's some level of tarnish to the metal caused by something in the environment that the coin was in I can tone a silver coin by putting it in a container with an old black hard rubber fountain pen because black hard rubber "outgases" into the air and causes any silver in the same container to turn dark brbrThat said, I think it's a guess by NGC and PCGS on what it is that they call "artificial toning" I doubt that there's little consistency to it from grader to grader They use the totally subjective standard Ben noted "I don't know what artificial toning is, but I know it when I see it" Comment from : @JohnD357 |
I understand wanting to eliminate artificially altered coins But I believe there are many coins out there graded AT that simply are not I have 2 Morgan Dollars that were locked in a safe from about 1985 to last year NGC graded them artificially toned but I strongly disagree with their opinion Especially frustrating because they are in the 65-66 range Any item that is as old as these dollars could have been stored in many different places through their lifetime Plus the alloy could vary slightly from batch to batch The toning on these two coins is not colorful and I don't care much for it It is also only on one side It is sort of a light golden brown and covers the entire surface very uniformly Comment from : @flower2289 |
I know someone who has made piles of cash by selling artificially toned coins on ebay He even told me how to do it They don't use chemicals or solvents or anything except another coin containing the same base metals but less of them They just overlap said coins onto the edge of the target coin and let it sit for a period of time After a few days presto chango, perfect toning So I'd stay away from these over inflated and pricey "toned" coins on ebay unless you know how to spot artificial toning that uses no chemical additives or solvents My friend even showed me an artificially toned Morgan and it looked perfect and natural Caveat Emptor👍 PS: I wouldn't touch any of the coins you show in this video Comment from : @edwardjohn1614 |
It would be interesting to find a pair of toned morgans that look similar in the toning, and to only send 1 toned coin in at a time, with some other bright white morgans that are not toned,one set to each ngc and the other to pcgs grading companies so you don't red flag them with a 1/2 dozen of toned coins I think they would definitely flag them if you sent all the toned ones it at the same timebrHopefully that made sense! Can't wait for the results Comment from : @mattslife82 |
Hi, Ben Those Morgans look beautiful Good luck with the grading My tone is from the natural aging process, unquestionably However, I am definitely environmentally damagedbrbTYU/b Comment from : @donaldinnewmexico |
Yeah most often one side is toned and the other is blast white or has a completely different look Maybe with a little toning on the white side No way to control that if it’s being heated Both sides are getting it br The luster is usually far better than this as well Comment from : @grantv2313 |
Boiled Egg-style Comment from : @alexvaksman7473 |
Both sides have that deep toning Most naturally heavily toned coins show substancial toning difference from one side to the other The side that was face up is usually toned more The downward side of the coin is usually toned at the rim only These coins have no way to "lay" and get toned over a long period Comment from : @jppagetoo |
I love a good toned coin but artificial toning is generally unappealing on a coin I look forward to seeing how your submissions come back! Comment from : @TheQuickSilver101 |
Liver of sulphur Comment from : @667hodge |
The issue I would see with the coins you showed was how complete the toning is The natural toning examples you showed start at an edge, skip certain places, and don't envelope the entire coin Comment from : @taylorism5613 |
Can't wait to see the results of the coins you submit I just had a group of commemoratives graded by PCGS Three of them I had bought in the 80s from a Texas dealer who was known for artificially toning everything in his inventory All three came back as MS64 It was a pleasant surprise! Comment from : @expoboy52 |
I tend to favor blast white but do appreciate beautifully naturally toned coins with all the current interest this is a very timely videobrGD Comment from : @GDSavingThePast |
I sent a Morgan to NGC who graded it AT, cracked it and sent to PCGS who gave it a 66 I'm not sure what the lesson is there Comment from : @philipjaffe8788 |
Or send to anacs and get a grade as well as your artifically toned, as opposed to pcgs Comment from : @silvadelshaladin |
Do you mean I shouldn't store my Morgans in the fridge next to the Deviled egg sandwiches? Comment from : @danielbasso586 |
It looks like they have been held to a torch If it ruins the coin, are they reduced to scrap? Comment from : @rickb1387 |
Still confusing to me I’ve lost a lot of money trying to figure out from AT and NT Ugh Comment from : @patty0874 |
First Comment from : @newcentswithsomeoldcoins2051 |
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