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Bitcoin Will Replace Gold

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Title :  Bitcoin Will Replace Gold
Lasting :   17.09
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Description Bitcoin Will Replace Gold

Comments Bitcoin Will Replace Gold

*******Warning******: there are a number of scammers who are using my image and channel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and other platforms to scam them Just so you know, I will never refer you to "my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell you something I am banning these scammers as quickly as they pop up, but if you could report them to YouTube, it would be very helpful You can always recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing how many videos he has All of these guys have zero videos, while I have hundreds
Comment from : @Bitcoin_University

You were spot on about this
Comment from : @scientificmystic8310

The "mining for gold in space" is so dumb I like bitcoin, agree it likely eats Gold, love your videos, but this point is just retarded
Comment from : @joebob7135

I don't know is has been a mixed since 2020 I never make a move on my Bitcoin or take any money out from my IRA & 401k at all but I needed
Comment from : @sunlightbtc247

At the end of the day, something only has value as long as enough people value it, and gold, more specifically the older generations, shot themselves in the foot The reason for this is that the older generations made investing and owning gold much more difficult, to the point that those born in the mid 80s onward most likely have no assets in gold So in 20 years as people born in the 80s, 90s, and 00s replace business owners and politicians around the world, there's a very high probability gold and silver may very well become worthless, because why would individuals who 98 of which have no stakes in gold and silver give it any value, especially when they're the ones who decide all laws and what can and can't be used for trading?
Comment from : @jish55

One year later and your information and forecast is spot on! The sign of a good trader and investor Bitcoin is going to get bigger and bigger Thank you I've subbed
Comment from : @amgis5218

Sitting here now 11 months ago when you made this and literally seeing now institutional investors come Nice work 🙌
Comment from : @robertrishworth6379

I wish I'd found this channel before I started researching crypto, could've saved a lot of time and money
Comment from : @uber354

Dogecoin was launched in 2013 when the popularity for the Doge meme was at its highest Elon Musk says he likes it because he “loves dogs and memes" br These cyropto currencies are Speculative , no one really cares about their usage If that were the case there are better cryptocurrencies than Bitcoin but nobody cares because they are not worth a fortune at the moment
Comment from : @nadiasmith226

Dogecoin was launched in 2013 when the popularity for the Doge meme was at its highest Elon Musk says he likes it because he “loves dogs and memes" br These cyropto currencies are Speculative , no one really cares about its usage If that were the case there are better cryptocurrencies than Bitcoin but nobody cares because they are not worth a fortune at the moment
Comment from : @nadiasmith226

Bitcoin has an enemy , this is Fed Fed will kill bitcoin
Comment from : @mmx969

Comment from : @worldnature7791

Wow! What a different take on CryptoYoutube Great job! Very educational and easy to follow I hope all your videos are this great! Got a sub from me
Comment from : @madasondyer6879

It may reduce it's worth, but replace, no way This is really an argument about which measuring stick will everybody use, well the argument is really similar such as metric system vs the imperial one
Comment from : @muaddib7685

They will throw there gold and silver in the street the beast
Comment from : @jamesbeane7423

Bitcoin is a distraction from gold actually ! Another scam( like the US$) created to distract people from gold !
Comment from : @bellswhistles-2083

uh no? gold is valuable and always will be, because its can be bartered in a disaster and economic collapse bitcoin cannot If you think bitcoin will ever replace gold, you have mental issues lol
Comment from : @OrphanCrippler1

The good thing about bitcoin is that there is a limited supply and an increasing demandbrbrAs for the value idn
Comment from : @jean-michel9528

You have to take into account the mass suppression of precious metals prices by JP Morgan ect Gold would look like bitcoin if it wasn't suppressed
Comment from : @torturetuesday5191

Comment from : @khankrum1

Gold has proven to be a stable investment and also a guaranteed returns At the same time value of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will be more valuable over time Bitcoin is widely accepted first digital currency
Comment from : @CoinPediaNews

I make huge profits on my investment since i started trading with mrs sophiahicks, her strategies are top notch coupled with the little commission she charges on her trade
Comment from : @shivanshkrish848

Gold and crypto currencies are both anti-fiat Why debate Hold both
Comment from : @phalyoutube9698

This is all so stupid when one thinks about this What is a BTC? It is nothing It weighs zero grams, and I mean zero not a zero point zero, zero, zero, but just zero grams We were told that BTC has value because there will be only a limited number of them 21 million more or less we were told People would have thought good there is a limited number of them But now we are told that you can buy a fraction of a BTC? 00001 or 0000001 BTC What is that? I still think 000001 BTC or 01 BTC still weighs zero grams not more not less Therefore there are not really 21 millions of BTC, are there? It does not matter if you call it a BTC or a fraction of BTC it still is a bullshit BTC and it could be multiple quadrillion of them People have just lost their mind
Comment from : @fkristani

I stopped listening when he said "mining for gold in the solar system" 🤣
Comment from : @Vera-xu3xw

Way easier to just create another cryptocurrency than it is to mine gold in space That’s just something I can’t stop thinking about when deciding whether Bitcoin is better than gold What’s the consensus on this point among Bitcoin enthusiasts?
Comment from : @jamesgoodwin7742

Will Bitcoin still exist in 10, 100 or 1000 years? Definitely gold
Comment from : @mg772

I am sure someone has mentioned this already but if not and just in case ARYA STARK (Maisie Williams) has also bought BTC 🐺🐺🐺 🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕
Comment from : @JNSCAN

Holy shit! If Logic is in I have to be too
Comment from : @jeffreygoss8109

Thanks for the video Is it better to keep crypto on an exchange or to put it on a wallet like trezor? I’m wondering because if you pull your crypto off the exchange onto a trezor walletand say there is a crashcould this delay you from being able to sell the coin in case of a crash?
Comment from : @tta4168

Good morning, Matt Thank you for your excellent videos, and congrats on your Bitcoin calls, particularly of late I think Bitcoin has the potential to overtake Gold, but not in the short or medium term It is still a lot easier to buy Gold (GLD ETF) than it is to buy Bitcoin (unless you buy GBTC at premium levels) I think the technology-challenged retail investors (older investors, who control the majority of the world's wealth) still find it too cumbersome and daunting to do what it takes to set up accounts and technology to store bitcoins Of course, recent institutional buying may refute that last comment of mine I think that over time though, as the retail oldies die out and the retail youngsters become more middle-aged, that mindset will change, and there will certainly be an opportunity for Bitcoin to overshadow Gold as an investment and monetary vehicle for commerce Just IMO, of course
Comment from : @doughayman

If other smart people are spending trillions to mine gold in space, if bitcoin is replacing gold? Duh
Comment from : @FutureHomestead

Be careful what you wish for Bit Coin devotees and adherents to the new faith based bit coin religion Be very careful what you wish for
Comment from : @jackgoldman1

Do you know of any established "major" financial institutions who would offer the service of intermediation (to purchase and sell on an exchange) and custody of crypto currencies for their clients?brbrLogic has probably not left his $6 million worth of btc on an exchange and neither does he go around with his private key brbrThank you
Comment from : @845Mario

it takes BTC to drop $5000 to $6000 in a few weeks or a month to turn everyone away from BTC to physical gold esp those young investors
Comment from : @viperviperpiro

central banks were net  of 84 million ounces of  [260 tonnes] during the first seven months of this year, compared to 158 million ounces [490 tonnes] through August 2019
Comment from : @jasonnavarro6839

So the technology that is supposedly killing gold doest effect crypto currency? Like BTC isnt vulnerable? But by your logic it must be? Regardless of technology people will always crave something tangible Try getting your girlfriend a digital engagement ring and see how that goes over Tell her times are a' changing and how much better digital diamonds are, that she'll never lose one of the little stones on the band part and how she can so easily transfer it to her daughter when she dies, just a click of the mouse 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @toms8483

Matt please Even your voice is changing to this excited frantic tone that you dont normally have And I get it, BTC is doing great so your adrenaline is going but recency bias is a thing If BTC crashed to 10k tomorrow, which even you can admit can happen, would you still come out with a video like this? We are talking about 6 weeks of a BtC run here changing everyone's opinion suddenly Seriously man, listen to other videos of yourself and u have never sounded like this BTC IS NOT A STORE OF VALUE It's a speculative asset, it hasn't been around long enough to be considered a store of value It might be one day but it's not now And saying noone cares about gold is nonsense Everyone but North Americans care about gold which is ironic as USCB supposedly has the most gold In China and India for example, they have a deep cultural connection to gold that we do not have here I really think you are jumping the gun here based on 6 weeks Just MHO
Comment from : @toms8483

Physical gold is the best money there isif anyone says it's not they are smoking too much skunk!brFACT! Has 2020 thought you Anything? Things happen bad things happenif the sh1t really hits the fan bitcoin won't count for Jacksh1t!brBitcoin is a good SHORT TERM investment 2 to 10 yearsbrGold is foreverbrGold and silver is gods money
Comment from : @SCzxjk

Congrats Matt,you have won the bet which sold TSLA and bought bitcoin when it was 16k,it’s likely gonna past 20k
Comment from : @kenyup5424

I still own GLD but have been pondering the same questions a problem is that the digital world often destroys the analog in a negative sum game (think wikipedia/encylopedia Brittanica) destroying more value than it creates
Comment from : @RobCollins2015

Love ur videos very informative, why do central banks hold gold? And I love bitcoin and believe in the value but did u notice most crypto has gone up lately in big numbers, what’s driving this trend?
Comment from : @sammyh5917

Why do you recommend not to buy Bitcoin via ETF or bitcoin futures? Thanks
Comment from : @bilaliq1449

I love how everyone is on one side of the trade There's no intrinsic value in bitcoinjust wait until the boat tips
Comment from : @nich586

There will be hundreds of different bitcoins, maybe thousands But only I have the wooden nickel coin
Comment from : @UPdan

doesn't it seem strange to you that wall street and cnbc are now hyping btc but not saying a word about gold?
Comment from : @MonkeySpecs301

The best Bitcoin expansion I have heard brI get it now Time to get off my silver high horse and get some
Comment from : @roilhead

Fixed income guy talking about BTC? If true, his division will go away TPTB like that BTC is taking pressure off the (paper suppressed) gold market China/Russia/ other oil exporters own gold & they control the most important commodity in oil They decide what is “money” & they don’t own BTC Own both gold & BTC for different reasons
Comment from : @dryam2000

Bonus weekend video
Comment from : @lostmarxbro

Don't get me wrong I do have some bitcoin I still don't get why bitcoin can be used for payments Btc fees are very high per transaction compared to my credit card for smaller purchases Also due to proliferation of cryptos, don't you think banks can launch their own crypto or buy cheaper cryptos to do transactions rather than buy bitcoins to pay for transactions Bitcoin as a gold I see that there is brand recognition which gives it value plus the demand supply inside the protocol as u mentioned Also it's use in unstable, high inflation economies will always have demandbr Can you give ur thoughts on this?
Comment from : @umangpatel7551

Comment from : @btcguppy3175

It’s so refreshing to hear your take on bitcoin with there being far too many dude bro bull hypers/“libertarians on the street” making far less substantive and very annoying videos It was hard to get into bitcoin with those people being the ones who hype it but ever since I started watching your videos, I started buying in and I’m very glad I did Thank you!
Comment from : @dominic7983

Hi Matthew,brbr I would like to know your thoughts on this Princeton paper “ The Looming Threat of China:brAn Analysis of Chinese Influence on Bitcoin”? brbr blockchainprincetonedu/papers/2018-10-ben-kaiserpdfbrbrAlso what do you think of the quantum computing and its impact on btcbrbrThanks!
Comment from : @Michael-rk9in

Comment from : @Lmb211

I am super addicted to your videos, day starts and ends watching your videos :P
Comment from : @sailajavidela666

You believe this dimwit? He called xrp a scamcoin, he lost his viewers a 40 gain in a single day, i tell you, this guy is shitting his pants right now 🤣🤣🤣brBut you aint seen nothing yet watch in the coming days😉🍿
Comment from : @samphashakur6576

Thank you Matt for the information you share I watch and learn from all your videos Blessings my freind Bitcoin 🚀🌙
Comment from : @Swiss1394

I’m swapping my entire gold bullion position to bitcoin Bitcoin sub-20K USD is a HUGE buying opportunity in my view, after hearing Black Rock’s recent analysis that BTC is easier to move than a bar of gold LOL I have to totally agree with that view

Thanks Matt for the great videobrWould you consider making one about the effect of float size on stock price? You've predicted that once institutional investors become interested, they are likely to lock up the float of bitcoin or stocks like TSLA When that float becomes reduced, do you think it will actually raise prices in the long term, or does it just create more short term volatility? Thanks!
Comment from : @benchpress200

Bitcoin is a wonderfull thing but its a bit Sad that blackrock and its friends can Join the group too
Comment from : @miranda9691

This is a guy that is a corrupt FED Puppet on a string , get a live
Comment from : @Walzheimer

Another fool
Comment from : @Walzheimer

One kilo of gold is $60,228 One Bitcoin should be worth at least that much if not more brbrIt’s not even worth as much as a gold pound yet I think one day Bitcoin will reach gold’s market cap putting it over $450,000 brbrIn the near future, it is likely to hit $100,000-288,000 according to Plan B’s stock-to-flow model
Comment from : @susanwhitney6347

Matthew I want to let you know that is of the 1st quarter of next year ledger X will have options spread trading available as well on btc
Comment from : @dek2000utube

Very beautiful video Matt! I loved this: BTC has been the only virus spread in 2020! You are writing here new strophes for a new divina commedia (or tragedia), and wether hell or heaven only time will decide! Thank you!
Comment from : @Fabio-mc4mb

Good video
Comment from : @hatsapp4108

I hope Amazon doesn't accept BTC There goes my hodling as I fill up that cart!
Comment from : @ChrisReher

Good Morning and Great New Matthew Would you add more position at this current price level? I am contemplating
Comment from : @phillip1166

My problem is a whole lost of precious metal etfs stuck in a retirement account which I can't touch without immediately paying 30 tax :( I have no faith in the stock market so the only option I'd have is to dump into fiat to see what happens The ETF's have dumped 12-20 since August I'm still in the black, but just barely But right now, fiat seems to be the lesser evil
Comment from : @ChrisReher

Thanks for the great content as usual, i have read ur book also, great and to the point brI agree with you for all said about BTC I have only one concern that keeping me away still from buying I want to know if BTC can be a way for money laundring, because basicly you can transfere from one place to another completely anonymously So um worried about criminalizing the use of crypto ! brIf you could give me a insight for this i would be grateful !
Comment from : @ahmedhamdy6579

Great video Thank you, MattbrIt's a great thing to be one of your subscribersbrKeep up the good work and make those courses available to Europeans, so that we can support you financially as well
Comment from : @MarlowStardust

I lost 13 BTC on Quadrigacx which I thought was safe being here in Canada I was going to move to private storage but was making sure I knew what I was doing as I learning about private keys etc this loss will get more painful over time lol
Comment from : @tradingwithwill7214

I'm contemplating liquidating all my stocks and going all in
Comment from : @jasoncarpenter2878

BTC approaching 19k lol the bulls are unstoppable! Alts are moving as well Pullback are not looking good at the moment I was expecting a pull back towards the end of this months a while back Lets see if that happens
Comment from : @AIRpursuit

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