Title | : | Stop having your employer take federal taxes out of your check |
Lasting | : | 6.47 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 142 rb |
foia immigration and naturalization and ask if they have records of you being a US Citizenyou will be surprised Comment from : @johnorlando2439 |
using the zip code? got a marriage "license"? registered voter? yeahh you gotta pay study study study Comment from : @johnorlando2439 |
Puts in 40 hours expecting to make $200 out of shitty little arcade business checks my check looks down it’s only 60 bucks! 😅 fuck the government Comment from : @mushu3765 |
Stopped filing in 1979 Realized that they do not need my money as they print up all they wantbrI recommend that you buy a softbound copy of Title 26 US Code Read it until you understand it They are waging war by deception Labor is not taxed at all by the code Comment from : @claudepotts784 |
I did exception this 2024 Because irs no good for taxes And not get refund Nothing individually Comment from : @charlespoznanski1318 |
The house is working out for you Comment from : @JohnnyB64 |
definitely fine with money to israel Comment from : @EncasedinMjolnir |
What about getting audited by IRS? Isn’t this tax fraud ? Comment from : @JohnnyHurbonConnections |
I claim 5 and it does the same Comment from : @veganalignment308 |
Another thing people don’t realize is that federal income tax is voluntary and the only ones that pay taxes is employees of the federal government , contractor and people that work in Washington DC because that isn’t a state Comment from : @Kirk-m6q |
This is very bad advice I did it and the IRS sent a 3 year lock letter to my employer to take out at the highest amount of single no deductions Now im screwed and there is no recourse Comment from : @dogegamer3288 |
I agree with most of what was said in this video, but kind of p*sses me off when people conflate tax breaks and tax subsidies Comment from : @bdonovable |
What is going to happen to this guy eventually is that the IRS will put leans on his property and they can garnish 100 of his pay check in order to for them to collect back taxes, penalties, and interest Comment from : @MrZipper42 |
Are you in jail I'm asking in 12/2024 Comment from : @GranDio311 |
Time to stand up to the swamp people Comment from : @T-W-N88 |
They would fail miserably! We would go to jail Comment from : @T-W-N88 |
Hey good morning is that so i never did that before Comment from : @humbleguy24th |
Also remember you barter your time,labor when you sign up for employmentNotice all jobs consider work as voluntary act of serviceNothing in the agreement states we are in servitude to the employer who does not work for the state or governmentSo to actually pay a profit tax(income) is indeed unconstitutionalIn fact the immanciputation proclamation by Abraham Lincoln ensured this in the 1860s10 years after the emancipation Congress deemed all citizens of the several states as slaves or servants of the federal governmentAnd this created alot of conflict with the federal income tax with state governments because that tax had no clear definition of purpose:Direct or indirect taxSuch invasion of resources an income tax would result in as seen todayThe actually idea behind a tax would be the impoverishment of our citizenry that many would owe a debt that could not be payed offIn it's simplist form: Slavery Comment from : @robertslattery9771 |
Thank me later lol Comment from : @sevenRyeh |
If you go this path, make sure you own nothing Comment from : @VGP5123 |
Havent filed in 30 years and never will again😊❤ Comment from : @mikecypret1045 |
80million people each year don't file income tax forms😊❤ And growing😊❤ Comment from : @mikecypret1045 |
Is this legal? Is the government going to come after you? I am done paying taxes to the government and not being able to buy a house Comment from : @Katherine69069 |
They took 2 from the new w4 one must now claim exempt Comment from : @techbit7607 |
I have no children tho Comment from : @eternalnjem |
This would mess up chances for social security later? Comment from : @mileshamblen9982 |
you are wacked Comment from : @tonyroma7599 |
IRS rules is that your obligated to be within 90 of your tax rate or penalty awaits you, this guy doesn't know what hes talking about! Comment from : @luisbento7145 |
The fact that the info still is relevant Comment from : @knifeboygamer1200 |
So all of Step 3 Claim Dependent I should put 10 ? Comment from : @Iamhakeemomari |
Employment is taxes bc it is deemed (by law) that an individual “sells” his labor in return for money which would make that individual’s compensation fall under the definition of wagesbrbrThere are ways around this but YouTube is not the place to speak on it Just go look into tax exempt entities/structures Or better yet look at certain big businesses You can pull these public entities tax filings legally Comment from : @tucups1809 |
i understand the arguement, but the reality is they will lock you up lol especially black people i get it it's a scare tactics & all honestly nobody should be paying taxespeople were brainwashed into paying taxes same as voted for democrats & republicans Comment from : @britton1076 |
Sad Comment from : @jordangenson3037 |
The problem with that is not everyone is going to stop paying I agree with you but you know as well as i do just telling them why is not going to deter them from coming after you even though there is no law that says you have to pay Comment from : @clarence4735 |
Did you know that federal income taxes are a voluntary tax according to our constitution If you don’t live in Washington DC than you are not required to pay It’s all a scam that has been going on since 1913 when the government asked for a voluntary tax to fund the First World War Look it up! Comment from : @Stacy-tb5ou |
File a 1099C on your employer since they haven't been informed like us that we're the creditors not our military I'd also send in a revocation of election Comment from : @romeg4534 |
2024 the new tax form you have to use $500 per person over 18 and )2500 per child under 18 how do I make to were I can change it so they don’t get are any money out of 1 of my pay checks???? Comment from : @remer6368 |
Ucc 1 helps, has a section that is a affidavit of non corporate existence They can only tax legal fictions and corporations Comment from : @marcusEl106 |
Did the irs ever come after you yet ?? Comment from : @donlankford4315 |
They’ve since removed withholding allowances Whatever loophole you’ll find, they will patch over it Comment from : @ThePinkFloydFanatic |
Fuck the IRS smh They use us the people to do what they want regardless of what the People want who pay for all of there robin hood theveing bs Comment from : @Vemp6 |
I'm going except because they are spending our taxes wrong So I'm going except for the first time Comment from : @MelloThatDude |
Israel- I dont want 1 penny of my taxes going to Israel!! Comment from : @soggyfries4347 |
Would it just be better to claim exempt or the 10 dependents now in 2024? Many thanks 🤙🫡 Comment from : @HorrorOriginal |
Wait but at the end of the year you will pay what you didn't through the year Comment from : @lindadurbin9067 |
You say at the end of your video, when the IRS calls you about not paying taxes what do you say to them that they understand why you did that Comment from : @paulkelley4011 |
I appreciate the existence of tax breaks but navigating loopholes feels dangerous How can I ensure I'm taking advantage of tax-advantaged investment structures without potentially encountering unintended consequences? Comment from : @barttfisher |
So how do you avoid paying later? I wouldn't be able to afford too People can go to prison for tax evasion Comment from : @TheN8doggnw |
Your employer is a designated tax collection entity You can send them a w4-t and terminate that status, they will no longer take any taxes out and you will be solely responsuble for all taxes at the end of the year If you dont want to volunteer to pay taxes at all research how to revoke your election to be treated as a US citizen for tax purposes and stop sending them gifts Read the code with a perspective that US citizens are those people who work for the corporate(private club) government Comment from : @spencerhansen8374 |
question for you sir I just became aware of this situation I work as a 1099 Security officer in Northern Indiana i get weekly paper checks and no state or federal taxes are taken out Its a strait 18 bucks an hour No time and a half after 40 hours with no benefits I didn't file this year What should i do now? Comment from : @ThomasHeckman-b6u |
With the new tax form how do you change them to get no federal tax taken out? Now there's no boxes for how many allowances to put on Comment from : @MA-lm1ql |
Do u mind explaining the credible basis for not paying? Thats kinda the most important part Comment from : @Mrconserv |
what if self employed? Comment from : @loscoglass |
The state didn’t remove any taxes from any paycheck on 9 months that I worked for my ex employer, just found out trying to do my taxes, anyone with the knowledge that knows what should I do? Comment from : @omarmontejomacias4102 |
If you really think about it, these people make their own money to give to us So why are we giving them back money as if they need it? They can make it anytime they want!!! It’s an illusion of helping the government, and keeping us enslaved Comment from : @LastminuteLucy7 |
I just started doing this Comment from : @dillydilly9627 |
You get disability checks, too, right? If so, it seems like you're taking less of a risk than someone w only one source of income Mostly people watching this Also, what about penalties and interest? Won't they consider this fraud? Comment from : @snorgisborg2 |
5:26 Oh yes this is hilarious 😂😂😂 Comment from : @banginzaza |
Bro 110K plus views Imagine 80 of people here exempting 😂😂😂 Comment from : @banginzaza |
Do you own a house? Comment from : @natespics8276 |
Bro gon get me locked up Comment from : @puffeewhite716 |
now on top of all that, it's worse in 2024, they are with more government wasteful spending on illegal aliens bussed into the country and bypassing their normal laws of documentation process for foreigners' to become citizens, there's always the national debt which never gets cared about and so why should they care about my taxmoney to owe back income taxes which l had always put zero so the criminal extortioner extortionists could come and grab and steal as much of my money they want to rob me of they can just put usury interest and late fees and fines as high as they want, picking any figure out of thin air like they print fiat paper greenbacks it's like just going up to someone and either asking or demanding they give you their money and they have to and them being obligated to give up their money the whole jekyl island thing was started from criminals in the beginning but money is the root of all evil, it can buy our elected officials off and congress, etc Comment from : @youme4995 |
Interesting how this was done during the good old days More relevant now in 2024 than ever before Comment from : @davidsomerville7868 |
2k a year in fed taxes? Try more like 6-8k Yeah im absolutely done especially with how things are going today Something has to change and idc anymore if I become the martyr Comment from : @shadeaquaticbreeder2914 |
The truth is that might work for a few years, but at some point the IRS is going to to garnish your wages! Comment from : @CousinEddy1969 |
Holy crap I thought I liked playing with fire Just because the government sucks doesn't mean you don't have to pay Comment from : @smedspets695 |
This isn't true, our tax dollars don't get used for anything at all They only cover the interest on the federal debt and that's it brSchools are funded by local taxes, highways are funded by gas taxes Our income tax only serves one purpose, to keep us poor It doesn't actually finance anything at all Comment from : @jims3987 |
I just did this I’m a waitress and the bastards take out $40 out of my measly check every week Well not no more! They can’t do their job so they don’t get paid Comment from : @GermanShepherdDaphne |
Imagine this: brbrIf you don't generate an income, you pay no taxbrbrIf you generate an income, you get taxedbrbrBut, what exactly is "an income"?brbrMoney you are paid for work provided This could be supplying goods, or services brbrIf you are paid a "fair and equivalent wage for the work/goods/services provided", that would qualify as an equal exchange of goods and/or services brbrSo, being paid a "fair and equivalent wage" means you were paid exactly how much you provided for the payer No profit was earned, as it was an equivalent exchange The payer "received" your services, and you "received" payment in exchangebrbrNow, the government wants a cut of that "fair and equivalent exchange" meaning: you have to give them a cut as tax, reducing the actual pay out for your workbrbrThat means, YOU LOSE It WAS NOT a fair exchange in the end!brbrNow, if the government taking taxes is considered income generated for the government, does that not mean they should be taxed? Comment from : @sidestreamperspective8635 |
These suggestions are no longer relevant since the W-4 changed They removed that exemptions option Comment from : @darlenesroom1989 |
remember claim exempt all year and also dont fuckin file a 1040 ever again i cant stress this part enough so i will type it in caps IF YOU FILE EXEMPT ALL YEAR DO NOT FILE A TAX RETURN EVER AGAIN THERE IS NOW REASON TO YOU PUT NOTHING IN AND THEY OWE YOU NOTHING YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED DONT GET GREEDY Comment from : @rudycorona6964 |
5 years later absolutely nothing has changed about this country Comment from : @YoungOneYT |
I’m a single Father & can’t afford to go to jail, does this mean I still file at the end of the year & how do I avoid jail??? Now this being 4 years since this video was out & we are giving billions to Ukraine, Iran and still Israel of course, for what?! For them to spit at Christians on the streets of Jerusalem Comment from : @aKingInGodsKindom |
Brother can we get an update on your status Comment from : @Big_daddy_1170 |
All fun and games until you get indicted for tax evasion Also the real crime is you only even see half the money your employer pays to pay you, after all the taxes and fees that they have to pay just to pay you and the worst of it all is it’s not shown on the W forms so unless you’ve had to pay people you never even would know the government took the money Comment from : @ashelix1 |
It’s my money and I need it now! Comment from : @bryanleon7396 |
No way doing that is legal 😂 Comment from : @animefreak3010 |
Fucking legend man 11B out Comment from : @justme11B |
Thanks brother, glad I found this Comment from : @justme11B |
how do i opt out of social security and medicare Comment from : @BlueCollarBred1488 |
Does that work for W2? Comment from : @May-May-Sue |
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