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Should you buy a DSLR in 2024 (dslr vs mirrorless)

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Title :  Should you buy a DSLR in 2024 (dslr vs mirrorless)
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Comments Should you buy a DSLR in 2024 (dslr vs mirrorless)

T7 does what I want, no need to spend more😂
Comment from : @Trojan0304

Bought a d500 for 500 dollars in mint condition Thank you mirrorless cameras for this
Comment from : @oniongingertomato2216

They are not going to make dslr lenses if they want you to fork out you're money on full frame cameras and lenses Why pay £6000 for a camera you must be nutsThese full frame cameras are that good that you have to edit the photos on photoshop😂😂😂😂😂 what a con (A fool and his money are easy parted )😂😂😂
Comment from : @EricSzweblik-zj4mx

Analógic is the Best Quality in image fidelity , digital are not natural colours
Comment from : @maxdamage4919

Technology later always better Never Compare 19 century with 21 century today completely different So funny to talk
Comment from : @chuongnguyen3831

Mirrorless cameras are much better from autofocus and video perspective In terms of the size, uh, actually it is the same sh*t- a part of the system just transferred into the lens In terms of sensor durability DSLR, so far looks for reliable-true Mirrorless cameras often have burned pixels after a while But yeah, almost any FF camera is a photographer’s dream, does not matter what kind of sensor you use
Comment from : @peterzol8862

Not one YouTuber has entry level DSLR VS Entry Level MirrorlessbrbrExample:brbrCanon T7 vs Canon R50
Comment from : @UnrealTalent

No the DSLR is not dead I've had my Nikon D3500 since 2019 That's right a BEGINNERS DSLR and it still takes damn good pictures Will I ever own a Nikon Z mirrorless? Probably not because you can get a nice used DSLR dirt cheap and their battery life is superior to mirrorless Enough said
Comment from : @brucetaylor607

Mirorless are basicaly point and shoot cameras these days AF eye tracking on and manipulate exposure thats it kids You are pros now Not to mention the pictures have no character to them They just look so synthetic, plastic Bouqet is total garbage, just flat blur instead of actual circled bouqet Dslr puts out organic pictures Plus anyone can shoot a mirorless and get great pics since you just manipulate shutter speed and exposure
Comment from : @Gixxer983

I have now moved on to Mirrorless because it’s smaller, lighter and not noisy DSLRs are heavy, bulky and makes a lot of noise when shooting photos
Comment from : @firdausbj1

To be fair, that DSLR 50mm lens is trash man You should have used the red ring 14 it makes the world of a difference…
Comment from : @aLo_etc

People are obsessed with DSLR in the comments like, probably, they did with the film or SLRsbrbrI am a complete noob, and I am planning to get zv-e10 for video recording It looks compact and I'll mostly shoot indoor for vlog and product shoot anyway
Comment from : @in_sa_ne

Just bought a used D5 with a low shutter count Will be years before I move to mirrorless I think
Comment from : @marcschweiz

So you lose the art of knowing the settings, as your seeing the photo before you press the shutter
Comment from : @cambsflyer42

Thomas Cynthia Rodriguez Timothy Johnson Amy
Comment from : @BarbaraGarcia-q2j

White Steven Taylor Frank Miller Timothy
Comment from : @CommonsVivian-w6p

Jackson Sarah Hall Donna Walker Angela
Comment from : @FkshyRieot

I recently bought a 6D for $200… thank you mirrorless cameras
Comment from : @aghostnamedjimmy

DSLRs were, are and will always be better for photography than any mirrorless camera was, is, or will ever be Especially action photography brI just dislike mirrorless bullshid so much For starters, the battery lasts only for around 500-600 shots and that is if you keep the camera turned off while you aren't using it, while DSLRs can go weeks without charging if you turn them off everytime you aren't using them between each moment you are shooting Secondly, DSLR's only take 3 miliseconds to take a picture, the best mirrorless cameras still take 500 miliseconds to do so with the mechanical shutter, and suffer from rolling shutter if using electronic shutter (unless you pay 6700 dollars tax not included)brsecondly, the very moment of taking a picture, DSLR curtains sync to 1/1000th of a second to expose a 1/8000ev frame, while mirrorless may take a maximum of 1/500th of a second because they're using electronic motors instead of magnetic solenoidsbrThird: Since DSLRs have an independent autofocus system they will keep track of subjects more reliably than a mirrorless, that has to show a live view image, autofocus and snap at the same time with the very sensor itselfbrbrThe fact i could catch more candid moments with an A200 in single shot than with an A7IV in 10fps mode is already an indicator of value
Comment from : @kingghidorah8106

I want ro get into video but my Canon Eos4000D just doesn!t cut it so in this sense tje camera does kind off matter
Comment from : @davidgeorgemahl4313

Lewis Larry Anderson William Wilson Timothy
Comment from : @DonnaWhite-z8d

I went from the 5DIII to the R6 and it's a huge improvement ! On my 5DIII I didn't dare to go above Iso 2500, on the R6 I use iso 10000 when needed
Comment from : @wanneske1969

White Eric Moore Shirley Perez Christopher
Comment from : @DonnaWhite-z8d

Martin Helen Moore Jason Smith Anna
Comment from : @sydneynashasa6477

Jones Deborah Taylor Carol Walker David
Comment from : @sergiovargas-v6z

Thompson Sandra Martin Jessica Harris Laura
Comment from : @FranklinBegley-f1x

White Joseph Hall Jason Thomas Barbara
Comment from : @NoraBerg-g8p

100 yes
Comment from : @markymark3572

2:10 Omg my head just exploded at this part 💀 the blatant misinformation is craaazybrbr7:45 The 5D mark III has some of the most amazing raw video you'll ever come across Highly recommend looking it up "Ma Sc" channel on youtube showcases them pretty well
Comment from : @shueibdahirmotionpictures

Clark Lisa Lewis Daniel Martinez Elizabeth
Comment from : @марияагафоник

Always was on the "bigger is better" side, ended in mold inside my decade-lasting Canon L-class lenses in the end, because with age and different priorities I was just getting too lazy, especially travelling around, to take them out of the bag and bring all this weight around I loved the "raw" feeling a lot prior But took this sign of getting stripped away my lenses to give Fuji XT5 with f2 primes a try and oh man - even though the ISO noise is something that concerns me a bit, coming from full-frame this new approach of light weight, always having a camera at hand when going for a hike, sunset or city, in combination with just out of the cam great colour style of Fuji-JPGs, is really sparking up my love for photography again - and this without the need to spend days end on the computer for post-processing brSo it took me a while, and there will always be some nostalgia towards DSLR, but the new generation of mirrorless just is too jummy to look away for me
Comment from : @kevindreamedit

Id just like to say after spending a few years with various mirrorless cameras and eventually getting comfortable with Sony A7R iv/v that i think (Z8 Excluded) a pro level DSLR just gives a feeling that its never going to let you down I own a 10 year old D7100 with 12m shutter actuations and it still shoots some brilliant photographsbrJust feel like DSLR's are a tool and mirrormess is more of a gadget or something brbr((The Nikon Z8 feels so perfect in the hand, feels very much like a DSLR, maybe nikon just makes some real rugged ass cameras when it comes to pro tier equipment)
Comment from : @mattplaine4670

just went to mirrorless in june , the EVF vs OVF Seals it for me
Comment from : @spirg

fell in love with photography on a 5D3 back in 2015 Have since owned an a7iv, z72/z9, and R5 Left those systems behind and currently waiting on another 5D3 to arrive in the mail It's a hugely capable camera that delivers files I have yet to find replicable from the modern mirrorless systems There is a gentleness, color/tonal quality, and mechanical vignette that really makes the resulting images feel like "photographs" And no, you can't simply mimic those things in post
Comment from : @oldDan-l1c

I use a DSLR They are durable The low cost high end lenses are fantastic Also my DSLR has the same sensor as the equivalent mirrorless camera, but is easier to hold onto with a big lens I plan to stay with this
Comment from : @brownj2

The main difference is that mirrorless cameras are overpriced and a ripoff
Comment from : @johnfairweather9188

If you cant find the right exposure with the exposure setting through the OVF justm putnthe DSLR away and use the newer RF camera body DSLR will never die
Comment from : @AnglerAdventure77

mirrorlwss cameras allowed me to get a nikon d750 for under 600 bucks
Comment from : @chrisaugustin9181

Despite having my new Nikon Z8 mirrorless, I also own my Canon 90D DSLR, 325 megapixels, crop sensor with Sigma 100-400mm permanently attached lens for wildlife photography Now I just got a my second 90D with permanently attached 10-18 wide angle lens for Street and landscape photograpahy I still love my DSLRs
Comment from : @laranitasantana

I shoot on DSLRbrWhy?brBecause rn its what I've got
Comment from : @ondoreoku

SLR and DSLR cameras have been taking amazing photos for more years than you have been alive When you look through a mirrorless camera viewfinder, you see what the processor has decided for you This is a fantastic thing for the smartphone photographer and the people that must have the latest kit When I take a photograph with one of my DSLR's the image I get, is from 50 years experience That's 50 years of horrendous mistakes and learning from them Some of my lenses have vibration reduction, it is never switched on I learnt to use shutter and aperture, I used a tripod, a monopod, a fence post and on one occasion my daughters shoulder If you want the latest camera (superceded in 12 months) and all of the electronic shortcuts, that's okay enjoy them But please stop telling us we need to switch our brains off and buy mirrorless
Comment from : @pdxxtqhf

Personally it shouldn't matter whether it's a DSLR or a mirrorless Shoot with whatever works FOR YOU Don't let people tell you that unless you shoot with a DSLR, you're not a professional, because that's total garbage and unfair If you have mobility issues like me, and you can only handle a mirrorless camera, WHO CARES!!!!!!!!?????? Yeah okay, by some it could be viewed as 'cheating' with a mirrorless camera, but if the result is the same and you learn from the fundamentals from a mirrorless, why wouldn't you shoot with it? Like I said, don't let people intimidate you by saying 'unless you shoot with a DSLR, you're not a professional'
Comment from : @jordanking7711

The man said the 5D3’s screen is trash yes Wow Funny cause I had a Sony A7iii and when doing engagement shoots I was always ashamed to show my clients the back of that camera I once showed a couple the a7iii and the 5D 3 during a session and they instantly gravitated towards the photo on the 5D Literally the first time I’ve heard someone trash the 5D3’s screen
Comment from : @evrythingilike8836

The answer is YES Mirrorless camera's are for sheep! They will not be around as long as people think they will be And for your info, with a DSLR what you see is what you get too! No intention of ever giving up my DSLR's for a crappy mirrorless As for Dynamic range issues, you should have switched to Nikon long ago So much mis-information here, designed for clueless people
Comment from : @arunphillips6977

DSLR is affordable than mirrorless so I choose which my pocket can afford
Comment from : @irenegea7644

Hello, I'm watching several videos of the differences between mirrorless and DSLRs What I have summarized, also watching your video, is that the weight is easier for them (in quotes, because depending on the lens you use, it will weigh the same as a DSRL), the focus, perhaps, if it is faster and the video But I feel in general that people now want less effort, like the internet Find everything easily and quickly, without taking that much effort And what do I mean by effort? It's like life The couples, the jobs When you do something that doesn't cost you the same work or effort, you don't value it the same And I feel like people who have mirrorless now, that's what they feel is right That the DSRL camera weighs a lot It does weigh a lot, but it lasts many more years, it has better functions, the quality is wonderful And the videos, if you are looking for accessories to help you, you can record wonderful videos with a SLR You use a gimbal or lenses that are faster for focusing But I feel that people want to become lazier or more stupid and not think about the effort of using a DSRL camera: It is my humble opinion I use DSRL cameras and I will use them until they die I am not closed to using mmirrorless in the future, but it will be the last thing I use and because I no longer have any other option
Comment from : @Sunshine23628

I use Canon 200D Purchased 2019 I am still paying the bills everymonth
Comment from : @travelkid1

I like the Canon 5d iv but it doesn't have eye focus It's a shame
Comment from : @Yu-d3c

AT 1 MIN 27 Sec, he's comparing 2 photos of a girl and says they're both great quality No, they are vastly different , and it would have been a better comparison for the girls face to be the same size and he doesn't say which photo is from which camera, so not helpful
Comment from : @irened9961

Good video and thanks for it I'm new to Mirrorless so I'm looking for as much info about Mirrorless cameras and the differences between Mirrorless & DSLR cameras as I can find So I appreciate your input Thank you again, and my journey continues!😎
Comment from : @mrdjtoday

Mirrorlens camera is similar whit phone, except that mirrorles is more professional, has good photo's Im a dslr fan 😊
Comment from : @voxa1756

As someone who shoots with an old 30d, I can say I can take better pics compared to a noob using a canon r5 But I am sure that I can shoot better with a canon 6d mk2 because I can even take better pics on my canon m10 than the 30d So it is not completely true that the gear is not important It is because better gear offers better range of choices of creativity The limits are higher brbrBut talking about experience, for me personally, despite my being able to take better pics with the m10, I enjoy shooting more with the 30d The experience of shooting on a dslr is irreplacable, not even the newest mirrorless of the R series can replicate the sensation of shooting with an old dslr I dont think I can get over it
Comment from : @fatweevlogs

I'll keep my Nikon D80 / D7000 & D600
Comment from : @Obeijin

My D810 is otw! I’m sticking with Nikon D series and F mount until Z mount has a near 100 year legacy of lenses 😴😂
Comment from : @lilmichael212

I may just be the last person on earth to buy a brand new Canon 5D MARK IV on 23/4/2024 and for the second time!! 😮 Let me explain I had the 5Dmk4 with EF 50 mm f/12 and EF 70-200 f/28 mkll for 7 years and after selling everything around 5 months ago to switch to mirrorles again🤦🏻‍♂️I came across my all time favourite Canon lens the chunky EF 24-70 f/28 L USM on gumtree in its original box in brand new condition “and yes I know what you’re thinking” I bought it straight away thinking it’ll go great with the R6 Mark ll stabilised body🙂 well what do you know, the EVF was the biggest disappointment once again
Comment from : @aling4977

Yes yes yes and yes yes yes and god bless mirrorless
Comment from : @robbiep6528

I look at cameras, by looking at what lenses are available, and it makes more sense to buy DSLRs because the lenses are cheap now…I’ve bought 3 DSLRs recently, and I’m not interested in a full frame mirrorless…long live the DSLR
Comment from : @scotthansenmtbt4110

I am still utilizing the Nikon D810 camera 😅brbrMay I inquire if there are any individuals here who also still using D810? If so I would greatly appreciate your candid feedback regarding your experience with this camera and modern mirrorless?
Comment from : @JrFarren_

It died 2013 when sony came out with the 7r
Comment from : @bojangbg

After shooting mirrorless for one year, I picked up my dslr and loved the images better The mirrorless images seem over sharpened and clinical compared to the dslr This may just be my 2 cents I tried to love the mirrorless but I only love its weight and that is all
Comment from : @sharonfox7322

DSLRs have two advantages - one currently, one alwaysbrbrCurrently: You can get a bargain as people switch to MirrorlessbrbrAlways: You get the "I'm a photographer" clicky shutter sound
Comment from : @audigex

I'm a retired professional photographer from 1976-2007 Obviously all film Near the end of that run I was doing some shooting for a website with early digital so I did use that a lot near the end of that professional photography (paid full time) I did get an early DSLR in 2008 It exceeded my expectations My career shifted to IT in 2007 so I made the transition This past year I updated my 6 megapixel DSLR to 242 Doing a 4x resolution upgrade was nice The camera was from 2012 so I get it for $150 I had all the tools to refurbish it myself and I did Mirrorless wasn't what I wanted because I had an 18-200mm lens I wanted to keep using Were there drawbacks? Not for an old retired photographer (2018) Funny thing is the old camera still can be used for stuff online, so I probably didn''t need it but at least I can do a decent enlargement now
Comment from : @bd048

You're splitting hairs if you think a mirrorless camera is better than a DSLR The new lenses and absolute silent shooting are the only reasons I'd buy one
Comment from : @dct124

If ;you are trying to start up a photography service cheaply, using cheaper DSLR equipment will get you into the game more quickly I can't tell you how many "pro" photographers start out with APS-C DSLRs As Ken Rockwell says, "Camera doesn't matter" Ergonomics and ease of use will eventually triumph as you go through the journey You'll likely need to change hardware as you become more particular with your equipment, at some pointbrbrI feel that I really understood my Nikon D750 the best I must say that I don't understand my Canon RP near as well Too many menu options!
Comment from : @DrFunFong

Yes, ABSOLUTELY go buy a dslr They're becoming cheaper and awesome That is all, saved you 10 minutes of buslhit reasoning
Comment from : @jayerjavec

I shoot weddings with mirrorless Canon r6, Nikon Z6ii and Sony A7iv I just bought a 5D classic and it’s a joy to use since I have to do all the work That thing doesn’t even have auto iso, the screen sucks and pretty much you have to wait to see the results in your computer One thing for sure is No canon camera offers the look like the 5D classic jpg straight out of camera Now I’m looking for a Nikon d200 with ccd sensorbrEnd of story is you don’t need the latest camera to take great pictures dslrs do that very well
Comment from : @reynaldohernandez1425

Honestly, I think that it's more of a choice with its own drawbacks and benefits for both
Comment from : @ThereelOfficial

I really think that if you don't earn money as a photographer, you are amateur, DSLR is your best option, specifically Canon and Nikon The first time I bought a lens immediately i relised this is what makes me want to do more photos, gives me more ideas and eventually this is the biggest concern in terms of money So Canon EF and Nikon F mount is the way to go, adapters really suck, just stick to one of those mounts and you have multiple of great lens, RF or ZF lens are too expensive anyway and will be too expensive years to come
Comment from : @Pentagram666mar

The limited DR of a "DSLR" is mainly and notoriously a Canon thing I own both Canon and Nikon DSLR systems and my Nikons blow my Canon out of the water in DR and recovery
Comment from : @artsilva

Dead? Is it alive in the first place
Comment from : @acecarolino101

It’s not the cameraIt’s the person behind the camera
Comment from : @SniperPhotography

Second hand DSLR bodies are a steal now, you can get a 1DXII for around 1000 euros now, its a brick, almost a weapon and its reliable enough for any pro job I'm not spending tons more money for any mirrorless 😅
Comment from : @ActualCounterfactual

Is there really a choice? Everything new is for mirrorless now
Comment from : @Je_QzcY3mN0

I have been a photographer since 2011, and have owned many different cameras The latest are Canon R5 R6 and R10 Although the latest and greatest cameras are good and have extra features many of my favorite shots were taken with anything from micro four thirds to Sony rx100 When I look over the years there’s not a big difference in the real world between cameras It’s more about the subject, lighting, and the emotion involved
Comment from : @mondujar279

Picked up a 5dsr dirt cheap to live behind some ef tse glass…total steal for a great screwdriver
Comment from : @FelixGA9

I gave up photography all together Boy did save a lot of money 📷📷📷
Comment from : @robertvarner9519

I do like the feel of dslr I currently use mirrorless apsc and the body feels a bit dinky and full frame is out of my budget But I do a lot of video more than photo so I'll just stick with it
Comment from : @BC21beats

no way DSLRs are not dead, there are still DSLR lenses selling for new prices
Comment from : @chicojuanito2

The real reasons are br1 weight br2 size br3 never missing or out focus again in photo mode
Comment from : @yycabj

I don’t think the mirrorless camera have matched the operational speed or feeling that dslrs give you
Comment from : @villegas24

same with dslr actually via live viewbr what are you talking abr about? aside from that, when you shoot raw it really differs because the image view from your camera is based on jpeg
Comment from : @theweekendphoto

It's not a fair comparison when you compare a new Mirrorless camera with a DSLR from 2012
Comment from : @namenloserflo

I'm still confused Everytime I look through a mirrorless 😂
Comment from : @oscarwahlstrom

Mirrorless has no more killed DSLR than TV killed radio or CD's killed LPs Even film cameras are finding new interest If all the pros switch to mirrorless--and they won't--amateurs and hobby enthusiasts far outnumber pros and will keep "older" technologies alive I wish so-called influencers would stop referring to going from DSLR to mirrorless or going from APS-C to full-frame as "upgrading" It's not an upgrade; it's just a choice to do something different
Comment from : @rangersmith4652

You can still go to a camera store and buy a Full Frame AND a APSC camera new, both with Eye-tracking AF for the price of one Full Frame mirrorless To each their own
Comment from : @FeedScrn

To me the mirrorless cameras are good but new are not better is getting g the shot I have been shooting for 50 years and getting the shot is more important
Comment from : @michaelharmon7162

One of the main advantages to have learned photography on a DSLR is how to meter your grays properly without relying solely on the realtime exposure of the screen to get the right exposure
Comment from : @chibouki

just bought a k3 mark iii, such a unique experience
Comment from : @cellphonehistorian1491

Aside from the expense of a new mirrorless system, as a sports journalist I have noticed a big difference in my photographer’s image quality since he switched And it isn’t good So, personally I will stick with my DSLRs for now And my film cameras TBH Great video man 👍📸
Comment from : @SloopJohnBeeRockabilly

I kind of have to disagree about dynamic range Really there hasn't been a dramatic change for a number of years If you look at the Nikon D850, the dynamic range of the Z7, Z7II, Z9, Z8 is barely any different (In fact the Z9 and Z8 have slightly lower dynamic range due to the removal of the shutter), even before the D850 you will see the D800 and D810, was within a 1/3 of a stop, to the D850 You sort of see a similar thing with SonybrbrThe big difference is Canon's dynamic range could not really compete with sensors made by Sony semiconductors (separate from Sony), who made sensors for Nikon and Sony Even the 5Dmk4 whilst improved over the mk3, wasn't up to the level of Nikon or Sony, and really Canon only managed to bring their level up to the competition with the release of the R5 (which have very good dynamic range)brbrFor me, the biggest advantage as a portrait photographer with mirrorless is eye AF and that you can now focus much closer to the corners, which could not be done with DSLR'sbrbrAs for the bodies Yes, back in 2018, Nikon did try to copy Sony with having much smaller body designs, but with camera like the Panasonic S1, Nikon Z8, Canon R5 and even Sony now have bodies of a similar size to their DSLR'sbrbrFor video, a mirrorless camera is much more practicalbrbrReally the big advantage DSLR's still have is battery life, which easily beats current mirrorless cameras
Comment from : @MichaelLaing71

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