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Council Tax: The Attachment of Earnings problem

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Title :  Council Tax: The Attachment of Earnings problem
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Description Council Tax: The Attachment of Earnings problem

Comments Council Tax: The Attachment of Earnings problem

My council used a credit reference agency to obtain personal data to issue and enact a AOE's order x 2??? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Comment from : @andreadavies1074

Google - As of June 2024, council tax arrears in England had reached £6 billion, a 9 increase from March 2023 This means that over 13 million households in the UK are not paying council tax, costing local authorities a record £6 billion annually brbrIts happening now - 29:23 Its here!!! PEOPLE ARE STOPPING PAYING COUNCIL TAX RIGHT NOW!!!brMassive UK rally incoming!! 💣💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Comment from : @TanzBee

Why aren't solicitors jumping on this????? If Council Tax is illegal
Comment from : @Hedge2HedgeNorthwich

Is this still the case for 2025?
Comment from : @DeanWhyley

Thanks to Richard and Gavin for this video This information is gold!
Comment from : @kevinbailey5110

Regulations are created by Statutory Instruments and thereby are statutory provisions
Comment from : @stevenrovardi2841

And now they've cancelled our right to vote & raising CT 5 to 10 !!!
Comment from : @dustyx01

Sheriff of Nottingham still exists And we all bow down and pay
Comment from : @carolmaz8675

They threaten employers with prosecution if they don’t comply which is again probably false
Comment from : @carolmaz8675

I need to inform myself
Comment from : @ysimracing

You need to do a book on the CT fraud so called professionals are missing something (likely deliberately) The worst thing is this exact same model is used for so many things GDPR being the biggest hurdle The whole thing was supposed to prevent people getting an individual's information just because they are making a claim some individual has broken a law
Comment from : @kevinbartram5302

I work for a council Conflict of interest?
Comment from : @kevinbartram5302

GDPR is another none sense
Comment from : @kevinbartram5302

The whole tax system is designed to keep people poor
Comment from : @raymonddonaghy2314

You aren't liable to pay Council Tax until you have received the bill If you don't receive it, there is no liability Your first line of defense is the dustbin which should be placed under the letterboxbrbrIf you have no assets what dose it matter if they declare you bankrupt ?
Comment from : @henrytwigger2245

why would you wish to represent yourself?brif I was pulled into Court I would present the man
Comment from : @lawrencek1900

Comment from : @MEERU_K

Comment from : @MEERU_K

I want to know if anyone has won a case against the council by following this guy
Comment from : @kyliewharton6831

Don't use the website!! Took my money, cancelled appointment, and now the site is unavailable Conman
Comment from : @philinniss3267

Comment from : @keenbaker-dias1137

Will this work with CSAbrMy cousin is getting stripped every month by an attachment of earnings
Comment from : @baconcrusader7476

Can you bring up the VALUATION AGENCY and their fraudulent Banding of properties to make people pay more COUNCIL TAX than they should be paying by the over banding of property I fought mine and got it reduced by 2 bands IF you live local to me in Walton on the Naze I can help you recover thousands of Pounds in overpaid council Tax this is not a scam against you but I can expose the scam against you by the valuation agency who are in league with the council if you are interested and leave a positive comment I will forward my Email to contact me This is genuine not a ruse i have the information needed i am NOT OFFERING A SERVICE for MONEY Just the information and how to use it
Comment from : @eastcoastuk1120

Comment from : @ritalamsley6846

Thanks for sharing such valuable information! Just a quick off-topic question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over) What's the best way to send them to Binance?
Comment from : @ElsieThillet-h6b

Thanks for the analysis! I have a quick question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over) Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
Comment from : @kermitdiep

Lol in this day an age it would be bye bye job as the employee HR do not like to do work like this Mt wife has 3 attachments of earnings at this moment The employer get s a 1000 fine if they don't pay
Comment from : @blisterj

I’m seriously confused by this channel Are you telling us not to pay our council tax?
Comment from : @Anonymous56657

Hi Richard, again another good video, I thought Gavin was very good but became disappointed when going to the site as cash payment was one of the first things I seen, don’t misunderstand me what Gavin and other people similar do towards this fight for truth is time consuming and I have no objection to anyone asking for a payment, but most can’t afford it Which is the reason they’re going down this road to start with
Comment from : @jeffbarrett1787

Look at black belt barrister he destroyed all your points about council tax how many are about to lose everything all people watching this watch black belt a very deep dive into the actual laws not this quackery 😊
Comment from : @suekelsall1595

This is mostly complete nonsense Even if any of it was true the Coundil would just employ another remedy The liability order is not void, it complies with the regs Anyone who wishes to know the actual position should read the regs and look at the case law in detailbrFrom a former Head of revenues who actually knows the law)
Comment from : @PhunkiTenga

Nevertheless they are able to do so and with the assistance of bailiffs and the police!
Comment from : @econrith

this is so educational , i had this happen to me had an attachment order applied to me and my wages were garnished as the americans say :{
Comment from : @MAXERNEST

There's good reason why councils are so willing to house 3rd world uneducated families en masse Easier to manipulate with "Laws"
Comment from : @ForTheTeoma

Anything that drops through your door from the council should be returned, if you don't open the letter it's not been delivered Therefore summons or "Liability orders" etc will never be sent to you And by that you have never been notified beforehand of anything they plan on doing so they're operating unlawfully
Comment from : @ForTheTeoma

Just ring the magistrates court infront of your employer, state your ringing about council tax and they will state its nothing to do with the court Job done I personally have not payed ct for 21 years since I came home from Iraq in 2003 and was dragged through the so called court for 6 years for refusing to pay £16700 while fighting for the country
Comment from : @Ian-zv6oe

Comment from : @MegaRuggerio

So is there a way of your employer not getting into trouble or fined etc if they choose to listen to you and not allow the a of e?
Comment from : @jerusalemcuckooscookbook

Richard, Not a loaded question, genuine interest & Gavin might know more - how did you get a CCJ for non payment? Just from complying but not being able to pay? So not going back to them & questioning like you would/or do now? Asking because I can't make the connection between their fake court (meeting room) and a judgement from a county court?
Comment from : @sarahgarland8561

What if you are paid by the Government benefits
Comment from : @markmckee4436

If a man and woman has claimed ownership of their legal Fiction and are a living man or woman and the council are forcing a dead fiction onto you as a living man they are forcing you into slavery
Comment from : @OneEpicEric

The reason why they ignore complaints is because you didnt file a claim A claim is more pewweful than a complaint a complaint is merely whinging A claim however is powerful and if they sont do something about your claim thats when you sue them
Comment from : @mauricebarnett6951

Yes yes United we stand divided we fall
Comment from : @wapp4404

Don't be afraid of their statutory paperwork, you are not a statutory creature created by them, you either believe that you have a right to self destiny or you don't
Comment from : @rockcrusher4636

Will the council have to pay back past payments for the years they carried out this crookery!
Comment from : @springtime8029

How is the council get away with this They are crooks!
Comment from : @springtime8029

the problem is most people are dumb and think we are bad for not wanting to give our money to criminals brbrwhat if you work for nhs or are on benifits? we know its a fraud but the fools who work for these places think its not a scam
Comment from : @2vandoodle8

You have your doctrines muddled up Gav, there appears to be no such doctrine as ‘First in time best in law’ There is however a doctrine according to my web search search ‘First in time, first in right’ which basically means the same as the old saying us commoners use first up best dressed, meaning that the first in line has the right to something when making a claim on it It doesn’t appear to relate to legislation brbrSee definition example here, taken from the Law Insider websitebr First in time, First in right means that the first of the two liens to attach and become “perfected”— in other words, enforceable against other liens— has priority For example, a local government property tax lien is first in time, first in right compared with a lien for unpaid state income or sales taxes18 If Carolina County forecloses on Parcel A for delinquent 2008 property taxes, the county’s property tax lien would be senior to state tax liens that attached to Parcel A after January 1, 2008—the date on which the 2008 property tax lien attached to real property— and junior to state tax liens that attached before that date
Comment from : @cazzag8254

Ab-initio means, if its wrong in the beginning it's "null & void"brSimple as that!
Comment from : @10tendogsdonie

Now Remember if your of sound mind, any paperwork, bills, fines, orders, etc, arrives at your home and is not signed it means its from NOBODY,brIf you want to reply to nobody your not of sound mind,
Comment from : @10tendogsdonie

Got a message from universal credit's, saying they been told from council too deduct money from my benefits? 😡
Comment from : @farrellrazo-gu1zf

Summonses dont need to be signed since 2019 Mag Court rules 1981 were ammended in 2019 Also Rule 7 says that original rule 98 now has clause (3) A summons need not bear the name of the justice or other person issuing it
Comment from : @toutl

You can't get a CCJ for council tax Can't believe Gavin didn't bring him up on that point
Comment from : @tallulah_b1368

The children deserve the best show possible
Comment from : @christiansmith-of7dt

Taecing initiative
Comment from : @christiansmith-of7dt

I guess in some respects, most of the people who work in the councils are as ignorant as us plebs are regards what is going on and are just doing their job, so when people kick back they just send a templated response given to them from people at the top who probably do know
Comment from : @MrJiggsOnTour-gq8td

Who are these groups people are reaching out to? Hints, but no solid information! Wake up man! This info is needed!
Comment from : @earthisslunaranomaliesandb3809

What does a person do when the Council has contacted Universal Credit/DWP and requested UC to deduct money from your benefit to pay off council tax "debt" UC has not only agreed but has began to deduct monies from my benefits This is although i am also on PIP and therefore classed as vulnerable
Comment from : @locksy2785

Like everyone we don't mind paying for bins etc, I don't like paying huge pension fund that's not for me, Another thing I don't like 2 people in home 1 working pays full council tax on nmw Your neighbour in same type of house earning more ££ but 1 person in house gets 25 off council tax So unfair GOOD INFORMATION LADS KEEP FIGHTING THIS UNFAIR TAX 🇬🇧
Comment from : @user-bz9cb8bp2y

I just stopped paying it - I do not open their letters - if the Court cannot issue liabilities - we have an impasse -👀😂
Comment from : @guychase5842

What about attachments of benefits?
Comment from : @jinnyfitzgerald4129

Hi Richard, if this is true what yr guest says, why have the councils not been dragged to courts for this abuse! All backed up by the police I have seen people break down under these threats WHY! are the councils bailiffs, Police not in court for this
Comment from : @JPB-zu6wd

I'm currently fighting back people we can do this! Come on people we don't have to just go along with this
Comment from : @matthewkeys128

Can they attack a pension?
Comment from : @stevewatts7228

The courts wont even answer a F O I just tell u to talk to the council so round and round it goes 😮
Comment from : @stevewatts7228

The won't answer the DSAR
Comment from : @stevewatts7228

We are struggling to pay rent, water, gas, electric food, to feed our children etc like most of low income families in the UK On top of that we poor people are forced to pay almost £200 a month in coumcil tax, to just have the bins collected by the council It's a joke and a scam Must be stopped
Comment from : @teresa3794

So if city and local councils plus the illegal law systen is prepared to do these chinanigans to collect their terrorist funds for the uk gov now i wonder what they will be prepared to do when the going gets tuff and there is noware to hidebrNo doubt they will be given special executive powers to deal with it😮😮
Comment from : @richardbailey3343

Here is a solution to Attachment of Earnings problem, albeit a drastic one, but it will buy you time Instruct your employer to pay 80 per cent of your salary into your company pension You will pay no Income Tax and your take home pay will be too low for them to make an Attachment of Earnings
Comment from : @reggiekray723

if you give the courts your NI number the council will get the details that way it pays NOT to put that data on the form in the court,
Comment from : @markweaver766

Like yourselves guys been at this since 2017 so yuo guys are brilliant We will win no doubt
Comment from : @B7A

And little people struggling who work or who on benefits cant always afford to take them to court
Comment from : @wendyjones1422

All the councils would go bust if people refused to pay there council tax bill but the hell they put people thru to fight injustices alot of people give up or ends there life!!
Comment from : @wendyjones1422

I have serious health issues , & serious mental health issues even when i was paying council tax bill they took me to court it got thrown out but the awful stress i went thru nearly killed me now im paying council tax thru a direct debit legally i been told i dont have to pay it but my doctor wont fill in form unless i pay them £100 im struggling with this cost of living i cant afford to eat or even afford to pit my electric and gas on regular so im regular sitting in darkness alot please help me i know if i dont pay they just do attach earnings on my benefits & dwp will take money of my benefits to give directly to my council if i refuse to pay direct debits i feel like killing myself whats the point living when im struggling every day they just bully me and intimidation against me please help me
Comment from : @wendyjones1422

Council is doing to sick people on benefits as well so how do you get around that
Comment from : @wendyjones1422

Is there a list of summons since 1981 that might need review?
Comment from : @wayneh150

I live on a Parkhome Residential Park and we have been fighting the council regarding putting us in the higest bracket of council taxTorfaen CBC wont even acknowledge any questions at their meetings or correspondence
Comment from : @theharringtons2010

There are a lot of us in NZ doing the same thing, including but not limited to myself😅 God bless the awakened
Comment from : @graemehunter9002

I can't help feeling that the real remedy is to IGNORE GAVIN
Comment from : @AllAboutBritain

Nice video 🎉
Comment from : @ibroymoms

Comment from : @ibroymoms

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