Title | : | Managing Cellphones in the Classroom | Teacher Tip Tuesday |
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3:46 Comment from : @keviinschannel |
They don’t pay attention why not just let em fail Life lesson That’s the parents fault for not stressing their education Sucks to suck Comment from : @JonGar1911 |
That hair do is sooo new wave I like it Comment from : @audiolego |
I need your help My students are literally playing video games and are watching tic tocs on their phones My student demographics are very similar to yours Comment from : @ccc-e1f |
Your room set up kicks A$$!! (dope cellphone policies too) Comment from : @amymachemehl560 |
Uhhhhhh, all the kids but a handful use their cellphones at all times in class I cannot lecture to them, they won’t do class work or homework 90 percent score F grades on exams They don’t care Should I tell them why they would be better off getting a work permit and going to work full time and putting money in the bank — even at minimum wages they would put $90K in the bank in 3 years And if they would pay attention in my business class they would know how to invest that $90K Comment from : @billygraham5589 |
Great video I don't really know why kids have phones anyway When I was a kid we were lucky to have a Huffy bike from Kmart Now kids have expensive phones with ongoing plans The only purpose is to tick tock and goof off Comment from : @kennygee2715 |
So funny! Love this! Comment from : @heatherbeck4186 |
SUGGESTION: just change jobbrwho would want this nonsense all day ?? Comment from : @kevtherev8194 |
what do you do when a student asks if they can listen to music Comment from : @wyattcaremier |
Any tips about students wearing and not removing their earbuds? Comment from : @julietkeers2016 |
I teach high school, and I'm not allowed to take phones So I go the explanation route for why I don't want to see phones out I tell them that in the adult world, being on their phone while someone is talking to them, or having it on their desk (even face down) is impolite It would be disrespectful to have your phone on the table during a meeting or during a date with someone Same goes for headphones in the ears They understand that reasoning, even though some of them don't think it's impolite, and I can tell they like learning about social cues and adulthood expectations Comment from : @Ylurple |
Dude This is stellar advice I'm trying to get my teaching cert this year so I can teach next fall (I'm currently a College and Career Advisor at hte same school) I'm addicted to my cellphone My kids are too And it's hard to be as entertaining as a Tik Tok video 6 hours a day, 180 days a year, BUT I want to try When I sub or teach in classes, half of my students are on their phones I don't want to get in the power struggle, but I have to admit I have Love your videos, they have helped me a TON Thanks, my brother! Comment from : @beeentertainment5453 |
Phones shouldn’t be allowed in schools Period Comment from : @mbirk2011 |
All the cool teachers make vlogs on smartphones,tablets or Chromebooks Comment from : @gotsm9959 |
You’re an amazing teacher I have taught adult students most of my teaching career I don’t think I’d be a good fit for this “ nonsense “ Congratulations Comment from : @lukasxanadu |
Needed this advice for my new classroom Thank you! Comment from : @nickmoon4933 |
Teenagers are smarter and more reasonable than we think You'll only experience the best of them when you stop power tripping Comment from : @tobehonest4833 |
Great video!!!!! Comment from : @mardellethomas238 |
Good ideas about the cellphones in the class, but what if the school put some drawers in the room of the guard, so the students are obligated to put their cellphones there instead of taking them to the class Comment from : @waheebnuman6714 |
I think the key is the relationship you have with your students You have a great bind and that makes it special Comment from : @eeyore777 |
My son said he wants you as his teacher 🤣 Comment from : @Regal1 |
Kids nowadays will never understand life without phones I didn’t get a phone until I was 18 And I bought it myself Comment from : @heyheyhey40 |
This makes me smile Comment from : @laurieportercombs2292 |
I really liked you asking the students for their opinion Comment from : @tricky1800 |
Omg!!! I love this I'm totally going to try it Hilarious!!!!! Comment from : @ragazzasolare77 |
This is funny - but I’m pretty sure I’ll be fired quick if I take this advice!! Lol 😆 Comment from : @justbecause7632 |
Thank you for your advice! Comment from : @delcampo2170 |
This was really cool! Thank you It’s refreshing to see I’m not the only one who has students just chilling in my room all the time! Comment from : @SamboBaggins91 |
I try to find ways to show them how to use their phones to make them smarter So I encourage them to use them to do research, they can use them to look up their grades, I try to get them to or reminders in their calendar, we have used them to submit photos from their lab But if I have a it's who says no to giving me their phone I give them a choice I get it for the period and we move on our you can make a big deal about this and go to the office 95 if the time I get the phone or of that decision, but it's those decision to make them it's not a power struggle Comment from : @johnhubbard95 |
Handsome teacher 😜 Comment from : @Salsero12 |
how do you set your categories up like as a chemistry teacher i set mine up 60 goes to tests 20 goes to labs and 20 goes to Hw/Quiz Comment from : @ianattle9105 |
What a shame to spend so much time and energy on cell phone BS Comment from : @mariamiller1770 |
I have tried it all(except your inventive methods) and they will refuse to turn it over even to the office and they end up in detention Long story short either way they are not getting there work done Even calling the parents and so on Mine will choose to be on their phone in class(they have time to do all their work in class) and yet complain that they have no time or the materials to get it done in the evening, too bad They also know that I grade on effort and they do not earn points for being of their phone Comment from : @dawnmason6281 |
As a student I was kind of a pain the ass, BUT when a teacher leveled with me, they earned my respect and loyalty for forever!! I hated and so so resented the "because I said so" That does NOT work Comment from : @lj4466 |
awesome tips,I subscribed, I mainly teach adults, but some of these tips I can use, I created a instructor techniques channel and could use some support, plz come check it out and leave a comment Comment from : @biker0962 |
In my schools phones are not allowed They almost prefer that security takes them, but that can be troublesome and take time As teachers, we can take them; but there is a problem If we take a phone and a student picks it up later and says "oh no! there's a crack on the screen that wasn't there before" We could be reliable for the phone, whether or not the crack was there when the phone was taken Also, an out of the way charging station is not bad But unless you are constantly watching it, phones can be stolen My question is what can we do in these situations? Comment from : @tb3eriko |
What about those clear hanging caddies? I was thinking of putting a big charging strip right next to it But my question is is it easier to start the year out saying 'you put your phone here' Comment from : @run2pray |
Haha I am watching this in class And I am a student Comment from : @briellerasmussen67 |
I had a teacher in high school who would tell us to put our phones in this shoe rack at the beginning of each class But I would forget that I put my phone there like almost every day So eventually I stopped putting it in the dumb shoe rack and just kept it in my backpack like a normal person Comment from : @115goforth |
Your interactions with your students are what make these videos golden! Talking about not getting into power struggles with kids is the #1 thing I would tell any teacher! Comment from : @aubreymikos9053 |
No mention of disability or how cell phones can be a tool Too bad Good vid otherwise Comment from : @journey265 |
Or you can acknowledge that cell phones are just as much of a distraction as books, and you’re just being difficult in a position of power I look up stuff pertaining to the subject to assist my studies and I still get it taken lol Comment from : @braedenlarson9122 |
Hey Reynolds do you have any tops on how to get students to somehow signal you when they need your help because they don’t understand something Like today at school my one Math teacher knows about my Anxiety and so does the person that comes in and helps him but anyways today they noticed that I am a shy kid who doesn’t raise my hand and when I don’t understand something I don’t tell him so he wants me to figure out something to somehow signal him that I do t understand something without raising my hand and telling him I don’t understand it So do you have any tips on how I can move something or do something to get him to notice I don’t understand what he is teaching to us ( Sorry it is so long!!!!) Comment from : @taylorgill1425 |
Best way to discipline the phones: Don't mention it or even care (unless it is making sound and obviously distracting everyone)The biggest punishment is to let them get a bad grade or let them not know the stuff If they don't care about grades in the first place than let them be Not everyone has to care Quit being an attention seeking bum that has to have all eyes on them to teach Just do your lil lesson and go on with your day Comment from : @josephg538 |
My school has a no phone policy, so students must leave their phones in the locker at the beginning of the day and if they are seen with it, the principal keeps it for three days and only gives it back if students bring a letter from their parents apologizing Comment from : @gabrielab3446 |
This is exactly how I handle cell phones in my class Every class, after attendance, I start with this announcement "phones away" and I give them a few moments to do just that I start class and away we go If a phone is out, I ask them to put it away and it's over with I don't make it an issue, I treat my kids with some respect, and I rarely have a phone problem It's not that difficult Comment from : @TG-vq7gb |
Love these ideas! First year teaching and greatest challenge is to keep students engaged because they are constantly on their cellphones Thanks for this ! Comment from : @rosaromero9013 |
I love the relationship you have with the boys! Comment from : @estherkoch8647 |
Awesome video and hilarious interactions with those students; love it brAs a teacher that deals with cellphones in a similar manner I agree wholeheartedly on avoiding a power struggle, with refusals Conversation over confrontation, always brA tip I would add, when confiscating a phone is necessary, say "thank you" when they hand it to you and mean it I want them to know I appreciate that they just did something that will help their learning, even though they didn't want to Comment from : @joegross9915 |
I loved every last one of these ideas This year, I can honestly say that cell phones have not been that much of a problem brbrAlso, your classroom is AMAZING!!!! Comment from : @lanapipkins4733 |
I love every last one of these ideas This year, I can honestly say that cell phones were not that much of a problem brbrAlso, your classroom is AMAZING!!!! Comment from : @TXsugarcane |
I made one of my students answer his phone the other day to remind whomever was calling him that he was in class Comment from : @mollierierson981 |
Do you have any advice for future substitutes (who may want to teach at that school when certified)? Comment from : @annaliciagreen8640 |
I have been teaching for 42 years - you are fantastic - happy for you to teach my Grandchildren (That's the highest compliment) Comment from : @stephenobrien2952 |
I truly appreciate your videos Thank you so much for sharing! Comment from : @dumptruckbex |
Thank goodness kindergarten kids don’t have cell phones Comment from : @tanyahobson-begraft843 |
Love the proactive approach! I will be adding a charging bar in my room next yearbrbrMy favorite reactive thing I do is to pull the index card i keep in my pocket that says “no phones” slide into the camera and snap a selfie with the cardbrbrIf you get one of those foil lined bags for carrying frozen groceries home and use it for a cell phone jail it will drain the battery twice as fastbrbrHaving fun is the BEST!!!!! Comment from : @ThingsThatWork |
I’ve tried the “phone call” and “administrator” advice I get “I don’t care go ahead” 😒😒 Comment from : @blancajrodriguez |
His classroom is beautiful I kept getting sidetracked from the message because I was looking at all the decor and books Comment from : @teacherwoman45 |
😂 Comment from : @kristinlovecchio9714 |
Great video and some great advice Not a fan of the duct tape and paper idea, because it creates waste brOne question: if this problem is so persistent and new devices, like smart watches and augmentation goggles are coming in, why not find a way to put them to good use, like in classroom activities? Comment from : @telegramsammiller |
I LOVE the game show idea I'm wrapping a phone in duct tape and paper towels tomorrow, though Comment from : @jasminehill2426 |
This man speaks truth The some of the greatest moments in my classroom revolve around discipline Just giving students a real consequence, or a goofy way out, can often diffuse a situation, and get the desired response anyway At least that has been my experience I will say listen to our man Reynolds though, do stuff that works for you, there is no catch all, or magic bullet Comment from : @ryanprieto6189 |
Sorry, Cephas, I mispelled your name--great name I can never spell names Comment from : @Valdesgreen |
I love how happy Siphus looks in your classroom Comment from : @Valdesgreen |
I've always been tripped out by how much the adults in the building complain about student cellphone use when we are just as guilty in our meetings and professional development sessions Lead by example! Comment from : @noahpickens3959 |
I'm a parent and it sounds good to me👌👌👌👌 Comment from : @MrsFloyd1970 |
I tried these tips today in class and they worked really well! Thanks for the advice! Comment from : @saracollins9534 |
I think I'm going to invest in a charging area next year We have an out of sight policy, but it's not really followed I'll remind my 8th graders over and over, but it just gets tedious I do take phones though Doesn't do anything I wish parents would just call the school instead of calling or texting their kids That's problem #2 for use Comment from : @BlackRoze29 |
I thought there was something one time about these kids not being to afford haircuts? But they have cell phonesbrbrbrIt's ridiculous that teachers have to deal with this crap Phones belong either at home or in their bags, OFF Not on vibrate First offense, phone goes to principal's office 2nd offense, meeting with parents Anything after that should be suspension End of story Comment from : @Yesica1993 |
I really hate that the school I teach at doesn't allow us to confiscate students phones and just place them on my desk until the end of the lesson, we are not allowed to even touch them full stop Might try implementing the power board for charging, but not sure how it will go as I'm a woodwork teacher and students are moving around the room Comment from : @Naes755 |
Can I vent for a minute!? I work at an inner city school and phones are such a frustration If I notice a kid on their phone I tell them to put it away in a firm voice If they still have it out a minute after than initial warning I take it I've had students tell me to my face, "No, I don't have to give you my phone, you're not my mom!" Pisses me off SO badly! After watching your video I realize I should probably just chill out Comment from : @marcwyant1217 |
Sometimes if I see a kid on snapchat or texting I tell them if I see their phone I get to send one message to whoever I want Usually they put it away after that Works best with students you have a rapport with Comment from : @PrinceLoki |
love these ideas The duct tape paper towel thing is happening! LOL Comment from : @fortheloveofchocolat |
Unfortunately I cant take a student’s phone, it is illegal I cant make them to put them in a special box/ space etc brI have to let them answer the phone because if they say it is an emergency, and I Dont let them answer, that would be a real problem brbrTips!? Comment from : @terealfa83 |
Love your teacher tip Tuesdays! Comment from : @marceladiaz9374 |
I teach middle school and I feel like if I did some crazy weird consequence like hiding it, some of my students might WANT to get caught with their phones (and make it a game) have you had anyone like that? Just wondering brLove your content!! Comment from : @HowersArtClass |
I wish I could take my students phones! I am so sick and tired of them being on their phones during my class! The administration has to deal with the students that are on their phones during class and so many teachers don’t care if they are on their phones Phones should not be allowed in class period! No reason! Awesome advice!!! Comment from : @kyraannfranklin8772 |
this is amazing And i was cracking up at some parts Comment from : @dahlia878 |
THESE ideas are funny but are they legal?? lol Comment from : @chanceweller3233 |
The guy at 2:10 was totally enjoying that Comment from : @mrenaep |
Thank you so much for the tips! This is one topic that I keep debating on, but it's good to hear from others about how they approach it Can't wait for you to make more videos! Comment from : @ofb12345 |
Love your videos! Thank you for the tips! Comment from : @tanyaponte6779 |
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