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Learning styles u0026 the importance of critical self-reflection | Tesia Marshik | TEDxUWLaCrosse

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Information Learning styles u0026 the importance of critical self-reflection | Tesia Marshik | TEDxUWLaCrosse

Title :  Learning styles u0026 the importance of critical self-reflection | Tesia Marshik | TEDxUWLaCrosse
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Description Learning styles u0026 the importance of critical self-reflection | Tesia Marshik | TEDxUWLaCrosse

Comments Learning styles u0026 the importance of critical self-reflection | Tesia Marshik | TEDxUWLaCrosse

The problem that I notice with the experiment in the beginning is that what you are testing is memory, not learning It is different in some ways The grasp of the concept is learning, remembering it is what they experimented for For example, imagine you are back in 5th grade When you are learning your multiplication tables, many children memorize it up to 10 x 10 But other kids learn the concept of multiplication, and they can apply it to every other problem past 10 x 10 To understand a concept, it is not necessarily how it is stored in memory (she suggests that most things we learn are stored in terms of 'meaning'), but how it is grasped at first Some students can read the textbook and understand, some need visual illustrations to understand it, etc Understanding and learning is different from merely memorizing
Comment from : @davidlu6169

Learning styles never made any sense to me
Comment from : @macdisciple

Let’s be honest who is watching this by choice I am being forced to watch this by the teacher larking over my shoulder (Mr Gilbert )
Comment from : @ColtonColton-t7b

This lady is absolutely incorrect
Comment from : @DarkSoulsfan111

This is one of the best Ted Talks I have seen All these years, I believed in learning styles She blew my mind with this information!
Comment from : @olumidebanjoo

i like how she tried to squeeze in a dig on the spiritual community while discussing learning styles lol 😂
Comment from : @NoviOne7

Was hoping there would be links to the studies that she referenced
Comment from : @rachelhankinson6854

Belief change is really hard, confirmation bias 💯
Comment from : @laur_el02

I am
Comment from : @kindalloconnor3788

She's a liar we are the center of the universe the Heavens are Gods throne room and the earth is His footstool therefore there is nothing in all of Gods creation Higher than us except God Himself God even said that one day we will judge angels so earth is flat space isn't real and anyone that says otherwise are fools
Comment from : @childofgod9662

I loved this video it really helped me out
Comment from : @JoAnnHarris-t3s

I guess I came here because I have a few assignments that are due in a few hours, rip
Comment from : @thecooldudes69420

I am very glad I actually watched this video She was an amazing speaker and very informative!
Comment from : @shainawalker3512

Thank you for confirming what i already knew ,now I can identify my childs learning style now in good time😊
Comment from : @FutoXar

Привет, кфушники
Comment from : @Gvvangogh

Thank you for making me due a project on this
Comment from : @MeepMacArthurlll

10:57 and people also learn by taking a nap! 😴
Comment from : @DenizardMoraes

Learning styles,no, they don't exist Thanks for putting this idea in its place Learning preferences on the other hand
Comment from : @blainemogil2254

The vaccine is a matter of an outside opinion! It is so young and has many answers that continue to be theories It's still a good $ maker, someway, somehow
Comment from : @Cliff6965

Comment from : @Justmeeeeeee12

I believe the same regarding multiple intelligences
Comment from : @bilalkhabir5873

I actually never believed it I found it to be silly
Comment from : @bilalkhabir5873

Just because science can not prove it , doesn't mean it's not true Every point she maid can be inversely used against this whole presentation, she is now enforcing new information the exact same way we were taught about learning styles and now we are manipulated to believe what she said was true
Comment from : @supremenene7826

How when the concept has helpped peoplesmh
Comment from : @annab000

I totally agree i learn better through experience
Comment from : @dhouhababa8876

last comment, at ,minute 14 i just could put up with her bs, dear lord that is why science is going to the dumpster
Comment from : @Ear_Pecks

sixth comment, she goes and harakiri by saying that the reason why learning styles are believed to exist is because people are difference, cannot she saying that a style is simply based on the type of person you are taking into account your genetics, environment and how those have shape your brain in a way that create learning styles preferences, so blind to her ego
Comment from : @Ear_Pecks

ok, second comment so she accepts the concept of auditory memory, visual memory and so on but not the learning style, that there is a contradiction
Comment from : @Ear_Pecks

My life has been a lie
Comment from : @kanyerahming

Saying "right" after every sentence made it hard for my ADHD brain to focus of the point of the video
Comment from : @mckaylaeden

i never thought about this topic that way It was a very moving video
Comment from : @StaceySummers-k9e

thank you this is really useful
Comment from : @archana_gamit

A new perspective to the learning styleThe best way to learn depands on the content ( blending)
Comment from : @gayatrigovalvanshinanda6921

Informative session about learning stylebr-Dr Virenkumar PandyabrBDK ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE GADHADA
Comment from : @ProfDrVirenkumarPandya

nice session
Comment from : @jitendrakumarkharadi697

Very useful
Comment from : @vandanarami9574

Comment from : @AtriRajgor

Nice information
Comment from : @drharshadjchauhan1023

Wonderful 👌
Comment from : @Sarvebhavntusukhinah1111

Excellent presentation
Comment from : @Sarvebhavntusukhinah1111

I use all the methods personally
Comment from : @jamesphillipshort

7:00 chase and Simon 1973 (meaning)br10:30 incorporating more than one sensory experience makes it more meaningfulbr12:05 learning styles do not existbr12:45 confirmation bias
Comment from : @originalvonster

Very good points
Comment from : @notebyeze

She just stated the obvious and exactly the same as learning style applied to advance the learning process
Comment from : @niveafairman

🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:brbr00:00 📚 Learning styles are often categorized as auditory, visual, or kinesthetic, but they don't actually exist as effective learning methodsbr01:08 🧐 Despite the common belief in learning styles, there is no scientific evidence to support their validitybr02:05 🧠 People may have learning preferences, but these preferences do not lead to better learning outcomesbr03:02 📖 Experimental tests consistently show that teaching based on learning styles doesn't result in improved learningbr05:29 📝 Rote learning methods, such as rereading notes, are often ineffective as they don't promote meaningful understandingbr07:56 🤔 Meaning-based learning, not sensory preference, is the key to effective educationbr09:50 👓 Teaching methods should depend on the content to be learned, not the supposed learning style of the individualbr11:19 🤯 Confirmation bias often leads people to seek evidence that supports their beliefs, perpetuating the learning styles mythbr15:10 🕰️ Belief in learning styles wastes time and educational resources, diverting attention from evidence-based teaching methodsbr16:37 🙌 Embracing the idea that learning styles don't exist can empower individuals to be open to a variety of learning approachesbrbrMade with HARPA AI
Comment from : @KevinOtieno-e2m

La film school stand up!
Comment from : @SMOGDOGG949

U say tomatoe I say tomatah It's the same 🍅 however
Comment from : @SMOGDOGG949

Reflection:brTherefore, learning styles promotes fixed mindsets and prevents growth mindset
Comment from : @oninlabotv3080

We should not limit our minds and ability to learn
Comment from : @leialcantara8232

I think people believe misinterpretations of it
Comment from : @MySupervisorOnline

Learning styles is based on preferred learning not best learning is my understanding Learning styles can help people improve their learning if they understand that there are ways they can improve the parts of the learning cycle that they don't really prefer and often avoid That is my take on learning styles - I think they exist it is just people make assumptions about how they are being used or misinterpret the original thinking behind them
Comment from : @MySupervisorOnline

I don't think she should've thrown Bigfoot in with Santa Claus 😂😂
Comment from : @spiritseeker8220

Here, Miss Román say hello! 🙋
Comment from : @romanlopezmelaniejazmin5695

What it boils down to is this… are you a big picture learner/thinker or a detail minutia learner/ thinker? Your narrative addresses the symptoms of the problems not the root of the problem Until a person is clear about this all of the learning styles are only academic and are not results intentioned In real life/business results are imperative
Comment from : @barrysmith8193

her examples i do not think are good some people will be good at putting furniture together, without reading instructions the examples of learning words is not a practical example not tested enough
Comment from : @AnneHeyes

This talk proves that psychology is often wrong or proven wrong
Comment from : @tb8827

We do have telepathic communication Everyone should read 'Neville Goddard'
Comment from : @yourhealingjourney9824

New perspective❤ Thank you😊
Comment from : @joshuapitong899

What about people with learning difficulties?
Comment from : @carmythoms7325

This was an amazing TED talk What surprises me is I've always gone out and searched for truths I've always wanted to get proven wrong so that I can adjust my views to fit reality I honestly thought for the longest that this was a normal human process of curiosity That's because i grouped the people that think this way with the ones that don't I've always told people that I learn best with all the learning styles That it depended on what I'm learning I've taught myself how to ride a bike, and how to play guitar and I've been learning to code recently I've been noticing that the way I'm learning certain things would vary but the one thing that stayed consistent was if I used all my senses, I always remembered it better This makes sense because when I involved all my senses in what I was learning I become more invested meaning it meant more to me I'm glad my psychology professor showed me this TED talk It's opened my understanding of how I can maximize my learning
Comment from : @askjake2426

But the meaning is always accompanied by the referent and the signifier because these three aspects are part of the sign That's why I think we can´t learn just in terms of meaning In any case, we learn in terms of signs
Comment from : @lingspeak

Learning will change you mindset toward yourself and how you see thing different than before
Comment from : @pearlinepowell6333

Learning for some depend on weather it interesting to them or not Learning comes easy if it is required in order to get something you really want or need
Comment from : @pearlinepowell6333

VARK or the Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic model is not completely wrong! brJust that, as teachers we need to blend these ways to make best of the understanding possible for different concepts/topics
Comment from : @manmohankathari

I must admit that I am somewhat resistant to this notion in the sense that people have variations in their ability to process sensory information We wouldn’t use visuals to teach something to someone who is blind, or audio to teach something to someone who is def Individuals process sensory information differently, and this subsequently impacts how they recall information Additionally, learning isn’t necessarily limited to our ability to recall specific information, there is also an element of learning that speaks to insight, critical thought, and experience I would argue that understanding one’s dominant senses remains an important component of understanding how to approach teaching that individual (See Helen Keller) I would also argue that intelligence takes many forms, and is not limited to one’s ability to immediately recall a list words or images or a random arrangement of chess pieces I agree that appealing to multiple senses is an important component of learning, and that deriving meaning is an essential element I also see the problem of people potentially closing themselves off from information simply because it does not appeal to their self-identified dominant sense But because individuals are the chief executive of their own operating systems, it is important to listen to their input and make an effort to tailor approaches to their teaching to increase efficacy of learning Forging a network of neural pathways that stem from various sensory processing centers of the brain may help one derive meaning and thus store and access information more easily Some individuals visualize an object when given a verbal prompt, and some individuals can replay entire concerts when given a verbal prompt (such as the name of their favorite music artist) Perhaps “learning styles” is a misnomer, and “dominant sensory processing style” would be a better way to refer to the variation in individuals’ ability to process and recall information
Comment from : @Bodierker

The closing statement, Google - show me i am right com Was really amazing to end the amazing logical discussion
Comment from : @dominicjagdale38

Comment from : @hemantkharadi6342

Comment from : @hemantsuthar8110

Very useful video for Teachers
Comment from : @amitpatel2886

Knowledgeable video
Comment from : @hansabensonara7765

Very nice
Comment from : @ramsinhparmar8658

Engaging session
Comment from : @bhoomigurjar3984

Very informative presentation thank u mam
Comment from : @meghanadharne7438

Learning styles explained beautifully!
Comment from : @krishnadaiya2788

Good information
Comment from : @karunaahire7402

Comment from : @AtriRajgor

This is like the Sherlock holmes when he couldn't remember the planets! It just wasn't necessary for him to learn about something that had no meaning to him! It's pointless to learn everything when you don't need it all Only what you need is what you should study!
Comment from : @artmanstudios7037

Wow! Thanks for sharing this video
Comment from : @asefali110

We all have to have some kind of learning style or ability which foster the soaking up of relevant information Learning styles are very important in classrooms however, I do believe it is somewhat difficult for teachers to decipher the variations of learning styles of each individual student within a single classroom
Comment from : @claudewilkinson8443

This is worth a second listen
Comment from : @Aritul

This is her perception of the topic In my opinion, adapt learning styles to meet your audience training and educational needs The use of varieties of learning styles increase engagement and overall learning experience
Comment from : @marcelmarizu1229

I've had to sit through many lectures and exercises on learning styles, but I never believed in this theory Want to know what learning style works best? Sitting down and working on it until you got it In high school I spent as much time with my nose in a math book as I did all other courses combined I made an A in math We need to quit trying to make everything easy and enjoyable Tell students the truth, ie, this may be time consuming and difficult Get on with it
Comment from : @redshark9537

The reason why she did not find empirical evidence of effectiveness of learning styles is because she measures learning goals as defined by the world of education Off course she she won't get it because learning is far more subconscious and natural than what learning goals arebrIf one were to look at transformation learning goals one will see the relevance eg whatever an auditory learner believes can be traced to the podcasts he has been hearing even though he may not remember a word now This learning has been transformativebrThis lady wants people to 'remember' so as to derive effectiveness of learning However the person has learnt a lot more, which sadly she doesn't know and can't even measurebrbrShe should've left some scope for possibility of error instead of simply rejecting the learning style theory Clearly she ain't auditory or doesn't listen!
Comment from : @reach4rohit

It's funny cause she totally contradicted herself A teacher uses multiple senses and all three learning styles in both individual and group settings to foster assurance in the actual learning and retainment of knowledge to pedological students The actual use of meaning is everything but that's a given Very few children for example will master math purely from hearing it I won't say it doesn't happen, but it's extremely rare Algebra especially is an introspective learning discipline One day it will click for everyone Content, is also a given brbrSo what are learning styles? They are the style used for each specific content with meaning I'll give you an excellent example Try giving a five year old child the food pyramid as a puzzle They either can't finish it, won't finish it, or it will take longer Now give them the same size puzzle but make it a cartoon picture You see the true point of conceptual learning? brbrCan people have specific sensory advantages over others? Absolutely! A blind person for example may have exponential kinesthetic and auditory learning capabilities because of their disability Now I will say you could argue that this is because of the hindrance of one sensory has amplified another which I would say is an obvious statement
Comment from : @loveandpower

As soon as she said, "Trust me" I don't trust her
Comment from : @endlesssounds7316

Learning is a very complex process, and when we try to pigeonhole students into rigid categories, we deprive them of exploring other ways of exploring the material Students should determine how they want to learn
Comment from : @idolgin776

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