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Coin Roll Hunters: DO THIS To Get Guaranteed Coins From EVERY BANK!!

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Information Coin Roll Hunters: DO THIS To Get Guaranteed Coins From EVERY BANK!!

Title :  Coin Roll Hunters: DO THIS To Get Guaranteed Coins From EVERY BANK!!
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Frames Coin Roll Hunters: DO THIS To Get Guaranteed Coins From EVERY BANK!!

Description Coin Roll Hunters: DO THIS To Get Guaranteed Coins From EVERY BANK!!

Comments Coin Roll Hunters: DO THIS To Get Guaranteed Coins From EVERY BANK!!

Thanks for all you do
Comment from : @cragarruhman919

I say I am getting for my son that collects lol brWorks every time- he does collect btw The banks work for the people and they are able to order from the mint I just got some and I swear it seemed like everybody has searched every single role before it was put together There is nothing in any of them I have better luck when I go to the bank asking them if they had anybody bring them in
Comment from : @aevansrn107

Dude that was good information I'm glad I watched this
Comment from : @Fleshyfletch

My bank pretty much told me yhey take the silver out themselves now It sucks
Comment from : @gpawoodyshoneyhole

Seriously dude You should wear shades on your videos You look like you escaped from a mental hospital 😂😂😂
Comment from : @joelnordstrom8049

A local coin hunter actually lost several bank accounts recently due to his selfish actions Bone headed move He was dumping an obscene amount of coins at the same banks he obtained them from The banks had a conference call and his supply ended
Comment from : @juliesroadtrip

I usually take 100 dollars and get 4 rolls od quarters, 4 rolls of dimes, 4 rolls of nickels and the rest in pennies, that works perfect for my teller and I even offered to give her a 10 cut of what i might find She never denies me of my purchase 💯
Comment from : @officialoverlander

Chase gives me boxes every time I go in for them and no fees or questions
Comment from : @wayupinya

I cant believe I missed this video last year! I never thought about making up a story to teach my not yet in existence grandkids to count money! I will try it out since getting boxes have been futile! Thanks Shaun! 👍💯
Comment from : @shastina5493

Comment from : @jeffmorga7111

Love it!
Comment from : @zackstrigin

It really shouldn't matter to the bank ,money is there buisness Just inventory Legal tender for all transactions
Comment from : @mmg5674

Hey excellent video excellent channel there bro brHeybrI'm new to the hobby but I've been a season jeweler for quite a long time brThoughbrIs there any company that machine rolls that specifically cater to financial institutions that are more preferable than the other companies that are specifically utilize for rolling coinsbrBecause I can't find any info about what rolling companies are the most best if you know what I mean brOr is that even a thing
Comment from : @Razz-y-gyatta_rudiozo

I've been roll hunting since high-school I didn't know that's what it was called And lately nobody will give me any boxes so I appreciate your tips and I've also had no luck at random banks I'm not a member of They always say "Sorry you have to have an account" like bruh
Comment from : @Custom3dPrinting4U

When you say “bank” does that mean bank by name or would you consider buying at one branch and returning at another be ok?
Comment from : @StuSpice

Never been an issue I'm not sure what this video is about, maybe you need to find a better bank to bank at
Comment from : @neonnight34609

In treasure hunting, you used to go outside and explore or metal detect Now you just walk in a bank, exchange currency, and sit at a table for a few hours 😂
Comment from : @serimus

I have switched from ordering boxes to getting the bags off the machine The bank is happy to get rid of them and you're (almost) guaranteed to not get stuck with all brand new uncirculated coins
Comment from : @williamhoke6635

You guys on YouTube basically shot yourself in the foot
Comment from : @arlenjensen8912

I have a $1000 bill 2013 MF41111111A I don't know what it is worth I am a newb at this If you would like a picture I would send it It is circled but in good shape Thanks Joe
Comment from : @joeratcliff

Thanks for the info been trying to figure out how to get the 90 silver coins with paying a premium for them at my LCS But why nickel they don’t have silver?
Comment from : @TheUrbanStackersDen-cu1vq

I get told the Mumbo Jumbo of gotta be a Bank member or whatever yadda yaddaalmost seems illegal but yeahcrazy I can't goto a bank with my Greenbacks for coinsthis ever happened back in the day, there'd be uproars from one end of Hell to the Heavens! (Sad thingAmericans allow these acts these days and they know they can get away with practices as such, until the people become fed up but unfortunatly these Generations are nothing more than Placid Pacifists)
Comment from : @SwizZLe333

Lots of times it's because the tellers don't want to be disrupting their day by having to open the vault and carrying 25 pound pound boxes to the counter and possibly have you dump them back when you are through Especially since they make no money from it
Comment from : @richarddavis6133

I hit 3 banks and 3 CU’s in my smallish town (Stanwood Wa) and only came away with 3 rolls of half dollars from BOA I feel like either my town is too small or Banks are not cooperating with people like us any longer Just my 2 cents, pun intended
Comment from : @TotCarloMusic

My dump bank is the best , and they take any and all coins ,, the casino
Comment from : @matthewvorbach2231

Get to the freaking point already
Comment from : @AmandaFarmer-y1g

Quarters all day long at a laundromat
Comment from : @prescotts3235

If you want boxes banks normally don’t have them on hand you have to order them The only time they have older rolls is if people turn them in as a deposit or exchange for paper currency Also your not the only person asking for those rolls build relationships with tellers that’ll help
Comment from : @honestreview1049

Why would you go to a laundromat anyway if you want $20 for the quarters?
Comment from : @ProSanityMan-gr7sq

You guys mindset is so Unbelievably ridiculously weird… why on earth do you make it sound like you’re doing some kind of organized crime, mafia drug deal or something to go get $10 worth of change at a bank? Normal people, and every day society probably have a dozen different reasons for doing that every day they have never even once thought about the coin collecting industry, hobby business 20 years ago, I remember when I was drawing up in my small town or laundromat in our small town The damn coin machine was broke for like two weeks so everybody was figuring out a way to get some change they didn’t have mushroom machine at home
Comment from : @ProSanityMan-gr7sq

What you trying to say is the banks when they order bulk coins like that they’re assuming they’re giving it to somebody that’s having a business and they’re gonna be using the change to dish out to customers? Bank or what supposed to they’re not allowed it’s against the law or something to sell bulk loads of coins to individuals? Individuals are supposed to have some kind of accredited business license before they can buy coins in bulk/?
Comment from : @ProSanityMan-gr7sq

I had one establishment say that any coin orders $500 or more would incur a 5 fee
Comment from : @paulchapman205

How about the bank that charges 4 to use their counter and cash in your coins?
Comment from : @epk2027

Sounds good for a one time pick up at banks, but they catch on Find a good bank that will actually work with you I get $5000 a week, every week from my bank, Wells Fargo But, most branches will not order any for me It's not because they can't, it's because they won't Take your business to customer friendly banks They are in every community if you take time to find one
Comment from : @TimothyMeyer58

The lazy tellers don't have to count the damn things anyway What difference does it make when they all have a coinstar type machine that another company contracts?
Comment from : @Don_2773

This is a year ago and I thought it was right now They are not letting boxes go out right now brYes, never give back back to the same bankbrThank you Shawn🎉
Comment from : @user-erikinhb

I really enjoy watching this man very intelligent thank you for your videos
Comment from : @anthonymcdonald3167

You're awsome, friend! ❤
Comment from : @1Corinthians15-1

Comment from : @KimberlyStires-p8j

If I know that my bank needs a supply of a particular coin, I’ll make sure to bring it to them
Comment from : @remyferrari8501

Always treat your bank teller like gold if you want to find silver!!!
Comment from : @joshuaduitsman9553

I use coinstar and write off the “expense” as a cost to do business
Comment from : @USCOINSINTL

You are always so helpful sharing your knowledge Thank you!
Comment from : @kimberlyeligio4622

I dunno Shaun In N Ga I have had no problems They dont keep half dollars on hand but I can order them That's wild because plainly folks are experiencing problems but it's news to me
Comment from : @rlcoininfo101

Another thing I like to do is ask co workers if they have change they want to cash out I have a couple people I also think that's more random and maybe gives me better results
Comment from : @Portal2099

Just yesterday I got a 1927 Buffalo Nickel in my change from the gas station! I don't think I've ever in my 44 years of life found one in change or even hunting a box before
Comment from : @Portal2099

great info ,love your show
Comment from : @davbulla413

They removed all the silver mister long ago
Comment from : @josefunez397

I am new to coin roll hunting it seems that the new coins from 2020 and up have more errors than older coins Is it quantity and not quality these days or are the older coins just been gone through over the years and are out of circulation at the moment?
Comment from : @michaeladams3500

some of my best quarters came from the laundromat change machine and my liquor store guy automatically sends hubby home with a roll of pennies and my weekly Moscato
Comment from : @ColoradoMountainMama

It is gambling without losing money What could go wrong?
Comment from : @edwardferrari7342

Try going to your teller and asking them to help you figure out what change you need to set up some register drawers You'll get coins and bills brbrA lot of branches I've been in have coin counting machines If you have a personal account, they usually don't charge to dump a Culligan bottle of coins in
Comment from : @creesenebeker5686

Awesome video thank for being down to earth and not handing us BS
Comment from : @edgufler1122

Very good video I went to a small bank today and the best they could do was produce six rolls of Quarters for me to look at they were rerolls from a Amour Car I looked at the ends and one roll showed potential so I bought the one roll
Comment from : @edgufler1122

Great video filled with good advice Keep up the good work!
Comment from : @FSymanski

That's exactly what I do When I go to the bank I don't buy box of pennies, nickels or dimes I just ask the bank teller to give me few rolls of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters
Comment from : @emmanuelattia2657

US Bank in Illinois wanted $30 on top of the 50 cent box, so $530
Comment from : @carlignatz300

My bank told me I can dump at same place That is what one of the tellers told me without even rolling coins back up So nice! Also no fee on rolls when getting them
Comment from : @YourWorldTourGuide

I don't even bother to return them to banks, I just spend them out in the community, and merchants take them no problem most of the time
Comment from : @tymcfadden8496

7 24 Yep you right , 8 mins ya right thats hunting
Comment from : @dp6824

I would guess that you roll your coins to return them? It takes time for the tellers to use the coin machines as well
Comment from : @GBVCamp

This is so good to know I have no problem with being kind because it's my nature, but I didn't think about not returning the coins to the same bank Thank you so much for sharing Have a great week! 🙌🏼😁👏🏼☕❤️‍🔥
Comment from : @mslj4062

I finally found some rolls of 2023 penny's Been asking so many banks I got 4 rolls at Ingles grocery store
Comment from : @rebeccaburkett4974

18:30 Hello, I would like to have your opinions on some coin matters, I'm new to trying to sell them but have been collecting them for years I am new to technology and the internet, but have a friend who helps He upgraded my two tin can phone with longer waxed string And upgraded my mouse to a hamster 20 Technology is a blast JokesbrbrIf talking is ok, how would you like to do that? Email or video? I would like video If agreeable to you, please offer approx date, time, video technology you prefer so I can install and try it out In time to be ready Who calls who?brbrIf acceptable to you please let me know Sooner is betterbrThanks
Comment from : @kennywagner3245

Can someone tell me why it matters if you take them back to the same place you got them from if you paid for the fee to get them In the first place wouldn’t you be able to take them back unless they tell you not to I wouldn’t think it would be a problem but that’s why I’m asking going to my first banks for rolls next week and been doing research on what to do so take it easy on me but I want to know why so I don’t make mistakes
Comment from : @denverdovel2664

My bank will regularly have bank boxes of nickels dump my junk to the city hall to pay any fines they demand far from the bank I get them from They can't deny government money to pay a government fine Stores, business, and restaurants can have their own private exceptions, but not the governmentbrI don't tell my bank I'm them I'm sorting it, or maybe they know I just tell them I have a fine to pay and they can't deny government minted money brI have the Coinage Act printed from the government website ready to go for anyone giving me a hard time taking my money!
Comment from : @goqwertygo

Ill probably just take the extra change to the coinstar
Comment from : @Sausketo

Lie lie lie spme more to rhe banks, great advice, lol, i change out with gas stations, they think im crazy but no problems after i told them why i wanted to trade,lol
Comment from : @thomaskirby7475

Pro tip! This man speaks truth If they ask you can say I make furniture tables with Pennie’s, ect Great video
Comment from : @robertherrera6852

Coin shortage 30 million are produced yearly
Comment from : @eric1948

I have good success taking back customer wrapped quarters from me… and EXCHANGE for customer or bank wrapped rolls that are unsearched by me Like you said asking for less than a full box works It’s not a lot of work for the teller
Comment from : @mickeyminsky4776

Every once in a while, I'll throw a couple fivers in the change machine at the laundry mat 👍
Comment from : @humanaut9213

Store also accept rolled coins
Comment from : @theresa1017

As a new hunter I come to find you across YouTube, you are very wise and very informative I really appreciate the information I will use these methods
Comment from : @Trentonnation

I walked into a PNC bank and asked for a $10 roll of half dollars, and they gave it to me and said if I was a member they would give my two rolls per day
Comment from : @elagace03

Jesus 7 mins in and still no information on what the title says on the video!
Comment from : @ThomasShue

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