Title | : | Does Australia really cost THAT MUCH more to live in than America? |
Lasting | : | 12.27 |
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Views | : | 10 rb |
Cigarettes now are $65 per pack of 25 Comment from : @lawrencevaughan4546 |
Re our wages are higher than in the USA, remember, we don’t pay workers tips This guy has a lot of facts wrong Ryan Comment from : @christyowens8172 |
Keep in mind when it comes to Tobacco and Alcohol, Australia increases the tax each year Comment from : @yudimerber |
Eggs are actually much more expensive here in Australia than what he says They have skyrocketed recently Comment from : @rachelmckitterick |
Lucky you're not in NZ buying eggs Since we have outlawed caged hens for eggs we now have to pay $12 Doz at the supermarket Comment from : @tysonmck |
Ry RyYEAH, we're all SHELL SHOCKED with the price of eggs LoL hahaha 🤣😂 Comment from : @dianapotter7284 |
Eggs are a luxury now, we are paying $15 a dozen Comment from : @evewright1102 |
You dont pay any tax on the first $19,000ish income Comment from : @2young2rocknroll |
He quoted the price of a 24-pack of beer So, A$2250 for 12 pack converts to US$1450 Comment from : @2young2rocknroll |
The US$ is 64 cents ATM Comment from : @2young2rocknroll |
In New Zealand we pay $1 per egg which is 60c USD Cigarettes are $52 per pack of 25 which is $31 USD Alcohol here is cheap at $35 for a 24 pack of bottles which is $21 USD Comment from : @ianlindsay7704 |
Australia has low income rent assistance brState taxes as in the US do not exist brGST is included in the cost of all goods and services straight up not added making it hard to know what is needed to be paid Comment from : @raptattention7242 |
Ryan: "Cigarettes are so expensive in the US Like $9 a pack"brAustralia: "Hold my beer" Comment from : @ozfroggirl9221 |
That blue t-shirt just brings out your eyes so beautifully Holly Molly!!! 😊❤ Comment from : @tristangranger9397 |
My opinion is your need to get your fact right He is way off Comment from : @bcd89z |
Cigarettes are $50 Comment from : @bcd89z |
His statement on healthcare are profoundly incorrectmedicare levy comes out of our tax and is income tested his overly generalised statements around our tax system is also incorrect Comment from : @sunnesunne4039 |
We pay a lot of tax here in Oz Comment from : @amishgirl1000 |
Can’t really believe you’re comparing prices between Australia and the USA when the medical expenses in the states can leave you broke Also, you can do without cigarettes That’s a filthy habit everyone should avoid anyway Many people like a drink or two, but alcohol is hardly a necessity in life The most important things in life are far more affordable in Australia, because our pay rates are higher for minimum wages We do OK, Ryan Comment from : @arnolddavies6734 |
This was a really basic comparison and the prices are already outdated Eggs, milk & McDonalds are already more expensive than mentioned No need to talk about how much more expensive housing is, it's unaffordable for most people Comment from : @bronwynbrin |
$900 for a pack of cigarettes in the USits between $40 & $50 AUD a pack, hereway out there, mate I pay $40 at the smoke shop snd $4695 at Woolworths!! Pack of Winnie Blue 25'sbrbrWho is this bloke???? Comment from : @yvonnecaldwell6088 |
Carlton Drought????? It's Carlton Draught (draft) Comment from : @yvonnecaldwell6088 |
Cost of living in Australia, at the moment, is a rip off👎👎😠🇭🇲🇭🇲 Comment from : @yvonnecaldwell6088 |
if you earn $36000 a year in Australia, you'll pay about $4000 in tax not the 32 he mentioned Comment from : @leglessinoz |
this guy got a lot wrong Comment from : @muncheesuppar |
wwwabsgovau/statistics/labour/earnings-and-working-conditions/average-weekly-earnings-australia/nov-2022brbrThe average Australian income is approximately $80-90k Comment from : @Sheerkaz |
my 16 year old gets paid over $15 an hour stacking shelves in a supermarket after school Comment from : @ianschoonwater4667 |
At least you dont get shot buying your groceries Comment from : @markflint2629 |
His tax rate for Australia is WRONG you pay no tax on the first $18000 Comment from : @markflint2629 |
READ the COMMENTS from AUSTRALIANS because this guy has never lived in Oz and doesn't know anything about how it works here and the labor system and culture A TOTAL MISREPRESENTATION !!! Comment from : @barnowl |
very little an employee can claim on taxes, only business can Comment from : @michaelthomasross3251 |
The reason why alcohol,cigarettes, cigars and tobacco is so expensive is because of something called a luxury tax It’s a tax on unhealthy consumable substances to prevent people from getting sick, or addicted Comment from : @sharronbrennon899 |
the medcal is from our tax Comment from : @matthewmeuleman9872 |
A lot of this guy's figures are just wrong Ryan, I suggest you read the comments from Aussies that actually know this stuff Comment from : @glenngarrett8785 |
This guy has missed the size of the pack of beer Pack size in US 12 Pack size in OZ 24 ?? Comment from : @ralannelson7781 |
He has oversimplified tax so much that I wonder if he's a bit thick or has an agenda Tax systems are of course complicated and would probably need at least a 5 to 10 minute discussion to really compare the two systems A lot of people here have stated that it's wildly incorrect Comment from : @sophitsa79 |
Most of the figures he confidently claims have nothing to do with the price of eggs! Except the eggs part he got that right Comment from : @quantumjank3091 |
Once again people make the mistake of using the currency exchange rate to compare prices between different countries, when it’s the buying power of one’s labour that is of more relevance The exchange rate is really only an issue when you are spending money you earned in your own country, in another country My wife and I will be spending 6 weeks in the UK and Ireland later on this year, so our major financial concern will be how just far our Australian dollars go, compared to here at home A better gauge, in the case mentioned herein, is to pick a particular job description and it’s hourly rate in the different countries and the price of typical items Just now, I looked up the hourly rate for a Walmart employee, $12 (gross) average and the price of a dozen eggs $420 to $593, so the Walmart worker can buy 2 to 3 dozen eggs with 1 hour’s labour However, an Australian Coles supermarket employee earning $24/hour (gross) can buy 35 to 65 doz eggs, priced between $350 and $680 per doz with 1 hour’s labour I noticed this morning that petrol was selling for $1 70/litre Thus our Coles worker can buy 141 litres or 37 US gallons with an hour’s labour, while our Walmart friends, at $356/US gallon buys 337 gallons with 1 hours labour Comment from : @mikequinn6206 |
no one buys a 12 pack of beer, considering it usually only $10 more for a full case (24) as for "Becks" thats usually $50aud a case and thats the fully imported from Belgium i think the alcohol prices he is quoting are way off Comment from : @kodawolf8231 |
A small population and a very large country places lots of pressure on infrastructure projects and upkeep, so taxes reflect this Comment from : @sportsfanivosevic9885 |
I went to the shop for my neighbour to buy her some pouch tobacco $6850 for 25gm pack and $13400 for 50gm pouch of tobacco A lot of people have turned to roll your own ciggies these days Comment from : @helenh20mo |
Keep up the good work with the vids mate Sorry, but that guy was pulling some of those numbers out of his a$$ - mainly alcohol costs, and assessment of taxes here and there as mentioned in other comments (possibly also reflected in his 42k views, but only 75 likes) What he also didn't take into consideration was the invisible US "tax" - tipping Using the exchange rate in the vid, my AUD100/USD70 meal out could easily be USD90 after sales tax (appears to be 9 in IN) and 18 tip Comment from : @bje20001 |
Don’t forget the conversation rate of mass shooting Comment from : @trevorelward7045 |
minimum wage in Aust is $2323 per hr @1 july 23 Comment from : @debkendall |
This guy doesn’t understand the intricacies of Australia’s system to do a fair comparison He’s basing it all on what google told him Comment from : @jaywan5553 |
When calculating and comparing incomes you have to factor in benefits as well Australians also get an additional 12 of their wage paid directly into their retirement funds, so a $50k wage would also have $6000 paid into retirement Workers also get 10 days paid sick leave and 4 weeks of paid holiday leave Many industries also have access to salary sacrificing- basically we can use up to 40 of our pay to pay bills before tax, therefore reducing our taxable income by 40 Comment from : @jaywan5553 |
Googled McDonalds wages in Australia Average McDonald's Crew Member hourly pay in Victoria is approximately $2496, which is 23 below the national average And our beer has more alcohol in it Googled tax rate on If you make $30,000 a year living in Australia, you will be taxed $2,842 That means that your net pay will be $27,158 per year, or $2,263 per month Your average tax rate is 95 Comment from : @RoseHagan-d6z |
The hourly rate is about $25 an hour plus more in lots of jobs Comment from : @elainequirk5349 |
The average income in Aus is actually between $68,900 and $90,800, depending on the source Comment from : @Shado_wolf |
Tax wise is not correct , also we have public health/medicare unlike america , our food etc prices are including tax we dont add tax on after therefore cheaper them america with many things Comment from : @aimeeduncan8187 |
For beer he compared a 12 pack US to a carton 24 pack Aus Comment from : @CdrmnkNathan |
This is just not correct and over simplified Comment from : @mandynoske5809 |
As soon as he said "Carlton DROUGHT", I stopped listening 🙄 Comment from : @bencodykirk |
It's 19 for $18,200 to $45,000 and that's only for every dollar over $18,200 The first $18,200 has zero tax Comment from : @nerissaglasscock8538 |
VB isn't everyone's favourite beer, far from it Comment from : @bronwyn6415 |
Haha, you need a more updated video Eggs are $7 for a dozen in brissy at the moment 😂😂 Comment from : @emilygreen6159 |
Eggs are more expensive now due to the hen now are identifying as rosters Comment from : @genxscotty |
Bud is a 350ml bottle VB is a 730ml bottle a case of Bud here is $55 a case of VB can be as cheap as $57And we have a better beer with a higher alcohol contentStill waiting for you to come visit us Ryan Comment from : @bobbythorman7421 |
Our wages are better Comment from : @valsyaranamual6853 |
Its 32 tax on the amount ABOVE $20k Comment from : @nolamullen1889 |
No one wealthy in Australia ?? Australia has one of the highest household debt in the world, Denmark & Singapore higher household debt because there taxes & regulations higher But it also means more public housing than more home ownership per capita In Singapore the government own 90 homes & businesses same as China socalism policy sucks not capitalism Comment from : @coopsnz1 |
Hundreds of franchise closed in Australia, so who making a net profit Comment from : @coopsnz1 |
A 3 bed home in my area 4 million upper norhshore a mansion selling 15 milion to 20 milion Why you need to earn more money but government steal more making it harder to pay off a mortgage and business loan Comment from : @coopsnz1 |
Everyone a consumer getting fucked over by government even franchise & independant owners like me are Comment from : @coopsnz1 |
You need earn $250000 a household to own a 3 bed home in sydney, because government taxes you to hell , so you left with little percentage of money yearly to save Comment from : @coopsnz1 |
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