Title | : | How Predatory Car Loans Are Destroying Lives! Buy Here Pay Here |
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INSANE Barber Price Inflation, Barbershops Costs Ripping You Off?br youtube/7csryYIjkZs Comment from : @Zac-Rios |
Drive time has gps trackers on their vehicles Comment from : @valeriehake |
I bought a car from a place $2000 down, 291$ month for 28 months Comment from : @valeriehake |
It's weird- I didn't see a single person with a gun to their head while they signed the contracts I make 70k a year and I'm about to buy a 2009 Honda Civic with 76,000 miles on it for about $10,000 People one-third my age need to buy tripped-out BMWs at 30 interest SMH Comment from : @johnjamele |
car dependency is by design Comment from : @ft9kop |
a person must have real trash credit score to go to buy here pay here ive herd of actual new cars being approved with 440 credit scores the interest might suck but atleast its new Comment from : @JASONHJEFFERSON |
I used to own a BHPH car lot Of all my customers, only 5-10 paid off the vehicle Most were repossessed within the first three months, for non payment Comment from : @Ta2d_Unicorn |
Buy here pay here are scams Comment from : @jainamcgee2081 |
The only way to get value from a car is to drive it into the groundbrbrI have had 2 cars in my life (I'm 37) One was a 2005 Honda Accord, which I drove until the cost of new tires exceeded the value of the car I junked it this year (still with the original clutch) and bought a 2021 Mazda 3 I can't wait to do the same to this car Comment from : @kbushfm |
A lot of people don’t have a choice, most dealerships want tons of money down & 70 percent of people don’t have good credit so it’s always a no from dealerships or extremely high down payments, do you think if someone had 4k-8k down you think they would be at a dealership Comment from : @istruth9089 |
So crazy seeing this I just paid off my Camry today At the time I got it I was making $10/hr, I was really struggling but I saved up 3k for my down payment I’m pretty positive the dealership had high hopes of getting it back just because of my demographics Single mom, 20s, low income… but I’m stubborn lol even going through unemployment during the pandemic I still made sure to make my car payments Took me almost 6 years but in that time I worked hard, finished college, moved completely out of the crap neighborhood I was in and make 3x what I did before and building up my retirement portfolio It’s for sure doable, people just need to buckle down and be strict with themselves Comment from : @spinecollector9931 |
I got my Nissan pathfinder for 1800 it’s been 8 years and only recently have I replaced a water pump, rad/thermostat and a fuel filter did it myself will be doing bearing and rotors this summer that thing has been a rock reliable Comment from : @flylowe46m38 |
15 years ago I worked at a buy here pay here lot in Los Angeles and the sad funny story I sold the same vehicle3 times in 7 month period (BMWX5) 2times financed and they never made the payments and the 3rd time It was a cash deal 😢 Comment from : @momostek |
Dealerships dont do anything to anybody If people are dumb with their money its on them Comment from : @sraufstok |
Fix your credit dont go to a buy here pay here and if you cant approved at a regular dealership thats your damn fault for being a bum Comment from : @HoodRatBass |
Its not just people that messed up their credit that get forced into going to buy here pay here places If you have light credit or unestablished credit, most bank dealerships wont help you so you get stuck with these buy here pay here places I always paid for everything in cash so I had light credit, and when I was trying to buy my first new car several years the banks didn't want to give me a $5000 loan unless I found a cosigner, even though I was putting $17,000 down on the vehicle and they still wanted to hit me with a 20 finance rate This was years ago, I can't imagine what its like today Comment from : @jvillain9946 |
I once heard Being stupid is expensive Comment from : @rickyrivas4893 |
It's funny how I work at a credit card company and the CEO says ppl buying a car is more profitable than them signing up for a card Comment from : @AsianVideoGamer |
When I was younger, a little used car dealership had an Audi A5 i wanted I go there, trade my car in, put 1500 down and drive off with my car payment They call me three days later to tell me I need to give them another $1000 or give the car back I was young, stupid, and wanted the audi Instead or returning the car, I paid the $1000 but later found out it was a scam Older me is disappointed in younger me Comment from : @catherineslittlelife |
I haven't had a car in 5yrs I'd never get one of these cars Comment from : @mrmojorising4877 |
People need to educate themselves and be fiscally responsible (Just sayin') Comment from : @sues3218 |
Disabling the tracking is usually in your agreement for immediate calling of the loan and immediate repossession Comment from : @theonlyalexoliveira |
I had a dealership tell me that if i didnt give them $1,000 down that they would call the police and tell them i gave them fake paystubs and defrauded thembrI gave them legit paystubs printed iff my HR portal, but acammers be scammers It was a big name dealership too with a few hundred locations in multiple states Comment from : @DocR16 |
A 19 year car loan? Wow… Comment from : @maxcapone3957 |
A Maserati will have enough life in it to get you to the nearest auto repair shop A BMW or Audi will last a week or until the stink of electrical shorts/burn becomes too intense for your nose Comment from : @Devious_Reviews |
No payment club love it Comment from : @Jutfranks |
Worked many years at a BHPH dealer in Los Angeles CA area, left the industry in 2017 and these people have a lot of the blame,they can afford a Sentra but want that G35 or that BMW they have horrible credit and poor judgment so yes I am going to take your 3k cash down and get you on a 24 APR loan I would explain people and we had them sign a form that this was a high interest loan and that the car had a GPS tracker and still people will happily sign and get the cars Comment from : @izzydaman2231 |
The most ive ever do is a $200 a day before payday i only get charged $50 Comment from : @PandaProductionsSB |
Are you related to ReviewBrah? Comment from : @kellyriddle8789 |
They don’t need expensive cars or cars with tons of interest to pay off Comment from : @georgeelliott6877 |
dei hires that lost funding Comment from : @georgeelliott6877 |
2015 😅😅😅 20K MARMALADE Comment from : @PICOBULLY |
We have dealerships like these near me I hear their business model is sell them the car ,finance it and them knowing they can't keep up with payment they will repossess Comment from : @TheMoneyMakingMentor |
Accidentally walked into one of these places in LA I was looking for a particular model car that was sort of rare (2013-2019 Taurus Limited), and they had it The price was 12k for the car They avoided how much the car and APR was everytime I asked and just talked about monthly payment and my down payment brbrAfter I did the math the total of the car was around 33k Lmfao For a high mileage Taurus Comment from : @ramsaybolton7464 |
I met a lambo salesman and i chatted him up and joking asked him to put me me in a 30 yr mortgage on a lambo he said yes he ould do it for me Comment from : @kiddprofit2500 |
This is why the department of education needs an overhaul or abolished all together My kids learned NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING about the real world from school I taught them everything they know about predatory loans, interest rates and taxes The public school system is the reason these pay here car lots exist Comment from : @charlestarver599 |
Why do you all call it predatory loans? No one is forcing you to take the deal They explain your options and you take it or leave it No one is forcing you to sign your life awaysmh Comment from : @csap7528 |
I also was able to drive off in a car for $0 down & just $258 a month It was paid off early a few years agobrI have bNO car payment/b How? I bought a used 2016 KИ Forte Nothing fancy, just an economy carbrNot a BMW (Burn My Wallet)🤣 540i, not a Mercedes-Benz AMG, not a Cadillac Escalade or Maserati Ghibli Live within your means when buying a vehicle 👍 Comment from : @pcmacp719c1 |
You need to contact me I have run a buy here pay here for 40 years nowi will tell you the true side an tell you the difference between new car lot sells vise a good by here placeyou are saying a lot of things on here that are not true about all Comment from : @rickysimmons1358 |
All the pos Kia and Hyundai cars on the lot if the car lot don’t get you the crappy drivetrain will bet that Comment from : @20021sc |
Stop shopping for cars without a pre-approvallol What are we doing? Comment from : @greglane501 |
Crazy you never see a reliable Toyota on the lot sitting out 😂😂 plus it’s always a weird high mile combination Comment from : @kayleejaye_Fanpag |
I'm driving a 2005 Honda Civic with 260,000 mi I've been driving it for about 5 years now and never had to fix anything, And I only paid $700 bucks for the car brDefinitely got my money worth! Comment from : @mrhow2712 |
A thousand months!! 😂 Comment from : @mrhow2712 |
Buy here, Pay here, Get Fleeced here 🤨 Comment from : @markmathisen3908 |
Same happened to me 20 years ago Bought a beat up Grand Prix at a 24 rate My credit in the 500’s at that time Bumped my score to 700’s over time and bought a new tundra at a 25 rate in ‘17 Keeping the sucker for life 💪 Comment from : @davidroberts9302 |
The agony and pain of your facial expressions while watching these is hilarious😂😂 Comment from : @jeffrobe405 |
No one forces you to go to these places and sign these contracts Be smart, don’t put yourself in these situations Comment from : @jasonm1370 |
But here pay here is a thing because people with terrible credit who don’t pay their bills and have multiple payment default and are irresponsible Comment from : @sowhaticamp4993 |
2:20 small correction, that issue has nothing to do with how big the US is, the country is just too car centric basically too many places have no stores within a walkable distance and public transport sucks which also makes traffic worse for car drivers, so no ordinary people win from this whole situation Comment from : @malka1762 |
I am SO GLAD I paid cash for my truck 11k but I got a great deal on it Also have a “backup” car that is paid for in cash I’m not bragging I’m saying that cash is the way to go You save so much money Dealerships, especially these kinds, are huge scams Comment from : @joshwestlake5458 |
Predatory car loans???? 🤣🤣 You act like they hold a gun to their heads and make them sign Comment from : @KeepingItKeith |
That country is a toilet that's now overflowing Comment from : @robovac3557 |
Essentially u can scam them to by putting 500 down Comment from : @ebb7806 |
Are u all stupid when the car breaks off wtv or u stop paying these are in house they don’t suppose to run ur credit so what is they gonna hurt exactly and ik this because ik someone who has had couple challengers chargers mustangs so so he never payed em basically Comment from : @ebb7806 |
Video was not very well thought out Kind of disappointed to be honest Comment from : @hasaanenalfatlawi |
1000 months of payments? Hopefully it's only 10 bucks a month because that car is worth half of what you'd end up paying over 1,000 months Comment from : @jackfox5738 |
If APR is over 10, you should always think if you really have afford for the loan Most often, the answer is: not Comment from : @mikapeltokorpi7671 |
Theres a car lot in columbus ohio that puts their name and phone number covering the entire back window It has to be a buy here, pay here Ive never seen the car lot Just the junk they sell I wouldnt pay $1,200 for the whole vehicle Surely not $1,200 down Comment from : @aaadamt964 |
Yea those corner lots they get as much down payment from you for a can with close to 100,000 miles for 6 year car and they take the down payment and just go to them and not the load and they add their own fees for paint and theft prevention Comment from : @modernhaze3 |
Fun fact you don’t own a car if a bank owns it and has your title Kinda obvious So getting mad cause you wanna steal the banks car and claiming they are stealing yours lol your stealing theirs when you don’t wanna pay them lol Comment from : @Bazooka-Charlie |
I don't understand the obsession with buying cars from dealerships in the US I just bought a new daily driver a couple months ago for AU$850 total, never had a loan for a car in my life Comment from : @AaronBonBarron |
Never buy a vehicle from a place that has customers ring a bell after signing loan papers Comment from : @Bonsai-Miata2020 |
Gives small used car dealers a bad name Some work with many banks, and if you have good credit, it's worthwhile Comment from : @jayclark5912 |
It's not predatory if you are stupid enough to prioritize driving a new car when you get a perfectly good one that's used and affordable The biggest problem is that broke people love things they can't afford which is why you can almost finance anything, including clothes A salesman will always be a salesman A bank will always be a bank No one put a gun to the heads of these people to buy I have a few hundred left over after my bills, etc, go out, just because it's enough to get myself into a car deal, doesn't mean that I'm going to 🤡 Comment from : @MW2SHANKDON |
My highest interest rate was almost 30 from CarMax Paid almost 1300 a month for a 2016 Mercedes 450 amg I was young and desperate to look cool I was able to make the payment because I had a okay job but looking back I could had save all that money We live and learn Comment from : @undergroundflow |
I'm sure these buyers are happy to not be walking The market prices in the risk No room for them to play victim when they agreed to the terms Make a law to cap rates and they'll be back on foot and everyone loses Comment from : @powernoje |
So many of these videos are fake "He got payments for a thousand months" yeah that was just comedic acting Comment from : @Letsberealish |
The only thing more criminal than these lots are the amount of un-skipable ads you put in your fckn videos Comment from : @thatblackgt5056 |
i'm convinced dealerships use the term 'months' of payment to confuse people '72 months' sounds less than '5 years' Comment from : @spaghetti9845 |
I agree this is a crappy thing to do to people but the term predatory needs to stop being used It’s the sole purpose of a business to make as much profit as possible It’s not the businesses job to inform u about what a smart purchase is It benefits them if u cannot afford it There’s so much information on YouTube and the internet about finances and buying cars and buying houses and loans u should stop watching Netflix for 20 mins and actually consume some valuable knowledge before buying something u can’t afford Comment from : @Rollpack11 |
"Hell, if they cant pay for it ill just take it back" hot rod Johnson 2025 Comment from : @dellystinky |
Honestly, it’s time to stop calling this stuff predatory… It has never been easier to get information than it is right now These fools walk right into the deal willingly, with no one but themselves to blame for being uninformed brThe real “predators” are the parents who have been raising their kids to be entitled, and without ambition How Americans got this idea that you get things, get the life without working your tail off, idk… brThere is so much opportunity out there, go get it… Comment from : @EBTROUBLE |
You act like these customers are forced into these decisions They have a choice! No one is making them agree to these terms Comment from : @teddyhaywood6546 |
The only people at fault are the ones who accept the bad deals Comment from : @vSilviu |
income challenged lol Comment from : @Kabodanki |
I was pretty fortunate with my cousin who sells cars that have been auctioned Got a 2000 Honda accord from him for 2k back in 2018 Drove that thang back and forth from St Louis to South Arkansas for 3 years No issues All it needed was new brakes, rotors, and spark plugs Gave it to my folks after I relocated to the DMV now my nephew has it and six years later it’s still runnin Cash cars aren’t a bad idea if you know the right people Comment from : @Octobersown_1019 |
America is so wild, instant repo, trackers, dead switches All illegal in Europe And that's good cause so dealers and banks will be interested in only giving out cars to customers being able to pay Comment from : @Ryker1986 |
❤❤ I've seen people buy cars and destroys their lives Comment from : @roymarksberry4152 |
Ever have a problem with your dealership, Call the local Department of Revenue Office or Local DealerBoard, they'll launch an investigation Comment from : @10Airsoftman |
0:08 payment for 1000 months!?!?! Comment from : @____chris |
This is why i buy cars that cost 1500 dolalrs max Drive them for 3 or 4 years beforr they break down If its a super cheap fix i do it my self if not sell it and buy akother cheap car Its the way to do it, insurance is cheaper, and the car is paid off right away Comment from : @MRblazedBEANS |
He was at Phil Jackson auto on North Tryon St, Charlotte, NC stay away😂 Comment from : @garyhelms9534 |
It's a stupid tax which sucks One of my friends bought a car on finance that was only worth 10k, they sold it to him for 16k on 20 percent interest He has only been paying the interest so even years later he's almost not paid off any of the car He had 8k and could've just saved to buy a car from a local seller It has screwed him and it's not even an expensive car I practically begged him to reconsider and offered to pay the difference for a similar model outright He was my roommate lolbrbrFinancially literacy should be taught in schools Comment from : @jreverie7018 |
Most of us in the "buy here, pay here" business are the ONLY option for many customers Sure there are some bad apples, no different than every other business Every one of you who bad mouths our business are more than welcome to lend YOUR money to someone with no credit and a minimum wage job Otherwise, you should be thanking us Comment from : @joesullivan-y9r |
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