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The Big Business of Egg Donation

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Title :  The Big Business of Egg Donation
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Comments The Big Business of Egg Donation

Better than surrogacy
Comment from : @EternalEmperorofZakuul

You mean you selling your eggs and giving your future kids
Comment from : @rahmoni2023

Comment from : @thallesvinicius2729

why buy a donors baby when you can adopt!
Comment from : @jola8859

It’s unethical only if the parents don’t turn out to be loving and caring parents Remember donating eggs is a gift to couples who are unable to conceive
Comment from : @jola8859

They do it for the money
Comment from : @joelramirez3352

King Faisal and I was doing an experiment by putting growth hormones put directly into my ovaries to make my chichen eggs productions process produce more eggs faster that was to be subtracted for older surrogates mothers for a giant family that King Faisal dad ibn saud talked about
Comment from : @MarieDavis-xt7er

Some men like little peite baby faced kids that can look younger than they are
Comment from : @MarieDavis-xt7er

It depends if your a peite little child was a cute face of men who like little peite future women as they grow up
Comment from : @MarieDavis-xt7er

In Cyprus, the cost of egg donation is much less than in USA, and the ivf fees as well Couples who don't have any chance other than egg donation when the female partner is in menopause or ovaries had to be removed due to malignities may give birth to their own children This video's title is like from the inquisition in the middle age
Comment from : @drvedat

Selling ones eggs is business but there's a lot of health risk involved
Comment from : @soniafontanilla747

lets call it what it is, designer babies but as i see it, in current times there should be
Comment from : @MelodyT78

Put here mia kahalifa and other OF creators lol
Comment from : @youwatch1995

I wonder what the sick effects are on the children born of these procedures This doesn’t seem moral
Comment from : @allegrap1054

So abortions are right to people in this world but donating eggs to families that can’t have babies are wrong? This world is so backwards God said to be fruitful and multiply so that’s what I will do🤍
Comment from : @Tayanibanx

I wouldn’t think these women are smart, I would think they are demented for money Their offspring will be too
Comment from : @dobiedob

In Australia it’s illegal to pay someone for their eggs It’s completely altruistic - the recipient just pays for the procedure One of my lovely kindy families has offered to donate her eggs for me xx
Comment from : @tuliko8678

Men can't give birth to children sadly 😢 But women can 😊 God is good for creating us as embryos
Comment from : @KnucklesIsOG

Life is busy building biscuits 😮😮😮😮
Comment from : @melissaanderson821

Normally egg donation window should be 18 years of age to 29 for better eggs according to video by most fertility doctors over 30 is risky 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Comment from : @tashaosafo1025

They would do about anything but adopt
Comment from : @hajarderkaoui3253

This is sick
Comment from : @hajarderkaoui3253

bthat girl looks like Addison Rae lmaoo/b
Comment from : @starella

Selling your baby for $20,000 Not knowing them or if their living a sad life When your money is SPENT and you fall on your face you'll have kids all over the world who are worth way more but know rights to know them I blew through $20,000 with ease That sht will never be worth my children
Comment from : @inzoria7727

Kind of insulting saying you have to be smart
Comment from : @rochalejae9779

Genius IQ - Blond Hair - Blue Eyes - Unvaxxed Sperm $45,000
Comment from : @gnosphotos

Damn I should’ve been white
Comment from : @patc1839

Comment from : @ENFPerspectives

Because of sperm donation ,and egg donation, in future biological sisters brothers might get married or have children , because they will not know who are their biological parents, there might be a big chaos and genetic diseases will be common In Islam, egg or sperm donation , surrogacy are not allowed
Comment from : @nooronkolisvlogusa361

I got naturally pregnant when I was 44, doctor told me it is rare to get pregnant naturally at this age
Comment from : @nooronkolisvlogusa361

Donating eggs is just wrong So is donating sperm This is not natural and not normal Imagine the children are do confused that they have biological mothers and fathers that they do not know Also they obviously only do it for the money The parents that pay for that also are out of reality They just are so rich and desperate that they are willing to pay anything to have a child that is not actually theirs
Comment from : @TeaCup1940

I didn't see not one black donor in this video representation
Comment from : @iolasbabys9605

SAT scores is a prerequisite for egg donation? This is bizarre and very strange
Comment from : @Uberrimaefidei

Urmmm I just don't want cancer
Comment from : @linisin2083

It’s a little messed up in a way making kids for money… But some people are desperate to have kids :(
Comment from : @Gayboy21

Handmaid’s tale
Comment from : @chrisgrace81

What about siblings encountering each other in the future and not knowing they are siblings?
Comment from : @chrisgrace81

We are so grateful to our egg donor I pray her everyday to help us have our beloved 💕 twins thanks to Dr Vedat cyprus as well
Comment from : @shirevictoria7381

I’m definitely looking into donating my eggs I have 3 healthy beautiful children and I’m very content 🥰
Comment from : @ClassyBabydoll

My question now is what side effects do the donor get? They never talk about the risk of donating your eggs nor how safe it is to donate your eggs No studies, now evidence
Comment from : @aylinlovesadam121

DONT do this bigEgg donors have reported long-term effects including aggressive breast cancer, loss of fertility, and fatal colon cancer, sometimes occurring just a few years after donation
Comment from : @frillylily8005

These women are fucking drunk imA MaaaM God Now your gunna die when they are barely adults Quit playing god And YOU didn’t get pregnant That actual persons Wh on a eggs it is got pregnant
Comment from : @raynamaldonado1058

It’s not donation Is selling Call it what it is and you’ll have less issues
Comment from : @raynamaldonado1058

Hey prospective donors, pls remember you're making real human beings with unique emotions and thoughts, not just cash Pls respect their personhood and emotions if they reach out, don't treat them just like a bi-product of something you sold No one should feel like that
Comment from : @rabelaqua6889

I love this
Comment from : @BreeO143

Wrong this is wrong , this is basically saying I don’t like my genetics so I should just go after someone with genetics I want
Comment from : @born_sinner9993

I realy want to have kids by donoring my eggs, srsly how to donor Do they realy want my eggs tho? I am only 22, I have stil much time!
Comment from : @fannyyyyyyyy

We've been through 5 ivf cycles abroad Used both OE and DE Our last DE IVF shot brought us bfp#3 The first & second bfp ended up with early mc It's just really, really hard - but it does work! It's incredibly discouraging to have a failed IVF cycle! But if you can find it in yourself and your bank account to keep trying you definitely should! Also make sure you have an RE (and a nursing staff) that you feel confident in! You're paying them so much moneyYou need to make sure you're getting what you're paying for! We never know how long treatments will take us For some couples it's just one and the last round For others those are multiples The thing is to keep faith As far as you hope for the light at the end of the tunel - You have all your chances high Babydust to all of you, ivf sisters
Comment from : @racheldamasco3863

Designer babies If you can't get pregnant just adopt a kid its unethical and unholy
Comment from : @The_Vizo

I don't understand the 'moral' objection "paying people to donate is incentivizing them to undergoe a risky procedure" Should we also object to hazard pay?
Comment from : @wheresmyjuul1619

People should adopt child
Comment from : @NusratJahan-hs2fs

That's a drop in the bucket when you compare what men loose in devorce! This cuts out the gold diggers!
Comment from : @analyst1777

Egg donors are angels! Thank you! I don’t have kids yet but it’s nice to know when it’s time I’ll have options if needed
Comment from : @LondonsLanding

just adopt lol
Comment from : @tashamartinez4738

I should do this tall, skinny, beautiful teeth, good education, trilingual, have a beautiful healthy child, no genetic issues, no health issues, my doctor has said to me I’m a textbook human My mom and dad did not give me a good childhood but I cannot complain about my genes My child could recognize all her books by the time she was 1 She could count in 3 different languages by 16 months Not sure I’d like to play god
Comment from : @paraviviane

I want to donate my egg 7229847005
Comment from : @girishverma6454

Probably one of the most innovative businesses I've ever seen Genius
Comment from : @tjuwian

If I could donate I would, but I cant due to pcos
Comment from : @matthews8927

10 000$ is too much? Come on, its not Some people pay 500 000$ for University
Comment from : @aga2353

I want to donate my eggs, mostly i don’t wanna have kids but let other parents have them
Comment from : @kawaiigamer9296

If you want to be a parent, you adopt You want to be crazy capitalist, buy a pregnancy for the photos 😡 this is scary
Comment from : @kimiaashakery4825

Muje bi egg donet karna hai i need money soo much cont8447671991
Comment from : @preetysharma872

they are NOT designer babies, you cannot design your baby That being said it is tantamount to paying for eggs, which is fine as there is nothing worse than a couple wanting kids and not having them To all that mince about morals and stuff, how do you like a natural mother and father that abuse their kids? divorce toll on kids? etcbrI say long live science, your imagined institutional god does not exist The only god is in your heart and soul and is LOVE Who knows, maybe god is you
Comment from : @santifresnel2320

She’s not selling, she’s sacrificing?brbrWith strict abortion laws in some places, wouldn’t it be more human to adopt an orphaned or unwanted child? This woman is above average in looks (with makeup) but not a stunner by any means
Comment from : @sonnyca

Call it whatever you like Business, games with nature, sick obsession and so on Maybe you've just never faced the problem when you suffer and blame yourself all the time because you can't have kids I couldn't just accept my infertility The only chance for me to give birth was using donor eggs I'm grateful to my clinic, my doctor and of course my egg donor Now I have my daughter and I'd never regret my decision!
Comment from : @martishajones8829

I suffer from unexplained infertility I had so many failed fertility treatments Unfortunately no success My doctor said that using donor eggs is the best option for me We couldn't afford de ivf as prices in our country are too high So we decided to find a clinic in Eastern Europe Prices there are lower, but success rates are higher I felt like I have no other choice This was my last chance for having a child My husband wanted a baby as much as I did So we went abroad to have ivf with donor eggs I was very scared My first consultation at the clinic was a huge relief I remember thinking "this is the right place to be" The doctor was very strict with me She didn't tell me fairy tales but she was very polite at the same time She took me step by step through the treatment I always knew what will happen to me and what comes next It is hard to comprehend how I feel know, I just can't believe my luck The treatment was successful! We are 7 months pregnant! I only want to wish luck to everyone who also wants a baby!
Comment from : @jenjerro6657

'Why not just adopt' they say I hate this question! I wish everyone who asks this would educate themselves in infertility topic a little bit I've been asked this question so many times And usually people who ask "Why don't you just adopt?" are fertile and have their own children They know NOTHING about infertility They have no idea how it feels They don’t know what failed ivf cycle is, what is clomid and shots, what is a miscarriage, how it feels when it's 3rd, 4th or even 5th mc And this question always makes me so sad Bc I see no point in explaining all those things to such people They just don't get it! Personally I have nothing to say against the adoption itself But I decided that it's not for me That's it And I think this's so rude and insensitive not only to ask "Why don't you just adopt?", but also to judge people, who chose ivf/de/mitochondrial donation/surrogacy etc, and insist that adoption is the only way for infertile women to have a child Such people also like to say "ivf is not natural" or "surrogacy is all about exploiting poor women" or "using donor eggs is a sin" They really like to hide their ignorance, insensibility and hate behind religion Instead of explaining why we don't just adopt, the best answer will be "Why don't you?" Usually they look lost, don't know how to respond and change the topic
Comment from : @milavanila6082

I like the idea of having many children all over the world thanks to egg donation!!!! I’ve been thinking about it many times as I already have my babygirl, but I do not want to get pregnant again So, my eggs could be useful for those who needs egg donation! Actually, I’ve made my decision on this matter and I am searching for clinics))
Comment from : @victoriasviridova5136

Thanks to such women who can give their eggs away for the donation we have a chance to fulfill our families I appreciate what they are doing and I think this kind of treatment must be well-paid There are many people who suffer from infertility and egg donation may be the only chance for them
Comment from : @christinalee1449

Really??? 20 000$? It is a big sum But, egg donation is a good way to have babies for those couples who suffer from infertility Donors are doing a good thing by donating their own cells in spite of the reason why they do this
Comment from : @oliviadashwood6409

My heart is in this The beauty far surpasses any of the hard parts
Comment from : @petracunningham2550

What if it is illegally harvested?brWithout ur permission?brWhat laws do protect people from this?brTotally evil
Comment from : @janinelatido1999

How can I find the person that gave the egg I want to know who I’m related to
Comment from : @catherinekuhle1859

To make things go smoothly there needs to be change in egg donation process one thats less invasive and risky we need funding to do more research
Comment from : @jourdinfoster-morrison8600

Sats scores have nothing to do with how someone will turn out hell old school grades dont even messure someone's intelligence accurately
Comment from : @jourdinfoster-morrison8600

No one is asking what these donor egg conceived children want Many always feel a piece is missing, when you find out your mum is not your biological mother and you do not share any genetics or DNA Many donor conceived adults are on a quest to find their biological parents No one addresses these issues, when they are desperate to be a parent It's also big business for the agencies, so why would this even be a topic to discuss How would you feel if you knew you didn't share the same genetics or DNA with your parent/s?
Comment from : @Athene677

lmao these women have weird fetish about conceiving, giving birth, and breastfeeding and the general pregnancy process
Comment from : @MasterofPlay7

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Comment from : @КАКДЕЛАТЬОТ5000РУБВСУТКИСМ-г4п

wwwweareeggdonorscom/blog Be sure you are a well informed donor Many risks
Comment from : @jeepeace2347

Its expinsive If u want egg donation U can search a iVF office Riga Europ its not expinsive €7 000k euro but its not included the treatment Because my friend she was a use egg donation in Riga
Comment from : @mariajevilhelmsen3697

I would do this to help a family not for cash
Comment from : @meganrschultz7787

It's designer babies plan and simple and she says her baby's are cute omg that kid i is uglyit's also true that beautiful woman can make the ugliest kids
Comment from : @meganrschultz7787

I need egg donor 06290898984
Comment from : @subhajitmallick5030

I applaud egg donors because couples out there want children and desperate to have children It's nice to have children
Comment from : @EliteElite-dm5tx

Wow 10 thousand dollars That's expensive Some couples may want donor eggs but to sell your eggs to couples who don't have a lot of money and are already Stressed about not being able to produce eggs is mean but to give someone your eggs out of the goodness of your heart is heartwarming
Comment from : @EliteElite-dm5tx

Some bring Trey Parker and Matt Stone to do season 23 in 2019
Comment from : @mozesberrospi

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