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Woman loses $190K to lottery scam

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Information Woman loses $190K to lottery scam

Title :  Woman loses $190K to lottery scam
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Frames Woman loses $190K to lottery scam

Description Woman loses $190K to lottery scam

Comments Woman loses $190K to lottery scam

She's a old woman, what's she doing with millions She should've satisfy with what she had
Comment from : @natslawrence

She not too bright
Comment from : @dylanstevely1443

I still can’t believe that people actually fall for this nonsense Don’t they ever watch the news or read a paper
Comment from : @mikerca

Terribly sad story
Comment from : @MrSilas-xo9np

#Crack Asset Support, your expertise is a radiant light, illuminating the dark corners of the digital world and chasing away the shadows of fraud Your work is a symphony of skill and dedication, harmonizing the efforts of individuals into a powerful force for justice With each success, you write a new chapter in the story of hope and protection, inspiring others to join the quest for a safer online community Keep shining bright, a guiding star in the digital firmament!"
Comment from : @MykeB-lk7cd

"Kudos to you for your outstanding work in supporting #crackassetsupport! Your courage in standing up against fraudsters is truly commendable It's crucial that we take all necessary steps to safeguard the public, particularly vulnerable seniors, from these unscrupulous scammers Your dedication to our security is truly deserving of recognition - a Nobel Peace Prize would be a well-deserved honor! Keep up the fantastic work!"
Comment from : @ugammichael247

It is interesting how most of the comments by far have "Vault Guard Expert" in the same bold capitalized print while praising them crazily Hmmmm
Comment from : @gregatkinson7276

Why do mainly only Americans and Australians fall for these scams you can check USA and AUS strange
Comment from : @andreg751

I got a call from Megamillions This is Peter Janes, you have won 38 million dollars and a new mercedesbrbrWrite this down brprize being delivered by "named celebrities" and 2 federal policebrYou have to paybrGet a $500 amazon card (from list of stores named by scammer)brTold him yeah I can drive but don't have a car I will have to walkbrStill hanging on line an hour laterlol
Comment from : @robertwilber1909

What an Idiot!!!🤕
Comment from : @gordonmari-ju2lv

When you have the money, you become hungry for more, and it's called Bait for these scammers This lady fall in their trap
Comment from : @manuelamachado5730

She lying
Comment from : @LastCingLLC

😢Lord have mercy
Comment from : @MsAchampion

Comment from : @KopyKat81

Comment from : @ElizabethHurtado-py8ur

Its unwavering dedication to making a profound impact on digital security showcases not only VAULT GUARD EXPERT’s professional responsibility but also a personal mission to leave a lasting legacy, shaping the future of digital security and resilience for generations to come
Comment from : @Kati-williams

How are you going to claim a prize and didn't play the game?
Comment from : @thankthelord4536

It’s not the scammers are good at what they do it’s just they’re a lot of stupid people
Comment from : @jameshetfield9999

The only way you're going to get rich in this life is to earn it or marry into it The lottery is for suckers
Comment from : @Lambert1386

International Mega Millions? I’m sorry this senior got scammed
Comment from : @selsam7064

My grandmother believed a scammer telling her she can get grants to buy a car but she has to pay 2k 😢 i think she paid it
Comment from : @kauigirl808

In this day and age, if you get scammed like this, you deserve it
Comment from : @rp7326

yOU DESERVE TO GET SCAMMED Reach in your pocket and send someone you dont know thousands of dollars
Comment from : @peterzinya1

You didn't buy a ticket, but you won? C'mon lady get a fucking clue
Comment from : @seand2711

They told me I won the international lottery
Comment from : @smith4407

Watch out for a person nsmed kumberly Richmond of world wide betting and gaming
Comment from : @paulwells1990

Who didnt help this lady? Someone please help her
Comment from : @user-st6nt4ou6f

Why would she think the Lottery would call her? Im just asking?
Comment from : @user-st6nt4ou6f

Why do these scammers have space weapons now?
Comment from : @shadowbanned

WHY ? Deal with US companies in person only ! Why do people risk everything when they don't know what they are doing ?
Comment from : @barbaramccullough3057

Oh sweetheart 😢; if anyone needs their money this sweet lady does , She can’t build a savings at this time in her life; she had her brHow could they , I am so saddened to hear her😢 I have no gas money or food money, this is so sad 🙏🏽💕🙏🏽
Comment from : @LenoreBaxter

Comment from : @guineapiglady2841

This is so sad poor lady this really angers me hey scammers your a bunch of low class people shame on you all remember God sees everything
Comment from : @marianyulo1769

But it takes five years to get it!😂
Comment from : @donnahilton471

She had $190,000, she didn't need a jackpot!
Comment from : @donnahilton471

How is this possible
Comment from : @AntonioGracia-j3v

Remember the old adage “if it sounds too good to be true it USUALLY IS”
Comment from : @stephanielaurenbounds4958

What a moron
Comment from : @andydotyhere303

There’s a sucker born every minute
Comment from : @WW3_Soon

This is SO very sad, these scammers are vile, evil, monsters
Comment from : @Blonders777

Why not stop after the first time if you have not received any money
Comment from : @williwfosselman828

I guess scamming is illegal
Comment from : @philfrizzell4571

If you gave her a $190,000 she'd gladly give it back to the same people
Comment from : @highschoolbigshot

Why pay when she never bought any ticket? Temptations and greedy pulled her down
Comment from : @jeyabharathi3234

She's greedy and gullible Bad combination
Comment from : @thetreekeeper143

Client 😂
Comment from : @jayute4956

I can't envision how hard it is choose to take on a recoveryagent control of a cheated people Nonetheless, the sequence of experiences should be reviewed, as should the assistance provided by such exacerbation and mullingbrExtreme respect for these bUNIVERSAL-DISPUTE/b on internet* individuals! online who adopt these positions
Comment from : @polycarp7130

As an American, I sincerely sympathize with these unemployed individuals who deceive and exploit others for their hard-earned money It's alarming how effectively they manipulate and mistreat their victims once targeted I hope your page reaches as many people as possible and educates them on the importance of not answering calls from unknown scam numbers, ensuring their safety and preventing deception You are providing an exceptional service by dealing with these fraudulent individuals Keep up the amazing work at bUniversaldispute/b Thank you so much
Comment from : @chandramarinos4469

As an American, I sincerely sympathize with these unemployed individuals who deceive and exploit others for their hard-earned money It's alarming how effectively they manipulate and mistreat their victims once targeted I hope your page reaches as many people as possible and educates them on the importance of not answering calls from unknown scam numbers, ensuring their safety and preventing deception You are providing an exceptional service by dealing with these fraudulent individuals Keep up the amazing work at bUniversaldispute/b Thank you so much
Comment from : @chandramarinos4469

Howdy buddy, I wanted to make sure you were aware that what you do is important, and I want to express my gratitude for the work that you do You're not simply providing a recovery service; you're also assisting other folks You are the driving force behind me pursuing a degree in Information Technology so that I can shield others from callous individuals like yourselfbrThank you so much for everything you do on the internet as bUNIVERSAL-Dispute/b you are a brilliant person with a large heart and strong ideals Encouragement and Admiration from Great Britain
Comment from : @lorawstin83

Howdy buddy, I wanted to make sure you were aware that what you do is important, and I want to express my gratitude for the work that you do You're not simply providing a recovery service; you're also assisting other folks You are the driving force behind me pursuing a degree in Information Technology so that I can shield others from callous individuals like yourselfbrThank you so much for everything you do on the internet as bUNIVERSAL-Dispute/b you are a brilliant person with a large heart and strong ideals Encouragement and Admiration from Great Britain
Comment from : @lorawstin83

These centers should be generally all of you do something astonishing for people and this recovery has restored a pieces my trust in humanity!! That there are unfathomable people out there doing stuff like this Covers off to you, SirbrYou're a staggeringly fair new developmentbrMuch appreciation to you for saving those exposed víctims andeducating each and we overall LOVE YOU bUniversalDispute/b (Google)
Comment from : @Pay487

These centers should be generally all of you do something astonishing for people and this recovery has restored a pieces my trust in humanity!! That there are unfathomable people out there doing stuff like this Covers off to you, SirbrYou're a staggeringly fair new developmentbrMuch appreciation to you for saving those exposed víctims andeducating each and we overall LOVE YOU bUniversalDispute/b (Google)
Comment from : @Pay487

I'm glad to hear that you appreciate the work done by buniversaldispute on internet/b in combating digital scams It's important to protect vulnerable groups like the elderly and the general public from these fraudulent activities While it's commendable to recognize their efforts, it's important to note that the Nobel Prize is awarded for achievements in specific fields, and not for general contributions to society Nonetheless, it's great to know that their work is valued and appreciated Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me
Comment from : @charlajones8641

I'm glad to hear that you appreciate the work done by buniversaldispute on internet/b in combating digital scams It's important to protect vulnerable groups like the elderly and the general public from these fraudulent activities While it's commendable to recognize their efforts, it's important to note that the Nobel Prize is awarded for achievements in specific fields, and not for general contributions to society Nonetheless, it's great to know that their work is valued and appreciated Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me
Comment from : @charlajones8641

A Greedy Fool and their money are soon parted !!!
Comment from : @markunavail8510

I had a call a few months ago that went something like this Hello MrsBla-Bla-Bla This is a call to tell you that you are the proud winner of $300,00000 dollars in the something, something, lottery I can't remember the name, and I replied, " Oh, how wonderful, how soon can you send me my money, I am down to my last dollar I just got evicted for not paying my rent for the last three months, and my car was repossessed How soon can you send me my money! I want you to send me my winnings right now! Hello? Hello? He hung up on me, imagine that? I couldn't stop laughing for an entire 5 minutes, lol
Comment from : @ayamore

Same old story Some people are never comfortable with what they have and will let greed take over
Comment from : @paulbroderick8438

Five years she’s been sending money in someway? Oh my Lord Wow, unbelievable that she was strong on that long by so many different people I’ve learned two many people don’t think logical anymore and I don’t care what their age is It’s really sad
Comment from : @burly636

How can i chatt with daniellka
Comment from : @RbiaTayeb

There's no such thing as the "international lottery" Why did she believe that she won the lottery, when she never played the lottery?
Comment from : @PeterParker-gz6ml

Reporter said " the scammers are very good at it" Nope The victims are extremely gullible is why they are able to pull this off Anyone can trick that old lady into giving them money
Comment from : @shaggydawg5419

How do people so dumb accumulate so much money?
Comment from : @michaelspaargaren5595

You know who is the greedy ? brThe woman herself brWhy do you want this money if you are too old to barely talk
Comment from : @QODAS2002

This dumb greedy woman never said No to sending more money to the scammers
Comment from : @8XSaintX8

Poor poor lady! Omg! Ppl plz don’t believe in these phone calls
Comment from : @Somelady464

I watched a video of Nigerian scammers calling “Americans Stupid and they deserve scamming because of slavery” 😮
Comment from : @lildee2626

She’s not pretty smart
Comment from : @Sedspeed-tf7rw

A fake publisher clearing house called and said i won when i never entered brbrThey kept insisting i won money I hung up
Comment from : @arfriedman4577

Plot twist: next card would have gotten her the money😂
Comment from : @mhermit

If it’s too good to b true, it probably is
Comment from : @bfdee1603

1:38 this lady needs a helmet
Comment from : @marcosleon215

What an idiot 🤣
Comment from : @marcosleon215

Because she is still alive,GOD will pay her 4 times ,play again your winnings are still kept savily so try again be know ing trying, trying makes perybrPerfect
Comment from : @MrsMaryWanjaNjoroge

Thank you so much for understanding how clever idol scammers approach people to win their money
Comment from : @MrsMaryWanjaNjoroge

The scammers should know GOD pays double portion for ons scammed item
Comment from : @MrsMaryWanjaNjoroge

Iwas scammed once also
Comment from : @MrsMaryWanjaNjoroge

If the one of the worst new countries in the world graduates 🎓 people that don't know how to read or write no surprise that scammers won't leave them alone
Comment from : @Acto22

You won the lottery! Now send us money! ???
Comment from : @wondereagle

If you don’t play how can you win anything
Comment from : @cristobaldelacruz142

Dealing with this with my MIL $100K so far We can't convince her that it's a scam Just found out from the bank that she's also been laundering money for the scammers by receiving checks in the mail and sending cash across state lines Watch your elderly family members bank accounts
Comment from : @KSMO1031

I dont get it You have to pay them thousands of dollars to receive your lottery winnings? What kind of idiot would fall for that?
Comment from : @thequake180

She seems very rich how much person could find 190k to send to person
Comment from : @stevesutton9983

Greed captures lots of people Even the most vulnerable can be caught
Comment from : @bubbaramsey9777

Oh My Gosh! One of the most shocking cases I've heard yet! Poor lady!
Comment from : @CH-gc8hf

This is truly bad 😢 wished someone would have told herI guess the newscaster was the one to say it
Comment from : @tiffanykahn2535

Comment from : @LovelyLauren26

listen I get beign scammed it happens to many people the refund scam, tech scam, customer support scam those are often short scams But WHY do they NEVER THINK "I'm not getting my money" they told her it's every four years IT'S BEEN FIVE AND A HALF YEARS AND SHE DIDN'T GET HER MONEY!!!! She also said she NEVER PLAYED THE LOTTObrSTOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP YA KILLIN ME SMALLS!!! Is she on the spectrum? SHE NEVER PLAYED LOTTO BUT SHE THINKS SHE WON MILLIONS??
Comment from : @Kristinapedia

There are many functional idiots in the USA, and fraudsters know itbrIt's not very hard to defraud a functional idiotbrRule number one to avoid being a victim is not to send the fraudsters anything of value
Comment from : @pwu8194

Comment from : @diamondlove2768

Build That Wall
Comment from : @redsocks771

when was this released and can people help her
Comment from : @michaelcalico2628

Sad to hear
Comment from : @JoyceMcallister

When you are 93 years old and have no family you need to be content with the $190k you have that’s more than enough to last for the rest of your life, rather than trying to send thousands off to scammers to get millions that you will never live long enough to spend
Comment from : @hadley407

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