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How do Cash Machines in RCT2 Work?

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Comments How do Cash Machines in RCT2 Work?

theory : money is just fun points in this universe and you're just doing a challenge with restrictions
Comment from : @emilyhockers1086

As counter-intuitive as it sounds, I wish I could make all of my parks pay-on-entry instead of pay-per-ride just because I hate bilking my guests out of hundreds and hundreds of dollars on rides! At least in some real parks you can go in on just the admission and not spend another dime if you avoid food and drink purchases
Comment from : @DoubleSmackJacksSmackAttack

I love them But not all scenarios have them able to be researched 😢
Comment from : @amyx231

Video idea: What is the most you can make a single guest spend in a single visit?
Comment from : @Matt03099

The fact that the game could run at the time without lagging like hell while performing all of this micro-simulation tasks is impressivebrI've just read bellow that it was coded in ASM This explains that
Comment from : @DamienD

Thanks so much for all these videos Marcel! These are incredible, been watching for about 3 days straight Do you know if the 20x20 tile rule is applicable for all "I'm Hungry, thristy, etc" type of thoughts?
Comment from : @JayHarveyTV

So basically RCT takes place in a communist society
Comment from : @hedgehog3180

I guess most governments think they live in the RC universe
Comment from : @sanswithoutsans

I used to hate the cash machines because i thought that i gave them money
Comment from : @HachannEinzbern

Guest 51 is a theme park whale
Comment from : @imKazahkstan

This was very helpful! I used to wonder why some guests left the park pennyless when there were plenty of cash machines nearby Good to know that happiness plays a big role
Comment from : @jm5390

I think the guests do not have infinite money, buy they are paid actors for the park - when they act happy and energized, they will be payed and therefore can withdraw the money
Comment from : @holytrashbag7300

i wonder if that 20x20 radius works for other stuff aswell like food and drink stalls, aswell as toilets
Comment from : @aaakitsune

Is it possible to have a 20x20 square that is centred on the guest? Would it not have to be an odd number in each dimension?
Comment from : @jameshillier7177

Perhaps IAPPA aka the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions sets a price and a budget for theme parks so they don't take over the rest of the world in this universe Now that makes you wonder if that ever did happen on some planet
Comment from : @beez1717

The government gives them money for being happy
Comment from : @kyleshore9591

Would it be worth having an entertainer or two next to the cash machine?
Comment from : @theorangeguy8216

Peeps probably have some form of Universal Basic Income
Comment from : @omegahaxors9-11

I have no interest in playing this game I never havebrbrHow are these videos always so entertaining and make me curious? Good work man
Comment from : @MythlyInari

That's just normal world lore
Comment from : @heckinmemes6430

For years I was wondering if there was any youtube videos for RCT/PC and I slowly get them Really appreciate the time and the community for this game
Comment from : @amburger4963

To solve the paradox in the RCT-lore: There is a caste system with normal people on top and park builders on the bottom The whole concept of money exists to motivate park builders to make interesting parks and to punish them for bad parks Even the employees only work to drain the builders pockets The only hope a builder has, is to be entertaining enough so a normal person might consider to marry them This results in the builder being accepted as a normal person As a matter of fact: it also leads to a huge power imbalance between the two partners because one could push the other back into the miserabel life of a builder without any effort
Comment from : @merlon8599

It is not that money has no value, it is actually an oppressive dystopia with a strict caste system between the ultra-rich "Guests" and the "Workers" who have to toil away in perpetuity for their amusement It is also why Guests have no problem staying for years in a theme park without worrying about concerns like work or family
Comment from : @TehAxelius

Just like real money
Comment from : @usermanico

Only problem is you never get the ATM on most maps
Comment from : @wilfordbrimleypranks

its a game and the guests are just playing by the rules so it is irellevant if money has a value or not its all about principles
Comment from : @Animaster89

3:36 My idea is that byour/b money actually represents your energy to keep going: Everything is running off of the player's willpower/energy, both metaphorically and literally, with metaphorically being that the player simply creates things themselves Meanwhile, a guest's money represents, well, money However, when they buy stuff, since money has no value to the player (seeing as how the money is simulated), it is converted into something more valuable to you: the willpower and energy to keep building and operating the park that I previously mentionedbrSo, to simplify, the player's money represents energy and willpower to keep operating and building, while guests' money represents money that gets converted to energy and willpower for the playerbrI've had some rediculous ideas but bdang/b this really takes the cake
Comment from : @Average_Brody

Your only purpose is to serve the guests, if you make them happy they share with you some of their infinite wealth Of course, the only thing this meaningless cash is used for is building theme parks to further entertain them, and so the cycle continues…
Comment from : @_FinnBergman_

3:39 that's because bEVERY GUEST HAS HIS OWN THEME PARK/b brYou are all customers of one another These guests are every player everbrbrWelcome to the Twilight Zone!!
Comment from : @FizzleFX

I always wondered how they work I never really got into RCT2 just RCT1 I live in the US so I use dollars instead of Euros
Comment from : @agentM1991

So actually the park is just a nearly broke beggar waiting to be rescued by filthy rich guests
Comment from : @leejimmy2209

Great video
Comment from : @Little_Sams_Top_Guy

The guests in rct universe are an ancient race of now perfect beings, having had millennia to synthesize indestructible bodies and having a society so superior that you as the park owner are actually their slave and therefore you can still run out of money and pay the consequences for doing so They still never learned to swim though
Comment from : @benjaminstidham5502

Lore wise, this implies that the society of roller coaster tycoon revolves around park approval rather than profit, and money is the simplest and most effective way to rate a park’s success Parks are the world, and spending money reflects the idea that you approve of the park and would like to see it expanded Therefore, every guest can be conceptualized as a resident of the park who move in and out depending on their happiness
Comment from : @Saltience

Maybe the guests arent infinitely rich and just have insane credit score
Comment from : @susulpone

Please break down more game mechanics!
Comment from : @gabrielchcosta

Fun Fact: It was also introduced in RCT 1, Loopy Landscapes
Comment from : @jonnythegtafanatic

Now assigning entertainers to atms
Comment from : @tg9374

now I just need one on first aid stations Supposedly they go to them to throw up without making a mess but not everyone makes it to them and I can't figure out why
Comment from : @supersonicbros23

I never had these in my version Or maybe my 12-year-old self never put that much study into stalls
Comment from : @pickles3128

Going to give us a RCT lore video now?
Comment from : @alexthunder9926

Hello Marcel, how are you? Could you please do a video about how each type of food/drink affects guests' hunger/thirst? I read once that some kinds of food make guests thirsty more quickly than other kinds of food, so I wanted to learn more about it! :)
Comment from : @jgloyolla

Imagine a guest spending eternity in one of these parks, missing school, work, marriage, and family, and just spending their life savings on staying in your park for as long as humanly possible
Comment from : @archtansterpg4246

Nice, relaxing music in background :) And of course very enjoyable video!!
Comment from : @MirAgeOfDesert

In this universe money is a compliment and thats what you need in order to make your park It's a recognition that they used the park That recognition is what this universe count has money And you can only build more things with this "money" That why they will spend infinite amount of money has long has there stats are filled with energy and happiness But the cash machine can only output 50 euro pers transactions So the guest don't want to come back every time wich impact the cost of the rides BOOM paradox solved
Comment from : @Xavier1

Can you do a similar video with first aid stations?
Comment from : @drewsapp4384

I love how that one guest has been in the park for almost 3 hours, as we watch the calander cycle through 4 days
Comment from : @Roze_aye

I'm so confused I downloaded RCT Classis for the iPad and there is a huge amount of scenario's that seem to also cover RCT2? Does someone know what the deal is with that? If cash machines were introduced in RCT2, how can I have it in my downloaded 'classic' game? Same thing with some of the scenarios?
Comment from : @kizu6669

You are a saint for gifting us all with this deeper knowledge of the gamebrbrAnd to answer the paradox question, we ishouldn't/i actually run put of money, it's just that the peeps need to deem us worthy of being good value
Comment from : @ARMIV4

What if they're not infinitely rich they just tske loans to get some soda and a merry go ride?
Comment from : @EugenijusKrenis

I find it kind of dystopian that this random-ass park manager knows just how much money each guest has in their pocketbrbrLike, how does this dude know that?!
Comment from : @drakedangereux8042

this was so cool! does the first aid station work similarly?
Comment from : @pinecone606

Love that philosophical aspect :)
Comment from : @philippsobecki8510

Can you do a video on peep nausea and how the first aid stall works?
Comment from : @Lkymn

What parks involve pay per ride in RCT2 vanilla?brI only seem to find pay at entrance parks
Comment from : @MAUS98

I think the guest get in infinitely in dept instead lol
Comment from : @twistedsim

i absolutely love that you're still putting out content :) such a niche thing to focus on, but your knowledge runs so deep its entertaining no matter how boringthe subject matter may be!
Comment from : @minibleau

I think it is their parents paying They are more than happy to have their children play in a theme park for years for a mere 50 Euros Theme parks are places unwanted children are banished to
Comment from : @adamhunyadi345

This channel is like a cooking channel but the recipes are roller coasters
Comment from : @danieldorn9989

Please do the same with First Aid
Comment from : @carloparaguassu1740

when will be his next stream
Comment from : @SomeStein

So since guests only want to go to a cash machine if they have €9 or less, does that have implications on the prices you should set for your rides? Since if everything costs €11 and above theoretically guests could get stuck at €10 euros and never use the cash machine?
Comment from : @dojelnotmyrealname4018

I think the guests don't have infinite money, but benefit of a big universal income system Maybe the state pays 50$ to everyone owning less than 50$ once per quarter hour Maybe you xan bankrupt the state and collaps the underlying society if you make your guests abuse that incone enough Maybe they only benefit of that income because they are part of some twisted experiment
Comment from : @andy02q

Rct is obviously set in a post scarcity cashless classless utopia The theme parks are all lapping the old way of doing things, for entertainment and pleasure
Comment from : @AntigonePoss

So how to keep them happy and trapped?
Comment from : @Gr3nadgr3gory

I want Marcel to be my waiter: "Hello everyone!"
Comment from : @danpro4519

0:31 "Jessie was great"brbr😏
Comment from : @mjc0961

The RTC universe is actually in a far away future, were money is not used anymore The reason why you it seems like you are still in the 20th century is because you are actually building a themepark in a giant themepark simulating the 20th century For the guests money is of no consequence, but for you as a park builder it is, because it is your job to simulate how a park can either do well or fail, due to good or bad decisions as a park owner, in the 20th century
Comment from : @Selnathorn

Comment from : @danielbakergill

If peeps know about everything in a 20 tile radius, whats the point of maps?
Comment from : @thatchesterguy

Job Interviewer: "What are your qualifications?"brMarcel Vos: "I have a PhD in RollerCoaster Tycoon 2"
Comment from : @BaconHer0

Remember: guests are not human, since they lack many necessities humans have, as showed in some other videos you posted My theory is that guests are like a gold mine with an id: their race will only spend their money on things that will give them enjoyment, and the player, the (probably) only human manager, has discovered this enormous potential for profit from pleasing guestsbrIt can only go crazier from this There needs to be an RCT2 lore video
Comment from : @Tchesco625

If someone had a billion dollars in the bank and withdrew $50 every hour it would take over 2000 years before they spent the principal, but the interest would be even more money at that point
Comment from : @MrNateSPF

guests are divine avatars, but we are meager servant meant to entertain them
Comment from : @narobii9815

I'd love a more deep dive into the energy meter, if it hasn't been done already (a quick search didn't give me a dedicated video)bropenrct2 and the cheats, especially the speed cheat rekindled my playing RCT A LOT nowadays! :D brThank you for your wonderful videos!
Comment from : @rarapas

Wish bI/b could be a guest in RCT
Comment from : @TS_Mind_Swept

Honestly, the bit on the guest AI was more interesting to me So every 32 seconds one of their thoughts is acted upon, and each thought has different qualifiers? I'd be interested in the qualifications for each thought, and what actions they take for each thought Like, if "I feel sick" is chosen, do they barf immediately? If "*ride* was great!" is chosen do they get happier? Inquiring minds want to know!
Comment from : @Viddaric

So spam entertainer near cash machine, place cash machine 30 something square apart for maximum efficiency?
Comment from : @4IN14094

Every guest in the game is a Karen, I swear
Comment from : @bunnyonabunwithagunnicepun5689

Rollercoaster Tycoon is the Chinese afterlife Every park is one of the many thousands of Hells, the guests are souls, the money is burnt joss paper offerings
Comment from : @silverbeach1557

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