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GOLD VS BITCOIN - Peter Schiff, Michael Oliver u0026 Dominic Frisby

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Title :  GOLD VS BITCOIN - Peter Schiff, Michael Oliver u0026 Dominic Frisby
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Frames GOLD VS BITCOIN - Peter Schiff, Michael Oliver u0026 Dominic Frisby

Description GOLD VS BITCOIN - Peter Schiff, Michael Oliver u0026 Dominic Frisby

Comments GOLD VS BITCOIN - Peter Schiff, Michael Oliver u0026 Dominic Frisby

Id love to know how much Peters son made in BTC He always talks about it with begrudging pride hahaha
Comment from : @sensi247

Jeez, the ignorance here is incredible PS is just a troll at this point, responsible for losing his clients a fortune I was a gold bug like Dominic too but bitcoin will surpass gold in a few years time and won't look back Don't screw yourselves by listening to Peter Schiff, he's an insincere idiot
Comment from : @justin3606-j8l

Peter's super logical
Comment from : @cainejackson8003

s agobrTHE Gold AUDIT MUST INCLUDE ALL LOCATIONSFort Knox, Denver, west point and FED
Comment from : @knownow6361

Peter is a Used Gold Salesman
Comment from : @OshoRamseyGump

Man, with inflation hitting hard, I’ve been wondering, what’s the best way to protect my money? Gold, Bitcoin, or just sticking to stocks?
Comment from : @SeraphinaVanderpool

"bitcoin will keep repeting the cycle" , are you a prophet?
Comment from : @inca8250

Wow, I haven't listened to Peter in 3 years and he's even more of an idiot than when last I heard him!
Comment from : @omelihu

Comment from : @jamesgalbreath6331

Comment from : @jamesgalbreath6331

Comment from : @jamesgalbreath6331

Bitcoin is a scam And I do not stand to be corrected on this Frisby is just trying his best to protect his investment, which is a scam You'll see before long !
Comment from : @MrEndubsar

Bitcoin an Imaginary asset exists in the matrix accepted by groups of people Gold is physical asset accepted worldwide by all governments accept Canada, majority of the world population Heavily manipulated by the western financial system to make sure debt base system like Treasury, bonds and stock market attract majority investor, speculators and br gamblers
Comment from : @aritari5519

I don't think I'd use the word genius to describe SaylorbrI'd definitely say he's smart, well educated, he's a visionary He does what he says he's going to do He's a leader He's willing to admit when he's wrong And he doesn't give upbrHis company is the first bitcoin treasury company I'd say that decision was genius
Comment from : @OshoRamseyGump

If you hold gold and zero bitcoin, whatever you do, Don't look at the Bitcoin Vs Gold Logarithmic ChartbrIt'll make you feel sick to your stomach
Comment from : @OshoRamseyGump

Anyone saying bitcoin is in a bubble br1) Doesn't understand adoption S-curvesbr2) Hasn't seen the Bitcoin chart on a logarithmic scale
Comment from : @OshoRamseyGump

Anyone who's planning to moderate a debate including Peter Schiff and hasn't felt a responsibility to define and enforce a rigid debate structure, doesn't deserve the platformbrIt's not hard Define the time intervals and mute the mics when it's not their turn to talkbrOtherwise you allow bullies to bully and it really makes you as a moderator look bad
Comment from : @OshoRamseyGump

What is Bitcoin?brBitcoin is Digital CapitalbrBoom!
Comment from : @OshoRamseyGump

"The most important thing about money is that it have value as a commodity, first"br-Peter Schiffbr🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @OshoRamseyGump

Anyone who says that Bitcoin isn't money, simply doesn't understand money Or they're suffering from a mental disorder Either way, they're not someone I would take financial advice from
Comment from : @OshoRamseyGump

Remember What About Bob?brBaby steps get off the bus, baby steps a little less gold, baby steps a little bit of Bitcoin, baby steps maybe I was wrong,
Comment from : @OshoRamseyGump

Schiff is sounding a lot like the old guys in the balcony of The Muppets!
Comment from : @briantishsutherland828

I'll take, "Anything better than Ponzi" for $2000, Alex!
Comment from : @georgehubbard6876

The universe is only 13B years old, a bit hard for stars colliding trillions of years ago
Comment from : @henfrisco

Peter will be correct about MicroStratergy!
Comment from : @tpndtbk

And I save in BTC and gold Gold is postalbitcoin is email
Comment from : @andorranik3571

Hey Peter who goes to the shops and pays with goldyour argument sucks
Comment from : @andorranik3571

Bitcoin is a scam Everybody will know the truth who is behind the scene of bitcoin
Comment from : @gewen7456

That was fun A good heated debate
Comment from : @bluedeskfan2754

I dont trust the bitcoin guy, europeans milk butts
Comment from : @Josephmansion

Hopefully they can produce these metals in a lab as the derivatives are massive and that many people claiming the same ounce of gold
Comment from : @wesleyantkowiak6479

Crazy to think what the precious metals prices will do as the paper market contracts blow up Some deliveries taking 3 months and all the road blocks put in place to slow deliveries on metals they don't even have 😅
Comment from : @wesleyantkowiak6479

Gold has not formed when stars collided, it formed when stars collapsed and went supernova Gold is not a best conductor of electricity, silver is
Comment from : @genadypankov6478

Shiff is a complete JERK no one interrupted HIM but he can keep his mouth shut whick means he is scared shirtless
Comment from : @dougiequick1

Dominic doing a great job
Comment from : @Pro2eus

All the terrorists money and illegal money is in bitcoin
Comment from : @prabhathb3865

Great interview
Comment from : @raincoast7086

I agree with peter
Comment from : @mtrum79

I felt sad for the guys screaming over the top of each other Maybe the moderator should’ve stepped in a bit sooner
Comment from : @steveruschin5191

The internet doesn’t need bitcoin as a means of transaction for online commerce I’ve bought and sold items from various places, both domestically and internationally I’ve never had a problem with payments
Comment from : @BotzNBoardz6

Bitcoin only lasts as long as it is mathematically difficult to factor large prime numbers
Comment from : @RedSphericalUFO

The argument here was completely destroyed the moment old mate admitted that for America to go into Bitcoin they would need to buy it with Gold That just proves Gold outshines Bitcoin as you need gold to buy Bitcoin how stupid are people There's your sign
Comment from : @ashleywatson8115

I found Dominic way of speaking very aggressive and sometime toxic But I know, Bitcoin speculative bubble need this in order to proceed
Comment from : @mondiversi-me

Anyone spewing nonsense about btc being safe, decentralized, and finite is wasting everyone's time and is either lying or incompetent It is totally centralized, infinite, and subject to government control Just look at the Canadian truckers The argument for btc being money or money like is over It is yesterday's news and any sucker dumb enough to buy it deserves to be be parted from their wealth
Comment from : @JoeButtcrack

“They rebranded it” says Schiff Nobody brands Bitcoin because there is no CEO, no issuer, no marketing team Satoshi mentioned the importance to divide money and state What it is today is exactly what is written in the white paper People can use it the way they want to use it The market decides
Comment from : @sergevanderpluijm

The comments are full of people that have zero clue on what BTC is and how it works Peter is just rambling on ruining his legacy He had a good name as an analyst, but his “debates”’ on this topic are getting worse and worse
Comment from : @sergevanderpluijm

Hoard gold and silver, swing trade gold and silver miners, day and swing trade cryptos (I prefer trading the alt coins over BTC) That’s how I’m going about it
Comment from : @jorgeharmstrong

It is a battle between hope and experience in my view Hope is good but not good enough to totally ignore experience Bubbles happen, governments break things No one cares how many bitcoins you have until you exchange them for physical things Those physical thiings are always vulnerable to forfeiture laws, theft, confiscation or forced inaccessibility by other means
Comment from : @FireEaterJahfre

The triggered frisby😂😂😂
Comment from : @madmilo5837

Peter schiff the 🤡 has costed himself and millions of other allot of moneybrbrI listened to him from 2020-2024 and losy out brbrIn jan 2024 i realised he was wrong and bought bitcoin and since ive doubled my money
Comment from : @siahwashn9794

You cant do anything with Satoshis Vs You can do allthings with Gold, i guess this smart@ss means you can cook gold and eat a soup but you cant make a soup out of satoshis This guy is hilarious, even if i was in about Gold he is not the guy i would do Gold business cause what he talks is stupid You can only trade BTCoh really? Why i think also Gold is soomething you can only trade too??? What the fok is wrong with these people?
Comment from : @akosm6310

These guys are basing their analysis because they cannot define btc😂😂
Comment from : @Muzzy0085

Now we expect people who have built their entire economical life on a specific element like gold to come out and admit what? That a new element BTC is better than their product? No it wont happen my dears And that's foking alright We dont need anything from them They are on their own business, we are on our business But i cant no comment on them talking like 5 years' old about "yes i accept we are on a digital era, but i need to be able to touch, smell and taste something to understand its value" So they just validate to me that we have reached the point when even them, have started realizing and slowly understanding what BTC is and what it will become in the future So they see they have found the strongest competitor on their market of storing economical value So i strongly believe that all these debates have no real value to us all Because each side is already strongly biased Also i can own both gold and BTC and that is fine And i don't care about them losing the opportunity on BTC I like it, them being only on their GOLD, they allow me more of BTC ahahha Or they put themselves on the path of having to pay a very premium price in the future so i could take my profits out of them etc etcJust remember hat Jesus came down to earth himself, offered salvation to all people but not all accepted it, not all believed in salvation etc etc Now BTC is like a Jesus for the economical salvation of people GOD (Satoshi) send it to people to save themselves Some will believe some wont God bless us all!!!
Comment from : @akosm6310

Nice ❤❤❤❤
Comment from : @amirafshar2580

99999 of Bitcoin owners never buy anything with their digital “currency” That’s a huge clue
Comment from : @atari7001

Why do all these Bitcoiners have some kind of mental disorder? 😅 They believe in make belief things thats why i bet they still believe in Santa Claus!
Comment from : @nasdaqtrader1

Bitcoin is a pyramid game and the bubble will burst some day, for sure Gold is from eternity to eternity Well done Peter Schiff!
Comment from : @pramodvora2067

Peter you lost me with your biased political opinion on Trump you sir need to move forward with the future
Comment from : @tracystead6463

I can't watch a disrespectful debate
Comment from : @alvarohigino

Schiff, you're a bitter old fart
Comment from : @joelkamps5815

😂😂😂 idiots 😊
Comment from : @jmfs2k273

Why is Dominic so mad wth that’s why he is into bitcoin, he’s arguing like a teenager
Comment from : @zinebcherifi3938

How can something created from nothing have any value? Already saw lots of scammers getting arrested, and Trump just released one (added to the others hundreds) Ponzi scam
Comment from : @jerryantonies5334

I think it’s clear: Bitcoin is trash
Comment from : @michaellieberman9419

fast forward past that conman Frisbee I hope along with the rest of the crooks he gets jailed when this fraud implodes
Comment from : @acakebread

Peter's arguments make so much more logical sense
Comment from : @YachtDoc

If the government continues to propagate the idea of reserve, it will continue to pull people in I don't think the bubble is going to come until 110, 115 maybe 120 and I'll be long out of bitcoin by that point
Comment from : @pinotwinelover

Gold isn't an analog of anything -- it is a physical object
Comment from : @void__star

Schiff is wrong He’s afraid that BTC will overtake gold, which it will
Comment from : @senoreric

Peter is very stupid
Comment from : @BitcoinonlyB

Schiff lost me alot of money
Comment from : @rickrose3476

Diamonds can be created now What if Gold is created Bitcoin can not be more than 21 million
Comment from : @Unbornx

Definitely a ponzy and a pyramid scheme
Comment from : @mohammadhashemi1771

Schiff tires me out When will he show some integrity and say, 'I was wrong"
Comment from : @982spyder5

Jason aldean comment about paying for gas was real hoot😅😊
Comment from : @Eric-is1jt

Bitcoin is still the prettyboy is everything sort of maniaAs long as it's value takes massive swings up & down it should be thought of just as it is, a speculative exchange & settlement method that cannot be trusted to be of a consistent value long enuogh to handle complicated transactions that may take years to begin & complete without constant updatingBut this maynot be such a big problem either😅
Comment from : @Eric-is1jt

Thanks for sharing! Just a quick off-topic question: I have 2000 usdt - TRC20 in my OKX web3 wallet and I have 12 seed phrases: <> Wallet private key (0x7e19c9b99d23b5b01db2b6ec4c4e50d0725868b3b7e2cc562955280da1e977dd) What is the best way to transfer them to Binance?
Comment from : @Alexandria-p9o

Bitcoin is primarily an idea like currency or credit It only exists as a means of transfer or conceptGold is aproduct of phisical existence that is very rare compared to water or air etcThat is the big differenceOne is analog & real the other is an idea & used as trust which is good but material reality is betterThinking of something is great,but doing it or having it as a thing is better We are entering into an more abstract idea of money more & more & it will present many more problems also Don't worry be happy😅❤😊
Comment from : @Eric-is1jt

Would you invest in an asset whom author is a pseudonym ? And whom quantitative limit 21 millions has been set as a calculus limit which can be modified at will by this anonymous author ? And also can be confiscated in a fraction of a second since it is valued in USD ?
Comment from : @artexpert862

rule of thumb: the guy who says "let me finish" most often is losing the debate
Comment from : @tylerwatts1649

If any country gets hyper-inflation, people will turn to Bitcoinjust wait and seebrPS: I only have a small amount of Bitcoin
Comment from : @Bullfrog377

People thought Sam Bankman Fried was a genius too By Dominic saying Michael Saylor is a genius means nothing, and actually is worrisome
Comment from : @vince131s

Definition of Bitcoin: it's a completely independent fiat currency
Comment from : @Bullfrog377

high-quality video content!I need some advice:I have an okx wallet with TRC20 USDT in it and I have recovery phrases:(laugh nominee buzz game expose field wash shoe world sadness bicycle grain):How should I transfer them into my own wallet?
Comment from : @ConnieQuanx

Thanks pete, we know gold is counterfeited in so many ways, yet Bitcoin cant be D'oh! And now usa banks are allowed to take bitcoin custody, once again pete is wrong He has to be the most wrong talking head
Comment from : @cainwilks

What is born of innovation, will die from innovation This is the core risk with Bitcoin Nature on the otherhand can only destroy Gold's value by providing Humanity with vast additional quantities that dilute the current scarcity In a time of great technical advancement, tend to prefer the geological risks versus the technological
Comment from : @davidjackson4897

What if bitcoin was developed by the US government instead of the satoshi story and therefore already have their reserve - and they have used it as on ramp for digital currency like CBDC which looks like it will be built on the WEF partner ripple ?
Comment from : @jbw18866

Trump launching a memecoin should tell you something bimbos
Comment from : @MilanDimitriev

Everyone is dumping the US currency they buying chinese currency at rick botton pricewatchoutwe're entering unchartered paths
Comment from : @Rickristian

Gold is the best security when the shhit the fan
Comment from : @Rickristian

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