Title | : | Desperate Measures - Episode 15 - Netherlands Great Game Campaign |
Lasting | : | 58.52 |
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It is a bit of a bummer, I much prefer your struggles with Dutch pronunciation over struggles with RNG or whatever coding is making this so lopsided Comment from : @DGoeij |
Scouting the American Pacific Fleet 00:00:
brBattle of Okinawabr
brThe Willem de Eerste, lead of her class of Slagkruisers, and the Riouw class Pantserdekschepen Soemba and Van Amstel from the Pusan Marinebasis in Korea, and the Soestdijk class Pantserdekschip Noorderhaaks from the Labuha Marinebasis in Moluccas, arrived off Okinawa to find the American escort vessel of the Pacific Fleet had arrived This was three Tulsa class armored cruisers, the St Paul, Colorado, and Fall River, armed with two 7” guns fore and aft, twenty 52” guns, eight 2” guns, and two underwater torpedo tubes, with a speed of 188 knots, crew of 980 men, and displacement of 13 thousand tonnes, seven New Haven class protected cruisers, the Augusta Denver Duluth Galverston Trenton, Vallejo, and Montgomery, armed with two 75” guns, thirty-two 33” guns, and twelve underwater torpedoes tubes, with a speed of 206 knots, crew of 782 men, and displacement of 9 thousand tonnes, and twenty-two Wasmuth class destroyers with their two 53” guns, one 31” gun, and three triple deck torpedo launchers with one reload, 316 knot speed, crew of 105, and displacement of 13 hundred tonnes br
brHaving ascertained the fleet composition so far, the Nederlander ships withdrewbr
brAdditional forces known to be in the area were a task force of six battleships, fifteen armored cruisers, five protected cruisers, and one destroyer, another of one battleship, twelve armored cruisers, nine protected cruisers, and two destroyers, and a third of two battlecruisers, one armored cruiser, and seventeen protected cruisers The British also have task force nearby Comment from : @cathyharrop3348 |
Sometimes After the Rainbow, Part 2 33:44:
brBattle of the North Seabr
brOffa, Whitshed, and Voyager were left Whitshed and Voyager had no torpedo reloads, but carried four 43” guns Offa hoped they would draw Van Zijll’s fire Realizing that the Nederlander ships were targeting her exclusively, Offa finally broke out of their circling and headed towards Eendracht Offa was nearly reloaded The move at Eendracht was a ploy, Offa launched against Van Zijll Realizing this Van Zijll turned hard Offa was down to three torpedoes in one of her triple launchers when a 305mm shell from Eendracht came right into herbr
brOffa took more hits and began flooding back from her bow All three engines disabled, she was sunk with 120 of her 128 man crew when another bulkhead breached and she lost buoyancy
brVan Zijll was slower than the Sparrowhawks, but they were already damaged and she was able to keep up She was able to keep her full broadside of eight 155mm/60 mark 3 guns on them as they charged at the convoy, hoping for some redemption Eendracht moved to get between them and the transports Zwanenburg had wandered offbr
brWhen they saw Eendracht move to cut them off, the Sparrowhawks began to circle, hoping with their agility to avoid the 155mm shells while pounding away at Van Zijll with 43” Eendracht dropped an occasional shell in but Van Zijll did most of the work, slowing to 14 knots when it was clear the British simply didn’t have the wit to run for their lives Voyager was flooded fore and aft, one engine and her rudder gone, fires on the ship, her ammunition expended, her B turret gone, and 24 of her 68 man crew killed or injured One more salvo and she was gone, losing 59 men in allbr
brNow alone, Whitshed charged behind Van Zijll’s stern in a bid to break away Someone had picked up a clue or a transferring senior officer Van Zijll had to rev up her engines to give chase, but fot a fortunate hit that took out Whitshed’s #2 engine and started flooding Another hit and #3 failed Whitshed was also out of ammunition, but for the moment had only 10 casualties Whitshed began to slow and Van Zijll, down to just 27 knots, began to close Whitshed too another flooding hit and lost another compartment while her damage control struggled to pump out #6 and get another engine on line A shell hit her forward and Whitshed took more flooding Finally Van Zijll came abeam off Whitshed’s starboard One final hit and Whitshed sank with all but one of her crewbr
brThe battle had been hard, with Eendracht taking 197 casualties with 34 treated and returned to duty, Zwanenburg 167 with 13 RTD, Van Zijll 105 with 5 RTD, N-1 17 with 1 RTD, and N-3 27 with 3 RTDbr
br224 British personnel were picked upbr
brSometimes a Rainbow heralds a fresh start Let’s hope this one did Sadly it began with the scrapping of the Stalen Eend class Pantserschip Gelijkheid and the Aemilia class Pantserschip Zwanenburg The repair of the Vreesniets had to be suspended for a month Comment from : @cathyharrop3348 |
In this parallel universe, it seems that everyone has adopted the French 'Jeune Ecole' of mostly destroyer fleets, and devoting their tech focus to them?brbrKinda flies in the face of a game named for bDREADNOUGHTS*, but **shrugs*/bbrbrSympathies, good luck and I'll be eagerly watching how you cope! Comment from : @empath69 |
the worst type of game is one that fails to follow its own rulesbrfor me this type of gameplay would be literally unplayable Comment from : @lieps2547 |
Wow that was a episode I wonder if the British have a tower or something with a incorrect stat giving them uber ACC ? Comment from : @jarrodrainsford8296 |
This game is no longer enjoyable Comment from : @davidlongley534 |
Wouldn’t a hit on a destroyer at that close range from a battleship cannon of that size have blown the destroyer in half? 53:03 Comment from : @DeltaPepper |
See, when the newer ship come into battle, they actually HIT something, those which were nearly useles were the old, fat slow battleships you had much laughing when you designed them see who laughs now (you - seldom these days)brEvidently, the quality of the crews is also doing something, you were shirking allmost any fights in the begining, thus your crews are quite unexperienced, but if you manage to have them survive, it will get betterbrSome questionable design decisions in past have caught with you now and causing problems You have better ships now, but only started making them Comment from : @SYNtemp |
I never add Torps on CAs and CLs, and also not on CLs designed to hunt DDs All they do is get hit without being fired, and explode Comment from : @swang30 |
Is there a way to introduce a tech to limit a navy's total tonnage? because 1916 seems way too early for a nation to have 175 million tons Comment from : @KylarIXR |
Torpedo attack, also known as "death ride" Comment from : @SYNtemp |
Jesus they really left this game in a broken state Comment from : @blakew2327 |
Who would have guessed that UAD meant Ultimate Admiral Destroyers all along? Comment from : @vendrax3239 |
I definitely wouldn't play a campaign in this state of the game Comment from : @treyebillups8602 |
Some tips that I have found helpful during torpedo boat rushes, although I last played on an older version of the game so they might not work here Try to always have your side facing them, they seem to hit much more of their shots when they shoot from behind or infront of you Always go cruise speed and in a straight line unless evading torps, the accuracy boost will help Essentially you want to maximize the amount of time you spend shooting and the accuracy while shooting Never also have ships positioned so that one is even slightly behind the other one relative to the enemy brbrI fully trust that you know the game better than me, so I do not know why I am trying to teach the expert, I am just trying to throw some ideas at the problem and hope something works This game truly seems fucked, you seem to take 50 more damage while dealing 1/3 of the damage that you should Sometimes it looks like your armor has been completely stolen during the refit the way destroyer shells pen your main belt and cause flooding Comment from : @kastelukannumollom5289 |
You might want to talk to rocket about this, maybe Comment from : @9thOrganicEmerald |
I thought about getting this game, but after seeing how many glitches it has here, I think I won't Comment from : @captaincool3329 |
I wonder if it's not a deck/top armour issue There is no other way the DDs would be able to damage the main guns on your BBs Comment from : @NotThatGuyJD |
It might just be the ai having a moment I have not played the game in a while But reading these comments make it seem like its 50/50 if dds and cls become GODS or work rightbrbrI say if you must restart to around the same year and month And test it in solo battles If its fine in solo battles its just the save, as per my dumb dumb brain logic says Comment from : @Raptormemesfo |
These bugs are rather odd indeed My own Ottoman (DIP Modded; Hard Difficulty) campaign has none of these issues from what I've noticed (To be fair, I generally up-armor my ships anyways)brbrI'm sad to see the number of comments saying the Devs sabotaged the game before they were fired I recommend that we dont't misunderstand malice for incompetencebrbrI also wish that they had made other parts of the game available for modders Comment from : @undeniablelogic1963 |
BrotherMunro, out of curiosity, was this the last UAD Vanilla version for your previous iteration of DIP??? stable_v1615 - v1615 Opt4xbrbrGiven the amount of community blowback for encrypted bugs that can't be patched, is it worth rolling back DIP & focusing on the last optimized stable version??? I'm assuming 17 assets are encrypted (& unusable for modding, but in truth, I know nothing about modding or the game code) brbrOverall though (for the Community), would this rollback be the best going forth for UAD? brCurious to read your thoughts (or hear them on your next "Salty Sea Saga" waffle) 😉 Comment from : @stuartmehlberg808 |
CL Tartar also has “Trained” so, that accuracy comes from what? Rum rations before the battle? Comment from : @Guillermo90r |
If I may : I think there is a bunch of tunnel vision here You suddenly micromanage a single ship in 5x speed while your fleet is getting peppered, focuses the wrong target or sails away brThis is sometimes required (the pursuit with the light cruiser), but it may also have contributed to the rough results of the lasts episodesbrMy comment aims to be constructive thou, I love the series Comment from : @haelww1 |
jiihaa!brthe washing maskin juhubr❤ Comment from : @STG42_44 |
28:00 I did say Mister Dekker would be a fine commander for N-3, and I am glad he and the crew survived the battle Comment from : @Ehexzor |
As others have stated, it seems like all stats are either inverted or suffering from some kind of underflow error And the evidence is mounting that this might have been deliberate corporate sabotage by the devs on their way out the door I hate to say it, but I think the game is sunk for good Comment from : @perciusmandate |
I'm not getting all of the comments about 17 I am playing vanilla, and definitely don't have any of these bugs re DD/CL damage vs my BBs bshrug/b Comment from : @mikeinkson2081 |
I don’t know if you can switch to a previous version, but I think it would be the best option at this point Comment from : @steven_003 |
I was waiting for the Benny Hill Song to start with those 2 destroyers Comment from : @atalaitoktassadar4027 |
Brother Munro, I'm afraid that you'll cry but the truth needs to be said:brAbandon ship, UAD, and move on! The devs had purposely reintroduced bugs that were patched out some versions ago This is done in retaliation to them getting laid off Another sign is they left most of the game code encrypted which yeah if their swedish counterpart wants to sell the coding rights To me that's BS They're saying: "You laid me off well you won't like the consequences" Comment from : @samf3416 |
17 is completely unplayable I uninstalled the game, no point in playing it in this state As I've read other mentioning, I also think the devs destroyed the game on purpose with the last patch! Comment from : @texgj7595 |
I really think 17 is not playable, you really might just need to abandon it, unfortunately… Comment from : @schiefer1103 |
Seems like they torpedoed the game as they left… what a shame Maybe someone will pick it up? Comment from : @reefingmedic7537 |
The utterly insane things I've seen, not only in your campaign but my own vanilla playthrough as well, I'm beginning to wonder, if this is not simply old bugs reintroduced with 17 (as was common with other big updates they did) by accident or lack of testing - but it was done as a deliberate "F U" to their Swedish employers for getting laid off - otherwise it speaks of a level of incompetence that's beyond breathtaking Comment from : @mitchelloates9406 |
it seems to be only the cls and dds wich ignore armor, the cas get blocked or bounced also have similar accuracy to your ships also seems that dds not slow down when their engines are out or they are flooded Comment from : @NicoFritzler |
Definitely something odd going on in this campaign 6:42 that DD has three engines out and is jinking like a PT Boat, for example Plus all the other issues that have been mentioned Still, very entertaining and thanks for the awesome episodes! Comment from : @richgweil |
He should do a restartbrDefinately something wonky here Comment from : @dwwolf4636 |
There really seems to be something very wrong with the accuracy, this is incredible Comment from : @SalvaBarbus |
i am spiritually preparing for the disastrous end of this campaign and "schadefreude" comments Because this looks very grim for BM Comment from : @Aiwendill |
What a cursed campaign oO Comment from : @peterseifert_aka_Rocket |
I was insanely excited to play this mod until this campaign Now I don't think I want to take on the super AI you've created! 😂 Comment from : @Bobjc900 |
RNG hates you Comment from : @dwwolf4636 |
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