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Develop an Eye for Photos Everyone Overlooks

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Title :  Develop an Eye for Photos Everyone Overlooks
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Comments Develop an Eye for Photos Everyone Overlooks

I swear I always see the best photographs when I am driving around in my car and can’t do anything about it lol 😫
Comment from : @ackamack101

This is fabulous!!! You have answered my question of alot of "YouTube" photography Why must it be a photo of GRANDEUR?? Thank you !!! I cant wait to explore this ! This is what i was searching for
Comment from : @MarkP-df8ho

You are a great teacher! Just subscribed
Comment from : @liz2959

Great work on this video, thanks !
Comment from : @Atokxn

Great video, thanks
Comment from : @zisandro9818

Its amazing how you transform these videos into master classes
Comment from : @DebiSenGupta

Seeing is an active state and not passive
Comment from : @itrepreneurpodcast

Comment from : @mohamadjavadbozorgmehr6686


Comment from : @nguyenhongquang3816

Hi Alex, I’ve been following you for sometime now, and brYoubrArebrThe best!brWhat I mean is that if I want to learn technique, photoshop, whatever, I can pick and chose to my heart’s content, but if I want to know more about PHOTOGRAPHY… you stand head and shoulders above rhe restbrAnd your delivery is a sheer pleasure I think my brain hears ‘howzit, howzit’ and neurons start salivatingbrLooking forward for more and thank you thank you thank you!brAll the best from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Comment from : @tomhofmann5277

Hi, AlexbrThis is what was still missing in my photographybrLooking without seeingbrI have been working on this for a few years now and it is indeed going much betterbrTake your time and look around very carefully, especially look back and see what opportunities you have already missedbrThank you, friend, for this educational videobrAs you can see, you are never too old to learnbrI have been photographing for almost 40 years now and have never thought about thisbrI went out to photograph a specific object and focused only on that goalbrBut on the way to that goal, there were so many more options to take beautiful photosbrNice to hear this from youbrKind regards from the Netherlands,brAntoine
Comment from : @toine1915

When a picture turns into a conundrum for a person that sees it How many people will have desire, time and ability to plunge into photographer´s mind trying to descifrate his/her intention? This kind of photography is somewhat elitist to my mind, art for art's sake Pardon me everybody!
Comment from : @ГеоргийПискарев-н3п

Just in case Your video extremely over-sharpened
Comment from : @romab

I think you would like my photography!
Comment from : @whatisiswhatable

New here This is inspirational Thank you 11min video felt like 5 mins past lol
Comment from : @CosmicOwlChild

There is also mastery of making chocolate from sht
Comment from : @nikaberzina2478

i'm glad i found your channel - @elchanyungco
Comment from : @townievision

Great video Alex and great photos 👍
Comment from : @waynethorn7218

It's one thing to be a talented photographer but another to be a gifted teacherI am so glad you are both Thank you for your generosity
Comment from : @eugeniedenardis8956

An excellent outline of learning to see Thanks for this!
Comment from : @ThomasBrauer

I’m an amateur, and I must say this was valuable information; greatly appreciated I’m very ocd and methodical I’ve been slowly allowing myself to look beyond the surface, to try to invent a perception beyond the norm
Comment from : @crumesd

Would it be a chance that you will attend the West Wales photography show this year you will really be nice to meet you in person ?,Grate video btw i sow injoy listening to you while I'm editting photos 🤗🤗🤗
Comment from : @Revi200x

I've said it many timesbut I'll say it again 'Photography is the art of seeing what others do not'
Comment from : @ramadaxl

Cool content Does this apply to videography as well? Any differences?
Comment from : @irshadazeez4764

Sometimes, I forget their great channel like yours full of worthy content to consume I thank you for it
Comment from : @fajamman265

Hi Alex, I regularly shoot cityscapes and tall buildings, but this time instead of photographing the whole building I did a close up And it was great to see the building from another angle Thanks Alex 😊
Comment from : @seaeagles6025

One exercise I tend to do every 2-3 years, that I recommend, is to lock myself in the bathroom for 1-2 hours, and see what photos I can take there How to make ordinary objects interesting, or to find lines and compositions that are hidden for some good abstracts or a different angle on some common day object I see therebrbrThe shorter version of this exercise is to simply bring your camera and try to do a couple of shots, while "nature calls" ;-)
Comment from : @Raist3db

This is a good video I enjoy going out and finding compositions Sometimes, if I find something special that I want to photograph again, I note the degrees I'm viewing from to aid in planning a second visit For instance, I recently visited a viewpoint of a local mountain Using my compass, standing from my shooting location I noted the mountain peak is at about 100*NE Knowing the angle I'm viewing from, I can pick a time and date that coincides with a sunrise or set, or moonrise The options are endless and that's what is so exciting about photography
Comment from : @minesaver

Thanks to your video I just spent one hour making pictures of the little fan over my desktop with the window as a background… it felt goooooood!
Comment from : @pedrobartolomei7707

Great video Alex ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Comment from : @ChrisHunt4497

May I suggest to you a YouTube site by Joel Ulises here he showcases Photographers' works and a brief history of each one they last about 10-15 mins There are some famous and some unknown (to me) worth a look
Comment from : @MichaelSBrown75

A good photographer knows how to avoid shadows A great photographer knows how to incorporate them
Comment from : @jmaniak1

I like that you don't talk about gear 👍
Comment from : @mrdev9843

Love this Chanel I just uploaded Border cutlery image forgot to add my name keep up the good work!
Comment from : @LesMcLuckieLandscapePhoto

Great advice and reminder! Loved the corridor example! Thanks and keep it up !😊
Comment from : @albertolema8583

Went for a walk with some older guys in the mountains Half way through one of the group said that I saw the world different to him Subsequently he explained that I saw compositions, leading lines, light situation s etc and commented on them He didn’t do that My wife confirmed this by saying that I was obsessive about looking for a photograph After a while it’s just what you do
Comment from : @thescouser8629

Your videos are getting more and more interesting and inspiring Thanks
Comment from : @bernardbonnici6887

The shape of a towel is only interesting for people that really like towels
Comment from : @SheepWaveMeByeBye

Brilliant video! thanks so much
Comment from : @murphybegood

To me this was a refreshing refresher video Many years ago I read a magazine article about practising with your eyes when you did not have a camera with you Have been taking cerebral practice images since whenever I don't have my camera Seeing potential compositions is easier when using eye exercises
Comment from : @denisroy81

I don’t leave comments often, I have been listening to you for about a year I bought a camera, and photoshop, and was so intimidated by the idea of learning photoshop that I haven’t started! But I’m getting over it, and I’m learning from you This is the reason I started, to be creative
Comment from : @elliebrooks3611

Thank you so much very informative
Comment from : @mariemclaughlan5404

One of the best videos on the topic Well explained with all the examples Great job my friend
Comment from : @MrV2u

Thank you Alex You are so right Awareness is an awakening You teach I learn Also like your hair without the center part
Comment from : @ledesclos5321

Thank you! All is very actual!
Comment from : @VinceSPonki

I think it helps if you're not stuck in a single genre, everything is game in photography, so look and shoot My self and a couple of friends started "Maxism" Using your phone and taking shots in T K Max, some amazing results mostly abstract in nature
Comment from : @iaincphotography6051

I've been following you now for quite some time You are one of a very few photographers whose posts I love Giving great photo examples is only one of things you do so well A lot of the times I write down the names of the photographers However, I know there are many I've missed Please don't think me lazy, (well maybe) but I was wondering if you had a list of these photographers that you'd be willing to share If not or you don't have the time I understand I'll back through all your videos and did them out Thanks for the exceptional work
Comment from : @liamoshea1000

Alex, I want to let you know how instrumental you have been in my photographic journey Your conversations never cease to teach and inspire me! Thank you!
Comment from : @beverlychesnutfoster829

I 've just taken a look into that picdrop gallery and I'm stunned by all those jawdropping, fantastic photos And I'm not going to upload any of my pics there Not this league
Comment from : @TomikoPL

Rain on my windshield was actually the first image I took when I first bought a digital camera I was sitting in the car, giddy with excitement to take my new camera for a spin and it was pouring outside I loved the effect of focusing through the watered window on an object some 20 yards away, but also of when a trickling droplet became the focus, while the object in the distance got a nice blur I was so feeling myself the artist when I looked at the images on the computer screen later
Comment from : @artursandwich1974

A great vlogg Thank you! The use of eye is most important in photography Not the camera gear
Comment from : @MatsLindfors

hey photographic eye, can you make a video which explains overexposed streetlights, when we merge those exposure stacked into LRC HDR, how to avoid that halo burnt effect which we get in those lights
Comment from : @cgescape

This way of looking at the world around me is normal to me And yes, I have photographed images seen through raindrops, mist, etc on my windshield lol
Comment from : @triplewinlin5576

You have activated my ADD! brTime to make some great photos 🫡📸
Comment from : @DamianDispara

lolLove the timer
Comment from : @donaldgibson1642

Another excellent educational video from you Alex Thank you for sharing
Comment from : @ericlahra8373

I really enjoy Todd Hido's work, including his portraits - they're ethereal brI'm always looking to replicate his work and making it my own 🙂
Comment from : @elram2649

The first lesson I got when getting back into photography was to imagen I always had a camera in my hand and see the world through the imaginary lens It was a great lesson and when it became a habbit I was amazed about how interesting even the most boring places could be and now A LOT of years later I started a project, photographing the boring and mundane Being an introvert with a wild imagination kind of helps to i think :DbrbrGreat video, greetings from Sweden!
Comment from : @jresin_photo

Love the milk bottle image in the uploads and wondering if it is okay to comment on other people's images using the comment tab, or is that reserved for authors of the work Asking because to write a comment it asks for author, and unclear if it means author of work or author of comment Thanks in advance
Comment from : @RogerBays

What I do is listen to music somehow it gets me into the flow state and I get ideas for photos I imagine and visualise the pose, the location atleast an idea of a location,the lighting and the effects I'm not very good at spontaneously shooting what I'm good at is imagining something and bringing it to life
Comment from : @Jacknicleson007

I have made the “Thru the windscreen” landscapes fore the same reason, I did not make it a genre I didn’t know you could
Comment from : @kevinhanley3023

I've always done this But I could never put it into words and hearing you speak about it sounds so familiar wowbrbrI did things out of instinct and think to myself why am I so weird I understand now that to some degree I'm actually SEEING 😮
Comment from : @Slimjim2898

Your "Corridor" images remind me of the wonderful Uta Barth She found a way to give meaning to the unseen spaces we all overlook everyday
Comment from : @garonkiesel1646

Thx Alex! I have a suggestion for a video topic Can you give an artistic take on photo editing? Not a ‘how to’ or ‘what software’ but maybe creative ways to use typical edits
Comment from : @_g_r_u_m_p

Observation is vitamins for cognitive brain health
Comment from : @ladymary22

3:54 P51 Mustang at the American Airforce museum at Duxford ?
Comment from : @nigelwest3430

"That'll make a great photograph" is something I often think to myself Driving or walking I look
Comment from : @philliphickox4023

I once heard about this awareness topic when going through the world Our brain is conditioned not to bring it to our attention for things which it already knows Best example is being a tourist When you are new in a city, you notice a lot more, because everything is new But when you are at the same place, the brain already knows the places, so in order to save energy it will only notify us, when there is something to care about, a potential danger or something which is different to what we saw before That makes it so difficult to reactivate our awareness for places we know about Ah yes, and we all are probably terrible with our own hometowns A lot of tourists probablyknow more about it and have visited more of the special places than we do 😉
Comment from : @Sven-R

Excellent perspective One question I have is, how does a good street photographer take advantage of "awareness" since things move so quickly?
Comment from : @charlesk323

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