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Starting a Nonprofit Organization? 3 Things You MUST do First

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Title :  Starting a Nonprofit Organization? 3 Things You MUST do First
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Comments Starting a Nonprofit Organization? 3 Things You MUST do First

My Nonprofit Founder to Full-Time Academy -- with online trainings to guide you through the steps to start a nonprofit and more -- is now LIVE! foundertofulltimecom/
Comment from : @AmberMelanieSmith

Hi, I want to Start a NPO I’m trying to see if it should be dedicated to one issue or multiple issues
Comment from : @myyear1312

To have non profit organization is my wish dream in my life thank you for give tips bt iam still thinking about financial
Comment from : @ENCRISS

Happy to hear from you 🎉❤
Comment from : @SportLifeAcademy

Thank you so much may God bless you ❤❤
Comment from : @Musiho_Hubaibu

am looking forward to staring a charity organization in Uganda and Melanie is my online mentor so far i would say well done
Comment from : @kelianug1631

Thank you so much for this videobrIt was so helpful brJust found your channel today,and would spend the whole day watching your videos related to non-profit organizations,God has laid on my heart to start up one…brbrIf you are watching this video in 2025brAnd looking forward to starting a non-profit organization we can connect, share ideas, and inspire one another,brbrLet me know those who are interested…
Comment from : @mimiandzenge6469

So helpful your videos for me I'm starting a non-profit organization to help families in need in Mexico Any extra help I'll really appreciate ❤
Comment from : @kelymor777

Can I start a non-profit/ NGO in the US as a branch of an overseas non-profit?
Comment from : @ss4us99

Im starting a non profit to help foster teens transition out the foster system Creating a safe haven and teaching to be independent
Comment from : @ockie4517

Love this Thanks queen❤❤
Comment from : @ClassyWithChrist

Hi Ma'am, how are you doing?brMy name is Simba, and I’m from Zimbabwe, Africa I saw your videos on YouTube, and I need help starting my NGO I would appreciate your guidance on how to start step-by-step, as some of the videos I’ve seen are a bit confusingbrbrThe NGO I want to start focuses on empowering youth in Africa through culture I really need your help to make this vision a reality
Comment from : @Bigdada05

I am still in the start up phase I am currently working on my business plan, and researching I really enjoy your videos, thank you I currently donate a potion of all sales to a random charity from my Etsy store, as I like to support many causes So I was debating between a for-profit business and a nonprofit However, once I found out that my nonprofit can donate to various other causes as long as it is the bylaws; that sealed my decision
Comment from : @SaintGalganoArmory

Comment from : @benito9814

I am in the process of setting up non profit Association ( organization)ur vedio is very usefulIt is on Helping an elderly and children who are unable to support themselves am trying to use different method of mobilizing resources ( from family, rich business men, community ( volunteers) And I don't like to rely on grants etc from Big funding organization but for sure use a very creative methods for fundings Thanks
Comment from : @AshenafiYana-dv1mo

Great content… New here You definitely got my attention But also because I need all the advice I can get lol
Comment from : @jeremysanders495

Great advice! I am thinking of starting a NGO about addressing the issue of being raised as an orphan This is a big problem in Solomon Islands, a non-European society so context is different from the USA and UK, for instance This idea stemmed from my own experience who was raised by extended families in some ways and faced a lot of challenges I am now working after graduated and the thought of establishing such NGO is really daunting me Any advice on this? Thanks
Comment from : @ponginaamatangi6486

I like to open service to my community I'm polish and is a lot old polish people in my area They need help How to open organization?
Comment from : @golbysystem

Hello from Kenya
Comment from : @SANJOTHUKU

After my daughter was savagely murdered I started work on getting my ein and dba for my nonprofit I have been having trouble getting started I want a Faith based home for women and children who have endured abuse homelessness and gun violence
Comment from : @debbiedaws1826

I'm smart enough to get this, but my adhd can't do straight roads Autism lady said curves not corners, she also said everyone needs a hug even if it's scary
Comment from : @Notthatguy23

Hello how are you doing please I'm very happy to meet you I'm magezi Benard from Uganda Africa I'm taking care of the orphan children and vulnerable children can you do a video call and you say hi to the children please?Hello how are you doing please I'm very happy to meet you I'm magezi Benard from Uganda Africa I'm taking care of the orphan children and vulnerable children can you do a video call and you say hi to the children please
Comment from : @MageziBenard

I have stated giving out food and also doing activities with under privileged kidsI want to turn that into a foundation,thank you for your adviseSouth africa❤
Comment from : @lesegomamogobo9523

Great Video! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Comment from : @MindRestoration

I have been thinking of starting an NGO and this video is very helpful I would like to provide quality education support for children and prevent drop-out of children from school
Comment from : @gaidavidpanjuir5621

Thank you for this I want to help struggling women who never qualify for help Like we hello with back rent but only if your about to be evicted I want to help hard working women who still have major struggles
Comment from : @JemLifeMinistries

Starting a non profit for Spouses of Addicts!! I have a great group that agrees that its a great idea!!! Thoughts? I want to help get these people back on their feet after leaving an addict from my own experience it left my finances in ruins and almost homeless!!!
Comment from : @tonyasummers1288

We have been looking for a lawyer to open an NGO to help homeless in Ontario but the lawyers are so expensive so could you please suggest someone who can help us starting an NGO with reasonable fee? Thank you in advance!
Comment from : @SharathJakkani

I could use some advice I want to create a path that is aligned with my current situation
Comment from : @jordanlubben3420

Thank you so much for this great video
Comment from : @ibrahimmabdirahman1120

Thank you for a great video with many valuable advice!! I am starting an organization in my home country to engage youth in the important issue of AMR - antimicrobial resistance Now I am ready :)
Comment from : @eeviiih

Thank you so much for this information The funny thing is I actually knew all this information without realising it, but your video has helped solidify it I am grateful for your help, time and effort with this I would like to start an advocacy service for people in mental health crisis They do exist and I am slightly concerned about fighting for the same revenue stream Any help, advice or even support that you or anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated and accepted Thanks in advance ❤️
Comment from : @KlassMC

حلم 💭 ،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،حلم حلم 💭 ،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،،حلم
Comment from : @طلالشاويش-ك1ه

My dream is to create a non-profit association that helps people in need and orphan children, and to be a role model in society
Comment from : @YoussefAbdo-y6t

I think I'm gonna start one when I get older
Comment from : @Adrianavictoriat

Thank you so muchbrfor this video, I'm stillbrdoing research to learn and understand brmore details information about non profit organization before getting started,brby the grace of God Almighty
Comment from : @sambrowne-rl8eo

Am from Malawi and am planning to open nonprofit org Meanly focusing on youth who are troubled by the unemployment And l want to supply them with agriculture ideas for Thanks for the video it really help me
Comment from : @FrancisMisheck

My first time on the channel, m blessed with this great knowledge
Comment from : @mfombaacalypso

This video was great! it gave me so much relevant information to get my ideas flowing, I'm at the very beginning of my journeybrI cant wait to jump in further now!brthankyou for this awesome video!
Comment from : @mitchrichter


Comment from : @honeyvitagliano3227

This was so helpful I have been searching for grants and wasn't very successful But i was advise to go back to the drawing board And my plans for the foundation was almost there Didn't know what that meant until now Thank so much for this information I definitely have subscribed
Comment from : @wykedawalston4025

We live in a very small village which gets little revenue We barely get enough to pay the bills and there is no money to match what any given grant requires So, I thought if we could start a non-profit and raise money to donate for grant matching, maybe we can start improving our infrastructure-which is failing and in the future add amenities to the community like a park etc We just don't know how to start
Comment from : @dianew5911

Thank you for ur sharing idea in how to start a non profit organization it so much give me inspired to do these
Comment from : @MarjorieOblefias

Hi there, your video is super helpful However I am facing an issue, I’m under eighteen so Charities Register forbids me to register my NGO, what should I do? Should I create a different form of NGO? 😢
Comment from : @Angelafang1211

Great information, thank you!
Comment from : @living4thekingdom170

Your message is helpful
Comment from : @Luaafrikaofficial

Hello we are starting a new non-profit and would like your thoughts about using the long form or the EZ short form with the IRS? please advise
Comment from : @abetterwayministriesstaffg6229

I am forming a plan and filing a certificate of formation for a homeless community here in Corpus Christi, Texas It will be operated like we have never done before I know my experiences in corrections and as an emt are probably unique, and I’m counting on them to reach people we haven’t been able to yet I am no body I have no assets, but the dream just won’t go away and the need is there I know it will work, so this is my leap of faith moment and research time for the holes in my knowledge I’ve always been boots on the ground, so your videos are helping me to see the questions we will be asked and what to plan for when that information isn’t always so forthcoming Thank you for doing these!
Comment from : @LauraBernal87

Thanks AmberbrI have subscribed
Comment from : @nuriyamohamed2312

Thank you Melanie for these 3 important things to consider when starting a non-profit The 3rd one is very helpful to me I established a foundation in Kenya a few months ago and although I understand or understood the need, I did not draw up a business strategy As a result I have been feeling a little "empty" on how to proceed Once again Asante sana
Comment from : @saulnamango2350

Thank you so much for your teachings you made me I have started the national innovative women organization
Comment from : @PaulKamara-k1u

I have a idea for a charity that should create subtantial funds I will buy the building and pay for renervation ,but of course will be administered by trusteesI How do I draw a profit from the venture
Comment from : @harrygray1301

I want to start a tiny house community for Homeless Veterans With counseling and rehab services avail as well as long term housing plans such as the VASH program and other resources
Comment from : @KungPuKittyRescue

Thank you, sister
Comment from : @Two5Six-s4x

Truly it is content full video
Comment from : @rasherashe8411

This was a really great video
Comment from : @therealshannonmack

I want to start a non profit that begins with rescuing small animals as a small animal sanctuary, that later expands to a safe place program for run away teens and endangered women and children
Comment from : @terrigould8133

I need answers to a few questiins i may have
Comment from : @lavenderplanners2992

Thanks for your posts Amber! I am in the research stage of starting a non profit in Phoenix Hoping to address the spread of STDs/STIs in the homeless community Bringing clinics and awareness as well as access to medication and prevention tools for those who have the least access to it I’d love to pick your brain a bit more if possible
Comment from : @johandiaz9815

Im in planing stage I have space to create center for extra classes But will need books, calculate, food So I'm still looking ideas to acheav that
Comment from : @lusaphonkonyana2721

Im in the Planning stages of registering a Non Profit to in Papua New Guinea this is Super helpful Thank you
Comment from : @UniversalPromotionsLTD

Waaoo so beneficial I want to start an organization for the aged persons here in Kenya, still need more guidance
Comment from : @martinbett27

I am a pastor who is wanting to use life Christian theater to tell the story of the Bible to people who have never heard its stories or have a difficult hearing these life changing stories I want to start an NPO for this
Comment from : @craigrodenmayer2183

I’m creating a start up for a nonprofit to teach how to heal mental illness completely without medication I have a do it yourself program that people simply need the instruction and the proper tools I have been doing this for the last 40 years but I want to offer healing to those who can’t afford it my program is a spiritually-based program that I believe I can market through religious organizations but it does not have to only be marketed through religious organizations because what I do every living person on earth needs it it’s called psychophysiology it’s a whole new science to healing, and it works all the time But there are criteria that are critically important to have in place before doing the treatment and that’s what I talk about in my presentation, but being completely new to running a business or running a nonprofit I really like the things that you’re talking about I’ve listen to several other YouTube videos And you’ve mentioned things in yours that the others do not mention if you would be willing to work with me and coach me I would be very grateful and once I start, pulling in donations, I would be more than happy to include you as part of my organization and put you on the payroll
Comment from : @MichaelKing-r5t

Thanks for the video I have been trying to open a charity but struggling to find trustees and know what a governing document is? Thanks
Comment from : @CarlSmith-ri2yf

Great videos!
Comment from : @chefghDD54

Amber I am so glad I came across your channel I am in the process of setting up a non-profit, and your videos really helped me to look at the process in a different way I appreciate all the information you share, and will continue to view all your videos Thank you for sharing all this great information
Comment from : @chefghDD54

As a person living with disability what made me start is because I am also a person living with disability and I know how it feels to be limited in life due to movement all I pray is that a door will open for me to get supporter
Comment from : @Emmilyinitiative

Thanks for the information
Comment from : @Emmilyinitiative

I have a disability organization why I help people living with disability get wheelchairs through sharing their need of wheelchair with friends
Comment from : @Emmilyinitiative

Want to start up a foundation due to bad and poor ways of living of people in my area can u help me
Comment from : @KalanziMuhammad-x9x

Thanks for the video I am trying to start a charity so I can start helping people with mental health issues but I am not sure what a governing document or trustees are Could you help us with this ? Thanks
Comment from : @CarlSmith-ri2yf

I want to start a non profit in the UK Exchange of knowledge and skills to poorer countries within our commonwealth How would I start this?
Comment from : @Liberty-Jamie

Thanks for the video I am trying to set up a non profit business but struggling with the process Have you got a an email I contact you on Thanks George
Comment from : @bestymusic4845

Hello Amber, How can I be supported on expanding my farm
Comment from : @MBAZIIRALENON

A Understand the need otherwise you won't know if your idea will address the needbr1 Know your topic - read and meet expertsbr2 Who is affectedbr3 Root cause of the problembr4 What issues are interconnectedbrB Study the competition br1 Check the ones in your communitybr2 Focus on needs other than those with the same needbr3 What would you need to do to end the need?br4 Can you partner with other orgs?br5 What are the gaps?brC Think through the business plan - needs to be financially sustainable that you can count on, to solve the problem Grants are not the silver bulletbr1 What - activities you'll undertake and how will you measure progress? Measure the outcomes and impacts Ie Benchmark progressbrEg surveys, numbersbr2 Fundraising piece eg charging for services, sponsorship etcbr3 All other parts of a business plan
Comment from : @king0vdarkness

Thank you for picking on the elephant in the room, we must begin our efforts with the end in mind, solve the problem! Unfortunately, most become obsessed with the idea to sustain the non-profit rather than sustainable program that resolves the problem great point Amber, thanks
Comment from : @VictorBABBAGE

Thank you very much I am starting my research on how to support non profit and your video has greatly helped me in terms of direction on what to doGreat information
Comment from : @ezekielhecko4749

Hey I'm just getting started I really need you to guide me if you can
Comment from : @wikmoe8085

Excellent thx help me a lot
Comment from : @marcoverdejo8235

Great breakdown It's given me a lot to think about Thanks for this
Comment from : @jennifert7213

I have had 3 drug related deaths in my family in 1 year 1 OD The other 2 were health related from drug use Burial & other issues due to death have been almost devastating to our family I want to start something for families who can’t afford proper or even minimal cremation for families like mine I’m educating myself on this vision to see if this is possible which I believe it should be 160,000 people died of drug overdoses in 2021 alone Those families shouldn’t have to go through that shouldering that burden 40,000 of those deaths were unidentified!
Comment from : @ginadunlap6923

I needed this💯📝Thank you🙏
Comment from : @thabangkanti

thanks a lot for the videoits really helpful
Comment from : @crazydudes4412

I have a tutor centre that will be 5 years in April my biggest problem has been the amount of parents that can't afford to send there children to us or keep up with the monthly payments I opened to help in different area's such as teenage girls that have fallen pregnant and have dropped out of mainstream schools because of this Also the over crowding in classrooms and the child that gets left behind because they can't cope with Peer pressure and need that individual attention just to name a few of the issues I have always just wanted to work with and help children and I am hoping I will be able to help those who have been kept at home because their parents just can't afford to send them to schools or centre's So hopefully by registering as an NPO I can continue to do this
Comment from : @sherryvanrooyen5511

Thank you so much I am starting a nonprofit and I am in the grant writing stage I’m trying to help fix a house in gap in the Hudson valley New York
Comment from : @nancysears520

I want to start a non-profit! I named it The Agency for Firearms Misuse and Acquisition Can I launch a non-profit from abroad? I think it should be US-based
Comment from : @7uplusprite

Sick 👍
Comment from : @Rubify123

I will be binge watching your videos all weekend and taking notes as well!! Straight to the point and very informative I’m excited to be getting started!
Comment from : @GodsChild172

I'm a recovering drug addict I'm trying to start a nonprofit faith based organization to help people get off drugs by offering sober living after rehabilitation or after they've served their jail sentences I am goingt tmrw morning to get help with establishing my ein and irs paperwork I need to write my mission statement I've already scheduled meetings with the other nonprofit in our neighboring state that does the same thing They won't affect us but I can learn from thembrI'm working with our county drug coalition as well I'm trying to take this one step at a time Idk what's in store for me But I know God has a plan and he doesn't fail Our community has no rehabilitation services or sober living at all This is a much needed service
Comment from : @amandadavis5937

Do you have any videos addressing joint ventures, between two non-profit, what legal documents should be considered Or discussion about partnerships, strategic alliance, ? How do two non-profits spell out what the boundaries/duties are for the two non-profits? Thanks
Comment from : @michelehart8535

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