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From the Womb to the Tomb: True Catholic Social Justice

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Title :  From the Womb to the Tomb: True Catholic Social Justice
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Comments From the Womb to the Tomb: True Catholic Social Justice

This couple is an excellent example for many Catholic couples living their marriage bond from womb to tomb as well Great!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @mulipolatuuumataafatiufeaa4964

Comment from : @ab_won1

I watch these two sometimes thsts why not documentaries I’m smart
Comment from : @danielcallum8015

Moral justice, which is obviously good because it requires individual virtue responding to moral imperatives, is not "social justice" which is a demonically evil and anti-Christian concept predicated on the notion that evil is impersonal, requiring elitists to engineer its extinction by ruling society through progressive tyrannies, including a reordering of fundamental concepts of right and wrong as they see fit Those who believe in social justice categorically reject the Sermon on the Mount They do so in order to avoid personal moral accountability while thinking of their intentions as benign
Comment from : @edwardbaker1331

I love you guys … that little voice in the background is awesome lol
Comment from : @HoldYourBreat4

Thank you guys for being around
Comment from : @DeadNetCord

Deportation - including deportation of people who broke laws to get in a country? Really??
Comment from : @caroljohns8532

I suppose miscarriage would be your crucifixion-resurrection self-gratifying deity's 'love' as well?
Comment from : @williamoarlock8634

Thanks Bobbie and Jackie on going over Catholic social justice, and how the early church won over people The importance of Pro-Life! As an individual who suffered from a long time medical condition, I can understand the importance of patient’s rights, and the dignity and importance of life at its weakest Right, your life is not your own It’s a gift from God God bless you
Comment from : @hksuperstar

"For he is God's minister to thee, for good But if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he beareth not the sword in vain For he is God's minister: an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil" (Romans 13:4)brGod exercises both justice and mercy Mercy to those that fear him like the good thief but to the bad thief, he didn't really exercise his mercy since he was not God-fearing The death penalty if used prudently and justly is legitimate and doesn't violate the fifth commandment as many of the doctors of the Church taught such as St AugustinebrbrYes, the unborn do deserve a chance to life and we need laws to protect the unborn
Comment from : @tradcatholic8520

“From the womb to the tomb” might be a cutesy rhyme, but there are plenty of unnatural ways to get to the tomb, including euthanasiathat’s why “from conception to NATURAL death” is better
Comment from : @patriciatremblay2058

Absolutely awesome video, you two ❤️💐🙏🏾
Comment from : @thomism1016

Nobody in their "right mind" thinks a baby is non-human with no right to live Don't forget many are NOT in their "right mind" and God gives them up to do/think foolish things if they want to Romans 1:18-32
Comment from : @johns1834

Banish death penalty in USA
Comment from : @deborahnadler782

What about the death penalty?
Comment from : @joycedelmont4733

True Womb to tomb And people forget all the work done in between
Comment from : @dsc4178

Brother and Sister, I am Catholic and agree
Comment from : @dougmoore5252

Isaiah 51:6 King James Version (KJV) 6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished
Comment from : @Richie016

For healing and deliverance Please keep repeating this, while watching "the passion of Christ" movie -By the stripes and wounds of Jesus I am healed Thank you Jesus for completely healing me
Comment from : @MiracleWorkerUK

On the concept of euthanasia, what about when it comes to our pets? Is it still wrong?
Comment from : @consueloibarra-herrera5823

Thank you for this talk, sometimes we just need to be reminded if these truths
Comment from : @Lisa

Life liberty and persuit of happiness are from the declarationof independence not the constitution lolbr*rights not guaranteed
Comment from : @katherinevidmar7307

I am always happy to see a Bobby and Jackie video You two are the physical expression of Gods love in a marriage It is so happy to see a Catholic couple as role models raising a family God bless you both
Comment from : @terricolarusso2639

Thank you for sharing!
Comment from : @BlessedisShe

Does this include immigrants being held in detention centers that are undocumented? Children and refugees being separated from their mothers and also immigrant or migrant women having forced sterilization before even being deported? What does this teaching go about on the subject of borders and deportation, considering the fact that Jesus was a refugee once in time?
Comment from : @michellemarie1197

And that is why I don't support state-sanctioned murder aka capital punishment
Comment from : @angelalee7012

Comment from : @maritzamendoza4317

This video did not explain anything about how this might (or doesnt) apply to the death penalty
Comment from : @thehitomiboy7379

What would you have the law say?
Comment from : @rjskeptic5273

Nancy pelosi and Joe Biden run this country, and they're the political force behind the abortion industry which is killing a million babies a year and they are both Catholics and good standing
Comment from : @brotherroopteachesthebible5368

Afterthought, is the Roman Catholic Bible, that was canonized at Nicea, the oldest? Ethiopian, Coptic, Syriac Jehovah's witness claim Syriac
Comment from : @choice12ozborne

I agree When people say people only care about the person in the womb, they're overlooking all the organizations, outreaches, people, poor boxes, charities, missionsout there that are currently actively being the hands of Christ
Comment from : @tasha5916

Two questions Did Roman Catholics add to the Old testament or did Protestants take away those books? 2- why do Ethiopian and Coptic along with a couple more have books?
Comment from : @choice12ozborne

Hey guysI would like to improve in English and undrestand morecan somebody help me and talk with me sometimes ? It would be perfectthanks in advance
Comment from : @lukasbaca5648

Minor correction for you: br“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness ——“ bris in the Declaration of Independence (which does not have the force of law), not the Constitution (which IS law)
Comment from : @macmedic892

Thank you, Bobby and Jackie for the wonderful reflection! ✨
Comment from : @CanisDei

Comment from : @jojo_mcelwee6591

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