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Overseas Basketball Salaries: How Much Do Rookies Make? [HONEST Answer and DATA from Player Survey]!

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Title :  Overseas Basketball Salaries: How Much Do Rookies Make? [HONEST Answer and DATA from Player Survey]!
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Comments Overseas Basketball Salaries: How Much Do Rookies Make? [HONEST Answer and DATA from Player Survey]!

what’s your advice on a guy that wants to play overseas i’m american and 23 years old and play one year of juco
Comment from : @mrhitsjr4775

Great story I have seen stories of many players expecting to make 800k or high six figure salaries when in reality they will barely make 700 a month this is real eye opener and all of the hype about overseas basketball isn’t what people think it is
Comment from : @eddierosario1537

What’s your advice for someone at 30 who wants to play in Qatar?
Comment from : @nerd1636

Great video! A lot of people don’t know the truth behind it all
Comment from : @capturedbycell32

I'm still confused about taxes while abroad and even ability to have a side hustle legally
Comment from : @jah-leah

An example that can support Jose Colorado's point of view with some perspective, in Israel, whose league is regarded middle of the road among European Leagues, top division teams rarely consider bringing foreign rookies I recall a single exception to this who started out with around $60k on his first contract, but came with a resume as a prolific scorer with 4 years of experience on a top div 1 NCAA team who was a late cut from an NBA summer league camp, so in essence someone just short of being accepted to an NBA roster that could have played in the G-leaguebrbrThe gamble ended up paying off as he was named league MVP and ended up with a contract to play for Maccabi in the Euroleague the next year for around $250,000 In other words, the talent was there for him to rise rapidly to the upper echelon of European ball He even made it to the NBA for a short span at one pointbrbrTypical Div 2 or 3 players fresh out of college are valued as role players with talent levels comparable to the locals - a fair judgment in most circumstances They normally begin in division 2, but only if they are eligible for an Israeli passport to play as locals I listened to a podcast with such a player who claimed that on his 1st year he earned $700 per month net, plus lodging, meals, and a vehicle that he shared with a teammate
Comment from : @israteeg752

BTW i found out some short players have gone pro so yeah I wasn’t saying it ina Offensive way I think height gives an advantage but some have managed to win without it
Comment from : @gothicgolem2947

My previous question about short people is nothing against them it’s just I’ve been told before everyone is tall and you can be too short to do it so I’m not sure if in some pro leagues you can or whAt
Comment from : @gothicgolem2947

I have a question have you ever seen any short people play in any of these leagues?
Comment from : @gothicgolem2947

whats a NCAA?
Comment from : @gothicgolem2947

interestingly i watch these vids cause there interesting im not even looking to become a basket ball player but keep up the good work great vids
Comment from : @gothicgolem2947

So let me get this straight…we commit 15 years to training for 40k a year…plus room and board 9 months out of the year brbrI think we will stay on school 4 years
Comment from : @weston_bey

Hey! I just wanted to know if we get a salary of less than 1k a month, will they usually provide like food and shelter? I'll be in Europe for a camp next month man, so your response would be very helpful Thanks
Comment from : @eshwarambala2665

I’m from MalaysiaBasketball is not really famous hereIs it possible to make in the NBA?
Comment from : @futurenbaplayer451

Can you work from home and play in eba at the same time?
Comment from : @scorpiokingtrece7804

So how long does it take for a avarege player to start making like 100k or more
Comment from : @firebud9182

Mine was 500 dollars lol this year 2021
Comment from : @yhwhwarrior1530

Definitely a new subscriber an really like what your putting out so far, this my 2nd video I seen from your YouTube very helpful, still trying to understand/ jot notes for my journey to do my best to get it right the best way I can , again so far overseas is making more since to me by looking at your videos 💯
Comment from : @twrld13

In Slovenia that is a fact in first division For some time, ambitious clubs in Slovenia that play continuously in the international or regional cups (Krka or Cedevita Olimpija) do not even try to sign rookies direct from NCAA unless the have know some personal background (Aloyisus Anagonye who came to Olimpija in 2003, for example, was teammate with former official Radovan Lorbek son, Erazem Lorbek in Michigan State) from them That were words from one assistant coach from Cedevita Olimpija Ljubljana Even in some of that exceptional cases, player can get signed for a small amount and loaned to some other slovenian club in first division Just to see if he can "survive" in a new enviroment Teams that play only first slovenian division, they are different story, they sign rookies for probably the same amount that you mentioned here - in minimum scenario But you have to understand the situation, because giving opportunity is a risky move for a low budget level clubs too But sometimes these players do not last in slovenian legue for long, because whenever they find their game better contract appears, they are gone to Belgium, Turkish second division, Germany etc It is probably same in Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia
Comment from : @edvardsrdic5642

Great video 💯
Comment from : @calebmartins4558

Really good video Subbed
Comment from : @theafricanmamba

That's roughI remember when they were paying me 5K a quarter starting out
Comment from : @Goalstrainingacademy

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