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I Sold All My Silver - This Is Why

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Information I Sold All My Silver - This Is Why

Title :  I Sold All My Silver - This Is Why
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Frames I Sold All My Silver - This Is Why

Description I Sold All My Silver - This Is Why

Comments I Sold All My Silver - This Is Why

This didn't age too well😂
Comment from : @ronaldfauver1469

Good take on this, even for todaybrGreat quote for any day
Comment from : @homesteadaquarius

Why in God's name would you sell all of your silver? Most people will not be able to barter gold, they will be bartering using silver because most people have silver I don't think that was a smart move on your part, but whatever you think is the best choice
Comment from : @ColorOfMoney7

In hindsight I should have sold all of my silver back a few years ago, just mathematically speaking 😂
Comment from : @tonyw3210

I buy silver but i know im not going to get rich quick on it Its just fun and interesting
Comment from : @lifeorliberty3086

Re: pumpers v doomers One can disregard both and simply observe that for every purchase, there is a sale; otherwise there would be no transaction
Comment from : @bhoward9378

I think you made the right choicesbrThat bitcoin move paid off nicelybrI am from the future and I can tell you, you learn to stack gold really wellbrGreat quote!
Comment from : @homesteadaquarius

Silver run is done! I had the gut feeling and sold it at 48,so gut feeling made me score I have been in to Gold for over 20 years,purchased my first ounces for $300 advice of an old timer No I am the old timer, and I am very glad I paid attention to the knowledge that was handed to me…
Comment from : @harryodum5598

You have no clue what your doing
Comment from : @jimcatanzaro7808

Platinum is the new gold, copper is the new sliver
Comment from : @MysTicBiGz

Yes, above a certain volume it is easier to do gold I do both, but few young guys could buy monthly gold, and there are many cool silver coins, gold is simply easier
Comment from : @sinesaii

I wish I had made that move at the time I'm too heavy on silver I'll be patient and wait for another opportunity!
Comment from : @richardmetcalf2346

I have a bag of "junk" Constitutional silver for bartering if the SHTF scenario ever occurs, but I wonder if the average non-numismatic person will appreciate the actual value as compared to the face value I have a feeling they are more likely to appreciate the value of gokd coins So, I also hold quarters, half-dollars, and dollars of gold coins, for buying bigger-ticket items like generators, cars, and semiauto 12-gauge shotguns
Comment from : @Metal_seer

No one knows how silver will play However I think gold is a different story Banks are buying it up and there has to be a good reason right there to accumulate
Comment from : @beebob1279

I prefer silver over gold because of silvers industrial uses I feel silver has a greater potential to grow in value over gold We use silver in a lot of our modern appliances, medical equipment, batteries and electric cars
Comment from : @MrMeteor5

Nice, ty for your thoughts, advice, keep up the great work
Comment from : @Prtcol1

Great video! I love both metals, currently lean a bit heavier to silver because of many factors including the gsr being so high, the amount of silver used in boom devices for conflicts that we are driving towards and a hedge against inflation Rode the bitcoin wave day trading during the pandemic from 13k to 60 and did pretty good, I think the writing is on the wall for a new global reserve currency, 4th turning etc Definitely prefer precious metals as we head towards historical rhymes and choppy waters
Comment from : @ThirdEyePhilosophy

Thank you for the info 😊
Comment from : @romuloserrano6724

its funny how dealers always push buy silver lol like its soo bad i own 1000 oz by i got sucked in
Comment from : @markcameroon6613

I’ve been buying silver 100 oz month started in 85 always did same I think of trading in for gold just don’t know It would feel so strange after saving so long Do you think good idea?
Comment from : @troyshore3357

I was following you from silver to gold, but bitcoin nah
Comment from : @ulexite-tv

I couldn't finish watching Ok so crypto gains, good deal Ultimately what matters is how you flipped the digital assets Nothing is realized until it's sold and in your pocket If you think about it you could keep investing your gains and rebuy silver and or gold with your principle This would be the boss move!!
Comment from : @Califboy115

I tend to agree with you on this video I have about the same philosophy with metals I want to in be at in silver stocks but haven’t pulled the trigger though buying physical I haven’t do the same reasons
Comment from : @cjfazio3012

I only bought 2 pieces of gold, 1/4 oz That's all right now but I want to continue to buy the gold over silver also I have about 8 ozs Of silver But the last 2 months I've been looking at gold What do you think about buying9999 gold rounds instead of buying the coins Gold rounds are purer but is it a better buy,? HEIP!!!!
Comment from : @ronniejones6398

#Gold & #Silver to the 🌕 baby 💪🏽 Sound Money > Fiat Currency
Comment from : @miguelon1995

You did the right thing, if you had chosen, you could have bought back every oz of silver you sold and some, with the healthy profit I hope to have such a good opportunity one day Stack long and prosper
Comment from : @sandmanslim4637

Awesome pickups Great deal on the AGE
Comment from : @halfmoonblu

I started with silver out of the oooohh it's pretty investing strategy The amounts added up fast I bought in at 17-20 dollars for most of my hoard It got to be very bulky and I need to be able to pick up and go sometimes I sold to Apmex for 26 and traded for Gold I'll be buying mostly Gold from now on I like silver but the cubic inches add up too fast and the premium adds up fast too
Comment from : @nvarras7

when banks fold and close doors and CBDC is the only way, im sure youll go right back to 100 metals, especially when silver is the highest conductor Explains why Elon bought up big silver mines, its in depend and there is not enough to go around Supply and demand will push silver into triple digits one day, sooner than you think
Comment from : @gobber1239

I do it all 🤷‍♂️ A 1oz golden maple leaf every quarter, a tube of silver maple leaves and a 10 oz bar from rcm and $500 in Btc every month Too each their own
Comment from : @lockheedload

Silver bugs online are very much like the alt coin moon boys in the crypto space - same energy with a unit bias
Comment from : @tsparc2

Shit coin is going down hard
Comment from : @judymichaud4081

You do you Sounds like you made a great trade with btc and eth Do you have a btc level that you would buy back in? My question for you is at what ratio, if you owned a lot of silver and wanted to convert it to gold, would you start that process? Forget about storage issues, but would it be 45:1, 30:1, etc? Some say gold will likely take off first and silver will follow, but in the end silver will be the better performer dollar wise It will be very hard for me to exchange anything for fiat, but it would only be as a medium of exchange If you worked with your LCS on the conversion, wouldn't they give you a break on premiums or would they just charge the full premium for both ends of the transaction?
Comment from : @FelixTheCat69

I agree with everything you said
Comment from : @Broc7401

I just bought some silver for the first time I didn't get much, but good to know that it's probably wise to wait out the higher premiums I'll look into gold and keep stacking crypto and re-visit silver one day!
Comment from : @matt3247

Putting your silver in to BTC and ETH was the best decision you ever made I'm glad to finally see someone who loves stacking metals talk about crypto!
Comment from : @matt3247

I bought in Ethereum when it was around 200 also and i pulled out of it after a couple months being new to crypto! that is a move that haunts me lol have to say you made the right move at that time for sure!
Comment from : @silvermonkey2638

I have to agree with you, why pay these outrageous premiums on silver when the premium on gold is between 3 to 5 While I haven't liquidated my silver holding, I'm just not buying it in bulk like I used to
Comment from : @jamessuter551

Most of the silver pumpers are just after the views and always have been sadlytheir channel views are going down now so they are slowly switching over to gold smh Keep being real my guy your the only precious metal channel I watch !
Comment from : @masterofnone11

Gold will always be rare and limited in supply Silver is much more abundant and not nearly as rare as gold Collecting silver as an investment is a bit of a risk because there is so much on the market and in vaults Back in 1980-81 Bunker Hunt tried to corner the world silver market Silver was selling at around $35/oz at the time and Mr Hunt (who BTW was a Texas oil billionaire) tried to acquire enough silver that he could manipulate the price with the goal of profiting from his projected price rise to around $60/oz or more Silver from increased mining production and from investors flooded the market and created an price shock and silver dropped to around $10/oz and Hunt "lost-his-shirt" I bought silver ingots at around $20/oz ( I had a couple 10 oz bars) also hoping to make a few bucks I eventually sold them several years later for a loss at $10/oz Burned once and twice shy
Comment from : @mandobob

I also sold most of my silver in 2020 when silver was $23-$27 Most was bought in 2018 and 2019 when silver spot was $15 to $16, American Eagles could be had for $17-$18, and 90 silver was $11-$13 per dollar of facebrbrI reported five sales of silver in 2020 in videos on my channelbrbrToday spot price is $19xx but premiums are too high I will not buy silver until I can get an American Eagle for under $20 and 90 silver for under $13brbrI feel sorry for people that paid $38 for a Silver American Eagle Maybe they will break even by 2072
Comment from : @Lagunabeachbikini

There used to be a YouTube video with a guy being arrested and the police tried to keep his gold videos been down for some time now
Comment from : @hempfarmer5723

I just started buying gold and silver A month ago New at this Looks like its going down? Good time to buy, I guess I got lucky Yeah, the premiums are high on silver, dont like that Silver kinda looks low in price with a high premium and gold looks high in price with a low premium Perplexing on which, gold or silver, I should concentrate on
Comment from : @machwind3266

Wow!!! That Gold Walking Liberty is a BEAUTY!😍
Comment from : @MishaTal1

Try living in the Uk and paying 20 tax (vat) ON TOP of the hefty premiumsbrbrTurns a £17 per oz spot proce in to a £25 per oz purchase brbrAdd to that the tarnish and milkspots and I am mostly out, apart from old Victorian coins for fun
Comment from : @jamiebishop9512

Ill probally hold a few more thousand in silver, but I want to start putting more into bitcoin and other stocks
Comment from : @davidjd123

You got rid of the one metal that is actually essential to make things and kept the metal that only holds value in social construct? That seems very illogical
Comment from : @RandomPickles

Silver is fun to stack cause it's cheap Gold is amazing but so expensive :(
Comment from : @doctorshawn3461

I buy low mintage Silver , don't buy that much because of premiums, seems like I am getting but fxxk good, I like gold but can't stomach holding that much money in gold and it just sitting there I love Bit/ Eth get crazy profits
Comment from : @ericwilson2632

Insurance for me I buy when I have extra cash regardless of price Not an investment Not selling
Comment from : @purethccheck

I am brand new to stacking silver and I’ve only recently started purchasing 10 ounce bars This video is very enlightening and helpful thank you
Comment from : @tradronin7394

I have just started looking into stacking this last week, have watched about 100 hrs of YT I have $140k, based on this video, should I only buy gold, or buy silver too Thinking of bars and rounds ( as silver eagles seem a rip off right now at $37 vs $26 for rounds) Thx!
Comment from : @mgib1325

Silver is fun to buy because its cheap but gold is better in all the ways that actually matter
Comment from : @AndrewJesseM

cointelpro i see
Comment from : @AlwaysTheHorizon

My comment is gone
Comment from : @wirelessone2986

I started as a crypto guy and got interested in precious metals I don't see precious metals as a moonshot but something nice to keep around I have a goal of buying an ounce gold coin for each of my kids and giving it to them on their graduation day Seems like a nice thing to have for a rainy day
Comment from : @Mattes50A05

Silver or gold is a better way to save compared to keeping dollars in the bank or under the mattress Fear of government confiscation might be a good reason to hold more silver than goldGold is less bulky than silver so many pros and cons whatever your preference is holding either one is a win win long term 🤔
Comment from : @ShortyGuzman13

This is my current strategy I don't have a lot to invest I have a little bit of silver to barter and in case things go sideways To avoid premiums and the risk of having it in my house, I buy $PSLV and $PHYS when I can
Comment from : @geoffrobinson

I stack silver for the long term - but only when the price is right - $16 or less
Comment from : @hawkeye790

I’ll buy all your American Eagles at spot if you are still selling
Comment from : @rockroll1639

So you went to the casino
Comment from : @augurcybernaut4785

When Klaus Schwab and his gang take control of everyone's bank accounts with digital Dollars, Euros, Yen etc, bartering with silver is going to be one of the few ways left to trade without being tracked, taxed, rejected etcbrI suspect silver is going to go up, purely because cash will be banned and crypto is fine, even though what most people use of crypto is trackablebrBut crypto might not survive a solar storm, or "WW3" as we think of itbrGold seems over valued slightly Silver seems undervalued a lotbrDon't forget that most of Europe prevents it's citizens from storing value in silver, with a 20 import tax, on average brShould that false limiter be removed, silver will rise fastbrIt might rise fast anyway just on the digital communism coming our way
Comment from : @falls2shine712

If u really think about it gold has kept up with inflation better than silver let's go back to 1885 a $20 gold Double Eagle was the equivalent of 20 Morgan dollars fast forward to today the Gold double Eagle is worth almost $2,000 and the 20 Morgan's are worth about $400! That being said that's still better than a paper dollar which would still be worth 20 LOL and yeah the premium on silver Is stupid right now!!
Comment from : @trackpackgt373

15k in silver filled up your safe? What is it a shoe box? You make 500oz sound far more unwieldy than it actually is You don't talk about the gold/silver ratio, among other factors that makes selling silver for gold right now idiotic It's for long term Not get rich quick Which is why you don't know what you're talking about
Comment from : @silvershelbygt500

I've been slowly stacking for over 15 years mostly Silver with only a few purchases of Gold I finally tallied up everything the other day to see what I had What shocked me was that despite having almost 100 times more Silver than Gold, the total value of both was very similar The space saving for storage alone is enough to make me lean towards Gold in the future
Comment from : @redoz9768

I’ve transitioned from silver to mostly gold as well Silver is a pain in the ass when it’s time to sell in my experience Spread is high and it’s heavy to ship
Comment from : @michaellightbown9492

I just started dipping my toe in the water I've got a long way to go I really enjoy your videos though Not a hype channel and that(along with the tone of your voice) seems to keep me calm as I feel high anxiety in this market climate Thank you! 🍻
Comment from : @BillysBullion

Good video You should do a video on your crypto / PM portfolio
Comment from : @fazotakeiteasy

Most folks especially those who are in the moderate income bracket, can only afford silver They would be lucky to get fractional gold bullion
Comment from : @alanjapes1266

LOUD NOISES! I DON’T KNOW WHAT WE’RE YELLING ABOUT! brbrJust here to yell at you
Comment from : @beaubjarnason4759

What's the name of the music at the end?
Comment from : @mathieupatenaude

And what BAD INVESTMENTS are you going to buy?
Comment from : @brexit9279

I can't afford gold I not that rich silver i can do
Comment from : @ambermichealshotkinkyjo15

You don’t begin by defining just WHAT you were doing—which will rule all your decisions We’re you speculating, prepping, needed a new hobby, etc?
Comment from : @jayclark2077

Holy God man you talk too much Spit it out holy cow This could have been a 3 min video Slow talking time wasting droning on and on and on fuck my life I wish I was 13:23 younger again
Comment from : @Rob-ht2kd

I wonder how long you people who make these videos spend setting up your books and backgrounds just to try and look smart just post the video, no need to try and convince the world you have "the art of war" just laying about hahahahaha fake ass videos
Comment from : @anglermatt

Me too ! Gold is the bet !
Comment from : @olegpetelevitch4443

Well done, that's some really good timing moving from silver to crypto
Comment from : @robertpearce-bailey5576

Love the channel! Would be very interested to hear your thoughts on platinum/palladium as well! I don’t see those other metals being discussed nearly as often as gold & silver here on YouTube
Comment from : @adamtinsley

You know Silver is up around 100 percent since March 2020 lows while gold is only up 40 percent since March 2020 lows
Comment from : @silverliner4894

Excellent analysis Speaking truth about the "pumpers" They have been saying the same thing since I joined the movement in 2015 Also admitting that he gambled on Bitcoin/Etherium based on a hunch That hunch performed far better than gold or silver for that period, but it was still a gamble I am glad it paid off for him I guess that stacking gold and silver is a gamble too, but a far less volatile one
Comment from : @americansfortruthandjustic7504

I like silver because if something happens I got lots and lots of ounces Around 60:1 So if something happens you got 60 plus ounces to one
Comment from : @Indytelevision

Wait people selling silver should shut their face holes when there are so many people wanting to buy? Are you crazy??? it sounds like you should put those people together of course!
Comment from : @eyewonder6448

Is it better to buy coins from a billion dealer or a local coin shop?
Comment from : @markmacyeaple214

Silver is fun, but the premiums are just stupid anymore I’m just going to keep what I have now, and start stacking gold exclusively
Comment from : @razor282

Yes I've been going more to this direction every year Stopped buying silver in 20 , now just gold Seriously considering selling most of the silver ,and buying gold with the proceeds Also ; no more Milk Spot concerns !
Comment from : @witness033

Can someone tell me why Chinese silver coins appreciated so much in recent years? I am talking about 10 times more valuable compared to Morgan silver dollars
Comment from : @igibon8

Gold certainly is the more space, weight, and cost-efficient way to go Silver takes up an absurd amount of space, is back breaking(if you have any meaningful quantity) to move, and the premiums have reached ludacris levels Platinum is like gold, but on sale Just avoid getting it mixed with your silver since they look so similar
Comment from : @cgsimons1187

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