Title | : | How To Invest In Real Estate Without Making These Mistakes - Robert Kiyosaki [The Rich Dad Radio] |
Lasting | : | 43.01 |
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Views | : | 1,3 jt |
What real estate investing mistakes have you made? What did you learn from it? Comment from : @TheRichDadChannel |
It is impossible to make money out of nothing, this guy thinks we idiots Comment from : @reagandaniels202 |
can really make money out of nothing? Comment from : @reagandaniels202 |
my advice is read inbetween the bull shit Comment from : @reagandaniels202 |
If he is making so money why he wants our money to subscribed to this channel Comment from : @reagandaniels202 |
if he is looking for more money trying to more money of this channel, wat does tell you? Comment from : @reagandaniels202 |
Crypto is risky as many would say but I think the actual risk in Crypto is not investing, buying the capitulation isn't a tough call, but it is a very tough call to figure out what to do aside holding I remember when I just got into crypto back in 2019 but later in 2020 I ended up selling it because I was dumb and I didn't understand it I studied and learned and now I know how it works Got back into crypto early in 2023 with 10k and I’m up with 128k in a short period of time Comment from : @AdamVickeryy |
I just made an offer to my 2nd property today Glad my friend shared Robert to me It is life changing and it changed my mindset Im renting my single fam house and im moving to a 3BR townhouse, and renting out the extra rooms It would offset the mortgage and I can save towards my next property Im in my early 30s, single I moved to the US frm the Philippines in Oct of 2014 with a reg job, and I started from nothing I just worked and bought my 1st home in 2019 Ive been educating myself regarding real estate and my mindset has truly changed I take notes Every day I learn something new Thank you Comment from : @charmmorningstar7530 |
I like the way Kiyosaki says, "I think we're in a massive commercial-real estate bubble right now," and it never occurs to him to say what year it is in which he is speaking So when I see this video on You Tube, I have no idea what period he is talking about Comment from : @StephenAKatz |
"Idiots"; "jump right in"; "they're gonna get hammered" And you never explain what mistakes you're talking about Comment from : @StephenAKatz |
Instead of mouthing the generality that you have been too trusting, why don't you explain what it is you';re referring to? When you buy a property you've had it inspected, you've had a title report done, and you know the terms of the loan; so how can you be deceived? You should explain that, because otherwise, your generality of you're being too trusting video is useless Comment from : @StephenAKatz |
I am not learning from this convention It was wasting time Comment from : @alihamami996 |
Bossman You got me ? Comment from : @JordanLemonier |
Mr Roy I won't be doing this till 2028 Please finish helping me Comment from : @JordanLemonier |
Back in 2007, during my time working in real estate, I witnessed people purchasing newly built homes from builders with the plan to sell them before the closing of escrow to another buyer for a profit The crash hit hard and fast, and I vividly recall many of these units ending up foreclosed upon, with the builder's plastic still covering the carpets Comment from : @NicholasBall130 |
The accuracy of your guest, stating real estate takes time, is spot on I started to study your books and every book I could get about real estate after a high school teacher got me excited about real estate investing I bought my first rental at 21 24 years later and it really feels like we are finally seeing the payoff/reward for our hard work and sacrifice It is a slow process, and like any business it hasn't been easy, but it is worth it long term We are retiring from our FT jobs to do only real estate! My husband is finishing out his last week and I'm wrapping up a few final jobs So excited Thank you for helping to teach me and getting me confident about about starting! That is the hardest partstarting! Comment from : @AV84fun_GC |
I made a lot of mistakes buying my first rental property and I am paying for it now I invest in the wrong property didn’t effectively crunch numbers and I trust my real estate agent and I should have done a more effective due diligence It’s in cali during pandemic and cali is a tenant state I had squatters that never paid rent and I ran out of money I learn you need to have $$$ to invest I don’t care if it’s wholesaling its cost to be REI I only held the property for a year because of personal reason I let the property foreclosure I’m kind of hesitant to invest in real estate again as I thought I could control my destiny and retire on my own but back to reality…9 to 5 😢😢 Comment from : @KingLoneWolf44 |
12 minutes into a 43 minute video and they haven’t started to talk about what they promised to teach me in the video which is avoiding mistakes in real estate investing Please don’t waste my time Comment from : @ManagePayPerClick |
Real estate investment losing money is a story to my ears They are a major reason why the real estate market is the way that it is now Comment from : @susannicky |
You guys are a blessing im about tu turn 45 i was so lost well im still am but im leaning from this amazing channel 🙏 my son is 11 and my girls wish are 25, 28 and 30 brbrMy responsibility and resolution is to guide them alm that im lerning and introducing this channel to them🙏 thank you so much Comment from : @aguedabernadi2860 |
Please come again in India ❤ with Kim Kiyosaki Comment from : @BadaBooksIndia |
I'm new to trading and my presumption is that I'll be needing an expert to guild one through But I'm a bit curious about getting one Comment from : @SteveMicheal-xf5px |
I'm new to trading and my presumption is that I'll be needing an expert to guild one through But I'm a bit curious about getting one Comment from : @SteveMicheal-xf5px |
❤️🔥 Comment from : @FreedomReigns999 |
IPC me Rape bhi to Gender Neutral nahi Ye lagu hona jada important hai Patni ki tarah Pati bhi patni ki pvt property hota haibrbrDowary law is still misused, more than 75 case are found fake Marital rape will increase this fake cases Comment from : @sachinkaushik3999 |
Robert is bubble boy chicken head Comment from : @Pushapk |
what if realestate units are not occupied fully rental yield all over world shows less than 4 yieldespecially countries like India yield is much much lowbut the loan repayment starts immediately from day 115 for corporate loansone takeaway is cash flowthats it Comment from : @Kittieschutties |
Ive recently just got into this and got the rich dad poor dad book I have finally woke up and decided i need to make financial changes Ive cut down unnecessary spending paid of my credit cards which were high interest and high balances and have only a bit left to pay for my car but the biggest debt i have is student loans I am thinking of either focusing on paying off loans completely paying more than minimum each month to get out of this, but what i need to know is how should i get about this? Do i 1 pay a large chunk each check to the debt or pay a portion to the debt a portion to investing and a portion to put into a high yeilds savings account? If i invest what exactly shoudl i try investing in? Comment from : @viviana3776 |
عالی❤❤❤ Comment from : @mrgame8251 |
Public service announcement to save time skip to at least 16 min Beginning just a small talk Comment from : @anya2t58 |
Helo sir Comment from : @global7rai68 |
I started the year joyfully after partaking in cryptos in December last year I'm still overwhelmed despite the instability in the crypto market, I have earned over $84,000 from my $19000 investment Am So excited to know that money can be made even in a bear market, make the most of it Comment from : @codycreamer5531 |
Financial books have been so helpful I’m 54 and my wife 50 we are both retired with over $3 million in net worth and no debts Currently living smart and frugal with our money No longer putting blames on FED for our misfortunes Saving and investing lifestyle in the stock market made it possible for us this early, even till now we earn weekly Comment from : @ibrahimaisaadan |
I sold a couple of homes in the Tampa area for pretty good cash and I'm thinking to just leave it in stocks while waiting for a house crash to happen and as well avoid inflation, but is this really a good time to buy stocks? I hear it's a madhouse right now and I still hear folks are raking in huge 6figure profits by the weeks and I'd love to know how Comment from : @feliciacameron9531 |
During a bear market, the headlines will focus on negative news, whether it's declining economic growth, geopolitical upheaval, cultural and legal turmoil, or some combination of all three I listened to a podcast of someone that grew his reserve from $120k to almost $460k during this Red season, can you share tips on how to make such aggressive proceeds in short periods? Comment from : @angelapalmer1099 |
Success seems to be connected with actionbrsuccessful people keep moving They makebrmistake,but they don't quit The stock market hasbrplenty of opportunities to earn decent payouts, withbrthe right skills and proper understanding of how thebrmarket works Comment from : @fflk4 |
Have fun maintaining needless world wide economic warfare by way of capitalism and EVERY system connected to it!!Good job everybody!!! Comment from : @recluseauhermitticus2033 |
Robert has Einstein’s hair doo 🎉 Comment from : @richardsanchez7709 |
Never invest in India these people are corrupt to the core Obviously he did tell you the problems in investing in India Comment from : @bruceram1033 |
I lived in Belize for one year In a town called Ladyville, and on the windy coast I would not have my mom live there It's not for everyone I looked into Gene Guarinos course I paid $1,50000 for an outline to the real course which costs $30,00000 (in 2021) and there were other courses to take It looked like they offer a lot of support though The course is very thorough, step by step advice Excellent! brIn Connecticut if you house more than 4 elderly residents you will have to be a licensed RCH (Residential Care Home) First the DSS needs an application for a CON (Certificate of Need) This is very hard to obtain Other states, like New Hampshire are more accessible My home, a board and care, had one resident It had to go through Probate for approval, but it was lucrative The DSS does require vaccinations for owners, staff and residents in CT Comment from : @jaynefranzinoromero5877 |
Giving all praise to this team of guru's for bringing my life back on track when I thought everything was gone, but with the help guidelines I was able to realized that the secret to making a million is saving for a better investment I always tell myself you don't need that new Maserati or that vacation just yet That mindset helped me make more money investing For example last year I invested 80k in stocks (with the help of my Financial Advisor of course) and made about 246k, but guess what? I put it all back and traded with her again and now I'm rounding up close to a million Comment from : @gorgealex8068 |
Real Estate provides cashflow, tax benefits, equity building, competitive risk-adjusted returns, and inflation protection on its own Whether you invest in physical properties or REITs, real estate may help you diversify your portfolio and reduce volatility Dividends are what got me into investing in REITs, great way to secure the accumulate wealth, I hold AMT, CCI & PSA $290k in profits made in 2022 Comment from : @Raymondjohn2 |
Mrs Bianca is legit and her trading skills works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new trading skills Comment from : @LylahBergeron |
Yep I do know him ❤️🙏 but I don't follow up with nonsense! 😅 Comment from : @Owner7979 |
If you don't find a means of mult'iplying your mo'ney , you will wake up one day and real'ize that the money you tho-ught you had, had been exhau-sted Inves-ting is a lad'der to cli'mb the finan-cial wall Comment from : @louiscruz9175 |
Robert why you sooooo cheap ?😏 Comment from : @abdulnajem1540 |
I love the energy :DDDDDDDDDD "Im a multi milionare flipping real estate" :DDDDDDDDD Laughed thanks ^^ Comment from : @milo20060 |
I’m glad I pulled through, despite the crises I am retiring next yr at 55 with 3 houses paid off worth 45 million One is my place of residence the other 2 properties will give me $80,000per/yr rent I will have an income stream of $20,000 per yr through my super which gives me total $100,000 a yr to live comfortably I have no debts Stay Motivated!! Comment from : @georgestone0123 |
Ok teach me please Comment from : @rhysphillips2577 |
After selling a couple homes in 2022, I'm anticipating a housing crisis in order to buy inexpensively As a backup plan, I've been thinking about purchasing stocks What recommendations do you have for the best time to buy? On the one hand, I keep reading and seeing trader earnings of over $500k each week On the other side, I keep hearing that the market is out of control and experiencing a dead cat bounce Why does this happen? Comment from : @elvismark5172 |
Buying a stock is easy, but buying the right stock without a time-tested strategy is incredibly hard Hence what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist? I’ve been trying to grow my portfolio of $260K for sometime now, my major challenge is not knowing the best entry and exit strategies I would greatly appreciate any suggestions Comment from : @jacksonroman1621 |
So does an endorsement of being a good person comes from a mob boss put the definition of "good" on a different scale? How does one value the behavior and actions as being good or bad? What is the scale you use? I personally value honesty first Filing bankruptcy so you do not have to pay the construction workers on a project is NOT a honest business practice Comment from : @engineeringmanager1248 |
i don't understand their conversation but i never give up Comment from : @harshitagrahari9324 |
I've been investing with TERESA JENSEN WHITE's guidance for a few years and I couldn't be happier Her company has given me the best ROI while preserving my capital and has the most thorough investment guidance out there It also never burns my money with speculation or poor philosophies of risk management Comment from : @susannabruemmer3683 |
Purchasing Bitcoin doesn't always assures winning, the ability to make profit off your capital is what makes you win Stop relying on the market price to make profit Choose trading ? Comment from : @philtyler8721 |
so how you supposed to go by it step by step Comment from : @kingarcy36 |
What classes teaches money Comment from : @kingarcy36 |
I will tell you how to become rich Close the doors Be fearful when others are greedy Be greedy when others are fearful – Warren Buffett Comment from : @positivitilending |
Does this type of video effectivly work as a seminar, or are seminars structured differently? Comment from : @a19spyro95 |
This was the biggest waste of time Comment from : @josephsineriz1984 |
54' years old now and have nothing for retirement So what does the professionals suggest for a guy in my position? Comment from : @sheepdoglogic |
I sold my home 2020 and I've been dollar cost averaging all year long and I've almost maxed out my reserve, so I'm basically waiting for stocks to fully recover so I can break even, but on the other hand, I've been coming by articles on people who are puIIing off recurring proflts of over $150K wlthln just weeks of trades, what am i doing wrong? Comment from : @michealwrubell4302 |
I like learning about real estate investing but hearing how they INSULT people calling them "Idiots" is such a turn off Be respectful of people and may be you can get funding or promote books successfully Comment from : @blessed3150 |
I keep wondering how people earn money in financial markets, i tried trading on my own made a huge loss and now I'm scared of investing more Comment from : @vickiaweaver7488 |
2106 Comment from : @safarsafarov4636 |
I love this guy just ordered two of your books!…I’m poor but my plan is to be a millionaire 2 years from now as I’ve just been left a house to rent out and go from there, well I hope so anyway Comment from : @shropshirehistory908 |
16:23 brLol Robert kiyosaki brThat was so adorable Comment from : @Kleinycast |
College is a HUGE waste of time and money Comment from : @obxarms7685 |
Amazing video, Can you make a video explaining how beginners can make huge profits within a short period of time? I mean I was at a seminar and the host spoke about making well over $880,000 within 4 months of investing $150,000 I just need to know how Comment from : @britney_david |
Not all teachers just talk I teach business at high school and I invest in real estate properties and own businesses Instead of criticizing why don't you guys sign up to be a high school teacher and see how that works out Comment from : @chadpru892 |
How to become very successful specially when the husband or wife is a financial illiterate and not showing interest to learn about numbers ( money education)? 🤔 Comment from : @dand3175 |
It's my greatest prevelage to watch this! Comment from : @dand3175 |
33:20 it's called summit at sea? Comment from : @hunteer8875 |
which course did he recommend at 14:36 again? Comment from : @hunteer8875 |
first time watching thisnot great I'm 20 min in and they are just repeating the same thing, no real advicemaybe i should just read the book Comment from : @d7k33 |
I'll forever be thankful to you you've changed my whole life continue to preach about your name for the world to hear you've saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment, thanks so much Mrs Ellen Riley Comment from : @kcjones3434 |
I’m new to all this, heard it's a good time to buy and basically I've just got cash sitting duck in the bank and I’d really love to put it to good use seeing how inflation is at an all time-high, who is this SamDeymon that guides you, mind I look them up Comment from : @jacob4811 |
Thanks for sharing, I just looked him up online and I would say Sam Deymon really does have an impressive background on investing Comment from : @brianronald4543 |
kim and cathys hopebrpark and shop pink sweet heart soapbrals oil pipe dope Comment from : @jeffreyrichardson |
julias dads shedbrthings that jodi welch brecht saidbrdouglas brothers lead Comment from : @jeffreyrichardson |
lowes known christmas helpbrportfolioes stools brad delpbrsargassos sea kelp Comment from : @jeffreyrichardson |
aspen dentals cardbrno cadaver bone known bardbrronnies shortening lard Comment from : @jeffreyrichardson |
titanium screwsbrmy loved trust as santos luisbruss king crews Comment from : @jeffreyrichardson |
cape cods kettle cookedbrqueen of katwe scargo rookedbrhongmeizhous pay looked Comment from : @jeffreyrichardson |
ruthies gifted crossbrbilly rogers boys loved bossbrrealized ones known loss Comment from : @jeffreyrichardson |
Robert Kiyosaki you are so inspiring just wanted to say thank you all the way from South Africa :) Comment from : @richardmorisse1629 |
trash poor Comment from : @kevintedja2 |
Thank you guys an Gail another great show Comment from : @jamescave1313 |
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