Title | : | Is it illegal for a business to refuse cash as payment? |
Lasting | : | 7.44 |
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Thanks for the insights! Just a quick question: I have a safepal wallet with USDT, and I have the 12word phrase: ( proof inner hobby bounce blouse able donate virtual luggage cart morning ticket ) How can I send it to Binance? Comment from : @aydimHovey-z3s |
You are an attorney, you believe a web site? I am not convinced Comment from : @maxwellstreetpolish |
Different types of businesses keep different amounts of change available for transactions If you pay with an exceptionally large bill you met be interfering with their ability to continue to do business Also there are some very convincing forgeries in circulation, trading a large denomination for a lot of smaller bills is one reason retailers refuse large bills Comment from : @RogerEhinger-tg1hv |
Why would you sit and physically count all those bills when there are machines that can count it for youbrI’ve always convinced myself they,”If it’s called (US currency) than it’s called money”brAlthough the amount of funds that are more and more fake, it’s easier for companies to deny rather than except it on a chance or be to lazy to test the money at sight of purchase At this point, the fakes have water marks as well Sooooo there’s that Comment from : @captaindj9790 |
BS 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮STOP THIS CRAP! Comment from : @susanlong8978 |
It's illegal!! Don't try to promote lies!! Comment from : @susanlong8978 |
It is illegal P e r I o d Don't comply!😮 Comment from : @susanlong8978 |
Merchants prefer credit/debit card purchases because they don’t trust their own employees not to steal the cash Comment from : @editorcj |
How can any Retail store in the US, Deny US Legal Tender? It should be mandatory regardless! There is always a possibility of a retaliatory situation but What If an adult gives their children or grand children cash for birthday's they certainly would not have a plastic cardsomething I always loved when I was a child If a store does not not except legal tender than I would not purchase from those places I do Not want a cashless society period! Comment from : @kerwn-lh5zf |
so what's the point of the statement "this note is legal tender"? because afaik, even the federal government is not legally obligated to accept cash as a form of payment Comment from : @joegame4576 |
I think buying things from a store should be able to deny cash because the item isn't yours yet But if you go to a restaurant or get your roof redone they shouldn't be able to spring it on you that they don't accept cash after you already ate or after the work is done Comment from : @MrMacdaddymcfly |
We see how well it's going for Asheville, NC now after Helene They can't get anything without cash imagine a complete cashless society and this happens we'd all be screwed Cashless is a bad idea Comment from : @twintiersfilmfest1366 |
Bills of exchange & bill of rights ? Comment from : @terrymullins3292 |
They want a cashless society for one main reason…when it’s digital, it’s there rules You know…the criminals who want control Comment from : @youcanthandlethetruth6007 |
In a cashless society you can expect a tsunami of waiters/cocktails/valets/strippers/skyhops/bartenders all quitting and coming after YOUR job Get ready America lots of competition coming for you Comment from : @prakdescott8667 |
Why couldn’t the store cashier take the $100 bill and pay for the items with there card! I really can’t see that person being arrested and charged for leaving the exact $ This country is heading in the wrong direction Comment from : @scottEMFconsulting |
You leave the exact money on the counter, tell them you are NOT refusing to pay and you are giving them legal tender and walk away Record it The end Comment from : @monaonassis6346 |
What if the sky was red and not blue? Let's ponder that lol Comment from : @nativingles9975 |
Now at this high time with fraud, I do not want to give my banking information to just anyone Comment from : @MollyT-zk4ch |
Why did the secert service charge people with counterfeiting when they were trading with other forms of currency This happened doing the Obama administration Comment from : @Clearvision2030 |
I want OUR COUNTRY BACK!! new tech is helpful but old ways bring equal results and should not be against the law If a young smart kid has a lemonade stand brand can make a profit by charging 50 cents per cup but the bank refuses his coin currency How will he/she do business This infringes on EVERYTHING FLEAMARKETS is a good example We need back our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS AND VALUES THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON BACK NOW! Comment from : @tracyoneal5030 |
Because Federal Reserve Notes are from a PRIVATE foreign bank called the Federal Reserve They are not "US Dollars" they are bank notes Comment from : @wellsaidprince |
Makes zero sense Comment from : @denvergojoe |
This is crazy, looks like logic is leaving this world Comment from : @FluffySylveonBoi |
This guy is a complete piece of crap spreading misinformation The federal reserve has no ability to make law Comment from : @Fluffi_Bunni |
wwwcongressgov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4395/text Comment from : @Fluffi_Bunni |
The laws need to be changed, make it criminal for a business to ban you or refuse service, no longer allow banks to de-bank you either, make it criminal for banks to charge sur-charges on card transactions, and cripple businesses and customers with fees Business must accept cash Comment from : @bjtaudio |
I feel like the federal ruling on the matter, is used rather loosley brbrLets play hypotheticals lolbrMan has car finanicng debt to a private business He makes monthly payments in cash for several months now & there was no discussion nor paperwork regarding acceptable forms of payment brbrSeveral months later, the man personaly gets into a disagreement with the private businesses owner Suddenly, the bussiness informs the man they will no longer accept (x) forms of payments and refuse his cash brbrWhat will the legal outcome most likely be? Lets so, he refuse to pay with a debit/credit card because he doesnt trust the economic reliability of banks (which is well within his rights) and in a matter of months, he is past due The business reports his delequant account to the credit bureaus and a claim is file against himv Comment from : @darrelldawson4041 |
Sea world, the theatre, and six flags all refuse cash MY LEGAL TENDER 🤣 Comment from : @bigrafe |
You cant get arrested for making an attempt to pay a dept with legal tender 🙄 Comment from : @D_Splitt |
I dont agree with this lawyer, a business doesnt get to decided what legal tender or cash to use , its not the same as discriminating etc Comment from : @D_Splitt |
You could use a cash counting machine but I get your point Comment from : @thousandaireradio3199 |
Never stop cash Comment from : @garylyons3036 |
I believe all businesses that are for the public must take the most basic form of currency witch is cash and the most fundamental witch is the mineral that backs the cash that we coin The coins are suppose to be more valuable than the cash the cash is a receipt for the coin/mineral, And yet the person that pays with coins is look at as poor I think it should mandatory for them to take any and all denominations to fulfill the debt what they can get away with is asking for the exact amount so they might not have change for a hundred but they must accept hundred if the debt is a that amount If the debt is a million and I get paid in singles and I pray I debt in singles I don't think they should reject it, it is still payment in full he's going to have to sit there for 89 days to count it right and he might have to double that is he really wants to make sure, but I paid!!! Comment from : @thefinness7849 |
I went to 711 I wasn't "allowed" to pay $046 in pennies Fu€ing bull$hit!! Comment from : @robertcooney1938 |
The money states it must be accepted so that is the law I don't care what corrupt politicians and corrupt lawmakers say it's printed on the bill, it's legal tender for all debts public or private! it's a contract it must be accepted by law Period! Comment from : @nightfusion |
All businesses should charge consumers 5 to use credit cards, restaurants are starting to do this This way cash becomes king Comment from : @tonyalmeida1746 |
Omg this 7 minute video can be a short if you get to the fucking point Comment from : @EnchantedMagna |
Greetings: Repeal the Real ID Act! It has created many of these problems Some say it, partly Was created 2 separate (discriminate) the lower class from upper level Comment from : @Dark_Knight_USA |
Greetings Mr Schwartz and others Q- A business state they accept cash as well as other forms of payment Partron now engages commerce with said business (rental facility) A few years later said business refuses cash and demand the "other forms of payment" FYI: Said patron has no and cannot get a card Patron uses money order (added expenses of cost and postage ( the office was closed) A few years later said business refuses money order and demands card by phone Technically not descrimination However these added restrictions and demands are focused on 1 individual, said patron and not the other tenants Options besides moving? Comment from : @Dark_Knight_USA |
Should be mandatory nationally to accept cash PERIOD Comment from : @TroutWest |
It’s a prime example of Supply-side philosophy run amok Comment from : @scottgrohs5940 |
I think for sure a physical store would have to take cash for anything you can pick up, as they may temporarily loan it to you under an agreement that you will satisfy the debt to them or not leave the store with it and have it returned That's how I've always felt the implied contract is when you go to a store, but from what I can find, there's no federal litigation on it, but states have come up with something similar Comment from : @LatinaGaming88 |
Federal Reserve notes are not United States notes which were backed by gold and silver Comment from : @mansamusa4652 |
I just went to a coffee shop and told they won't accept cash, I canceled and left They are pushing venmo and other form of cards and the new generation are exited about this new system, not realizing what will happen to their future The big companies will charge them eventually a fee for those cards when people have no other choices And yes government wants to track the cash Tips will be a lot less for people who lives on tips There will be less workers in service industry , look how short we are now wait till cash will be gone For now I will not shop at any store who won't accept cash If we all do that they will stop that Do it for your future cause the people on the top are not worried about yours Comment from : @TandA-f5o |
Do not want cash don’t get my business Comment from : @d99nightwing |
If there is a municipal law in Philly, how does Lincoln Financial Field and Citizens Bank Park get away with refusing cash? Comment from : @hdmf |
Many "laws" are unconstitutional Comment from : @Squirt69 |
It's definitely unconstitutional Comment from : @Squirt69 |
HR 4395 Comment from : @danielburgess1769 |
in canada cash for purchase can be refused ,cash for debt cannot to the limit of denomination regulations Comment from : @daveanderson2569 |
You can just use a cash counting machine… Comment from : @miniruck |
With no warning, no notice, etc,,, my trash company has recently started refusing cash I have spoke with them about it and they said the reason is, "it's the way the world is going" I told them I dont pay in any other than cash They are now refusing cash payment and have not picked their can They keep billing me for services and refuse to take payment What do I do? Comment from : @sonder2164 |
That was a discriminating against a lower-income people prefer to use cash what are you saying that they can't have a debit card order credit card? What is a f*b***/b matter whether they're lower-income or you know as you would think upper income? I'm your income I'm worth millions and I use cash all the time I hate 3,4,5, dollar charges on my cards Comment from : @JoseRodriguez-mi8up |
If they refuse cash, I'll be laughing when they lose all their customers Comment from : @joshgould3498 |
My question is, if I don't have a credit card and the store only takes e currency or cards That happened to me at a coffee shop Comment from : @Keepswimming123 |
Ro xount a million dollars you can use a money counter like banks use Comment from : @Keepswimming123 |
Living Shores Aquarium in Glen NH will not take cash either… bit upsetting… Comment from : @mimsley5 |
I live in a mixed-income neighborhood Some of the businesses in the area do not accept cash This is done to prevent "those people"from shopping there Comment from : @rustmonster1e |
4:40 money counter machine Comment from : @MrTurkeybags |
My wife took my kid to the movies today and they wouldn't accept my kids cash! Wtf???! Comment from : @deltaXna |
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