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DevibrD El EdbrFrom India🇮🇳brThank you mam i learn many things Comment from : @Devi-ze6ox |
Snowbeth B Motis br2-E bsed ENGLISHbrBulalacao clusterbrbrAnswer:brbr1 What is language and its nature? Explainbr * Language is the process of exchanging of messages and creating meaning Is a part of culture Is also intertwined with human biology And Nature learning involves experiences and trainingbrbr2 What are the principles of language? Explainbr* The principles of language are: brLearners at centerbrThe social nature of learningbrEmotios are integral to learningbrRecognizing individual differencesbrStretching all studentsbrAssessment for learningbrBuilding horizontal connectionbrbr2 What is first and second language acquisition?br* First and second language acquisition is language acquisition process can be seen as running parallel throughout a Child's life everydaybrBilingualism symbolizes the essential humanity of building bridges between people of different color, creed, culture and language Comment from : @Snowbethmotis-ut6fq |
Name: Jennifer PeñaflorbrBSED ENGLISHbrPITOGO CLUSTERbrbr1What is language? Explain brLanguage is a complex system of communication that involves the use of symbols, such as words and gestures, to convey meaning Its nature encompasses both spoken and written forms, allowing humans to express thoughts, share information, and communicate with one another Language is characterized by rules and structures, including grammar and syntax, that enable effective communication It also serves social functions, shaping and reflecting cultural norms br2What are the principles of language? Explain brThe principles of language are arbitrariness, duality of patterning, productivity, displacement, cultural transmission, universality and variability and recursionThese principles provide a framework for understanding the nature and versatility of language across different cultures and societiesbr3 What is first and second language acquisition?brFirst Language Acquisition (FLA): This refers to the process by which individuals naturally acquire their native language during early childhood It occurs without formal instruction, primarily through exposure to the language spoken by caregivers and the surrounding community Children progress through various stages, from babbling to forming more complex sentences, and they develop linguistic competence in their first languageSecond Language Acquisition (SLA): This is the process of learning an additional language after acquiring one's first language Unlike first language acquisition, second language acquisition typically involves explicit instruction, as learners consciously study the rules and structures of the new language Comment from : @JenPenaflor-qu3dg |
Name Hosue S Dit-ag br1 Language----the words theirbpronunciation, and the methods of combining other used and understand by a community br2 Language----- the vocabulary and phraseology belonging to an art or a department of knowledge br>> Learner language is what learners say or write when they are trying to communicate spontaneously in a language they are learning Comment from : @HosueDit-ag-sz1wl |
Cristina AMagpantaybrTanauan ClusterbrbrAnswers only:br1Language is the process of exchanging of mesalsages and creating meaningLanguage is what makes us human it is how people communicate by learning language it means to master a complex system,structure and grammar to communicate to othersbrbr2 7 Principles of learningbr- Learners at the centerbr- The social nature of learningbr- Emotions are integral to learningbr- Recognizing individual differencebr- Strething all studentsbr- Assessment for learningbr- Building horizontal connectionsbrbr3First Language acquisition refers to how a child develops its ability to speak and use the language of its environment It is a part of the environment that a child is born into or even before birthbrSecond Language acquisition refers to any language learned after your first language is already established or beyond the first few years of life It occurs at any age and consciously with much effort Comment from : @cristinamagpantay5652 |
FLORES, RECHELLE ANNE LbrBSED - ENGLISHbrLUCENA CLUSTERbrbrANSWER;brbr1 Language is a system of communication using symbols, sounds, or gestures to convey meaning, allowing humans to express thoughts, emotions and ideasbrbr2 The principles of language encompass arbitrariness, productivity, displacement, and cultural transmission, enabling limitless communication and expression within a communitybrbr3 First language acquisition is the process of learning ones native language during childhood, while second language acquisition involves learning an additional language later in life Comment from : @RechelleAnneFlores-y2f |
MARIECHO CORPUZ-AMPILOQUIObrBSED ENGLISH MAJOR brSC5 LUCENA CLUSTER brbrANSWER: brbr1 Language is a complex and fascinating phenomenon that humans use to communicate, express themselves, and think Language can be defined as a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by means of which human beings express themselves brbr2 2 7 principles of learning
br- learners at the center
br- the social nature of learning
br- emotions are integral to learning
br- recognizing individual difference
br- stretching all students
br-assessment for learning
br- building horizontal connectionsbrbr3 First language acquisition is a subconscious process, while second language acquisition is a conscious process Children do not need explicit instruction to learn their first language, but adults usually need some guidance and feedback to learn a second language Comment from : @mariechocorpuz6362 |
Laila MacatangaybrEnglish Major brBulalacao ClusterbrbrLanguages - it is the process of exchanging messages and creating meanings, it is a part of culture, it is alsk interttto human biology tagg enable effective communication through mastery of words , structures and grammarbrIn addition, it is alaso a fundamental tool to express thoughts, emotions, share knowledge and cooperate in complex ways brbrUnderstanding these principles of langugaes is crucial for linguistics language educators and use of language They help reveal the untecrate and muktifaceted nature of human communicationbrbrIt is useful to note that first language and second language can be influenced by individual factor such aq age , motivational, exposure to the language and the learners cognitive abilities Comment from : @lailamacatangay664 |
Susan PasatiempobrBSED major in English br San Narciso cluster br2nd yearbrMa'am Rea Ornedobr ProfessorbrSubject: principle of theories of language Comment from : @SusanPasatiempo-qt2nz |
Name: Amijene A BaguiobrCluster: SC10 Lucena ClusterbrbrAnswer:brbr1 Language is a complex system of communication that involves the use of symbols (words) to convey meaning and it's nature both symbolic and Rule Allowing humans express thought, feeling and ideas thought a structed system of sounds and symbolicbr2 The principles of language acquisition include universality ( the idea that all humans can acquire language) the critical period ( a limited time in early childhood when language acquisition is most efficient) and the innateness hypothesis ( the notion that humans have a biological predisposition for language learningbr3 First language acquisition refer to the process by which a child naturally acquires their native languages during early childhood through exposure to linguistic input from their environment typically without formal instruction Comment from : @AmijeneBaguio-sc1ww |
Joy ungkaybr2EbrNasuvobbrAnswer1Language is a system for communicatingWritten languages use symbols that is characters to build wordsThe entire set of words in the languages vocabularyThe ways in which the word can be meaningfully combined is defined by the languages syntax and grammarbr2principle of language in situations we communicate with each other to express our thoughts,feelings,ideas and emotions with the help of languagelanguage is a social,culture and geopñgraphicam phenomenonMan acquires languages skills when one is exposed to real situations in the society one is living inbr2first language acquisition FLA starts at birth,however,second language acquisition SLA can occur at any ageFLA is instinctive and requires no instruction,but that is not the case in SLAFLA is part of the usual life,but SLA is a new addition to the usual life Comment from : @NinoBautista-jl8ro |
ALAIZA R INSIGNEbrLUCENA CLUSTER SC6brbrANSWERS:br br1) Language is a process of exchanging messages and creating meaning, Language is part of culture, Language is intertwined with human biologybrbrbr2) The 7 principles of language learningbr- learners at the centerbr- The social nature of learningbr- emotionas are integral to learningbr-recognizing individual differencesbr-stretching all studentsbr-Assesstment for learningbr-building horizontal connections br brthe seven principles of learning serves as guide to inform every experiences in a classroom as well as future educational programmes and systembrbr3) First Language Acquisition starts at birth or start when we are babies while second language acquisition occurs at any age or commonly when we start schooling, by reading books and watching movies Comment from : @thonettecaithtv7144 |
Name: Sheryn F GarinbrCluster: Lucena cluster sc10-octoberian Bsed-English MajorbrbrAnswer: br1 Language is a fundamental tool that enables humans to communicate,express thoughts and emotions,share knowledge,and cooperate in complex waysIts nature is deeply intertwined with human cognition,culture,and social interaction,making it one of the most defining characteristics of our speciesbr2 Understanding these principles of language is crucial for linguists,language educators,and anyone interested in the structure and use of languageThey help reveal the intricate and multifaceted nature of human communicationbr3 It's important to note that first language and second language can be influenced by individual factors such as age,motivation,exposure to the language,and the learner's cognitive abilitiesBoth processes are essential for understanding how humans acquire and use languages,and they have been studied extensively in the field of linguistics Comment from : @SherynGarin-xj1zh |
Marimar MPaigao brBulalacao cluster brAnswer:br1language that transcrends words which makes if difficult for us for comprehendsfor many people the idea that nature's communicatesbr2all language have a sounds system ,a system for forming words,a way of organizing word in sentence a systematic way of assigning meaningbr3There are many differences between first and second language acquisition Some are as follows First language acquisition (FLA) starts at birth; however, second language acquisition (SLA) can occur at any age FLA is instinctive and requires no instruction, but that is not the case in SLA FLA is part of the usual life, but SLA is a new addition to the usual life Comment from : @MarimarPaigao-kv7ue |
Name: Marjorie ValenciabrBSED Major in EnglishbrSan Juan Malvar Batangasbrbrbr1LANGUAGES is the process of exchanging messages and creating meanings ,it is part of culture,it is also intertwined to human biologybrNATURE OF LANGUAGE:br*Learnings is a process,br*Learnings involves experience and training,br*Learning prepare the individual to adjust and adopt in the situationbr*All learning are purposeful and goal orientedbr*Learning is universal and oriented,br*It is continues processbr2Learners at the center, the social nature of learning, emotions are integral to learning , recognizing indivisual difference, stretching all students, assessment for learning, and buliding horizontal connectionsbr3 Second language is a language learned at a later stage after a mother tongue First language, on the other hand, is a language acquired by babies naturally from their parents(the expected cry of an newborn baby is the first sign of a human communication They can have double first languages as a result of parents emanating from varying linguistic backgrounds Comment from : @marjorievalencia411 |
Michelle L MendozabrBlock DbrAnswer:br1 Language is the process of exchanging of messages and creating meaning It is a part of culture It is also intertwined with human bilogybrAll learning is purposeful and goal oriented Learning is universal and continous It is continous processbr2 Learners at the center; the social nature of learning; emotions are integral to learning; recognizing individual difference; stretching all students; assessment for learning; building horizontal connectionsbr3 Language acquisition process can be seen as running parallel throughout a childs life everyday Bilingualism symbolizes the essential humanity of building bridges between people of different color, creed, culture, and language Comment from : @michellemendoza1827 |
Sicat, Ma Magdalena TbrBlock B/Bauan ClusterbrAnswer:br1What is language and its nature? Explain
brLanguage is a process of exchanging messages and creating meaning; it is also a part of culture and is also intertwined with human biology Language is a remarkable and complex human ability, serving as a means of communication and expression Its nature is complex, comprising various elements that encompass spoken, written, and gestural forms of communication At its core, language is a system of symbols and rules, allowing individuals to convey thoughts, emotions, and information to one another
brbr2 What are the principles of language? Explain
brThe principles of language learners are learners at the center, the social nature of learning, emotions are integral to learning, recognizing individual differences, stretching all students, assessment for learning, and building horizontal connection These principles are applied in various educational contexts to enhance the learning experience They inform instructional design, curriculum development, teaching methodologies, and classroom management strategies By integrating these principles into education, educators aim to create more effective and inclusive learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of students and promote meaningful learning experiences
brbr3 What is first and second language acquisition?
brFirst language acquisition, also known as L1 acquisition, is the way in which individuals learn their mother tongue during their early years This process is innate, beginning in infancy and progressing through childhood Key aspects of first language acquisition include the natural ability of children to absorb their native language, which happens effortlessly as they are immersed in their linguistic surroundings It follows predictable stages, from babbling to the development of more complex grammar, and is most easily accomplished during a critical period that typically ends around puberty
brSecond language acquisition, often referred to as L2 acquisition, is the process by which individuals learn a language different from their native or first language This can take place at any age and usually involves a conscious effort to learn a new language, often through formal instruction Unlike first language acquisition, which primarily occurs in childhood, second language acquisition is not age-restricted Learners may use elements of their first language during this process, either as a helpful transfer of knowledge or a potential source of interference Success in acquiring a second language can vary greatly, influenced by factors like motivation, exposure, and learning strategies Comment from : @MedySicat |
Victoria M Adora
brBaco Cluster
brLanguage is a system of communication that allows humans to share their thoughts, ideas, and feelings with each other It is symbolic, generative, structured, and variable
brThe principles of language include duality of patterning, arbitrariness, productivity, and systematicity
brFirst language acquisition is the process by which children learn their first language It is largely unconscious and begins at a very young age Second language acquisition is the process by which people learn a language other than their first language It can take place at any age and can be through formal instruction or informal exposure
br** I apologize for the late submission of this performance activity I am truly sorry that I was not able to turn it in on time I understand that there may be penalties for late submissions, but I would be grateful if you would consider accepting my activity late I promise to be more careful in the future to meet all deadlines Comment from : @vickyadora4547 |
Leonila A De GalabrBauan Clusterbrbr1 According to the definition for provided by this video, a language can be defined as a process of exchanging messages and creating meaning, a cultural and biologically intertwined system that enables effective communication through mastery of words, structure, and grammarbrbr2 The seven principles of learning are learners at the center, the social nature of learning, emotions are integral to learning, recognizing individual differences, stretching all students, assessment for learning, and building horizontal connection These seven principles of learning provide a framework for effective education They emphasize tailoring instruction to individual students, understanding how emotions impact learning, acknowledging diversity among students, challenging them to excel, and using assessment to enhance the learning process This principles collectively create a comprehensive approach to successful teaching and learningbr3 First language acquisition is how children naturally learn their native language without formal instruction On the other hand, second language acquisition is the process of learning a new language, often through structured instruction, after already knowing one language Comment from : @LeonilaDeGala |
RHONA DIMACULANGANbrSubcluster-2/ octoberianbrbr1 What is the language and it's naturebrLanguage is a process which happens between people to communicate and exchange thoughts of each other It is part of the society and culture of a certain country While the nature of the language happens accordingly by daily used and experiences, it often happens in our first language Language flow naturally and continuously by the people of a certain communitybrbr2 What are the principles of the languages?brThe principles are; learners at the cente, the social nature of learning, emotions are integral to learning, recognizing individual differences, stretching all students, assessment for learning and lastly building a horizontal connectionbrThese principles help people to have a deep understanding why people have languages and how it beginbrbr3 The acquisition language adopt subconsciously by the child And it doesn't need any support or assistance to teach in every children However the second language is vice versa Which in, the child is conscious about the words/ language he learned due to formal teaching of language Comment from : @RhonaDimaculangan |
Rosa Osis 11-BSED ENGLISH SC-15brbrbr1Language is a complex and dynamic communication system that humans use to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions It is a distinctively human trait that allows people to communicate and share knowledge with one anotherbrbr2 The principles of language refer to the underlying rules and patterns that govern how language is used and understood These principles can be categorized into various linguistic domains:brbr- Phonetics and Phonology: These principles deal with the sounds of language They include the rules for producing and perceiving speech sounds, as well as the patterns of sound organization within a languagebrbr- Morphology: These principles involve the study of word structure and formation They include the rules for creating and combining morphemes (the smallest meaningful units of language) to form wordsbrbr- Syntax: These principles govern the structure of sentences and the rules for combining words to create meaningful and grammatically correct sentences Syntax deals with word order, sentence structure, and the rules for forming questions, negations, and other types of sentencesbr3 First language acquisition refers to the process by which a child learns their native language It begins from birth and continues throughout childhood During this process, children acquire the linguistic knowledge and skills necessary to understand and produce their native languagebrbrSecond language acquisition, on the other hand, refers to the process of learning a second language after acquiring the first language This typically occurs in educational settings or through immersion in a different linguistic environment Second language acquisition involves learning the vocabulary, grammar, and communicative skills of a new languagebrbrbr- Semantics: These principles involve the study of meaning in language They include the rules for understanding and interpreting the meanings of words, phrases, and sentencesbrbr- Pragmatics: These principles deal with the use of language in context They include the rules for using language appropriately in different social and cultural situations, understanding implied meanings, and interpreting non-literal language Comment from : @RhosaOsis-rn5nd |
ANA JIRAH L ABELILLAbrLUCENA CLUSTER brOCTOBERIAN brbrbrANSWER : brbr1 What is language and its nature? explainbrbrLanguage is a structured system of communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary It is the primary means by which humans convey meaning, both in spoken and written forms, and may also be conveyed through sign languagesbrbr2 What are the principle of language ? explain brbrWe communicate with each other to express our thoughts, feelings, ideas and emotions with the help of language Language is a social, cultural and geographical phenomenon Man acquires language skills when one is exposed to real situations in the society one is living inbrbr3What is first and second language acquisition ? ExplainbrbrA first language is the mother tongue or native language of a person while a second language is a language a person learns in order to communicate with the native speaker of that language The first language is like an instinct which is triggered by birth and developed with the experience of being exposed to it Comment from : @AbelillaAnaJirahL-sw9lu6zd5v |
Richel D RosalesbrBSED-EnglishbrBulalacao clusterbrAnswer:br1language, a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture, express themselvesbr2The principles of language:learners of the center,the social natureof learning,emotions are integral to learning,recognizing individual difference,stretching all students,assessment for learning,and building horizontal connectionbr3People go through the same steps when they acquire a language, be it the first, second, or even the fifth language they acquire The six steps of first and second language acquisition are pre-production, early production, speech emergence, beginning fluency, intermediate fluency, and advanced fluency Comment from : @jerichorosales8772 |
Jenny M Serdeña
brTanauan Cluster
br1 A language define as the process of exchanging messages and creating meaning on it It is also a part of culture and also intertwined with human biologybr
br2 The following are the principles of learning; Learners at the center, The social nature of learning, Emotions are integral to learning, Recognizing individual difference, Stretching all students, Assessment for learning, and Building horizontal connectionsbr
br3 Language acquisition process can be seem as running parallel throughout a child’s life everyday Comment from : @jennyinthebox |
Gennylen Pao brLucena-cluster Octoberian brBSED-English brAnswe:br1) Every creative strives to communicate with its own kind one of the ways in which needs is fulfilled is by expressing in the medium of languagebr2) Answer brLearning a new language is based on some principles that interchange between attention, meaning relevance and memorybrbrAnswer:br3) the expected cry of newborn baby is the first sign of human communication language Acquisition process can be seen as a running Parnell thought a childs life very day Comment from : @gennylenpao |
JOHNNY C FUENTESPINAbrLUCENA CLUSTERbrANSWERbr1 Language is a system for communicating It is a process of exchanging of message and creating meaning People understand each other by the use of language It is a part of culturebrIt's nature explains that language can be learned Child learns as they communicate even though there is no formal teaching It is a social tool which means we can mingle with other people and as we do that, it allows to be creativebr2 The principle of language are cognitive, affective and linguistic Children learn what they hear most They learn words for things and events that interest them Interactive and responsive rather than passive contexts promote language learningbr3 A first language is the mother tongue or native language of a person and second language is a language a person learns in order to communicate with the native speaker of that languagebrMam sorry for being late The truth is, i just discovered today that its my subject to be taken Comment from : @JohnnyFuentespina-jj2yv |
Shenna May MFernando brBSED 2-D brBulalacao Cluster brbr1Language is the process of exchanging of messages and creating meaning Is a part of culture Is also intertwined with human biologybrbrNATURE OF LEARNINGbrbrLearning is a processbrbrLearning involves experiences and trainingbrbrLearning prepare the individual to adjust and adopt in the situationsbrAll learning is purposeful and goal oriented Learning is universal and continuous It is continuous processbrAll learning is purposeful andbrbrgoal oriented Learning is universal andbrbrcontinuousbrbrIt is continuous processbr27 PRINCIPLES IN LEARNINGbrbrLearners at the centerbrbrThe social nature of learningbrbrEmotions are integral to learningbrRecognizing individual differencebrbrStretching all studentsbrbrAssessment for learningbr3First language acquisition refers to the process of learning one’s native language during childhood, which happens naturally and effortlessly through exposure to the language spoken by parents and the communitybrSecond language acquisition, on the other hand, refers to learning an additional language after acquiring the first language This typically occurs during formal education or through exposure to a different linguistic environmentbrIn summary, first language acquisition is the natural learning of the native language in childhood, while second language acquisition is the intentional learning of an additional language at any age Comment from : @ShennaFernando-b4v |
AIKA J VILLANUEVAbrBSED MAJOR IN ENGLISHbrSUB CLUSTER 10,LUCENA CLUSTERbrOCTOBERIANbrANSWERS:br1LANGUAGE AND IT'S NATURE is the process of exchanging of message and creating meaning, brand it is a part of culture and also intertwined with human biologybr2the 7 principles of Learning are LEARNERS AT THE CENTER, THE SOCIAL NATURE OF LEARNING, EMOTIONS ARE INTEGRAL TO LEARNING, RECOGNIZING INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCE, STRETCHING ALL STUDENTS, ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING AND BUILDING HORIZONTAL CONNECTIONS br3The FIRST LANGUAGE AND THE SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION process can be seen as running parallel throughout a child's life everyday Comment from : @AikaVillanueva-me7fr |
NANETTE ULIABI GABLINObrPitogo clusterbrSection Block 1 CbrAnswer:br1 Language is the process of exchanging of messages and creating meaning It is a part of culture and interwined with human biology By language it was master complex structure of word structure of grammarbr2 Language has 7 principles include;br- learners at the center the social nature of learning, emotions are integra to learning, recognizing individual differences , assessment for learning, building horizontal connection, stretching all studentsbr3First language, on other hand, is a language acquired by babies naturally from their parents, while second language learned at a later stage after a mother tongue Comment from : @NANETTEGABLINO-jt5kd |
ZENAIDA D TATOYbrBACO CLUSTERbrBSED-ENGLISHbrbrANSWER:br1Language is a complex and multifaceted system of communication that is defining characteristic of human being Its nature can be understood through various aspectbrbr2 The principle of language collectively define how language function as a system for communication While individual language can varrey greatly, they all adhere to these fundamental principles which provide a foundation for undetstanding the structure and use languagebrbr3 The first and second language acquisition are processes through which individual learn and acquire language but they differ in when and how they occur Comment from : @ZenaidaTatoy |
Catalina W SebolinobrLucena Sub-Cluster 9brAnswer:br1 Language is the process of exchanging messages and creating meaning It is part of the culture It is also intertwined with human biology Language is what makes us humanbrLearning is a process,it involves experience and training,it prepares the individual to adjust and adopt in the situations, purposeful and goal oriented and it’s universal and continuousbr2 The Principles in learning are Learners at the center, social nature of learning, emotions are integral to learning, recognizing individual difference, stretching all students, assesstment for learning and building horizontal connections These principles provide a framework for effective teaching and learning, promoting engagement, personalization, and holistic development of learnersbrThese principles help us understand how language is structured, how meaning is conveyed, and how language is used in different contextsbr3 First Language acquisition is a process that can be seen as running parallel throughout a child’s life everyday and the second language acquisition on the other hand, refers to the process of learning an additional language after acquiring the first language It can occur at any age and involves conscious learning and practice Comment from : @ptracathysebolino |
ALVIN ANGELO E NADELAbrBSED-ENGLISHbrOCTOBERIANbrLUCENA CLUSTERbrANSWER:br1 Language is a complex and multifaceted system of communication used by humans to convey thoughts, ideas, emotions, and information Its nature can be broken down into several key aspects Understanding the nature of language involves exploring its cognitive, social, and cultural dimensions, and it remains a topic of fascination for linguists, cognitive scientists, and anthropologistsbrbr2 Linguists have identified several principles that underlie the structure and function of language These principles help explain how language works and how humans use it to communicate These principles, among others, contribute to the richness and complexity of human language They are a subject of ongoing research in the field of linguistics, helping to unravel the intricacies of how humans use language to communicate and convey meaningbrbr3 First and second language acquisition are processes through which individuals learn and acquire languages First language acquisition refers to the process by which children learn their native language(s) during their early years, typically from birth to around age five Second language acquisition is the process of learning a new language after a person's first language(s) has already been established Comment from : @vintzygamingyt5028 |
Lourdes O JanorasbrSC2 LUCENA CLUSTERbr ANSWER:br1Understanding the nature of language involves exploring its structural, cognitive, social, and cultural dimensions It enables us to appreciate the complexity and power of this human phenomenon and its central role in our daily lives as a tool for expression, learning, and interpersonal communicationbr2Learners at the center, the social nature of learning, emotions are integral to learning , recognizing indivisual difference, stretching all students, assessment for learning, and buliding horizontal connectionsbr3Both first and second language acquisition involve similar cognitive processes, such as pattern recognition, inferencing, and memory consolidation However, second language acquisition often builds upon the foundation of first language acquisition, as individuals can transfer certain language skills, such as basic grammatical structures, from their first language to the second Comment from : @LourdesJanoras-hs5eb |
Darwin Barrameda SC-8 Lucenabrbr1 What is language and its nature? ExplainbrbrLanguage is a system of communication that consists of a set of sounds, words, and rules for combining them to convey meaning It is a unique characteristic of human beings and plays a crucial role in our daily lives The nature of language can be described in several ways: 1Symbolic: Language uses symbols, such as words or signs, to represent objects, ideas, or actions These symbols are arbitrary and agreed upon by a community of speakers 2Rule-governed: Language follows a set of rules, both grammatical and semantic, that determine how words and sentences are structured and combined These rules allow for meaningful communication and understanding between speakers 3Creative: Language is a creative system that allows for the generation of an infinite number of new and meaningful utterances Speakers can combine words and rules to express new ideas and thoughts 4Social: Language is a social phenomenon that is learned and used within a community of speakers It allows individuals to interact, share information, and express their thoughts and emotions 5Dynamic: Language is constantly evolving and changing over time New words and expressions are created, while others become obsolete These changes are influenced by various factors, such as cultural shifts, technological advancements, and contact with other languages 6Multifunctional: Language serves multiple functions, including expressing thoughts and emotions, conveying information, persuading others, and maintaining social relationships It can be used for various purposes, such as storytelling, argumentation, instruction, and entertainment Overall, language is a complex and dynamic system that enables human beings to communicate, express their thoughts, and share knowledge and experiencesbrbr2 What are the principles of language? ExplainbrbrThe principles of language refer to the fundamental concepts and rules that govern the structure, use, and interpretation of language These principles can vary across different languages, but some common principles include: 1Arbitrariness: The relationship between words and their meanings is arbitrary There is no inherent connection between the sounds or symbols used to represent a word and its meaning 2Duality: Language has a dual nature, consisting of both discrete units (such as individual words) and combinations of these units (such as phrases and sentences) 3Productivity: Language is a creative system that allows speakers to generate and understand an infinite number of novel utterances Speakers can combine words and structures in new ways to convey new meanings 4Displacement: Language allows speakers to refer to things and events that are not present in the immediate context This enables communication about past, future, and hypothetical situations 5Cultural and Social Influence: Language is shaped by cultural and social factors It reflects the values, beliefs, and practices of a particular community and is influenced by social norms and interactions 6Structure and Grammar: Language has a systematic structure and follows specific grammatical rules These rules govern how words are combined to form meaningful sentences and how meaning is conveyed through syntax, morphology, and phonology 7Universality and Variation: While there are universal principles that underlie all languages, there is also considerable variation across different languages in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation 8Multimodality: Language can be expressed through various modalities, including spoken, written, and signed forms Different modalities may have their own specific rules and conventions These principles provide a framework for understanding the nature of language and how it is used for communicationbrbr3 what is first and second language acquisition?brbrFirst language acquisition refers to the process by which a person acquires their native language, typically during early childhood It involves the development of language skills such as vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and comprehensionSecond language acquisition, on the other hand, refers to the process of learning a language that is not one's native language This can occur at any age and involves acquiring language skills in a non-native language through formal instruction, immersion, or other means Second language acquisition can be influenced by factors such as age, motivation, exposure, and individual learning strategies Comment from : @digitalph03 |
Jacque Lou C JuguilonbrBsed major in Englishbr2nd year_SC-11 /SAN NARCISO CLUSTERbr brPERFORMANCE ACTIVITY‼️br1 WHAT US IS LANGUAGE AND ITS NATURE? EXPLAINbr📌 Language - is the process of exchanging of message and creating meaning It is a part of culture It's also intertwined with human biology Language is what makes us human it is how people communicate by learning language it means you have mustard a complex system of words structure and grammar to effectively communicate with other two most people language comes naturallybr📌Nature of language brAccording to him he said that language is called the symbolization of thought it is learn code or system of rules that enables used to communicate ideas and express wants and needs brbr2 WHAT ARE THE PRINCIPLES OF LANGUAGE? EXPLAINbrbr📌Language is a social tool, because of the findings of this study showed that language is used as an important instrument to connect people in many aspects of human life Language must be learned, language learning is an active process that begins at birth and continues throughout life The relationship between the sound of a language and their meaning is arbitrary and dual, the relationship between sounds and meaning is arbitrary there are few exceptions to the arbitral principle the main one is the onomatopoeia worlds like crush or bang or wolf which are meant to imitate the sounds they represent Language has rule, every language has its own rules and all human beings have a natural tendency to look for and use rules when processing language Language allows human to be creative, this uses the creative aspects of the language use and to describe the innovative uses of languagebrbr3 WHAT IS FIRST AND SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION?br📌 Language acquisition process can be seen as running parallel throughout a child's life everydaybr📌 Bilingualism symbolizes the essential humanity of building bridges between people of different color, creed, culture and language Comment from : @jacqueloujuguilon |
Ranillo Cherry Ann DbrBlock -1D BSED -ENGLISHbrLucena Clusterbr1Answer Language is a system for communicating because it is way by learning you can understand ideas and thoughts that may be different way from own culture br2Real language ability is at the habit level because introduces key concepts through definition of termsbr3 A first language is the mother tongue or native language while a second language is a language a person learns in order to communicate Comment from : @cherryannranillo9676 |
VINCENT R PARPANbrBSED ENGLISH 2brSUBCLUSTER 13 brbr1 Language is a remarkable human capacity that enables us to communicate, connect, and express ourselves Its nature encompasses symbolic representation, rule-governed systems, social and cultural components, dynamism, creativity, cognitive facilitation, universality, and diversity Understanding the nature of language helps us appreciate its significance in human interaction, knowledge acquisition, and societal developmentbrbr2 7 principles of LanguagebrLearners at the centerbrThe social nature of learningbrEmotions are integral to learningbrRecognizing Individual DifferencebrStretching all studentsbrAssessment for learningbrBuilding horizontal connectionsbrbr3 First language acquisition refers to the process of acquiring one's native or mother tongue, typically starting from infancy It is a natural and unconscious process that occurs through exposure to linguistic input from caregivers and the surrounding environment Children gradually acquire the sounds, words, grammar, and communicative skills of their first language without any formal instructionbrbrSecond language acquisition, on the other hand, refers to the process of learning an additional language after acquiring the first language This can occur at any age, and it involves conscious effort and formal instruction Second language learners often go through similar stages of language development as children, but with more awareness and cognitive involvement They may also face challenges in overcoming the influence of their first language on the second language learning process Comment from : @BangaAssemblyofGod |
JOAN MUCHA VILLANUEVAbrPITOGO CLUSTERbrbrAnsbr1 Language is a complex and uniquely human communication system that involves the use of symbols,such as words and gestures, to convey meaning Understanding the nature of language is a complex interdisciplinary endeavor the involves linguistic, psychology, anthropology,and more It's fundamental aspect of human culture and communication, enabling us to share information, express emotions, and convey abstract conceptsbrbr2 Tha study of language involves various principles and concepts in linguistic Here are some fundamental principles of language:br*Arbitrarinessbr*Duality of Patterningbr*Productivitybr*Cultural Transmissionbr*Discretenessbr*Recursionbr*Multimodalitybr*Conventionalizationbr*Sociocultural Variationbr*Pragmaticbr*Universal GrammarbrThese principle provide a foundation for understanding the structure,use,and evolution of language They help linguists and researchers explore the richness and diversity of languages while also identifying commonalities that underlie human communicationbrbr3First language acquisition refers to the process by which a person learns their native language as a child It occurs naturally and without formal instructionbrbrSecond language acquisition, on the other hand, is the process of learning a language other than one's native language It can occur at any age, often involves formal instruction, and can be more challenging than acquiring a first language Comment from : @JoanMuchaVillanueva-gn7fj |
PONCIANO P MASLOG JRbrBULALACAO CLUSTERbr1ANSWER: Language is a structed system of communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary convey meaning, both in spoken and written forms, and may also be conveyed through sign languagebr2 ANSWER: The principle of language patterns as habit: Real language abality is at the habit levelbr3ANSWER: Learning a second language opens up the obropportunity for being part of community with a different culture, and learning more about the world around us Comment from : @PoncianoMaslogJr |
REGINE B CAPATIbrLUCENA CLUSTER 7brAnswersbr1Language is a system of communication used by humans to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas It is a complex system of symbols, sounds, and gestures that allow us to communicate with one another Language is a fundamental part of human nature, and it is essential for social interaction It is also a powerful tool for expressing our thoughts and feelings, and for understanding the world around usbr2 The principles of language are the fundamental rules and concepts that govern the structure and use of language They include the following:br1 Semantics: This principle refers to the meaning of words and how they are used in a sentence It is the study of how words are used to convey meaningbr2 Syntax: This principle refers to the structure of a sentence and how words are arranged to form a meaningful sentence It is the study of how words are combined to form a grammatically correct sentencebr3 Pragmatics: This principle refers to the use of language in a social context It is the study of how language is used to communicate in a particular situationbr4 Morphology: This principle refers to the structure of words and how they are formed It is the study of how words are formed from smaller units of meaningbr5 Phonology: This principle refers to the sound of language and how it is used to convey meaning It is the study of how sounds are used to convey meaningbr3 First language acquisition is the process by which a child learns their native language This process begins at birth and continues throughout childhood brSecond language acquisition is the process by which a person learns a language other than their native language This process can begin at any age and can be either formal or informal Comment from : @jincapati |
JULIET AMAGAYONbrBSED II/ENGLISHbrBULALACAO CLUSTERbrbrANSWERS:br1 Languge is the process exchanging of message and creating meaning It is a part of culture Is also intertwined with human biology Language may be defined as the expression of thought by means of speech-sounds A system of communication by sound, through the organs of speech and hearing,among human beings of certain group or community using vocal symbols possessing arbitrary conventional meaningsbr2 The principles of language are:br-learners at the centerbr-the social nature of learningbr-emotions are integral to learningbr-recognizing individual differencebr-stretching all studentsbr-assessment for learningbr-building horizontal connectionsbrThis principles is important in the study and the use of language in our communicationbr3 First language,a mother tongue or our home language It is the language spoken by our parents at our home before we were born While the second language is a language other than mother tongue that a person or community use for public communication,espin trade, higher education and administration A non native language officially recognized and adopted in a multilingual country as means of public communication Comment from : @julietmagayon6440 |
Jefferson YeebrCalamba Cabuyao Sta Rosa ClusterbrbrAnswer:br1The nature of language helps us comprehend its significance in human society and how it enables us to communicate, express ourselves, and share information effectivelybr2The principles of language involve the fundamental characteristics and rules that govern its usebr3First Language Acquisition: This is the process by which individuals acquire their native language as children It occurs naturally and effortlessly through exposure to the language spoken by those around them, typically their parents or caregiversbr Second Language Acquisition: This refers to the process of learning an additional language after the first language acquisition has taken place Second language acquisition can occur at any stage of life, but it is most commonly associated with formal instruction and learning experiences in a classroom or immersion environment The learning process for acquiring a second language is usually more conscious and deliberate compared to first language acquisition Comment from : @jeffersonyee |
Ronalyn A BAEbrTanauan ClusterbrbrAnswer:brAccording to this video language is the process of exchanging of message and creating meaning Is a part of culture and interwined with human biology brLanguage is a structured system of communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary It is the primary means by which humans convey meaning, both in spoken and written forms, and may also be conveyed through sign languagesbrbr2 The 7 Principles of Language arebrLearners at the centerbrThe social nature of learningbrEmotion are integral to learningbrRecognizing individual differencebrStretching all studentsbrAssessment for learningbrBuilding horizontal connectionsbrbrThe principles of language are fundamental to our understanding of how language works and how we use it to communicate They are also essential for language teaching and learningbrbr3 The first and second language acquisition arebrSimilar to child's first acquisition brPicking up a language Comment from : @ronalynbae5174 |
Name: Philip QuizabrCluster: Pitogo ClusterbrbrAnswer:brbr1 Language & it's nature is the process of exchanging messages & creating it's meaning It is a part of culture & is intertwined with human biologybr2 The principles of learning are; learners at the center; social nature of learning; emotions are integral to learning; recognizing individual differences; stretching all students; assessment for learning & building horizontal connections These principles will guide us comprehend how language functions How it is structured, and how it facilitates communication and how individuals communicates within the context of our own communitiesbr3 The first and second language acquisition are the process that can be seen as running parallel throughout a child's life everyday Comment from : @philipquiza |
RUBYLIZA S SIMBREbrLUCENA CLUSTER SC- 9brANSWERs:br1) Language is the process of exchanging messages and creating meaning It is a part of culture & society snf is interteined with biology Language must be learnedbr2) The Principles of Language are :brLearners at the centerbrSocial nature of learningbrEmotions are integrated to learning integralbrRecognizing indivifual differencesbrStretching all studentsbrAssessment for learning & brBuilding horizontal connectionsbr3) First Lsnguage refers to the way children learn their native language while 2nd language acquisition refers to the learning of another language besides the native language Comment from : @rubylizasimbre9724 |
Donnabel SBalbuenabrBSED -ENGLISHbrPitogo clusterbrAnswersbr1Languagebr-is use to communicatebr-its a part of culturebr*Characteristics of human languagebr*Language acquisitionbr*Empiricism and nativismbr*Language structurebr*Deep and surface structurebr*Language and thoughtbrbr2The principles of LanguagebrLearning are:br*Learners at the centerbr*The social nature of Learningbr*Emotions are interegral to learningbrbr3The first language acquisition (FLA) refers to acquiring ones first language without any instructionsbrThe second Language acquisition (SLA) it happens language acquisition after first language is establishedbrbrSecond language acquisition happens when a person at any age, consciously decides and tries to acquire second language from their environment Comment from : @DonnabelBalbuena |
NAME: JOHN MOISES AMBITAbrCLUSTER: TANAUAN CLUSTERbrANSWERbr1Language is a system for communicating Written languages use symbols to build words LANGUAGE COME NATURALLY language allow human to be creativebrbr2 - learner at the centerbr- the social nature of listeningbr- emotion are integral to learningbr-Recognizing Individual Differencebr-Streaching all Student br-Assesment for Learning br-Building Horizontal Connectionbrbr3 language aquasation process can be seen as running parallel throughout a childs life everyday while seocond acquisition is to bilingualism symbolizedf the essential humanity of building bridges beetween culture and language Comment from : @johnmoisesambita9849 |
Rodelyn P Rocela brMajor in English 2nd yearbrLucena cluster Sc7brAnswerbrbr1 Language is the process of exchanging of messages and creating meaning It is the primary means by brwhich humans convey, in spoken and written from and may also conveyed through sign language The nature ofbrlanguage is that it is: a system of symbols that humans use to communicate, to express themselves,brand participate in culture It means to say that language has can be spoken,brwritten or though signs Language has avocabulary, a syntox brand a grammar that defines how these symbols can be combined in a meaningful way This and its nature hasbra lot of function Such can be for communication, as an identify, for emotional release, and much morebr2 There several principles of language such as: a language is a structure of communication and not a single dialectbrcan be accepted as a standard, language have a sound system, system for forming words, ways of organizing brmeaning It means that even though there's languages that doesn't have writing systems or meanings onbrdictionaries or published rules are still have speakers that understands itbrAll in all, it can be concluded that language is a shared systembr3 First language acquisition is the process which children acquire the language that they are used to afterbrbeing born It can also be referred to as away children learns their native language On the other hand, second brlanguage acquisition refers to the learning of another language Comment from : @HadyRocela |
br• Language is a complex and versatile system of communication used by humans to convey thoughts,
brideas, and information language is a remarkable tool that enables humans to connect, share knowledge, express their creativity, and engage in intricate forms of social and intellectual interaction Its nature is both rich and adaptable, reflecting the dynamic nature of human communication and culture
brIts nature encompasses several key elements:
br• Linguists have identified several fundamental principles of language, which underlie the structure, use, and evolution of all languages These principles are essential for the functioning of any language
brThese principles provide a foundation for understanding the structure and function of all languages, despite their vast diversity and complexity They highlight the universality of human language and its remarkable ability to convey meaning and foster communication
br• First and second language acquisition refer to the processes by which individuals learn and acquire languages, with the key distinction
brFirst language acquisition, often referred to as "L1 acquisition," is the process by which children acquire their native language(s) during early childhood
brIt typically occurs from birth to around the age of five when children are exposed to their family's or community's primary language
brL1 acquisition is a natural, unconscious process that relies on exposure to linguistic input and interaction with caregivers and the surrounding environment
br•Children acquire their first language(s) rapidly and effortlessly, eventually developing native-like proficiency in terms of pronunciation, grammar,& vocabulary
br•Second language acquisition, often referred to as "L2 acquisition," is the process by which individuals learn a language other than their native language(s) after their L1(s) has already been established
br•This process can take place at any age and may involve learning a second, third, or additional languages
br•L2 acquisition is typically a conscious and more effortful process compared to L1 acquisition It often involves formal language instruction in schools, language courses, or self-study
br•The age at which an individual begins learning an L2 can influence the degree of native-like proficiency achieved Younger learners tend to have an advantage in pronunciation and naturalness of language use, a concept known as the "critical period hypothesis"
brFirst language acquisition is the natural process by which individuals acquire their native language(s) during childhood, whilSecond language acquisition involves learning additional languages later in life These processes have distinct characteristics and are influenced by factors such as age, exposure, and instruction Comment from : @vhicprincesonfordbalaan5103 |
Name: Marivi M QuizabrCluster : Pitogo ClusterbrAnswer:br1 Language is a process of exchanging of messages and creating meaning It is a part of culture It is also intertwined with human biology br2 Learners at the center, the social nature of learning, emotions are integral to learning , recognizing indivisual difference, stretching all students, assessment for learning, and buliding horizontal connectionsbr3 Second language is a language learned at a later stage after a mother tongue First language, on the other hand, is a language acquired by babies naturally from their parents(the expected cry of an newborn baby is the first sign of a human communication They can have double first languages as a result of parents emanating from varying linguistic backgrounds Comment from : @mariviquiza6459 |
Annalyn V Lajara brBSED Major in English brTanauan Cluster br br1Language is the process of exchanging of messages and creating meaning is a part of culture and intertwined with human biology people can communicate by words grammar and structure to effected comes naturallybrbr2 7 Principles of Learnings brLearning in the center individual learnerbrThe Social Nature of Learning the school embraces of human actionsbrEmotions are integral to learning inherit to influence cognitive disission making and memory problem solving brRecognizning Individual Difference are more or less during psychological intelligence values personality treatsbrStretching all StudentsbrAssessments of Learning approach used to improves performancesbrBuilding horizontal connections br3Children acquire thier first language without any formal instruction they acquire by using thier instincts and absorbing from thier environment a child or an adult makes a conscious effort to acquire a language they trying to a sound language Comment from : @AnnalynLajara |
Name: Nenifer F LimbrBSED Major in English brSC 10 Lucena/ Octoberianbrbr1 Language and it's nature is the process of exchanging of message and creating it's meaning It is a part of culture and also it is intertwined with human biologybr2 The principles of learning are; learners at the center, social nature of learning, emotions are integral to learning, recognizing individual differences, stretching all students, assessment for learning and building horizontal connectionsbr3 The first and second language acquisition are the process that can be seen as running parallel throughout a child's life everyday Comment from : @RefineMil |
RHONALYN B MAGSINObrBSED-ENGLISH 1B / TANAUAN CLUSTERbrbr1 Language can be defined as a system of communication consisting of words, sounds, and gestures that are used by humans to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas It is a unique characteristic of human beings and plays a crucial role in our everyday lives The nature of language is complex and dynamic, as it constantly evolves and adapts to the needs of its users It has various components, such as grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and semantics, which enable effective communicationbrbr2 The Principles of Learning Language are :br• Learning at the centerbr• The social nature of leaningbr• Emotions are integral to learningbr• Recognizing individual differencebr• Stretching all studentsbr• Assessment for learningbr• Building horizontal connectionsbrbr3 First language acquisition refers to the process of acquiring one's native language as a child It occurs naturally and effortlessly through exposure to language from parents, family members, and the surrounding environment Children gradually develop their communication skills, vocabulary, and grammar through listening, imitating, and interacting with othersbrbrSecond language acquisition, on the other hand, refers to the process of learning a new language after acquiring the first language This can happen through formal education, immersion programs, or self-study Second language acquisition involves conscious effort, as learners need to actively study and practice the language to develop their skills Comment from : @rhonalynmagsino |
Mechel J FollosobrII - BSED English MajorbrLucena ClusterbrbrAnswer:brbr1 Language is the process of exchanging messages and creating meaning ,it is a part of culture and also intertwined with human bodybrThe nature of language is that a social tool must be learntbrbr2 1 Learners at the center - The instructor places the student at the center and concentrates on each one requirementsbr2 The social nature of learning - also called the socio-cultural of learningsbr 3 Emotions are Integral to Learning - br4 Recognizining Individual Difference individual reference are more or less enduring psychological that distinguish one person from anotherbr5 Stretching all studentsbr6 Assessment for learningbr7 Building harizontal connectionsbrbr3 Language acquisition process can be seen as running parallel through out a child's life everyday Comment from : @mitchfolloso7947 |
1Language is process of exchanging of messages and creating meaning,it is a part of our culturebr2Learners at the centerbr the social nature of learningbr emotions are integral to learningbr recognizing individual differencebr stretching all studentsbr3Second language acquisition-it happens after the first language is stablishedbrIt happens when a person,at an age consciously decides and tries to acquire a second language from their environment Comment from : @TetchieBaylon-su8iz |
Dalas, Angel Charm A
brTanauan Cluster
br1 What us Language and its nature? Explain
br Language is an important part of human expression since it is our way of sharing thoughts and ideas through words and rules
br2 What are the principles of language? Explain
br1 Learners at the center
br2 The social nature of learning
br3 Emotions are integral to learning
br4 Recognizing individual difference
br5 Stretching all students
br6 Assessment for learning
br7 Building horizontal connections
br- Language functions according to social context-encompassing ideas, which acknowledge that connection and interaction have an impact on how we learn and use language
br3 What is first and second language acquisition?
brFirst language acquisition is how we normally pick up our native language as children, but second language acquisition is when we pick up a new language, such as in school or while moving places Comment from : @dalasangelcharma6637 |
ROMANA C LIZARDObrBACO CLUSTERbrbrANSWERbrbrPERFORMANCE ACTIVITYbr1 What is the language and it's nature?brANSWER: The expression of thoughts by means of speech-soundsbr2 What are the principles of language?brANSWER: The principle of language are divided into three categories: cognitive, affective and linguisticbrbrCognitive principles- include automaticity, meaningfully learning anticipation of rewards, intrinsic, motivation and strategic investmentbrAffective principles- include language ego, self confidence , risk taking, and the language culture, connectionbrLinguistic principles- include the native language effect, interlanguage and communicate br3 What is first and second language acquisition?brANSWER: First language is the mother tongue or native language of a person while second language is a language a person learns in order to communicate with the native speaker of that language Comment from : @RomanaCLizardo |
CRAZIEL A ROSITAbrSC10 LUCENAbrbrAnswer:brbr1Language is the process of exchanging messages and creating meaning it is part of our culture,it is also intertwined and human biology Language is what makes us human,through language people communicatebrbr2 The principles of language are :brbr*learners at the centerbr*the social nature of learningbr*emotions are integral to learningbr*recognizing individual differencebr*stretching all studentsbr*assessment for learningbr*building horizontal connectionsbrbr3 First language acquisition refers to acquiring one's first language without any instruction It is an instinctive process and it starts at birth brbrSecond language acquisition happens after the first language is establishedWhen a person ,at any age ,consciously decides and tries to acquire a second language from their environment Comment from : @crazielrosita5658 |
Nanette T Aguila brFirst year :OctoberianbrTanauan clusterbrbrbr1What is Language and its nature?Explainbr-Is the process of exchanging of messages and creating meaning it also a part of culture and it is also interwined with human biologybr-It also what make us humanbrExplanation:brLanguage is a way humans communicate using word,sentence and soundsT helps us express thoughts,feelings,and ideasIts nature involves grammar rules for arranging words ,like subject and verbs ,to create meaning and it can vary between different languagesbrbr2What are the principles of learning?brThey are 7 principles of learningbr1Learners at the centerbr2The social nature of learningbr3Emotions are integral to learning br4Recognizing individual differencebr5Stretching all studentsbr6Assessment fir learning br7Building hirizontal connectionsbrbrbr3What is first and second language acquisition?br-of learning one's native language as a child, typically from birth to early childhood It happens naturally and is the foundation for all further language skillsbrbrSecond language acquisition is when someone learns a new language after already knowing their native language This can occur at any age and involves consciously studying and practicing the second language Comment from : @AguilaNanetteTorren-mx3to |
Shiela fe F RivasbrBULALACAO CLUSTERbrAnswers:brbr1Language is a structured system of communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary It is the primary means by which humans convey meaning, both in spoken and written forms, and may also be conveyed through sign languagesbrbr2principal language means the official language which is the only or predominant working language of the members of the personnel of a faculty or school or service, or a functional division thereof, of the University, or which is the only or predominant language used in a programme of studiesbrbr2A first language is the mother tongue or native language of a person while a second language is a language a person learns in order to communicate with the native speaker of that language The first language is like an instinct which is triggered by birth and developed with the experience of being exposed to it Comment from : @shielaferivas4927 |
Monica Y Lagranabr2nd year major englishbrBulalacao cluster Comment from : @MonicaLagrana-b6c |
Senen CaybrCalamba Cabuyao Sta Rosa ClusterbrbrAnswer:br1Language can be understood as a complex system of communication that allows humans to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions It is an essential feature of human society and plays a crucial role in our everyday interactionsbr2These principles helps us comprehend how language functions, how it is structured, and how it facilitates communication and expression among individuals and within societiesbr3First and second language acquisition refer to the processes by which individuals learn their native language (L1) and subsequent languages (L2)br First language acquisition is often referred to as "mother tongue" or L1 acquisitionbr Second language acquisition can be influenced by factors such as age, motivation, aptitude, prior language knowledge, and exposure to the language Achieving a high level of proficiency in a second language may take several years of dedicated study, practice, and immersion in the language community Comment from : @senencay6517 |
Aileen DeloviarbrBULALACAO CLUSTERbrAnswer:brbr1 Language is a structured system of communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary It is the primary means by which humans convey meaning, both in spoken and written forms, and may also be conveyed through sign language brbr2 The principle of Language Patterns as Habits: The real language ability is at the habit level It does not just mean to know the language Make language patterns a habit through intensive pattern should be practice in a variety of solutions brbr3 A first language is the mother tongue or native language of a person while a second language is a language a person learns in order to communicate with the native speaker of that language The first language is like an instinct which is triggered by birth and developed with the experience at being exposed to it Comment from : @aileendeloviar4470 |
Karen A EdradbrBSED ENGLISHbrLUCENA CLUSTERbrbrAswerbr1)Language is the process of exchanging of messages and creating meaningbrIs a part of culturebrNature- Learning involves experiences and training brLearning prepare to individual to adjust and adopt In the situationsbrAll learning is purposetal and goal orientedbrLearning is universal and continuousbrIt is continuous processbrbr2)Learner at the center the student center learning focus on the individual learnerbrThe social nature of learning the primacy of the human actionbrEmotions are integral to learning-Inhirently link to such as attention memory executive function, decision making critical problembrRecognized individual diff More or less injuring psychological characteristic that Distinguish one person from AnotherbrStretching all students means creating lessons more challengebrASSESSMENT for a learning this is usually an approach teaching ang learning that needs feedbackbrBuilding horizontal connections means reaching out of the classroom and looking at the backbrbr3)Language acquisition process can be seen as running parallel throughout a child's life everydaybrBilingualism symbolize the essential humanity of building bridge between people of diff Culture and language Comment from : @karenedrad719 |
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