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Title :  Why American Football Lost
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Comments Why American Football Lost

The US doesn't care
Comment from : @stuartdollar9912

Why not do preseason in Germany
Comment from : @SuperSoccerTime1

I live in America The NFL going to europe is like a circus coming to town People will come to see it, but it will never be REAL FOOTBALL
Comment from : @SuperSoccerTime1

Maybe stop calling it football because not only in Europe but also in many parts of south America, asia and far east asia calls this ⚽️ football not this 🏈 football Only entitled americans are pushing american football as football Maybe if americans swallow their pride it would be more bigger than it is now
Comment from : @ivanchristophersaldana119

Most people in the comments don't know this but the average match in american football only last for 14 minutes (if you ignore the commercials that appears everytime someone scores)
Comment from : @elnovillomapuchedehomerus2412

I’m British and the only couple of people I’ve ever met who liked American football were people who wished they were American
Comment from : @jeff5534

American Eggball is boring 6 minutes game, 4 minute positioning, 30 minutes commercials
Comment from : @auriel8300

Anyone can play soccer, you don't even need a ball to play it, a bottle or a piece of paper is more than enough, and that's why it's the most popular sport American football requires equipment, a special ball, and those big U-shaped goals, not just anyone can play it, and that's why that sport will never leave America
Comment from : @tomasgrane9401

I'm French, I have friends who actually play american football over here in small clubs, I kinda like watching the nfl for the few times I managed to do so I never even heard that the NFL tried to start a European thing :D (And no, I'm not too young at all, far from it) That's how good their marketing was
Comment from : @MrDoenyon

Watching a game for 4 hours, with 15 min of play, the rest is commercials, breaks and players standing around😴😴
Comment from : @kaufuss

One more thing that enables the NFL as the best, financially, is that the billionaire owners make the cities fucking foot the costs, so they don't pay much if at all Cities are essentially renting franchises and footing the costs
Comment from : @Sizdothyx

Europeans don't want to see a gloryfied comercial
Comment from : @Al-xq4ec

American football is 10 seconds of sumo, and 10 minutos of nothingness on repeat Not a sport, and not a game
Comment from : @marcelocc6087

world cup hand down
Comment from : @biaduy8760

American football has lots of stoppage decisions ruling replys It is not a consistent flow
Comment from : @jayak3768

It's too expensive for some countries and that's why the NFL is trying to get more countries to play flag football because it's a lot cheaper Even if tackle was an international sport many parents around the world would not allow their kids/teens to play because of injuries, concussions, etc Soccer is more popular because it's more accessible
Comment from : @RavansFan-u5j

Football vs handegg
Comment from : @CamTooling

American football should be called as hand ball
Comment from : @premkenneth8939

I've always been a football fan, so growing up & learning how it all works & intricacies of clubs, leagues, tournaments, callups, etc was always extra to seeing the game But lately I've been watching other sports NFL is hella enjoyable, but they have an insane amount if commercials Same with the NBA I personally wouldn't be surprised if Am Football eventually manages to overtake football Diving is soccer's biggest problem to me Players are crybabies
Comment from : @randyflores2489

Well the american football is great and the super bowl is really popular, but even thinking that Football would lost besides american football is crazybrbrNot event close the football is well more know and i know if you live in USA probably you wouldn't notice but is an other reality outside
Comment from : @andresesquivel5460

First issue and maybe the major issue, the European doens't know the rulse For a common European American football is a sorta of American version of rugby with weird rules
Comment from : @darjuz96

The main issue of American football is that it isnt premiere league football
Comment from : @deeplaysgaming4754

rugby is better than american football
Comment from : @podlumpy3838

AF is a regional sport It's only popular in North America Just like Handball in Europe, Cricket in Indian subcontinent, or Australian football in Australia They just need to accept that
Comment from : @soldyD

Just not it football Problem fixed
Comment from : @AponTechy

Because only they play it, that's why it's a failure
Comment from : @diegoflores9237

American Football is not a poor men sport, that why it's will never beat Football
Comment from : @xuanquang9815

When it comes to egg shaped ball sports rugby is much better one, less ads, more action, no fancy gear, a lot more fighting spirit
Comment from : @annakobuk3618

it should be called NEL National Egg League
Comment from : @MasausoKetani

Not fans Customers
Comment from : @thedailyruns6046

Comment from : @thedailyruns6046

Actually, comparing MLS to some crappy off brand European football league is not correct MLS has quality players with games played in large statiums and a dedicated fan basebrbrThe MLS quality of play is better than divion 2 Premiere League
Comment from : @stevedavenport1202

I tried to watch a few games with mates but we just lost interest It doesnt matter which sport but if you dont grow up with it, you dont really have a connection to it A bit boring for me too, too many commercials with 6-8 seconds of gameplay
Comment from : @amac2612

I think every team should play one international game per year Id like to see games in Italy and France too
Comment from : @YOSSARIAN313

Soccer overshadows American football
Comment from : @bittusaini7750

football is a way of life , American football is about commercials , cheerleaders , and AD's within AD's
Comment from : @MrZee1977

The most boring sport along with golf
Comment from : @judyanngetalado8439

Only things I dislike about watching soccer is the low scoringand tie games(I hate tie games in the NFL too but not common enough to be a real problem) brbrGive me a sudden death or a shootout or somethingbrbrBut the best thing is definitely 45 minutes of uninterrupted playtons of commercials suck despite knowing they pay the bills for our sports
Comment from : @2villainy

porque compara el fútbol, un deporte global con uno que no existe
Comment from : @FestumStultorum

soccer for gay or little girls
Comment from : @gokhanelmac

Newsflash the English Premier League isn't all of football/Soccer It's only one of the leagues in one of the countries that Association Football is popular in
Comment from : @24magiccarrot

You mean handegg?
Comment from : @doommarine1969

there never was a battle
Comment from : @AntonioAio

Nfl sucks
Comment from : @cu7204

Handball vs Football
Comment from : @Arman_Ali_seven

Making the most money Doesn’t equate the most fans 😂
Comment from : @The_Autisnick

The quality of the league was not the problem, the problem was they didn’t marketing wellbrbrCollege Football is almost as big as the NFL in America and the quality of the game is 1000x lower
Comment from : @samuelfaria8522

Recent study says american football is 2nd most popular in Germany? Which one is that? Cause any list I find says its not even in the top 10
Comment from : @jimmyandersson9938

NFl flopped outside North America(USA and Canada)!!!!!!
Comment from : @REDDEV-y6m

american handegg is cringe af, you can keep that
Comment from : @jaromor8808

bro i even searched how many nfl fans that in america and they say only 51 and when we are goes for soccer from 8 billion people 35 is soccer fans
Comment from : @gayaniranasingha9858

I don't think American football needs to go out of its way to expand into the world Although it is a hugely popular sport in the United States, it is only a minor sport when viewed internationally It would be better to focus on sports for Americans, by Americansbrbr
Comment from : @okinawa_jiyujin

American sports is mostly more physically gifted oriented sports brVery one dimensionalbrNever a messi or tendulkar short talent never make it
Comment from : @prasadganesh5804

because it’s shit
Comment from : @captainfalconmain6576

Why it lost? Maybe because you have a 60 minute game that last 4 hours because of all the breaks and adverts No one wants to see that It's boring
Comment from : @CPTM1

damn more than doubled soccers richest league
Comment from : @Fealnographs1

Amarican football will never reach the popularity of even basketball At least basketball is a global game with multiple professional leagues around the world at a high level And it has a World Cup and is a legit Olympic sport Maybe American football can surpass baseball
Comment from : @Bot-am0

The worst thing about American eggball is the commercials It's a sport made around commercials to viewers It will never take off outside of the US
Comment from : @likeminas

American football doesn't come close to rugby brYes fan will vote but only Americans love NFL brWe love cricket brRugby n football (soccer)brbrNgl im not interested in American football, baseball n basketball
Comment from : @3XC4LIBURR

The rest of the World doesnt need American football (NFL)brCoz we got rugby brTrying to play NFL in Europe n abroad out of America is no go ppl know rugby n will just see it as a cheap knock off
Comment from : @3XC4LIBURR

You guys do know American football is child's play to rugby brbrWith rugby being more brutal n bloody than NFL brbrBut if I were to go to America n see a NFL game I'd say oh here comes the cheap knock off of rugby
Comment from : @3XC4LIBURR

In most african countries american football doesn't exist and what we want most is football (soccer) and reason is the nfl itself is not interesting and is soo boring to the extent that i dont even watch it i prefer playing football (soccer) than nfl
Comment from : @RaymondArthur73

It is important to note that American football is a minor sport outside of North America
Comment from : @okinawa_jiyujin

Most richest league because they shove an advertisement down your throat every 5 minutes It’s the most capitalist league in the world Which aligns with American culture
Comment from : @antonioherrera2476

I can't be invested in a game that have ads every5 mins
Comment from : @AdekunleEnoch-n1g

We arent interest Egg ball
Comment from : @hakan1997

The rest of the world does not need this fake sport We already have Rugby, no need to try to introduce this fake sport to the rest of the world
Comment from : @pabloe8799

If you love soccer and call it football why quibble over what a 1/2 dozen other countries call it I will still call it soccer no matter what The term soccer is originally a British term
Comment from : @dpfitforlife81

Soccer, so incredibly dull, it's fine for exercise, but akin to watching grass grow Virtually zero strategy but kick ball opposite direction and flop down at slightest contact
Comment from : @JosephHickman-m6q

I watched the Super Bowl this year to see what the fuss was about, but it was a brutal watch It’s not a sport, it’s a vehicle for advertisements Keep it in America, please
Comment from : @mo3037

As a football (europe) fan i dont understand the HATE some europeans have against the NFL Sure you might not like it but it obviously is super fun to others Same with rugby, i watch rugby and it feels like people shit on the nfl alot while they dont even ever think about us
Comment from : @markfuckerturd5165

1:28 Wrong
Comment from : @paulpfeiffer7459

First of all try to overtake cricket
Comment from : @MrGoatCR

Nfl is the richest because US is the one of the richest countries, not because its better or most watched, understand itbrOtherwise, South America, Europe and Middle East love champions league, Libertadores, La Liga and it players and teams history, its cultural and historical, we love it, no way changing it
Comment from : @vaniitas8403

every NFL game have 1 hour of comercials Football have only a 15 minutes halftime with maybe 3 minutes of comercials, the rest are highlights from the first half So of course NFL generates more money But the elite football players earn more money than the top NFL players
Comment from : @gsw5865

I mean which football does american kick lmao
Comment from : @ಠಿ_ಠ-ತ7ಭ

Great video but started out wrong: The average Premier League club is worth $151 billion, according to data compiled by Sportico Manchester United ranks first at $595 billion, while Bournemouth ranks last at $145 million Below are the values of the league's 20 clubs, which are collectively worth more than $30 billion So in other words, one club in a single league is worth more than NFL combined
Comment from : @MrIlleism

Look, i don't watch American football much, but i don't have any particular strong opinion about it either However, imo, i think several traditions of the game aren't popular outside of US For example, commercials, circus before & middle of the games, lack of fan engagement in the stands(college football is quite better at that one), and few others i cant remember now If NFL can find a way to ease those issues or adapt them for international games, maybe they could make a change
Comment from : @tubeecsadik

To be honest the concept of sporting should be confined to Latin America, Europe and parts of Africa, every other place doesn't have the same sporting strength
Comment from : @capebala5273

The sport is actually unwatchable I think americans are too used to adverts in general that they somehow think an ad breaker every 5 minutes is acceptable Watching it in person is probably even worse
Comment from : @sock3981

NFL will only get big in USA That's it boring tackng violent no skill fightingbrbrEtc soccer, basketball, baseball etc those are better sports!!brbrNfl is full of thugs, bikers, punks, gangsters , killers, warfreak folks etc etc
Comment from : @EdgeLordOmen

European and south American sport fans don't care about American football because it's boring, slow and unsuitable, to expensive, to play on an amateur level for most people Second, Europeans and South Americans don't like the franchise system
Comment from : @fortheloveofmusic860

The day will never come 😂 not watching 50 ads just to also see my team lose rather cry in the 90
Comment from : @georgea_m

Invent something new rather copying rugby 😛
Comment from : @NatureAndMyself

I’m sorry, I thought you were talking about how AF failed to capture the worlds attention Instead it sounds like you’re embracing it as if it did, which is false I’ve never heard anyone outside of America embrace AF Besides, rugby is already a global sport, I think people would prefer that instead
Comment from : @danysanta8875

It is also a very painful game to play Lots of injuries are guaranteed So kids cannot play this as cheaply and easily as they can play actual Football
Comment from : @ahmedshaharyarejaz9886

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