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Why Bond Yields Are a Key Economic Barometer | WSJ

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Title :  Why Bond Yields Are a Key Economic Barometer | WSJ
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Description Why Bond Yields Are a Key Economic Barometer | WSJ

Comments Why Bond Yields Are a Key Economic Barometer | WSJ

As a soon-to-be retiree, keeping my portfolio on track after a bumpy 2024 is a high goal I've read about investors generating up to $250k ROI in this present sinking market; any suggestions for increasing my ROI before retirement would be greatly appreciated
Comment from : @JoshuaKerr-m4u

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @OliverTilney

as a laki are101 Dereval axmed cali cilmi farax manbar bawer full
Comment from : @axmedcalicilmifaaraxasalakiare

Y yield is rising after rate cut brwhich is opposite, yields also go down after cut according to u but now grow
Comment from : @MyMushroom

It is a government inspired crisis this time The Treasury have to sell Bonds to cover the trade imbalance and the government spending imbalance In order to sell them they have to raise interest rates and the old long-term, low risk, low interest, AAA investments (including Treasury Bonds), held by the banks (often due to government regulatory policy), become next to worthless The next milestone is the 15th when the government issue a new batch of Bonds I have approximately 350k stagnant in my portfolio that needs growth What is the best way to take advantage of this downturn?
Comment from : @jerrycampbell-ut9yf

Despite rising bond yields and falling stock prices, the markets remain uncertain about whether the Federal Reserve will maintain its objective of raising interest rates until inflation is subdued As I contemplate whether to sell my $401k in equities, what's the most effective strategy for capitalizing on the current downturn in the market?
Comment from : @NicholasBall130

as a laki are101 Dereval axmed cali cilmi faarax bersnal bawer
Comment from : @axmedcalicilmifaaraxasalakiare

The US and UK are investing in their own destruction The only spending problem the US and UK has, was the wars in the Middle East The US borrowed $350m per day for 20 years in Afghanistan is most of the national debt Most UK debt is the wars too We should refuse to repay that debt to those bond holders because no person should profit from a war Each person who bought bonds should sacrifice their profits for the future of the country With China and BRICS looming the West needs to start growing or we will lose everything
Comment from : @MrMacGiollaRiabaigh

More videos like these
Comment from : @WallStreetIceCream

Economy Does Well --> Interest Rate Increase to cool inflation --> New Bond Interest Rate Increase to compensate for the predicted Inflation --> Current Bonds (Bonds) decrease in price --> Current Bonds (Bonds) Yield increase
Comment from : @faheemzuhairi1029

Video is too basic
Comment from : @dananshen2423

“Sam Goldfart” 2:51 🤩🤣 Is that really his name?!?!?
Comment from : @ura9390

I wish yields were 15 Speculation is running rampant
Comment from : @viewerone

Gov's riding roughshod over the debt markets
Comment from : @recyclebar

Wonder how the economy got “overheated” in the first place 😂 money printer go brrrr!
Comment from : @alastairsmith7383

Investments are the roots of financial security; the deeper they grow, the stronger your future will be"
Comment from : @HenryLucask5l

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @OnkelFrauenknecht

Comment from : @kossiblaiseayegnont1050

Thats who i solved it with mr Powell me and Ted Cruz tried solving the debt crisis and we already get awards and we dont get cussed by the wife she just gets some money
Comment from : @Church1e

Hahn Centers
Comment from : @AchesonOtis-e3t

Lionel Mills
Comment from : @SawyerZangwill-l2x

35 trillion in debt 4 trillion deficit 1 trillion interest payment its over
Comment from : @jp-sl7cd

This example make you believe bond yields are set by the fed 😬
Comment from : @sch2344

Herminio Trace
Comment from : @ChamberlainNatalie-i7s

Thanks for the interesting content! 😍 I have a quick question: 🤷‍♂️ I have a set of words 🤷‍♂️ (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over) How do I use this? 🤨
Comment from : @JitheshJen

A weak dollar can signal an economic downturn, making me to ponder on what are the best possible ways to hedge against inflation, and I've overheard people say inflation is a money-eater thus worried about my savings around $200k
Comment from : @DonaldMark-ne7se

Thanks for the breakdown! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase (air carpet target dish off jeans toilet sweet piano spoil fruit essay) How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
Comment from : @BuscoDiana

Comment from : @luisduron2722

I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for
Comment from : @IbrahimIsabella-00

this video was not helpful
Comment from : @abitameem9895

Doesn’t this feel like bandaids on top of imaginary bandaids
Comment from : @theycallmeblake

Coming to say HI during the longest yield inversion in history!
Comment from : @NMPrecedent

@1:44 coupon is NOT the same as yield The coupon rate doesn't change for a bond during its lifetime but its yield can and will That is so Integral to understanding the economics of bonds!
Comment from : @rajuparakkal

bshould/b yeah working great 🤣
Comment from : @confucamus3536

Many people are experiencing crash market fatigue and are tired of hearing about the worst, even though it's true We're slowly being boiled in the pot! I want to diversify my $250K portfolio
Comment from : @matturner8

What time is it? 😴🤔😊
Comment from : @daviddavis9727

45inflation ok
Comment from : @병곤김-s1e

Thanks for the exceptionally interesting video brThere is one aspect that I don't understand very well though brWhy the interest paid on short-term bonds is usually higher than that paid on bonds with a ten-year maturity brShouldn't it be the other way around?
Comment from : @gino3286

This should be a ad why we don’t need central banks intervention in the economy
Comment from : @Moneymanaginghacks

This is a TV documentary type of thing
Comment from : @user_375a82

WSJ (5 million subscribers) in 2022 posts a video in 720pbrbrbrNo folks, this is not a joke
Comment from : @Kirmo13

investing requires good experience and knowledge to carry out a good and successful trade, I have lost a lot trying to trade all by myself May I ask which investments are good?
Comment from : @BerniecePiette445

What’s with all the bot comments?
Comment from : @mbn9672

So basically bonds are to attract people not to borrow too much from a bank, and inflation won't rise?
Comment from : @revvedrey

Great Stuff!
Comment from : @HugoMurray221

We are having a yield here and there is a safe investment and very confident with my accessory yieldThere is a fed that will raising it to0brThe economy has grow older and it raises well
Comment from : @HadjaHeatherBarry

I do not borrow money,I am a Money maker as I am extremely wealthyThanks !
Comment from : @HadjaHeatherBarry

A yield inversion is more of a self fulfilling prophecy than a key economic barometer It doesn't cause recessions by any means It's sentimentand the sentiment was incorrect this time
Comment from : @TreeTop9

The Market have been suffering over the past month, with all the three indexes recording losses in recent weeks My $400,000 portfolio is down by approximately 20, any recommendations to scale up my returns before retirement will be highly appreciated
Comment from : @kigletmary56

Stocks are falling and bond yields are rising, but markets still don’t seem convinced the Federal Reserve will pursue plans to keep increasing interest rates until inflation is under control I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $117k stocck portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?
Comment from : @tonysilke

It's amazing to see AMC doing well after all the doomsday analyses from naysayers The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient - warren buffet It's good to remind people of this right now; you buy on fear and sell on greed or just hold through it all for the long term It’s easy but lots of people forget
Comment from : @Amelia-Elizabeth

Comment from : @DarryusLim

@2:00 "If the economy is doing well rates rise" Unless Brandon is president, in which case if the economy is sliding into recession, the reserve currency is at risk, and we move steadily to WW III rates still go up Stop Voting For Democrats
Comment from : @kavustock

Make more videos about investments please It's really interesting theme
Comment from : @Borisbragin-y2d

Comment from : @ceejaydeesoozaa

I am glad wsj used she Lol
Comment from : @tm9184

Even if bond yields are rising while stock prices are decreasing, the markets are still skeptical whether the Federal Reserve will stick to its goal to raise interest rates until inflation is under control As I'm still debating whether to sell my $401k worth of equities, what is the best way to profit from the current down market?
Comment from : @scottarmstrong11

Why buy bonds over a high yield savings account?
Comment from : @Vhalan53

Thanks for the Kool-Aid
Comment from : @jorgeharmstrong

Are bonds owners usually making more money from yield or rates
Comment from : @keysame2309

Munger and Buffett have both achieved an incredible feat with Berkshire They've turned thousands to billions, and have made a lot of people wealthy in the process I really saw the potential of the stock market by reading Berkshire's annual letters I recently sold my $674k apartment in the Bel Air area and I'm hoping to throw it into the stock market I just don't want to lose everything
Comment from : @OttoLane-j9z

720p in this economy? Oof
Comment from : @laraibkhan14

in the context of 2:04, what does intrest rate mean?
Comment from : @chesterjinn5266

You miserable consumers!brFirst you weren't spending enoughbrNow you're spending too muchbrNot you millions of 10ersbrIt's you one hundred million regular normal middle class folks This is all YOUR fault!brbrI'm going to go listen to George Carlin's Advertising Lullabye now
Comment from : @jerryp6001

how to buy it for foreign/non resident,i dont have tax number
Comment from : @yuujilee2778

If the economy goes up, the rates go up… but this is not an automatic decision by the market… this is a professional decision by the federal reserve, as a reaction to inflation, which could be on time, or could be late… please anyone correct me if I am wrong
Comment from : @robertoguerra5375

Comment from : @pranjayarora8115

2:22 “when the price goes down the yield goes up” is she referring to yield based on paying the new price of $922? Eg the coupon is still actually 4 but because the bond only costs $922 now that actually works out at 5?
Comment from : @krisb-travel

Lovely explanation
Comment from : @sanansojar365

Why 'she' instead of 'he'? Most bond investors are male
Comment from : @givemeusernameplease6201

If the economies doing well interest rates dont go up
Comment from : @mrretired2715

the reporter mentions when an economy is doing well Interest Rates go up In recent years only been going down
Comment from : @abuhussain1285

Excellet video, I've already undestood the importance of bond yields
Comment from : @alvaroarturozaratesuarez1574

I have couple bonds how can I cash it out they are from 1922
Comment from : @flacocruz6499

They still have any value
Comment from : @flacocruz6499

Mofo and father Babylon battle thank you notes brbrI bonds and water departement Participation with us brTreasury pay brbrSee them on yahoo finance Way down low
Comment from : @douglasforeman8627

Comment from : @Davidl422

Correct me if I am wrong higher bond yields means fed want from businesses not to spend on the economy during high inflation They just want to absorb excessive liquidity from the market to tame inflation so high yields attract businesses or investors during these harsh times when the market is down Is it correct?
Comment from : @utkarshmaghav708

May thang Lanh Dao Ha Noi Theo Russia no quay Vi vay dung nhu Tao da du doan: bon may giu tao co Chu y, the Tao LENH bat nhot bon may Dat nuoc Theo My, West The xong Ngay sang nay phai xong LENH ROI
Comment from : @anhnguyenhong8770

The majority of my holdings ($650K) are Nasdaq, Apple, and Tesla stocks, respectively I got in early but am undecided whether to sell or purchase back at reduced prices owing to the present market condition
Comment from : @chrismillson2779

why is narrator calling an investor she when most of the investors are men? 🤔
Comment from : @matm4413

Fed reserve and the treasury is not bothered about stock capital market They are more concerned about the treasury bond market They fear the bond market may become dysfunctional and illiquid Bond yields are one of the important parameter that influences stock market All stock pundits fail to mention how the bond yields influence stock market My main concern now is how we are going to achieve all of that given that the market has been a mess for most of the year I already lost $23,000
Comment from : @ThormanBoucher

Most of that "Inflation" was a) price increase in commodity markets and b) price gouging by the industrybrIt's not that consumers during COVID lockdowns had consumed more The working class struggles to survive How can they create demand? People should watch Chris Martensen's lectures about the bond price death spiral
Comment from : @pcuimac

What do you mean at 01:36 “the fixed amount a bond pays each year AFTER its maturity date” you mean, BEFORE?
Comment from : @Minecrafting_table

Sorry, but anyone who didn't understand bond yields before, and thinks they do after watching this video, is "absolutely" kidding themselves It simply does not explain things well enough, at all, to bring a non-educated person to a proper understanding of the mechanisms behind bond price movements
Comment from : @rpbmpn

Sam looks like a high school KidI want to listen to seasoned investors 60---80 YearsPaul
Comment from : @paulholterhaus7084

Comment from : @AcesizOfficial

But how is raising bond yields affecting supply chain They are just trying to destroy demand and create a market crash at which point the cycle starts all over again We need to focus not on paying off student loan debts and focus on creating better employment avenues
Comment from : @Anirudhchakraborty

Arent coupons rate also Discounted with ytm?
Comment from : @mariaproust4051

Monday dump
Comment from : @jakob6719

If the Fed really wanted to do something positive, it would require all banks to maintain adequate reserves!
Comment from : @puravida5683

Today this makes more sense than ever
Comment from : @Bryanbkk

The only criticism I have of this video is the image used says "Treasury Bill" Treasury Bill debt obligations have very short term maturities ranging from 4 to 52 weeks
Comment from : @Duke-225

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