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£50 Burr Grinders: A Bargain Or A Terrible Mistake?

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Title :  £50 Burr Grinders: A Bargain Or A Terrible Mistake?
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Description £50 Burr Grinders: A Bargain Or A Terrible Mistake?

Comments £50 Burr Grinders: A Bargain Or A Terrible Mistake?

Knowing what we now know about static and shot times, I wonder if these could have been saved by a decent water spritz before grinding?
Comment from : @alicederyn

DeLonghi looks the best to be honest, quite opposite to what you said
Comment from : @pcplsdxtc

2:04 sounds like an angle grinder, probably not a good thing in a coffee grinder
Comment from : @kissgergo5202

no ground coffee for the prols hey
Comment from : @pvacaesar2942

I wonder if the Italians who have been grinding and grinding and coffee for thousands of years give a flying toss about this hipsters opinion He gets a spoon out of a serving case for Christ sake What a pompous idiot
Comment from : @largedelta

I have the delonghi, had it for about 5 years now and it’s never failedbrWith very little skill and even fewer tools you can very easily modify it to grind much finer, so fine in fact to the point I was able to “stall” my gaggia
Comment from : @Pugjamin

Seems to me that what you've achieved with years of coffee geekiness, is to make most coffee, that 99 of people would find very nice, undrinkable for yourself Come on manan espresso made with a slightly too course grind is not "disgusting!!"
Comment from : @RaveyDavey

I bought one for $40 (about £33) hoping it would make the process easier than my $25 hand grinder brbrIt isn't nearly as consistent as I was hoping, so I exclusively use it for cold brew, since the long extraction time and amount of coffee doesn't justify hand grinding 200-300g at a time brbrThe hand grinder is very consistent and I'm happy with it, so I think it's going to be the better option for anyone looking for something in this price range, unless you physically can't grind coffee
Comment from : @PointsPrecision

I like my cuisinart
Comment from : @taph2o

"If ya think I'm drinking bthat/b you're probably right, let's have a taste"brbr"🤢 No, NOOOO!"
Comment from : @MCDreng

I am using a bosh grinder last 2 years It is easy to use it took me weeks maybe 3 to find a correct cut but is ok But the smell of the fresh cut coffee in the morning is fantastic I bought it 12 euro ,yes cheap but portable and easy to used and I change it every year No I am not professional, I don’t know a lot about coffee but I like to drink my coffee fresh, strong and with good texture on my mouth and I don’t want to buy from shops 90 percent of shops have bud quality of coffee also not from machines which never clean them With a small budget 200 euro you can buy a good machine and the grinder, I bought one Dedica, and start making fresh coffee at home I like the video because I didn’t know that the static electric makes the coffee to stack on plastic, every new knowledge is always welcome!
Comment from : @simtsa

'And thank you to 'voice in heavy wind whispering 'Fouur yeaars agoo´* The past, for sponsoring this video'
Comment from : @ThePerradox

I like James he really knows his stuff but he doesn't seen to understand most of us don't have the money for crazy expensive grinders and equipment, we make do and make some pretty damn good coffee too
Comment from : @marksmith7789

this guy will tell you anything just to make you spend your money delonghi makes good coffee the only downside is the lack of unodos
Comment from : @Avenadv

Good spice grinders
Comment from : @Monarcho-communist

It’d be funny to see this revisited using RDT
Comment from : @tekneex

They sound awful? Static? Yeah, I just want the coffee, I don't give a toss about noise or static People just want to DRINK coffee, not have a wank watching the percolator Compared to a hand grinder and standing around grinding by hand for 5 minutes - I'd take any of those I think you live in the land of the 1 perceived value I live in the other 99
Comment from : @sh00termacg

What a snob I have a Cuisinart and it is great
Comment from : @tomlarson5388

i've had that cuisinart model, and it was "meh" I really like my inexpensive Bodum burr grinderthe larger one with the conical hopper, it does a good 'nuff job for my lovely pour overs I've taken to misting my beans pre grind, I think I first saw similar on a JH YT, it seems to step it up and make for a more uniform grind Def keeps the fines from sticking (statically) to the burr and receptaclekeeps the "dust" down, and makes for easier cleanup No mister really needed A drop of water agitated in your single doseshaken or stirred, baby
Comment from : @wyocoyotewyocoyote9007

Being using kg79 for 3 years, and never made the mess you did! Honestly check your expresso machine😂
Comment from : @k_comments-v3z

I have the Cuisinart grinder and the sound of the motor has always annoyed me and the static too I’m considering the King Manuel grinder now for my new aeropress and might use it on pour overs as well now Overall it’s not too bad and gets the job done But I want to explore more grinders
Comment from : @sector69102

For coffee grain size for filter and / or french press , I think that you are absolutely biased !!brFew of the at your presentation the have no much difference , if any , in comparison with an expensive Swiss Ditting grinder !!brSo yes we would like to see you suffering by having a cup of filter coffee, brined from these cheap < crappy > grinders !! We perfectly understand your taste !!
Comment from : @georgethomas3722

Why not give the coffee a spritz of water like when you are using a hand grinder to eliminate the static?
Comment from : @killerexe007

This video reminds me of the days when TV/HIFI outlets were selling HDMI cables with low-oxygen copper at 10 times the price of an Amazon basics and claiming vastly superior signal quality in a digital signal
Comment from : @OggyGTA

I might just give up drinking coffee before investing more money, my body will thank me 😂
Comment from : @rafalz9275

Seams like you didn't put any effort on trying to make a good espresso with any of them 😢
Comment from : @JuanManuel-kj9fu

what??? the reason I watch this video is because I think the delonghi looks beautiful like a bauhaus art piece I want one for that alone
Comment from : @Denolc

I have the de longhi brbrI don’t use it for espresso I have a hand grinder for that, whilst I save up for a Niche ZerobrbrBut for pour over For cafetière For percolator It’s FINEbrbrWhen I saw it in the lineup I shouted “That’s our hitler!”
Comment from : @Torahboy1

Mans presenting $50 coffee grinders and think we give a shit about the sound💀
Comment from : @ponzopa

As someone who has only ever used the Cuisinart grinder, I didn't even know that not having the grounds cling to everything was an option I definitely want to save for better grinder
Comment from : @mikecmurphy

There's no static in plastic, the static is in your body most probably
Comment from : @xxxleamgxxx9656

Im new to your channel and i like it very much Well i have the Melitta and im looking for the next step grinder Since i started grinding coffee with this grinder i dont really had or have any references for the better And there are so many grinders to choose from Any tips would be much appreciated 😁
Comment from : @MartinNordstedt

I just picked up the Cuisinart for filter coffee Switching from a keurig so I decided I'd try grinding my own after seeing your other videos but I'm not willing to spend the same price as my coffee maker on a grinder right now Don't mind the noise terribly, I just think of it as a blender or a vacuum
Comment from : @cmattss4

This test shows exactly nothing!
Comment from : @genius2256

I have the Melitta grinder and for filter coffee it's ok Not fine enough for portafilter and if you try to grind coarse for french-press theres always a bunch of fine particles too fine for my french press
Comment from : @simkarte123

Why didn't you show footage of them grinding coffee beans? That's the noise i want to hear before buying
Comment from : @RestoreTechnique

My big question is what’s the cheapest electric grinder that’s good enough to use for filter?
Comment from : @lukemoores6763

Ok, so what about if I’ve got say £200?
Comment from : @dnbshaggy

thanks for the video! but im a bit lost, what are good alternatives?
Comment from : @CarlosDiaz-is8cu

I got a breville dose control instead of the cuisinart
Comment from : @HG51_

We have had the Molino for a while The burr wore down very quick, so the finest setting is, frustratingly, just a tiny bit too coarse for drop filter (for french press it can work) It's also sad that it's cheaper to buy a new one than trying to find a replacement burr And that annoying mess to clean every time; some coffee spills out between the grinder and the containerbrbrWe picked up a manual Hario grinder instead Not perfect but at least you can get a replacement for every single part of that grinder
Comment from : @jhallcomposer

USAF veteranDrank coffee from a giant urn all day
Comment from : @michaelvalcourt9978

What a prat
Comment from : @knottastu

Yah I suspect my £80 manual grinder is doing a better job than these 🤔brbrPlus, it's the only exercise I get these days 😂
Comment from : @233kosta

Question for coffee brewing diagnostics: When the coffee was sort of gushing out of the espresso machine instead of uniform pour is that caused by too coarse grinding?
Comment from : @jcmana

bGrinding sounds/bbrMolino: 2:05brCuisinart: 2:27brDelonghi: 3:09brAndronicas: 3:25
Comment from : @HelliOnurb

The reality is that some of us just don't have that much money to spend on grinders, so what do we do?brDo we buy the best we can get / find, or go pre-ground? brbrIt's kind of begininng to feel like you need enormous wealth privilege to enjoy coffee I'm disheartened
Comment from : @TiredNeedSleep-c3s

6:16 i didn't know that James spoke Orca! can anyone translate?
Comment from : @silpheedTandy

Did you actually take time to dial in each grinder? I have two relatives who own the Cuisinart The extremely loud, high-pitched noise it produces are unbearable I have no idea how a company like Cuisinart could approve such an abomination
Comment from : @brentwalker8596

Whoops The burr he showed us, with the screws, looks identical to the one I have in my Krups GVX2 Guess I need to dig a little deeper to get a decent experience Will look for a good price point/good machine, since waiting and saving is doable now that I already am grinding, and don't need to buy within my right here and now budget
Comment from : @jo05dk

12:07brI don't think we should reward Apple !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @XeonX__ASMR__METAL-experiments

Was gifted the cuisinart several years ago, and had some good filter coffee from it Just got a kingrinder k6 yesterday and it is remarkable how much clearer it tastes
Comment from : @reedoken6143

Does anyone know the Wancle CBG-8000?
Comment from : @ferakles

Is this still current or do you have new recs? I bought the caspresso 4 years ago on your recommendation and it just died :(
Comment from : @emilycurci1429

Thank You! <3
Comment from : @martaka474

You can make a pretty simple upgrade to the Cuisinart one that can give pretty fine coffee grounds If you type "Cuisinart grinder upgrade" there should be a few videos showing how to take it apart and how to put a thin spacer made of either paper or foil in between the burr This gave me the ability to barely pull a shot of espresso with this grinder
Comment from : @coderdude9417

Your face while turning the delongi dial bchef's kiss/b
Comment from : @theitchiestwitch

I got my grinder for 40 Euros from Aldi and am very happy with it It is a hardened steel flat burr grinder with a huge (about the size of a 600 ml soup can) and quiet motor It grinds hardly fine enough for my bottom less porta filter, but is fine enough on the finest setting to not make a mess and a very well extracted coffee I guess I got luckybrI have the Melita, too and this thing is pure horror, loud, messy, hard to use and not even close to grind fine enough
Comment from : @WeItenspinner

It would have been helpful to suggest a burr grinder that, while a bit more expensive, still does a quality job
Comment from : @williamcoolidge9884

So my problem is that I don't like some brands of pre ground coffee Unfortunately my favourite brands are sometimes only available as beans I can use a hand grinder but it's not an option for weaker members of the household
Comment from : @eklhaft4531

So why do they suck? Is there a way to know when I get one if the cheaper burr grinder will work?
Comment from : @goodman854

Comment from : @2wcp

What about stores that sell decent coffee in bulk and a big grinder you can use right there?
Comment from : @AntiAntiAntiFa

Thanks for the cool videos I'd love to hear more about replacing parts for various grinders I have the Delonghi Had it for a few years I replaced the upper burr about a year ago, but now, once again, the only coffee that comes out of it is very coarse and pretty useless I looked into replacing the bottom burr, but that is a very complicated operation This is why I'm considering buying a more expensive grinder, but of course I'd want to know if I risk running into the same issue here If I spend 200 Euros on a grinder, I want to know that it'll work for at least ten years and that parts can be replaced without too much cost I hope you consider including that in future reviews Thanks again
Comment from : @AndreasThaulow

Why just don't use spray of water to avoid static? 🤔
Comment from : @Isusia

His critiques of the Cuisinart grinder are ludicrous The Cuisinart visually bothers him when the hopper is off center, he doesn't like the sound of the motor, and he exaggerates the static issue, which is easily solved by giving the grounds container a settling tap on the counter I like Hoffman, but his reviews of products that he has barely used are not his strong point
Comment from : @dubarnik

parece comparando mierda jajaja
Comment from : @estebanvilla246

I have been using a cheap manual coffee grinder with ceramic burrs for a whileRecently I was given a delonghi grinder as shown in your test After trying it a couple of times,the static problem was just ridiculousI actually prefer my cheap hand grinder and will be going back to this,all good exercise as well 😵‍💫😆Thanks for testing these out though confirms my thoughts that they are just a bad experience to use
Comment from : @colinwilkinson3648

Can u imagine having a date with this guy at a café? Haha
Comment from : @joshclimbing

what a bull you are saying, I am amazed what will person do to sell you shit product for very high price
Comment from : @bhovik2

I love how he asks if people are not annoyed in an "auditory way" brbrhas he heard himself Might be one of the most annoying voices ever and thinks his viewers care about such things
Comment from : @MichaelMantion

Shouldnt he be drinking tea?
Comment from : @monte4811

the point is not to have the equivalent of 50 pounds in another currency because if it only cost 50 pounds it would be cheap but in my country, which is one of the countries that charge the most taxes in the world, this grinder costs on average the equivalent of 150 poundsbrbrFeels sad
Comment from : @Mfuao

man I love coffee, from cold brew to espresso I have one of these for my pour overs, it does the job just fine, I use it for my morning rush, just put in the coffee (I love medium roast) beans, press and all set for my Chemex For espresso I use my Comandante, when I want to get all snob and fancy hahabrWhile Comandante is far far but far better choice, using manual grinder every day becomes cumbersome, specially when you have more family members waiting for their morning coffee
Comment from : @kjvasquez

Agree completely with you! The ((*DeLonghi) static problem I more or less solved by 3-4 droplets of water on coffee beens in bean hopper before switch on the grinder But Its laud indeed!! Guys I recommend to not by these gadgets, better to invest a little more costly but enjoyable (not deafening!) Coffee grinder
Comment from : @peterfarkas7450

I have a Rancillo Rocky, looks cack sounds cack but cost a fortune 😵‍💫
Comment from : @Yorkshiremadmick

I got the Cuisinart and it was already broken when I got it I ordered a new part and they sent the wrong one, so I ended up gluing the part that was broken inside the hopper Later the coffee receptacle also broke again I got out the glue as it was quite an investment for me on a Senior's pension, and I did not want to have to buy a new one In the end, I have used mine daily for three years and it works perfectly so I am quite happy with it It cost me $6500 in Canada from Amazon
Comment from : @Dakiniwoman

That's why I do not even try to brew espresso at home I bought a reasonably good manual grinder with hexagonal shaft which I power with a Bosch screw driver if I do not want to do the work manually I brew a very good mocca at home and if I want an espresso, I go to cafe For the money I did not spent for cheap grinder and cheap espresso machine which would only make me angry I can drink good espresso in cafes for looooong time And for the machines which would satisfy me I can drink espresso in cafes to the end of my days
Comment from : @antoninpetras9093

Would love to see truly blind taste tests to cut through the pretentiousness
Comment from : @NihonKaikan

I modified the delonghi grinder many years ago by cutting out a washer from a milk bottle I had to mark on the side the point of contact but it worked brilliantly for little effort
Comment from : @benholland3682

OK so basically this is a waste of time since it's way too expensive Time to give up on making 'good' coffee at home No more coffee snob videos for me
Comment from : @Raphtor13

Jeebus Can I just get a straight answer?
Comment from : @LoztDaze

You keep comparing it to a stale pre-ground coffee pre-ground coffee does not have to be stale coffee that's been ground is not stale in a couple days if stored properly
Comment from : @stephenshanebeaty

What were the entry level grinders
Comment from : @davidchaffee1305

You know what, I really wanted to buy an espresso machine (and spend a good few hundred pounds on one) as I love my Vanilla Latte's, and wanted to do them at home What I didn't realise is I would have to spend the same money again buying a coffee grinder to be able to get the bean ground fine enough I'm really disheartened 😒
Comment from : @MrBillUp

Thought the Cuinsinart would work, it was loud and did not grind fine enough The beans did not always feed correctly so it shut off early Solution was a Kingrinder 6 hand grinder for $99
Comment from : @SunriseLAW

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