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Why I Chose To Become A Physician Assistant (PA) Over A Doctor (MD/DO/Physician)

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Information Why I Chose To Become A Physician Assistant (PA) Over A Doctor (MD/DO/Physician)

Title :  Why I Chose To Become A Physician Assistant (PA) Over A Doctor (MD/DO/Physician)
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Frames Why I Chose To Become A Physician Assistant (PA) Over A Doctor (MD/DO/Physician)

Description Why I Chose To Become A Physician Assistant (PA) Over A Doctor (MD/DO/Physician)

Comments Why I Chose To Become A Physician Assistant (PA) Over A Doctor (MD/DO/Physician)

Keep in mind when you are interviewing at PA programs, it's not recommended to talk about the length of education as a significant reason for your decision to become a PA! Unless you are older and have a family, I would recommend not mentioning it in your interviews! Enjoy the video!
Comment from : @JamesKim

I am 37 and was studying for the mcat but decided not to take the mcat
Comment from : @MinervaSanchez-Tenorio

from Joel: James, Your comments are right on target! After a career as a US Army officer (Signal Corps), I was a PA for 30 years before fully retiring >10 years ago I'm now 84yo and have absolutely no regrets about becoming a PA🙂
Comment from : @shirleynelson6676

There's no sane and competent individuals who can forego MD for PA Simple, you don't have what takes to be a physician
Comment from : @Kencan254

really helpful, thanks
Comment from : @CG-zx9mm

Hay quá
Comment from : @ThuyBui-wo2cd

I agree with you 💯
Comment from : @Derick912

Thats why I am choosing the NP route, the time frame for medical school is just crazy
Comment from : @MDForTheCulture

Have you checked if you have ADHD? Just an observation based on the way you talk I also Have ADHD and the reasons you went for PA over MD is exactly mine as well
Comment from : @jgoodgood7795

When you said, "If you want to make a lot of money you don't recoment neither" Can you please explain further why?
Comment from : @yareliszayas1771

Hey James ! Hope you are doing well and Thanks for this excellent video brI've few queries regarding initial steps to be a Pa brPls just guide me how to be a PA ?brWhat field should I choose to become a successful PA in my undergraduate ( as per UK university )?brAnd pls let me know if i'm able to go for surgical first assistant after being a PA ??brAnd Its a kind request pls let me know your instagram id cuz the one in detail box is maybe incorrect or not working , so pls let me know your id 😌brThanks brHope to hear from you soon brHave a great day
Comment from : @ansh_468

Hey iam an mbbs graduate from India brWhat is process to apply for pa schools for fmg
Comment from : @sreejacheekoti4262

I'm here we can be a family lol
Comment from : @maryambahakim2125

I've been going back and forth with this topic for a year or so now, and I am a sophomore in college This video definitely put things into perspective for me and I cant thank you enough for that!
Comment from : @rachellukacz7440

How do you transform from being a PA to a physician
Comment from : @jeremiaharyeetey9877

i hv done MBBS in indiabrIs it good idea to do Physician assistant in USA
Comment from : @drsamiragarwal1

In secondary school what subjects should I choose to help me be a pa
Comment from : @naoreannnanase8023

Hey , anyone can say the clear difference between working in US by clearing usmle and by PA exambrbrSo when we are eligible to give PA exam and and what is the course duration and other important thingsiam confused 😅
Comment from : @kindhuman4198

How much p A earn monthly
Comment from : @aryaprakashjena1953

Comment from : @leomarks2543

M c h n
Comment from : @lincolnoliveira3041

what are the criterias for international students?for PA
Comment from : @poojashukla-yt5ys

Thank you for this video bro, love it
Comment from : @Balanceiskey-nd6el

Sir, What are the eligibility to get enter in this field I'll be completing my bachelor's in Radiotherapy technology by nxt year, I'm I eligible for this couse Plz do reply
Comment from : @uttamnayak3285

Please make a video about the difference between MD and OD, anyone who is interested, please support me with like
Comment from : @beautifulspirits2402

I'm from india if i study BSC PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT in india, can i come to UK for my masters? What are the the procedures? Will somebody please reply?
Comment from : @mohdmanaf5123

Pennsylvania vs Maryland?
Comment from : @denelson83

2 to hears after a bachlor degree?? sir i have a bachlor degree in biology and what master degree should i take to became a physician assistant
Comment from : @oumaouma3672

how many years PA study after bachelor degree
Comment from : @oumaouma3672

Is it true that PA’s dont really do much? Like just histories, diagnose interperet tests and whatnot i know, but can they do any kind of procedures?
Comment from : @julienault2473

Ahh, I’m so excited to become a PA! When I was pre-med, it feltwrong Whenever I’d look at the pre-med track, I was terrified However, when I learned about the PA profession, I felt a calling Whenever I look at the pre-PA track, I feel motivated and challenged! I’ve never felt that way with any profession I’m super excited and congratulations!
Comment from : @pulgapedorraa

Can PAs work in countries outside of the US?
Comment from : @MsBrowniepuff

I have always wanted to into medicine field and your videos motivate me
Comment from : @ericnsanzamahoro2157

This was incredibly helpful, thank you so much!
Comment from : @RoseOgbuli

Hello MrKim Can you explain the difference between the specialities in being a PA and MD? For example, if the PA works in interventional radiology, do you perform surgery with the radiologist or follow their orders(in all respects to PA) i just want to know the difference in the OR
Comment from : @michaelnguyen3159

What is your MBTI type? brI noticed that you mentioned more than once that your personality contributed to this decision!
Comment from : @jameslucas1274

Hey, add your information channel to Webinarzscom - talk about your line of work, career info advise for youth, vlog Hope to see you there!
Comment from : @webinarzs8447

Hello please how can I get into masters of PA I have my degree I am from GhanaI want to offer my masters abroad??
Comment from : @Rich_Club_Only

Mr James Kim, please, can I get admission to Medical school using my degree in Psychology and GRE certificate?
Comment from : @becoming-dr-dna

Do you have to go to college than PA school ?
Comment from : @demigod4766

Hi I am a rising junior/senior I am graduating early and I really want to become a PA I’ve looked for potential professions for myself for months now I knew I enjoyed interacting with people and I also knew that I wanted to help people My goal is to graduate college in 3 years as well and get into PA school But, I’m kind of confused on how all of this PA school stuff and college classes work I heard that you have to take specific majors in college in order to fit PA school criteria This whole PA thing to me in unreal The amount of years required for a PA is way less than most doctors I was completely shocked to discover this profession I was absolutely thrilled to even find out how much they pay you a year Essentially I’m doing a job I enjoy and I’m getting paid well May you please inform me on what major you decided to take in college and how your 4 years of undergrad has a way of playing a huge role in PA school Basically, may you please explain the classes you took and your journey into becoming a PA I am currently 16 and will be 17 when I graduate If I do 3 years of undergrad at college and 2 years of PA school, can I be earning money and be out into my profession by the age of 23 or 24?
Comment from : @Sunny-zf8xi

Great videobrbrWhat course do you have to take in college to be prepared for PA thanks
Comment from : @NA-vk1ml

So you can’t have a family in Medical school? I am a female and I desire to get married and start a family I’m 28 years old and just finished my post Baccalaureate What are your thoughts?
Comment from : @jasmines2250

What do we have to take in college for Bachelor's?
Comment from : @amanjotkaur4753

omg!! thank you so much for this and i really feel like this might be the one for me instead of MD esp with me being so impulsive and i always wanted to try peds, surgery, ER, and cardio and with MD i cant switch between the four of them 😭😭😭
Comment from : @wayvislife

if only theres a PA program here in my country that would be lovely! :(
Comment from : @spanishlatteMD

im sorry i may have missed you saying this info but when you say 2-3 yrs of PA schooling does that mean you need to have an undergraduate/ bachelors degree of some health -related course before taking up PA or you just jump right away to the PA program after your senior high thanks so much
Comment from : @spanishlatteMD

Hi James! It is nice to see you successfully become a PA! I wanted to ask you something actually I will be graduating with my BS in Applied Mathematics with an emphasis in Computational Biology I have a passion for using math as a intersection in the healthcare industry to provide care for patients, however I also want that patient interaction specifically in like Family Medicine I do plan on going to graduate school and thought about getting a Masters of Medicine but also a PhD in like Biomedical Informatics However, I was just introduced to PA school and I wanted your input on this brThanks for reading my lengthy comment!
Comment from : @alexiskelley8821

I’m currently a pre-PA and agree with everything you said!
Comment from : @muelespajourney9738

I enjoyed listen to you I would like to keep watching your video I believe that all you shared was helpful and motivated me to keep learning about the different pathways that my bachelor can offer me This is helping me to keep searching, to have options a decide eats better Thanks for sharing
Comment from : @acabello-

Thank you for this video!! I’m a rising junior in college & want to go on to PA school afterwards
Comment from : @gabriellehebert5714

Hey I’m currently confused on what bachelors degree I should major in to become a pa
Comment from : @iiitsnoor

I've been thinking a lot about this recently and I'm having a hard time brdeciding what to choose I currently have acceptances to DO and NP brschool I'm a paramedic and worked in EMS around 10 years Ive been outbr of pre-med over a year and I'm really enjoying having a life again I brreally wanted to be an emergency physician but I just don't know if I brcan do that time commitment anymore, I'm getting older I want a house, brstart dating again etc I wont be able to do that if i go to DO schoolbr I know I'd probably be happy being an NP in the ER and I really like brthe fact Ill be licensed in 3 years I'm just worried if I pass up my brmed school acceptance to be an NP I might regret it later on Great info in your video!
Comment from : @johnmccarthy8160

Comment from : @jardelofficial7773

Thanks for this 💕
Comment from : @mariamaly8176

Is it necessary to major in Pre-med or Biomedical Sciences if you want to become a PA?
Comment from : @Jasmine-mh9mr

Dont forget if finances are a issue for you the military will pay for any of these options even a veterinarian!
Comment from : @zachbunch8701

What was your major/bachelor degree in college?
Comment from : @Jasmine-mh9mr

I choose PA because being a single mother raising an autistic son, Medical school would take up a lot of time and I have so many hobbies I do respect MDs but there's more to life than medicine
Comment from : @serenawilliams6514

I lived with my ex girlfriend for three years of the four years of medical school, everything this man said hits the nail on the head The financial stress alone to become a doctor is a weight so hard to imagine, plus the stress to keep up pushes nearly every med student to either contemplate dropping out or harming oneself My ex constantly second guessed herself and wished she had chosen the route of becoming a PA instead, for all the reasons mentioned: time, family, finance, reduced stress Massive kudos to all whom endure medical school, the world certainly needs as many doctors as we can have Just know it is not a life decision to embark upon without great deliberation
Comment from : @wesleychapman9001

Hello! Great videobr I got into the faculty of kinesiology for my undergraduate degree Can I go to PA school after I graduate? Also, are there some international people applying to PA school? I'm from korea
Comment from : @seonwooyoon3141

Thank you for covering a lot of topics that I had questions about! I'm considering the PA route and this video was really helpful :)
Comment from : @LadyBathory1

Can I ask questions
Comment from : @lordwinterbooboo76

can you work in resuscitation as a PA ?
Comment from : @katienye1529

What should i major in to become a PA
Comment from : @hasan_usman

How can I meet u, I'm in las vegas
Comment from : @smobeca

hi :)
Comment from : @jameskim6770

short answer: this was the fourth last thing your asian parents accepted you to do
Comment from : @PHILLYMEDIC69

Thank u so much bro for this videothis is really helpfulhow to work in a foreign country hospital after graduating as a PA from India
Comment from : @aritromaity1022

I'm a BSN nursing student from Ohio After I graduate from Nursing school, I want to pursue NP or PA school I would love to pursue PA school but some people are in my ear telling me I should become an NP because doctors like them more because they dont have to supervise and obviously if I come from a nursing background, I should just go onto being a NP I dont know which one to pick I just want to work and have a very secure career and be marketable/employable I dont want to graduate from PA school and be left in the wind and dust because employers truly do prefer NPs over PAs, and I took it with a grain of salt at the time I really want to be a PA but I dont know if I should actually be an NP Please help!!! PA or NP? Thank you!
Comment from : @AZ-wr3dh

Can you specialize in radiology as a PA?
Comment from : @Horse1VB1Dance1

The Navy had PAs back in the 80's
Comment from : @JeffSpehar-ov1cn

So I imagine a PA could eventually become a MD - ESPECIALLY with that hands on experience working with the Dr
Comment from : @akadopeboi

He’s so hot
Comment from : @Santhos_baby

What classes did you need to take during college and now that you’re a PA
Comment from : @yoevillagran8111

Comment from : @kerolossamer5412

I love you mate
Comment from : @mafizization

i think it depends on the country u are from
Comment from : @tamalchakraborty5906

PA can be great but it is stupid now especially when some are reluctant to have others call them physician assistant and now they want the name change to something like physician associate and also more clinical autonomy its ridiculous these guys want only two year education but have as much power and privilege as physicians
Comment from : @yza4896

I have a question, when you shadow a PA, are you supposed to document that you shadowed that PA?
Comment from : @danaecruz6689

This dude really said “Don’t forget to be like my blood type, Be positive’’ That’s so cheesy, yet so beautiful
Comment from : @epitaphboi4816

Please follow my brother’s page on Instagram @chasing_that_pac See his journey in chasing that white coat
Comment from : @ernestfrancois

There are residencies of 7 years
Comment from : @melvinlard

Currently I am a biochem major deciding between becoming a Doctor or a PA This video pointed out that the lifestyle I want lines up better with a career of a PA, so thank you I needed this video
Comment from : @Alexis-go3yi

are you single??? 😍
Comment from : @gatorboydomino

Physican assitant seems like a big cop out, the origins of this career was literally a way to just pump out medics for the military without needing the knowledge of med schoolbrbrDont think i could look myself in the mirror wearing a white lab coat and not having the titel "Doctor"brbrI'd feel like a fraud, and you just know everyone in your family will confuse for a docror but u just have to painfully remind them of the sad truth
Comment from : @sickbasterd123

Hi jamesvery informative vedeothanks to you! brCan u kindly tell me the acceptance rate of international medical graduate to PA programsbrI have worked as GP in my countrybut i dont have the enough resources and time to get LORs to apply for residency matchalso research sponsoring j1 visa to US seems to be hard to get which is another option for me to improve my CV and get a spot in residencyFor some reason i dont feel it is worth it ,neglecting all your family time which honestly i never had while in my med school and residency back homeso i am thinking of choosing PA programswhich seems more exciting than being a doctor in Us /canadabrI also would like to know is there any licensing exam for canadian PA s to work in US or do u have to start over the entire course in US to work as PAbrKindly reply
Comment from : @sadiefarhan6858

Okay I don't know if you Will ever see this or respond but I am currently a biomedical engineering major and sometimes I get grossed out by things like blood would you say throughout PA school you were able to "On "get used to all the gross smells all the blood or do you think you shouldn't go into the profession if you're uneasy about all that stuff at first? Great advice btw I just found you!
Comment from : @HANACANHASI

Is working as a CNA during my undergrad benefiting me? The end goal is to become a PA?
Comment from : @miguelharo2395

I have a question which is when I apply to colleges and want to be a PA Do I put pre med as my major?
Comment from : @israt1882

Dude I’ve been struggling to finish my med school applications for months now, primarily because I’m also an “impulsive” person like you described I want to learn and do it all and was afraid that if I became a physician, I would switch specialties MULTIPLE times later on I tried looking for a specialty that’s super broad so I can keep as many doors open as possible but, I still couldn’t convince myself that this was truly what I wanted to do After exploring other options, I’ve realized that becoming a PA is a WAY better fit for my personality/impulsiveness and I couldn’t be happier! All the anxiety and fears of choosing a single speciality are gone! Lol
Comment from : @amerikansk8r

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