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How The Wealthy Hide Billions Using Tax Havens

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Title :  How The Wealthy Hide Billions Using Tax Havens
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Comments How The Wealthy Hide Billions Using Tax Havens

If anybody wants to save taxes in India contact me I will help him in saving taxes
Comment from : @visheshsinha7411

How do criminals hide money in offshore tax havens?
Comment from : @InfluencerWealthClub

Pirates of the Caribbean
Comment from : @marcobarbadoro7792

Comment from : @sevenRyeh

Don't forget the Billions the US sends to other countries 0:30
Comment from : @Bruce_LeRoyy

If the USA gets the money, it's just going to buy weapons
Comment from : @bobbymunyavi5357

Comment from : @VersaiOnline

What about Nigeria?
Comment from : @arunraja141

A country that doesn’t cooperate with the US government is a good country and in my eyes
Comment from : @talentekhuzwayo2705

Shell companies should be illegal!
Comment from : @boblonergan7583

No Women!! Damn!!
Comment from : @nahilmannan2030

Close Enforcement Department Of US it's just wastage of public tax moneyfor management use Army police
Comment from : @PersianDastaan

Greedy Business Owners vs Greedy Government
Comment from : @sincostan9798

Parking money in properties? How does that work?
Comment from : @gintongaparador999

There was a time i once lived in America and Canada Paid about the same in taxes but get way more for my taxes in Canada Most Americans hate the government (hate giving them their money even more) because they've never experienced good governance
Comment from : @ChristopherAbelman

PAY YOUR TAXES 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉
Comment from : @tamlamoore7962

Now us taxes youtube creators outside us, 15 to 25 percent of the income they earn through us And nothing on the youtube side brbrAnother blatant robbery made into law
Comment from : @wake_up_india-z8p

CPA here, If anyone is wondering, how can an average person avoid tax through shell companies - you can register a company in the US and British Virgin Islands After expenses, send the rest of your money from the US to BVI and write it off as expenses in tax returns brYou don't need this anymore, just buy BTC, USDT or USDC and write the purchase off as an expensebrThird way could be to register a trust in the US and send up to 60 percent of your AGI to the trust and get a hundred percent write off Also, spend the donated money through the trust to avoid any tax liabilitybrFourth is buy an apartment with 10 percent down and write the entire amount off through bonus depreciation in one year, repeat every year
Comment from : @RRonnieDSILVA

i would hide my money too if half of it goes away in taxes after years of my life being used on building that wealth
Comment from : @david-vb7vl

One organization in this country that has no issues getting funding is the police, they get more toys than a factory in China, no questions asked
Comment from : @domyank95

Comment from : @tamlamoore7962

Comment from : @tamlamoore7962

This video presumes that Americans believe the US was built on honesty, when the majority know it was built on theft and genocide of the native Americans, slavery and no votes for women See George Carlin - American Bullshit
Comment from : @djpaulcfunkeddub3951

I use it😂😂
Comment from : @Marcycle-nb6yk

Analyze this : It's also well known that corrupt bureaucrats and politicians from third world countries stash their dirty wealth in tax havensbrReminiscent of Delaware, British virgin islands, Dubai, Panama, etc brbrWhat's unclear is what really happens to those money after the death of the corrupt depositer❓ brObviously there is no easy way for his family to retrieve the moneybrSo that black money just gets digested by those secret banksbrbrIt's one of the biggest untold conspiracy brGrace ❗
Comment from : @Nerinav1985

Analyze this : It's also well known that corrupt bureaucrats and politicians from third world countries stash their dirty wealth in tax havensbrReminiscent of Delaware, British virgin islands, Dubai, Panama, etc brbrWhat's unclear is what really happens to those money after the death of the corrupt depositer❓ brObviously there is no easy way for his family to retrieve the moneybrSo that black money just gets digested by those secret banksbrbrIt's one of the biggest untold conspiracy brGrace ❗
Comment from : @Nerinav1985

He put china and Russia leader photo but not put any European and USA leader photo in first 😅😅😅 to tell the audience
Comment from : @heloaxe

Comment from : @tamlamoore7962

Ukraine funds from USA 🇺🇸 is in shell companies owned by Zelensky !
Comment from : @Nora-ei4ph

Ukraine has to If money we geve to thrm
Comment from : @Angela-g1q4q

Six trillion went missing from the Pentagon
Comment from : @Angela-g1q4q

Six trillion went missing from the Pentagon
Comment from : @Angela-g1q4q

It wobt it just get bliwn on politicians and corporations
Comment from : @Angela-g1q4q

If paying taxes was so good for our society why isn't anyone rich or poor donating to the IRS?
Comment from : @eat_ze_bugs

Chitin exoskeleton extraction from shells is essentially needed to take money out
Comment from : @drnandishpurli4074

Taxation is theft …it’s in your fn Constitution
Comment from : @chrave1956

Legal tax avoidance 🧑‍💻🤦🤦🤦
Comment from : @ironboley

Here's a thought; stop stealing half of people's wealth, and maybe they'll actually start paying taxes No government should take more than 10 of anyone's income We learn to scrape by on tight budgets so the people who are supposed to serve us should do the same The IRS and Congress is the sole reason tax evasion happens, and I don't blame evaders one bit The ones hating on them are hating because they didn't have the foresight to do the same
Comment from : @JC-kz3ut

The comment section is just sad We have been brainwashed by capitalism so much!!!!
Comment from : @graced6711

Lol I dont care what’s going on The IRS doesnt need anything more As a matter of fact, federal income tax was supposed to be a temporary thing if memory serves
Comment from : @oldsoul9932

It's interesting that we as a society talk about tax evasion being criminal but we don't talk about taxation without representation being criminal The IRS has it's fingers in the cookie jars of all the countries in the world and basically has it's on court that decides hose guilty or not It's literally the greatest ponzi scheme ever
Comment from : @jerryiverson5363

Building wealth from nothing involves consistent saving, disciplined spending, and strategic investments Begin by creating a budget to track expenses and identify areas for savings Prioritize paying off high-interest debt and establishing an emergency fund As you build a foundation, start investing in low-cost options like index funds, and focus on continuous learning and improving your skills for better income opportunities
Comment from : @edwardabraham

Middle working class is getting killed!! America will fall
Comment from : @lalorespicio

I don't understand how using a sledgehammer to shatter the IRS' kneecaps is a bad thing
Comment from : @1whospeaks

If I were a billionaire I'd hide it from idiots in big government, too Look at what they do with it if they successfully steal it from you
Comment from : @Noallegiance

This video and it's lead speaker ignore the fact that FATCA & CRS were in existence at the time of this reporting and multiple banks in those jurisdictions entered into compliance agreements with the IRS and EU tax authorities to restore their ability to transfer funds internationally it also ignores the fact that most of these countries had enacted economic substance statutes after pressure from the US and EU regarding sanctions against their financial institutions which hobbled a lot of these small island nations and or small nations overall Compliance costs with legal tax avoidance and the GILTI tax regime in the US made many of these tax deferral or tax avoidance regimes useless because of CFC rules Other BEPS actions in regards to withholding taxes further eroded the usefulness of these tools basically bankrupting a lot of these small countries and destroying their leading financial services industries
Comment from : @jeremyleonbarlow

I'm sure the IRS knows exactly what is going on and are part of it as well
Comment from : @ZT-vr4wz

Duh! Why is this news??? Next!
Comment from : @BeautifulOnes876

Tax avoidance is legal
Comment from : @plantlings6353

If I have to pay my taxes, so should the 1!
Comment from : @theskepticalskeptic1351

We would love to pay taxes but sadly all those money is used for corruption and lobbying which doesnt go to building infrastructure
Comment from : @managedownside6913

Lol they "lost" a trillion dollars in 9/11brI literally don't care anymore It's all a facade
Comment from : @Justadudeman22

So Delaware and Nevada allow for tax evasion?
Comment from : @iamthenews5624

I use a fiduciary for that, investing and spreading it across financial commodities while still earning in the best way for me
Comment from : @randy4773

Taxation is theft
Comment from : @carlmichael29

Delaware, Nevada and Wyoming
Comment from : @EngineerDJ_Julius

Lol this is clearly a video promoted by Let’s Go Brandon
Comment from : @lioneye101

Comment from : @mustaphaamhil9356

Bollocks The US can just print more money Taxes are a scam
Comment from : @db-jk8dl

Can people with small amount benefit?
Comment from : @simonkenwothy5933

Advice needed I want confidential chat
Comment from : @simonkenwothy5933

“They starved the IRS of fun so they couldn’t do their jobs!!!”- soy millennialbrObama added hundreds of jobs to those bloodsuckers!brbr“The IRS makes public these secrets” The IRS is literally one of the most secretive organizations unless you’re a government official or have a court order that succeeded against the best paid Harvard lawyers money can buy, against an institution that is notoriously immune to litigation
Comment from : @nobilesnovushomo58

All tax is theft
Comment from : @ChefEarthenware

I must admit that this is a great video but know Crypto-currency trading is very volatile one as such is too risky for beginners without basic knowledge to make good fortune out of it, I suggest you invest with a reputable broker and enjoy your returns
Comment from : @eleanorgarcia6649

Not only Marty Byrde did that but Wonder is Jonah can also do it !!!✨✨
Comment from : @shwindle

I pray to God for the wellbeing and happiness for everyone in the GLOBAL WORLD BASED ON LOVE LIGHT PEACE AND JUSTICE
Comment from : @ravindertalwar553

<<Thank for the Video, I got a lot of ideasbrIn 2016: Working a 9-5 living pay check to pay checkbr2018: Got a $4k loan to start my online businessbr2019: Found a Mentor & had my first $25k monthbr2021 : made my first $500kbrGoal to make $5M net by 2023brMy only secret is not giving up
Comment from : @shenequalacewell692

Wow, il y a beaucoup de pleins de marde dans les commentaires, c'est incroyable
Comment from : @polint3689

I've got nothing against the rich but i dislike subsiding them
Comment from : @rebelsnappingturtle

Guilty must be strictly dealt with
Comment from : @ravindertalwar553

Just exploring the details for the facts
Comment from : @ravindertalwar553

I have nothing against taxes I'm totally okay with paying 5-10 percent in taxes, but paying like half of your income is basically the government stealing money from you legally You work for the government, that's it If they need money for infrastructure and salaries, they can cut the budget for unnecessary military equipment (like nuclears for example) Who wants the war anyway? Taxes are not bad, but paying half of your income in taxes is pointless, stupid and a legal robbery
Comment from : @alexandonov2215

If the government reduces tax know one going to do this in india even for cryptocurrency 30 tax
Comment from : @ShereKhanCats

Great stocks and I just bought in on them, but I'm interested in making short term profit, let say turn a $150K to $500k in 6months, I'd appreciate tips on how what stocks to buy to make this much profit
Comment from : @bartoszdobroslaw9774

Politicians: we don't have the money to afford this! brAlso Politicians:*stores billions that could be used to afford it in an off-shore accounts*
Comment from : @tonytins

How does a place become a tax haven, do they just go “oh let’s just lower our tax rates real quick” what’s the process
Comment from : @megamau923

Get the boys and a blackhawk Let's get this money back
Comment from : @baz5344

Foxnews: TBN: must be nice
Comment from : @jonraborn3396

Heaven: angels, rich people,international finical banking ,vacation ,work,brhousing& employment: demons & devils: place know ad heaven on earth& its havens: airport : vacation time shares on earth
Comment from : @jonraborn3396

May Allah hedge you from any treat and trouble
Comment from : @mudjajatunmudjajatun924

Fact: Bernie Madoff would have been caught and stopped early on if he had used Caymen Island Banks!
Comment from : @johngault2462

There is enough money collected Government spending is too large This is about shifting emotional argument to avoid a serious look at the gross theft government exercises on American tax payers
Comment from : @johngault2462

It’s an old system dating back to the hay days of the empire eg the British empire Usually politicians and the elites (but also criminals and corporations) utilized offshore account to hide their assets and dodge taxes
Comment from : @inigojuancarlos

"Connected to over 200 countries" There are only 195 in the world
Comment from : @geecars6263

0:22 wait bHermione Granger/b was involved???
Comment from : @bagsakyou1271

Comment from : @eseukey20

This looks familiar in October 2021
Comment from : @Forkester

Billionaires the people are Sucks
Comment from : @jhonnyvaldivieso8310

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