Title | : | Teaching Kids About SAVING MONEY and CHORES! (A Vlog) - Our Debt Disaster |
Lasting | : | 13.56 |
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Views | : | 33 rb |
❤️❤️❤️❤️ peace out Comment from : @barbkriner2374 |
What you all did with the kids was FANTASTIC!! Great lesson! Comment from : @skatergirl8019 |
Why does Gaines look so big in this video It makes me sad because I’ve been here since before she was born Comment from : @samrast7761 |
I have a question what if one of you guys get sick do you have an envelope for that or does that come out of you emergency account just wondering you guys are doing awesome keep it up love ya Comment from : @courtneyfinley984 |
Omg that Brooks snot moment is something for a wedding video 😂😂😂 Comment from : @ZoesZoo |
I’m loving all the new videos Comment from : @AnnmarieKelley |
I’m sure you have already thought of this but when you are having a house showing, do not forget to grab all of your cash envelopes and take them with you!!!!!!!! It’s so easy in a rush to forget stuff like that😊 Comment from : @meganross |
This is perfect im going to try this in my house Comment from : @kristiechambers917 |
I love what yall did with Gaines money That's awesome! I'm gonna have to start doing that What we do with my son is if he wants a big present, this year it is a go cart he has to go 1 year saving his money, spending none on crap toys and me and his dad will pay for remainder of amount and call it birthday His birthday is in May and he has almost saved 20000 so it works out But I am definitely trying yalls method also Thanks! Comment from : @porterlj7456 |
A chore chart I found out that it's the best way; Because the kids can see what their chore is that day Gaines and Brooks are so adorable , I love when Brooks ask can someone buy our house😀 Comment from : @debrawronker4932 |
What can we say? Cool people here 8-) Comment from : @MaverickVersusEverything |
I just Found your Channel and I love it! I love to start this Journey with you to get out of Debt 👍 lots of love from the Netherlands Comment from : @franskie1697 |
Love this! Kids need to learn about money mgt early on! Comment from : @mamamelanie5046 |
I peed myself laughing when brooks wipes his booger so casually on the counter hahaha oh my lanta Comment from : @ciarawilly13 |
I was watching frugal fit mom on how she does allowances with her kids Similar to what your doing She saw them making decisions on needs vs wants It was interesting to hear about her kids Comment from : @deana6633 |
Ibottta charges a continual “idle fee” if you don’t use it, so careful with that I cancelled mine because of that Comment from : @CAGChannel1 |
That booger was bugging me throughout the rest of the video 😂 Brooks is so cute though I have a 3 year old as well, but she’s scared to pick her boogers 🙄 Comment from : @amandajones5210 |
I wasn't super interested in watching this video at first because I don't have kids, but it was so great watching them learn from you The more you guys are excited about the process of getting out of debt and saving money for stuff the more they will see that being on a budget is fun! It's amazing how much kids mimic their parents behavior Love it Comment from : @carrieberrykix |
Love how you are teaching Gaines and Brooks about saving! And as an elementary school teacher who teaches money, it’s wonderful seeing Gaines counting the money she saved Wish that all kids would be able to have this hands-on experience! You are amazing parents! Comment from : @kristenfriedland2104 |
Really haven't watched this channel in a looong time and love these new videos!! Keep them coming! Comment from : @bryceadam8188 |
I was never given on allowance or money for doing choirs, my hispanic mom doesn’t believe in that lolbrBut I can’t wait to start that with my future family I think it’s very important to learn the value on money early Comment from : @t_elisbeth |
In the uk here, so interesting listening you teach Gaines about the American money that seems so much more complicated than us with the different names 😂 here it’s Litterally 1p, 2p,5p,10p £1 £2 £5 onwards so it’s literally simple - 100p into a pound Comment from : @jemmaspanswick3632 |
Gaines not caring about the money as much because she's getting Alley cat cuddles is the best! Comment from : @NyssaLee |
They are putting more ads on your videos I dont skip I hope that means you are getting paid more from ad sense for your envelopes Comment from : @catherinebradley3401 |
I love that your incorporating your children in this journey Some people would say; dont do it they are too young let them be kids yati yati I am grateful that at a very young age My parents taught me that money does not grow on trees Comment from : @smileyrulesinthe818 |
Wish we had done this with our kids To late now, they're all grown Good job Mama & Daddy Comment from : @johnsonfamilyvidsvlogs3745 |
Even when my son was little we never paid him for chores We specified that chores are what we do because we are all members of our family However, there were extra jobs that he was allowed to do that earned him money The biggest rule was he had to attend to school work and everyday chores before he could pick a ticket from the board We would put the "jobs" on tickets that he could pick what he wanted to do and e ach job was assigned a monetary value Bigger jobs sommetimes required some training and some jobs could be slpit into 2-3 days Most jobs had a title, a $ value, what was expected and a time frame that was more than enough time to complete each job all the tickets had even dollar amounts The reason for having even $ amounts was because we also started a "save-a-day" jar for all coines at the end of the day We had a list of basics we would pay for and if he wanted something different he would have to use his money With envelopes for a budget of a three tier tithe, savings, and spending system, and his "save-a-day" jar he was able to keep his money matters straight He was a math wiz very early on and by age 5 was able to pick out the best value items when we would go grocery shopping by unit He had taught himself what the value of coins were by 2 and paper bills by 3 I know our system will not work for most, but we kept it challenging to keep it interesting for our math wiz Comment from : @deeraines9416 |
Katie teaching me about US currency 😆 Comment from : @kevinjeniferva4215 |
My 5 year old is currently saving for a $30 toy There is another one she really wants but that I know should only be $10 I want her to learn her money is worth more than junk Her big earner if she doesn't sell a toy is to vacuum a room and get $1 Other things, like cleaning light switches and doorknobs, are just a dime Anyway, the $26 umbrella is what made me mention all that Comment from : @kaeknorrs6663 |
Loved seeing the kids tonghtThey are so smart Comment from : @aprilpanter5484 |
Aww Allie cat loves Gaines! So sweet! Comment from : @sofiasousapires |
A couple videos back you talked about splitting up cash envelopes We have a his and hers (miscellaneous) that way we each do are own thing or can pick up odds and ends when out and about We also have a envelope for each kid for maybe you would call miscellaneous again but things like hair cuts, special rewards or achievements, unexpected sign up or registration, random friend birthday party Anyways love your budget vlogs! And this side of you all Comment from : @mckenziepontus9889 |
I have really loved this series! Your openness and willingness to let us into your process is so refreshing!brOne thing I was going to suggest was Gaines and Brooks could pick out some toys they no longer play with and you could try to sell them for them on FB Marketplace It would help them earn that money even quicker brHope you guys have a good weekend! Comment from : @nicolemullins2499 |
I have been watching you guys since before you had Gaines and stop watching a couple years ago, but I love your debt videos and your family so much! So glad I started watching again ❤️ Comment from : @leahsinner3664 |
This was an ADORABLE video!!! 😍 Comment from : @amandav3484 |
Love this! This reminds me that I have been wanting to start this with my kiddos Comment from : @bradybrowning8274 |
Dave Ramsey has financial Peace curriculum for all age groups if families are looking for ideas on teaching their kids about money We made it mandatory for our teens to go thru in order to graduate high school Comment from : @aprileaton3396 |
An idea for the kids might be to create a 3 envelope system when they get money for -saving-spending-sharing (donating) They make banks but ya'll are crafty and could probably do something better visually for them to watch it grow Comment from : @MS-jg1vj |
Did Gaines say she wanted a “fox umbrella”, or am I not hearing correctly? Isn’t $26 for an umbrella a bit much? Comment from : @SusanScrapPassion |
Good for you to start teaching the kids this now Comment from : @minimalzebra |
I love that you're showing the kids so early Comment from : @duckyone20 |
Beautiful video I love listening to these kids talk brAlley cat looks good for 14 yrs old Wow👍😊 Comment from : @dstar945 |
So weird probably but I miss Cullen’s grilling videos from back in the day and cooking with KatiePie! Comment from : @lauramaro8079 |
Aw seeing your cat reminds me of my cat who passed away at 18 So sweet! Comment from : @Bluebke19 |
Love seeing the kids They are so precious Love Brooks wanting someone to come buy their house I pray they will Comment from : @mamakirk2 |
When my son was Gaines age I made an “earn” chart and he was able to come to me and tell me what he wanted to do,to earn extra money He had certain chores he had to do and if he did them without me having to nag him (one reminder a day) he got 50 per age a week so for Gaines she would get $300 a week This way they learn how to earn money regularly and save for it I was able to budget that into my monthly budget as well I had chores like sort socks, fold small towels and was cloths, sort laundry with me, clear dishes to sink, put silverware away, dust low shelves and as he got older I added more and more I went to Dollar Tree and made a bright colorful chart that he loved looking at and I had enough stuff that I could change it up every week so it didn’t get boring I learned and so did he that if it was fun it helped but if he got to choose he did more Each chore was an additional25-50 at their age and as the chores got harder and he got older they became worth a little more Hope that helps Comment from : @findingvikki7469 |
Cullen, I noticed that you’re following Jefferson Bethke on Instagram He just posted some informative and awesome Instagram stories about how he’s teaching his 5 year old about money I think you’d really enjoy his highlight on IG about “money practice” if you haven’t seen it already :) Comment from : @hannahhoffner4725 |
The kitty 😍 Comment from : @didine256 |
Brooks is getting so big!! I just noticed how much MG and him look so much alike! Comment from : @kristymarie6065 |
Look at yalls GET CURRENT!!!! Wow your almost done Woohoo Comment from : @TheBrittbrat2341 |
Love getting the kids involved! brFor chores, we work as a team so we don't do allowance for that But we do a reward system for things like chores, showing good character, behaving through tough events, etc these rewards can be turned in at the end of the month for toys, treats, or money Comment from : @samf5651 |
Those pink envelopes needed no explanation! The cuteness overwhelmed me and brought tears to my eyes This series is beyond awesome! We're cooking more, decluttering & organizing stuff that's been put off since before you listed your house and figuring out other ways to improve our lives like you have! Thank you for the inspirational content! :) Heather xo Comment from : @tooblessedtobestressed9715 |
Look at Gains counting by fives! Great lesson having her save for a ‘want’ sounds like they loved the groceries - Brooks talking about a feast Comment from : @33snowgal |
Just seeing Cullen grill gave me real old vlog vibes Y'all seem like your true old selves again I loved the video and I loved how you took the time to teach the kids about money and savings Comment from : @katiesmall9574 |
💲 Comment from : @AceHardy |
I think it’s amazing that you are teaching your kids these things so youngLoved this vlog Can’t believe how big they have got 💗💗💗 Comment from : @tracydavies1335 |
My kids get $2 a week They have daily chores that they don’t get paid for but than the extra chores are what gets paid out So making bed, picking up toys, that is daily chores brExtra chores like taking out trash, emptying silverware in the dishwasher, feeding and watering animals That count to their extra chores Comment from : @savannahrobb986 |
Pennies don’t exist in Canada anymore Comment from : @SharpLife4 |
I've been watching y'all for SEVEN years!! ❤❤ brI'm sick so I went back and watched a bunch of your older videos I'm happy I've been here with yall for so long 😁😁😁 Comment from : @lilmrsstarr1002 |
I just loves Brooks’ hair and the way he speaks!! Comment from : @TheBlissfullyDandy |
Can I please have Gaines she’s such a sweet girl and she’s so smart just give her to me thank you! Comment from : @curlygurl43 |
The adorableness in this video, I can't even! Comment from : @catherine-wyestael-9427 |
You guys are amazing!!🥰 Yes, my 6 Year old son gets money for small (big) chores too We live in Europe and the family is mixed Polish, austrian and american so he has a looot of different currancy in his jar😆 probably about 20$ I tried to calculated IT but I lost it at some point🙃 Comment from : @lilyofthevalley1980 |
That Get Current chart is looking pretty great I know that feels fantastic! Comment from : @Scruple_k |
Brookeswipe up your boogers! 🤢😄 Comment from : @tracyworby4620 |
I watched your Aldi haul video and just want to make a comment for folks who want to be cutting back on spending, there was far too much processed foods Way back when I was sole support of my son and getting a meager paycheck, we survived paycheck to paycheck no money for extras, only was was absolutely needed my groceries would consist of dairy (milk, eggs, plain yogurt, hard cheeses for me to slice or not, and occasionally butter), meat (usually whole chicken(s) for me to butcher), fresh vegetables and fruits, saltine crackers, flours, sugar when needed for baking, oil, rice and/or whole grains, oat groats or long cooking oatmeal, and nuts when I could find a good price Rarely would I buy canned veges or fruit, cookies, or bread I made cookies and made my own bread I saved so much money shopping and cooking this way my son got to the point that no longer wanted packaged cookies or store bread brok, of course in the mix laundry supplies and personal care items were also purchased on an as needed basis The only time we got to eat out was if and when the child support came through (the meager amount that it was) More often than not, it went into the jar in the kitchen and held in abeyance for when my son needed a new pair of shoes but once in a while, we would splurge and get a hamburger each and split an order of fries and we split a medium soda (back in the days when sodas were a realistic size) Comment from : @tinydancer7426 |
Hubby taught our boys to always check coin trays on the candy machines as you pass, there’s often coins 👍🏻 Comment from : @bethanydavies3409 |
For our kids we found plastic jars in the dollar spot at Target and I think they came in packs of three We labeled them SPEND, GIVE, AND SAVE Every time they receive money for chores, birthday, grades, etc we help them divide it up between the three jars Their save jar is long term savings and as it gets full that money goes into a savings account The spend jar is to save up for things they want to buy and of course the give jar is for giving to the church or any other charity I’ve been looking into starting a family economy for my kids to be able to earn money more consistently Comment from : @DrJamesMV |
This is great! My son picks up dog poop (50 cents per time), does his laundry ($1), crushes cans for recycling ($1), cleans his bathroom ($2, twice a month, $5 if he does mine too! Lol ), empties trashcans before trash day ($1), Puts away clean dishes (50 cents per time) he’s a little older than your kiddos ( he’s 11 this month) but he’s been doing most of these for years! Great job mama and papa! I’m a new subscriber and I’m loving this series! ❤️❤️ Comment from : @TinaC982 |
My son learned the value of money by helping me grocery shop (well when he was a little bit older than your children) and looking at prices Comment from : @lindseyhenry4059 |
Not all chores should be rewarded by money Part of growing up is learning you have responsibilities to do chores that are not money driven Comment from : @lindseyhenry4059 |
So Cute Comment from : @gripitl6878 |
I love that you are teaching them about money at such a young age brGaines, great job sorting, folding and putting the socks away You need to teach my 16yr old how to do that! brbrI start the FPU on Sunday! I can't wait! Comment from : @fivepeapods |
So excited for all of you, your children are so blessed to have you (and vice versa of course ;) ) i can't wait to pay off my visa!! Comment from : @jessicalompart9294 |
You guys are awesome! I'm at working on my budget myself and it is so hard to Practice restraint and not think you need everything money Burns a hole in my pocket Comment from : @tashastakeonlife4733 |
To make it simple for me to understand as a kid, my parents always took 50 of my money and put it into savings for me Not just money i earned, but all if it including money i got for birthdays, ect It taught me to always save 50 of my money, and to this day, years after graduating, i save as much money as I can (usually almost 50 still) and have never spent a whole paycheck in a 2 week period It was so impactful, and so easy for my parents to manage too Comment from : @emilybowen753 |
I am honestly loving these videos I am not married or a mom but I believe everyone can relate to these financial videos As someone who has struggled with money in the past few years you have inspired to me to think more about the envelope system and refine mine Comment from : @Mysteriousheadlines |
Oh my goodness, y'all I just have to say how nice it is to see so much of my family in yours I'm grateful that y'all are just real and an evening in your house looks like an evening in our house I'm grateful to be able to truly relate to you guys again I'm just all in my feelings right now Lol Okay Proceed with life ❤ Comment from : @SFN_Movies13 |
I love this! Don't forget about tax!! 😂🤦♀️💔 Comment from : @Sara00393 |
Advice for preteens I don’t want to dog deeper in my pockets just cause they r older But coins won’t work for big kids 🤔 Comment from : @Mrsmetamorphosis2012 |
Oh my gosh I died laughing when he wiped the booger on the table!😂😂 #BOYMOM Comment from : @carriedutton6365 |
Bahahaha, the booger Brooks got!! I'm dying laughing Comment from : @katieferguson5844 |
Just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your videos lately! I have been watching our direct tv creep up for several months! Decided to call and see what I could do Dropped it down with a savings of $760 a year Whoop Whoop! Thanks so much for you info! Comment from : @tammybirdwell8585 |
Loving your hair katie looks good on you love seeing you guys work throw this it hard and we all go through this at some point of our lives its not easy all but look like you guys got some what of handle on it keep up the good work you guys Comment from : @babymaddie100 |
Those pork chops looked delish! Good job working hard Gaines!!!!!!! Comment from : @SuperDuperBrit |
good job, that you let them earn money and teach them about money they gonna need it in the world of consuming Comment from : @ellenstam-mulder3002 |
Cullen & Katie Comment from : @alexanderroland4823 |
Im just loving all this new inspiring content God bless your stewardship! Comment from : @millzb8169 |
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