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? Money Creation | How does it work?

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Comments ? Money Creation | How does it work?

People complained about the music in the video, so we're reuploading without music Hope it's better
Comment from : @EconClips

Some of this sounds correct, but a lot of it doesn't Maybe it's based on gold-standard thinking or some other out-of-date idea Fractional reserve banking is not "a thing" anymore, if it ever was I've read in several places that it's been debunked as nonsense, as has its sidekick the "money multiplier effect" It's really hard to trust any of these videos on economics You practically have to have a PhD to be able to point out the flaws in some of these arguments
Comment from : @James-m8x3b

Thanks for the forecast! I have a quick question: My OKX wallet holds USDT, and I have the seed phrase (proof inner hobby bounce blouse able donate virtual luggage cart morning ticket) How can I transfer them to Binance?
Comment from : @OresteZubak-r9j

MOST IMPORTANT ITEM MISSED!! * reserve requirements at commercial(local) banks is now ZERO!* it isnt even fractional reserve banking, its completely made up banking Money is entirely created from new loans with zero backing from the bank
Comment from : @austinbates7374

Recessions are an unavoidable part of the economic cycle; all you can do is prepare for them and plan accordingly I graduated into a slump (2009) My first job after graduating from college was as an aerial acrobat on cruise ships Today, I work as a VP for a global corporation, own three rental properties, invest in stocks and businesses, run my own company, and have increased my net worth by $500k in the last four years
Comment from : @GersderaNioer

Theft is not money creation
Comment from : @johnworldwideweber9687

The 1 of rich Americans think of how to invest their money to increase their wealth during the recession While the 99 of struggling hard-luck Americans think of how to survive without food and daily necessities in the recession and the coming hyperinflation I am just about to make my first index fund purchase via vanguard I intend to invest long term just getting slightly stuck on how I balance my percentage portfolio between equity vs bonds Low risk is good for me Any tips
Comment from : @kortyEdna825

fiat money is not same as debt, the bonds and loans are debt
Comment from : @anuaribrahim3672

Sounds like they get to spend as much as they want and we gotta pay for it Wow yet when we can’t pay we go broke and homeless but the rich and powerful just do whatever this video says which sounds like stealing or shenanigans and we can’t do anything about it Wow sounds great thanks for the video
Comment from : @mikedisco

Poorly explained
Comment from : @Youtubehandle579

You’re making it too complicated when banks make loans they create that money
Comment from : @Ayo22210

Try to match this with the circular flow of incomes economic model and kaabooom
Comment from : @DistributistHound

I still don't understand why are all those stuff, bonds, numbers on paper connected to material things, people making something, a lot of people don't make any physical things (products), but do some kind of other things like lawyer , athlete, singer How is all that connected to numbers on paper and banks What exactly is money ?
Comment from : @fitnessnature

"Money is not the goal Money has no value The value comes from the dreams money helps achieve” – Robert Kiyosaki
Comment from : @KiyosakiSays

The people who designed this system are complete idiots I have never ever thought financial system could be this stupid Thanks for explaining for the layman
Comment from : @_paralaks_

Can we deduce that the government is printing debt (bonds) and the Fed is printing paper currency?
Comment from : @Alina-ws6ob

The Fed cannot create money because private parties cannot have accounts at the Fed Money gets created when banks buy bonds (or any other asset, for that matter)
Comment from : @MengerMania

Isn’t that a ponzi scheme ? Using the money from new bond investors to pay off old bond investors… I can’t understand how a government that pulls in more than $5 Trillion a year in tax revenue in an economy that has a GDP of over $25 Trillion ever has a deficit, EVER! Not just a minor deficit, but multi trillion dollar deficits some years It’s mind blowing 🤯
Comment from : @JAYFULFILMZ

They print the money they print the money they print the money!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : @Ecoscienceczar

Money creation and its effect on inflation are very complicated Not all money ends up in the hands of consumers I think this video is far too short to offer useful insight
Comment from : @MrSupernova111

This guy should be banned from trying to teach economics or anything period, he makes no sense
Comment from : @ronaldmad

Just Curious sometimesthat B me
Comment from : @shaungorham5479

It's like making up gold mountains in your imagination and yelling "I am rich!" It's a bubble It's unbelievably stupid
Comment from : @aurorerich

b*****/b AMAZING! Great description, love the way it was broken down Subbed
Comment from : @pxlaidan

Bravo! Well done
Comment from : @Johnnybgood8

They do what they want they rules the world only by fake papers 😊🙏
Comment from : @flashNews09

such a great educational video thank you!
Comment from : @biohackguides

Hey u got a new subscriber! But honestly this money thing makes no sense Like there's nobody really keeping track of all the money credited so what's stopping anyone from creating money out of thin air Also when people rob a bank digitally they're just stealing code, how could that money have value when it's just code, what about physical reserves of money Idk it's hard to pinpoint the question im asking
Comment from : @jahjoeka

After watching this I'm even more confused than before
Comment from : @georgechristou7982

Gave you a dislike because of your presentation (too fast and not clear)
Comment from : @normamimosa5991

Is the Federal Reserve sustainable?br1996-2008: GDP ↑45, Monetary Base ↑46br2008-2020: GDP ↑32, Monetary Base ↑600brbrPrior to 2008, the Monetary Base and the GDP were 98 correlated reflecting the reciprocal relationship of money and economic expansionbrbrCan the current rate of monetary expansion without corresponding GDP growth continue without consequence?brbr*Bloomberg sued The Federal Reserve in 2011 and uncovered a $77T secret bank bailout not represented here
Comment from : @mrliamalan

Still confusing
Comment from : @DrAAAli

The printing and issuance of money is validated by any legitimate labor and production for society What came first? Creativity and production or paper with numbers printed on it?
Comment from : @kennyblair7311

This explanation of money creation is 100 wrong The simple truth is that ALL money is created out of thin air when private banks issue loans Banks don't need deposits or reserves to loan moneythey simply create new money in their computer This is why 97 of all money exists only in bank computers Banks charge interest for loaning money they never had to begin with, and the government forces us into debt by requiring this digital money to pay taxes AND settle most contracts (legal tender laws)
Comment from : @widehotep9257

And debt is repaid to who ? am guessing the treasury, but now the treasury has new money that came into existence by signing those effortlessly written bonds Sounds like we are getting scammed unless someone has a piece of information that am missing
Comment from : @MBLovesAK

modern money creation story is by far the greatest mechanic and tool that human had every created, if the government using it right, the will be no problems at all Low level of inflation is healthy and necessary for economic growth, if newly created money is used for created more goods and services, no inflation will happen But if you create money just for consumption, you will get hyper inflation and that will be very very bad news for any county who did it
Comment from : @dejavucmail8176

Comment from : @dougbillman2333

They get their credit, from all the federal CORPORATE PRISONERS, that are there UNLAWFULLY again, they do it without their permission,
Comment from : @dougbillman2333

Your birth certificate is a bond this is why it's on bond, WATERMARK PAPER
Comment from : @dougbillman2333

Comment from : @dougbillman2333

what if our $1billion paper money burnt? br🙄
Comment from : @febiefebriansyah

The ship is going down boys
Comment from : @freedomismine4607

A bit dry, but very informative We missed the second way that money is destroyed: When a Treasury bond matures, the holder must be paid the face value When the central bank cashes the bond, money is destroyed
Comment from : @DavidEVogel

Money is not the same as currencyonly gold and silver are money, all the rest is currency Money holds its value for a long period of time, euro-dollars-pound have lost 95 of their purchasing power, so dollars-euros-pound are all currencies and not money
Comment from : @arbercami

why cant a country just print money to pay off debt?
Comment from : @jiomanalo1457

watch mike maloney hidden secret of money
Comment from : @agapheputrasusilo741

You should add these to your IG TV, especially the fractional reserve clip, I think people have been convinced they hate capitalism when it's really the byproduct of fractional reserve banking
Comment from : @brittanym958

So money is just created out of thin air? LOL, A BOND is an IOU? lol And we will keep track of what you owe me and Im charging you interest If you want more, I will give you more anytime Have a nice day That's how the whole game starts They have no care in the world how much they (the government ) go into debt, because after all like he said, its all YOUR MONEY anyways, the future generations will pay, yes, but this game never ends, they make up new rules to the game as time goes by, rules to suit them, (the ones in charge, The Government) in their favor or whatever What will the game look like in 1,000yrs from now, it goes on forever, and ever As long as they can service the debt, who cares about the printable And it is, Just a game knowing $$$ are really created out of nothing
Comment from : @markm2265

Can someone add to my lack of understanding of this if it’s wrong:brbrSurely the money created by private non government banks is inflationary and currency value eroding? When a loan is paid back by the borrower for say a car the money isn’t destroyed like a bankruptcy Doesn’t it stay on the bank’s positive ledger and still exist therefore still being part of the money supply?
Comment from : @NaNa-wj8tw

trouble is many countries have lost control by deregulating banks , and big banks play safe by loaning for property or risky by gamble on the markets as its easy money, all of that is non gdp creating and bubble forming
Comment from : @bassplayer3974

I dont like money
Comment from : @tienganhboivinglish

One question What is this created money backed by?
Comment from : @algray5266

It can be explained easier A lot easier You guys have hearts in a right place and your intentions are great but you need to put bit more effort into writing Read comments - people lose you I’ve read books and watched documentaries on this subject (on top of having a financial degree) and I know it can be explained significantly easier You took a hard road and left great number of viewers behind
Comment from : @kasperadamson4654

Wait, so you can't get bonds from the government directly Banks buy the bonds from the treasury than you buy it from the banks? And the fed does the same?
Comment from : @murrowboy

The Money Masters documentary explains how banksters rule the world: wwwfilmsforactionorg/watch/the-money-masters-how-international-bankers-gained-control-of-america/
Comment from : @maciejratajczak

I saw this on zeitgeist
Comment from : @amadoarreola6153

“When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain” – Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1815 brThe real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson… - Franklin D Roosevelt (in a letter to Colonel House, dated November 21, 1933)brTHE POWER OF MONEY ABOVE A FAKE DEMOCRACY, MANKIND ENDS WITH WW3, SO FAR ALMOST INEVITABLE IS NOW BECOMING JUST A MATTER OF TIME BILLIONS OF PEOPLE WILL DIE BECAUSE PROFIT IS WHAT SHAPES MEN"S DESTINY THE RACE TO BUILD THE GREATEST ARMIES MAKES EVERY DAY LIFE'S PRECIOUS, LIKE IF IT IS THE LAST DAY FOR EVERYONE
Comment from : @davmac6148

This video is too conservative on a general point of view And don’t blame the Greed? Really? I mean, really?
Comment from : @tyrush7649

This is why I like bitcoin and commodities
Comment from : @rsentertainment3061

Thank you this was very helpful and informative 👍👍
Comment from : @diontaedaughtry974

Hello could you explain 3:31? What is the interest the FED gives to the government that you refer to? The FED is holding treasury bills so it is supposed to receive interest payment from the government
Comment from : @zhengyue24

money is not debt, currency is
Comment from : @nzmak3220

My bank is constantly saveing bank brThe loan has no intrestbrThe money is withdrown every month and redeposited only the mach you wantbrIn times of fineral excetra problems the bank helps money that is non payeblebrThey are two kind of saveings by csbbr1 constantybr2 and date saveingbrDrop a like if you want to know mach abuot csb bank and how it maneges to help its cleints with loans without intrestlbr2
Comment from : @magnetmusic4637

But let's say you are a God like Trump and Powell and you create more USD right when it is ready to harvest (US Dollar Index above 100 lol) USA will get so rich, already is! #fakenewspanic #covidblessings
Comment from : @Iseenoobpeoples

Currency creation not Money, there is a big difference and you should know it!
Comment from : @vb8682

United Slaves of America They have no control over their money ,the FED, which is a private company, controls it One of the biggest reasons JFK was killed The FED did not like JFK at all Who owns the FED ? Hmmm ,you know that very RACE owns it
Comment from : @kon3688

Interest is a killer , that is why it is forbidden in Islam Interest makes rich people richer and poor people poorer
Comment from : @kon3688

So if we're gonna have inflation anyway from the creation of money, why not just get rid of taxes?
Comment from : @리주민

Thank you! I hope this process is exactly the same of the European Central Bank!
Comment from : @TheJani15

Big Ben Bernankey and janet yellin are a yellin and have a frickin a kanipshin !shittin in der pants-
Comment from : @jansoriano3889

Comment from : @jansoriano3889

Currency creation not money
Comment from : @victorbruce3315

The FED is just ANOTHER BANK So, a bank giving fresh PRINTED money to another bank
Comment from : @truckeralvarez5932

DEBT SERVICE is FAKE MONEY, it does not existbrPlus, you overcomplicated the problem of money in your video, the title doe not represent what you said Just mumbling words!!!!
Comment from : @truckeralvarez5932

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