Title | : | The Case Against Education: Government Spending $1 Trillion a Year on Schooling Is a Waste of Money |
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Formal education is more conformist morons Comment from : @Mr-Kind-au |
My goodness, I am so glad he was not my professor! So obnoxious! Comment from : @barbaragibbons |
Why waste money on students that will never or refuse to learn when they don't want to learn? It would be better if they came up with the decision themselves to learn rather than be forced to learn outside of an environment they are used to Comment from : @Srindal4657 |
What is a country (your own view not from books)this correct question was Comment from : @khairulnaeim756 |
If they say FATsay again which partass or today American have other types of fat fat because food fat because they put steroid on some parts of their body normal woman was her ass Comment from : @khairulnaeim756 |
Talking about American group of society, they had one group community that sometimes son or daughter already adult still stay with parents but I like this communityis good 👍😊 but some of your people do not like it wonder why yeah they say with bad words Comment from : @khairulnaeim756 |
Can you explain, American they say sometimes top colleges and universities when they work not same as they expect to beyou why Comment from : @khairulnaeim756 |
You must understand this people just CEO maybe they just take a name they don't do Comment from : @khairulnaeim756 |
You know why this thingup about history because your people say we should learn from historyodd what do they learn at school topic about COVID-19 thing Comment from : @khairulnaeim756 |
One question do you know how to read history books, history books cannot be learn by using high marks,is good because is your system but they learn nothing, history must be read page by page and each page must be explain why how and so onthat how you learn history just opinion Comment from : @khairulnaeim756 |
Training people for jobs was a good idea when jobs remained the same for generations Caplan is apparently unaware the job market has changed, and is changing rapidly Training people for jobs nowadays is a recipe for long term unemployment Comment from : @throckmortensnivel2850 |
Quit UNC-CH halfway through fall semester of my senior year: never regretted it What i regret is having used my gi bill for that instead of an electricians license Comment from : @dabeagleigl |
@9:25 The conformity you learn in school signals that you are willing to relinquish control of your time and effort (life) in exchange for some extrinsic reward It isn't so much about our willingness to submit to social norms, it is about our willingness to submit to being controlled Comment from : @simplify-invest-befree |
Depends on the Subject Comment from : @comentedonakeyboard |
Americans are far behind in education and standard of living in OECD countries Mediocrity now has found its guru Comment from : @ricardomurillo5205 |
Nope, he's just trying to get more attention brSchool needs to be changed, not to be canceled brHe's educated, and he wouldn't have been able to have this conversation if he hadn't been educatedbrHe's pulling up the ladder behind himbrHe's describing wanting to make kids be more compliant laborers Comment from : @SkepticalSpectrum |
Like totally dude As a burnt out former teacher I always laugh watching these disgruntled teacher videos although any Kaplan video is the gold standard of the genre The bottom line is the conscript model of forced schooling of young people is mostly garbage with negligible results And what’s even funnier is military recruiters who bemoan that they can’t find enough high school graduates to enlist for mostly idiotic specialties which in reality should only require perhaps an 8th grade education just as barber colleges typically demand How is it that a real licensed barber can stop school at grade 8 but a navy barber is expected to get his GED or preferably an actual diploma to rate entry into the Ship’s Serviceman rating at which their total formal barbering training is just several weeks instead of the nearly one year course offered by barber colleges? And of course navy barbers are lucky if they can do maybe 3 or 4 hairstyles, all painfully short, while real commercial barbers must know how to do everything if they expect to make any money Comment from : @marcmeinzer8859 |
Education also creates artificial barriers that, in my mind, needs to be anolished Comment from : @emiljansson |
I sincerely believe I left school dumber than when I started Comment from : @renegadeace1735 |
Open borders for Bryan Caplan's House Comment from : @ChucksExotics |
When does a working person have time to go back and learn about Shakespeare? Or what happened at Gettysburg, or the industrial revolution, or how the Roman empire helped shape the modern world Comment from : @user-ty2uz4gb7v |
Convincing… Comment from : @bustdownbandito1342 |
yeah education system is broken when you see all these flat earthers walking on earth, wouldn't you wish they had 'some' kind of higher education ? Comment from : @amateur_adventurist |
It's amazing that in 2018, this moronically outdated institution is not only still in place (with ineffective teachers, as he fails to mention) but to speak against it, ie, the basic common-sensical truth, is "controversial" Or maybe Nick Gillespie is being hyperbolic At least it's coming from a college professor 😂😂but lemme make one thing clear: if this fucking outdated school system does not cease to be a requirement soon, there will be more mass shootings And it will be against the faculty of these schools And alsocan't say, in that case, they will be undeserved Comment from : @neilwiththereeldeel |
have you ever talked to someone who never had an education? have you ever seen how much of population of Africa act? you don't notice the difference personally but it is very clearly important to have an education Comment from : @notyou6674 |
I was in my 3rd year for a degree in biology My human anatomy teacher said if you are not getting a masters or PhD degree, you might not want to waste more time and money I quit college and went to the only water and waste water tech school, which was in my hometown I was hired while at the tech school Spent my working lifetime at an oil refinery in Tulsa Oklahoma It was the highest paid hourly job there was It was a good life Comment from : @paulyboy1951 |
It never used to be this way Education was solid, it isn’t anymore Comment from : @conniehayes4957 |
Education should be fully funded To Claim education is a waste of money is absolutely ludicrous It is the under funding that is causing the problembrIncluding the under payment of teachers brI suspect a brain tumor diagnosis or long untreated syphilis diagnosis in this professors future Comment from : @tbree8417 |
If all we are trying to do is prepare people for a jobbrbrWhen a premise is garbage what follows from it will be garbage Comment from : @andrewcain6518 |
"Ram it down the throats of conscripts" THE best description I've ever heard for what happens in public schools Comment from : @timsmith2525 |
$2 Trillion USD studen loan debt, but education is sooooooo important Comment from : @Mr-Kind-au |
It's one of their other rackets, just like war is Comment from : @henryford2950 |
Of All the Arguments Against Government Education, I for One, have Never Heard Anything Against the Teaching of the hypothesis of evolution, Which is Falsely taught as Fact, Which it is Most Certainly Not True!!!! Comment from : @tedinskib5234 |
This is a case against school, not education Every bit of what Caplan is saying makes perfect sense Comment from : @nonyadamnbusiness9887 |
He says he went to public and private school and didn't see much different That is TOTALLY false 2nd grade, my private school taught me what a public school did not until grade 5 and 6 Without question!!! Comment from : @AmericanMoonOdysee_com |
The primary lessons of school are:br1) confusion (by necessity all lessons are compartmentalized into subsets taught by approved “experts” licensed in their field)br2) intellectual dependency (answers come an approved authority, not discovery They don’t teach dialectics or heuristics, they teach the state test)br3) emotional dependency (every teacher grades differently, so students are subconsciously trained to please their teachers or their grades go down Work, enthusiasm, accuracy, engagement - depends on the teacher)br4) There is no such thing as privacy our autonomy (you must ask permission to use the bathroom, eat, speak, be quiet or be alone)br5) everything is recorded (you have a permanent record that follows you for your whole life) brCredit: GattobrbrThis produces good students and dysfunctional human beings If you leave school as an emotionally well adjusted YA with the ability to self regulate and critically think, the public school has likely labeled you as a noncompliant who is not ideal for the labor market — and they are probably right Now go be an entrepreneurbrbr- sincerely, a public school teacher Comment from : @1865Highst |
Anyone here seen the movie Captain fantastic? Comment from : @Gary_oldmans_left_nut |
Who will fly jet planes,run the aircraft carriers, understand directions, will kindergarten kids make good computers?? Comment from : @garybezner6774 |
Boy why was he not asked about his pay, and if he isn’t getting people ready for the work place why keep him? Comment from : @garybezner6774 |
Lastly, this is why the boomer generation is wrong when members criticize the young for getting degrees in things like gender studies They believe that what people are supposed to signal in finishing college is their appreciation for science or American values But today, the jobs with the highest levels of security and wages that are accessible to the average person are government jobs in things like HR departments If you want one of those jobs, and there are plenty of them so that's a reasonable goal, you take gender studies so you can signal your ideological conformity to employers That may not be what Boomers want the system to be teaching people, but it's the case So if you set up an education system that is about teaching conformity to your standards of behavior and belief, don't be shocked if when the standards of behavior and belief of the elite class changes drastically the schools simply shift to teaching conformity to those Comment from : @Ryan-zv6xw |
What you are mostly signalling is that you have parents that enforce certain behavioral norms That's well above, it seems to me, intelligence or work ethic People without the parental situation can make up for it with intelligence and work ethic, but they are not the bulk of the successful population Comment from : @Ryan-zv6xw |
School is the worst Comment from : @fabianschaberl1795 |
If you can convince employers to stop demanding college degrees you guys might be right Comment from : @wokeeye6441 |
Back in 1972 I saw Ivan Illich lecture on his book 'De-Schooling Society' br[It is available online] "Many students, especially those who are poor, intuitively know what the schools do for them They school them to confuse process and substance Once these become blurred, a new logic is assumed: the more treatment there is, the better are the results; or, escalation leads to success The pupil is thereby "schooled" to confuse teaching with learning, grade advancement with education, a diploma with competence, and fluency with the ability to say something new His imagination is "schooled" to accept service in place of value Comment from : @smkh2890 |
I enjoyed school I did well and went to a famous university, which i did not enjoy brBut a few years without a degree doing lousy jobs convinced me to finish my BAbrand the rest was plain sailing School is not for everyone My own kids hated it,brand are swimming upstream in the Uk job market I do think trade schools , apprenticeships,brand on-the-job training should be more extensive and done early in the teenage years Comment from : @smkh2890 |
And why does private school not differ much from public school? Simple: Private schools still have to get the government's stamp of approval Private school teachers still have to get the government's license Private schools still have to follow the same "educational" model as the government schools, which is to produce "good citizens" - docile, submissive, easily manipulated by mass media, and reflexively obedient to instructions issued by authority figures Comment from : @richdemanowski2575 |
After sending 38 million heavy industrial jobs to China since Reagan was in office while letting him run a 15 trillion dollars bailout to St Germaine and the Savings and loan debacle seems incredulous Comment from : @dredscott7740 |
Can't educate , and have slaves too Comment from : @tonifelise3668 |
Thank God someone wrote a book about this nonsense school system Comment from : @randyromano2854 |
Talking white kids into staying out of college only leads to more kids playing video games in the parents home and online becoming rationalized Black families are pushing higher education If I need to explain that, you need a trade school Comment from : @patman9419 |
As an employer if someone came to me with a degree, I would throw their application straight in the bin Comment from : @Mr-Kind-au |
You need a PhD in hygiene to be a janitor It's fucking ridiculous Comment from : @Mr-Kind-au |
The factory modeled, compulsory school industry does nothing more than condition one to be a conformist! Never let school get in the way of your education! Comment from : @thehealthychefri |
High school teachers and counselors have an elitist narrative when it comes to college:br"Go to college, or you'll end of up working at McDonalds"br"See that dirty, greasy man fixing cars Go to college or you'll end up like him"br"If you don't want to end up with callouses in your hands, go to college"brbrYou keep repeating these mantras to developing brains and you'll up with 18-year-olds who are terrified to do anything BUT college Comment from : @MsClaudiaDuran |
Privatize education and that is it! Comment from : @moonstruck336 |
I have mixed feeling about his perspective on education On one had it makes sense on the other education was always about more than just job training The original purpose of education was enlightenment and knowledge production Now days employers expect college to be a job factory Comment from : @AmazingStoryDewd |
when the nation is spending $1 trillion in an industry yet isn't exactly presenting objective evidence of accountability regarding if the investment is paying off you can definitely tell a scam is going on Comment from : @calebleung9 |
Our ideas about education was a basic classical education aimed at literacy and was completed in 8 or 9 grades It was up to the parents to see about skill training or education that was needed for your livelihood But when women went back into the workforce public primary education became a babysitter That was the expectation of parents and that's what they have gotten Comment from : @deborahdean8867 |
I think instead of a 4 year degree people should get an 8 year degree because that will make them smarter and therefore a better worker or how about a 12 year degree? Comment from : @republitarian484 |
Remove the government support so that the student bears the entire cost People are always more frugal with personal funds Comment from : @darbyheavey406 |
Bryan is like tesla Acceleration is 100km/12sec Comment from : @furadhawkan |
College is an employer screening test that costs employers nothing that on average helps them to efficiently hire the cream of the crop Comment from : @dan4091 |
Brillient! Comment from : @cobbler1111 |
BS, my career would never have happened without and engineering degree and law school period Comment from : @theccpisaparasite8813 |
Most of college is useless Rather than 4 years students should pick a major on entry and do 2 years in their major The basic knowledge should be taught in K-12 but are usually not taught Colleges teaching “core” classes and social justice is just a money grab Comment from : @christinedowd1820 |
Nah, you don't need none of that shit!brbrSaid the Princeton educated PhD brbrSure, socialization takes place, but can you really say it's a waste of time and money? Our society is so heavily imbued with the fruits of our educational system beyond the highly beneficial attributes of a socialized citizenry Would you really want a society made up of folks that you couldn't assume are functionally literate? brbrYou take for granted that every person you meet or pass on the street can read street signs, follow directions and make correct change Even this guy is able to forward higher level concepts that he came to in institutions of higher education, by classroom lectures, directed reading and research, and collegial exchanges with his peers brbrThis really is trolling at the highest level Comment from : @northeastohioed7239 |
They're not spending $1T on education; they're spending it on INDOCTRINATION! Comment from : @lonnieporter8566 |
Modern education is simply an indoctrination system for Leftists Comment from : @rickhall8119 |
he says he's opposing the current system of education and not education himself, but the things he's saying and the way he says them - unironically discussing schools turning out propogandized individuals suited primarily for a corporate lifebrbrSomehow, he's doing the latter and not the formerbrHe's got a point about college - if the point is taken in moderation - but off-base about lower schooling, I think Some broader education, regardless of immediate utility, is necessarybrbrThis guy is an idiot Comment from : @jer1014t2th |
"Everyone can't be above average" Whoa, wait, what?? We've told kids for decades "the way ahead is education" So they all go get that eduation and now the education system is accused of trying to make "everyone above average"? WTF?! Comment from : @Skipbo000 |
What's called 'State Education' today has been reduced to little more than a Politically Correct indoctrination industry; which (when effective) is a major reason for the explosion of mental illness/depression afflicting so many young people today:-br1brCalifornia Public School Teacher Admits to Teaching Her
brA California public school teacher has bragged on social media that she is indoctrinating her students by teaching them that President Donald Trump is a “fascist,” compares the administration to death cult lbr2brStudent anxiety, depression increasing during school
br edsourceorg/2020/student-anxiety-depression-increasing-during
br13/05/2020 · More students need counselling, while those services are harder to deliver since schools closed School closures were intended to keep students safe during the pandemic, but for many, it’s us Comment from : @cedricworthingtonbroadaxe2287 |
Wrong,br1) the final year of engineering degree is when you get the most practical experiencebr2) the final year is the most important because it demonstrates "follow through" and grit Comment from : @nikitakazovski9619 |
American first Agenda needs to be implemented enough with Socialist ideals helping no one Kids learn from those who challenge them period Comment from : @bodyme |
For every job I've had out of university, a college degree has always been a nice "marketing piece" but it was never a "requirement" for the job There were lots of people in the same roles as me who only had a high school education Comment from : @gowen9383 |
School is a wasted opportunity You go through school, college, university and all they teach you is how to be an employee 99 of what you are taught has no value, its just accademic knowledge You don't get taught about running a home, a car, insurance, banking, utilities You dont get taught about starting and running a business Why not? Comment from : @fivish |
this guy sounds like most kids smhbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbror rather, most kids sound like this college professor Comment from : @person9513 |
When you pass at 60 and wonder why you spent 10 years of them 60 years you had on the planet at school you'll wonder why you didI hardly went to schoolwas banned from there after the exams and I earn £30k a year doing a great jobno education needed My parents gave me the skills to read and writeyes my spelling is never on par but it is what it is Comment from : @andrewwright |
I don’t even know how to agree more Comment from : @юртаевмихаил-к3ъ |
We never stop learning Your senses take in information until you die You can argue that the quality of information varies, but your brain is still perceiving the world around you Comment from : @limitisillusion7 |
I don't think this is an argument against education, it's an argument against the way we educate people Comment from : @limitisillusion7 |
Abolish schools Comment from : @johnmcafee2751 |
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