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Is space exploration worth the money?

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Title :  Is space exploration worth the money?
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Comments Is space exploration worth the money?

Comment from : @Theexpertrobloxcliper

Space is the next frontier 2025 and beyond will be great with Trump and Elon at the helm Time for new discoveries to revolutionize science and technology
Comment from : @wildfoodietours

Space exploration has it's own worth Any financial decisions are essentially an external pressure If it ever costs too much, it's because the cost is too much and not because space exploration isn't worth doing
Comment from : @Some_Cat_

How can yall argue about this if yall spend 30 times the money on machines to kill innocent people 😂😂😂
Comment from : @Timoteo-qwerty

So us humans just gonna go mess up other planets lol also Musk company got tax dollars for his program all the while the media making it seem like he used his funding smh
Comment from : @vanjones1749

Some pros of space exploration are technology, job creations, knowledge, space tourism and environmental issues Space exploration leads to new technologies that can be used in different industries including health, medicine, transportation, and computer technology Space exploration can help address environmental issues, such as monitoring crop health and forest health Space exploration can create jobs and economic growth and increase knowledge about the universe Some people say that space tourism is cool and that only a few hundred people have seen the view from outside the atmosphere Cons about space exploration are space colonization, environmental impact and it can be dangerous It can be dangerous for astronauts and the planet because you can lose your life out in space Rocket launches can have adverse environmental effects, such as the soot or black carbon from rocket emissions Space colonization creates new risks, such as prioritization risks, aberration risks, and conflict risks
Comment from : @AriyahSmith-q8s

@davejohnson brI am not a supporter of sending humans into space However, your argument is wrong The RATIO of all human labor expended on space travel divided by all labor IS the relevant meaningful variable brMoney itself is relative Labor (what humans actually DO, what physical and mental goods they produce) is not brWe could scale all the money in the world by a factor of a billion Give NASA a budget of $25 And $5000 would be the entire USA budget That would not change anything Or you could scale all money up by a factor of a quintillion brMoney is a measure of justice: how much goods and service person X gets in exchange for what goods and service person X gives to others
Comment from : @theultimatereductionist7592

I'm not a big fan of the cosmos, space etc, but this vod makes me feel so encouraged in my life
Comment from : @bbazang6773

The sad truth is we should have science leading our world instead of religion
Comment from : @daughterssent2Earth

Shoutout to voyager, the realest oh🤘
Comment from : @JLReanimated1991

curiosity is there until u have food in ur plate i COULD & SHOULD dislike this people who r rich do anything for sake of curiosity even if u know an asteroid is going to hit u what can u do about that r terriorist nd cheap labors in bad enviournments nd u talk about health
Comment from : @SaH-d7q

This video is another one of those false equivalency sad defense apologies that we hear so often down through the years from NASA brbr Try saying "it's ONLY $25,000,000,000" instead of saying "it's only one half of one percent of our budget" That hits home harder and is more truthful brbr Can you imagine what any hospital would be like with even a percentage of $1,000,000,000? Of if even 1 of a BILLION dollars was used to pay for your rent? Or your taxes? Or to fight Crime? Or to pay in the fight to cure Cancer? Or Heart Disease? Because obviously NASA and these foolish entities like the Planetary Society feel that spending Billions of YOUR tax dollars to investigate giant rocks in space (which is what our moon and Mars basically are) is more important than addressing all the dozens of pressing problems here in the US brbrHey, if private companies want to waste their $ on space projects, by all means, let them do so, and if the US wants to explore space AFTER we've solved our awful problems here first, I'm all for it but NOT while we're facing Disease and Unemployment and Terrorism and Housing and dozens of more immediately pressing problems first Spending BILLIONS of US citizens taxes for Post-it Notes and Velcro is an indefensible waste of time, resources and $
Comment from : @davejohnson-yi2rk

Amazing video 🪐
Comment from : @Roboheart1119

Another example is Earth won't last forever so we need take steps that will eventually lead to us moving to another habitable planet Granted that is a very long ways off but if we don't take step toward that goal we may be to late or not enough resources to get all there
Comment from : @scottr2314

Pakistan just sent their first lunar satellite yesterday 🇵🇰♥️
Comment from : @WTF_whatthefootball

No data, no specifics of ground gain Incredibly responsible, those things exist but the author of the video refused to include any of it For a video about science, terribly irresponsible
Comment from : @ea2631

Should we spend the money on fashion, make up, exotic cars and all those things we do not need?
Comment from : @vjreimedia

So how does one rationalise NASA claiming to do good for humanity whilst continuing to work with the US military and weapons manufacturers like boeing, lockheed martin, etc NASA are directly complicit in the manufacture of terror weapons by helping prop up manufacturers
Comment from : @modonohue9980

Why would folks worry about space theyll never go to
Comment from : @JohnnyJackson746

Space exploration makes a great contribution to developments on planet earth I don't know why it's considered a waste of time Thx for video
Comment from : @FlatLineS

No, we went to the moon that’s enough they have a telescope Now they could see 1,000,000,000,000 miles away and all they see is more space Meanwhile, the oceans right on the Earth I have never been explored to that extent, we should take care of our earth, and not worry about space, by the way, God was the creator, and they want to prove him wrong, which will never happen
Comment from : @larrydemonte2218

What have we gained from space? What EXACT quality of life improvement have we seen? Children die from basic needs not being met! Space IS NOT WORTH IT! Most of the federal budget is worth it and that is a crappy way to see it, "it's just a small percent of a budget!"
Comment from : @tnwhiskey68

Probes, satellites, robots - yes Humans and other animals - no No justification to send humans (or other animals) into space
Comment from : @theultimatereductionist7592

hi marcus, joel, jay, asianjeff, james, tangye, and noah
Comment from : @Evixity131

like my comment pls
Comment from : @Evixity131

Comment from : @Evixity131

hello, this is ethan
Comment from : @Evixity131

what is the music calling?
Comment from : @WillieParker-z7i

Comment from : @عبدالرحمنالعبيدان-ن4ف

what is the music calling?
Comment from : @CandiceMarshall-g4x

it would have been cool if it was true
Comment from : @ahmedyassinecherif6795

since money was invented to begin with and now is digital, it's literally limitless there is no "budget" give nasa unlimited amounts of money and get the human race into space NOW
Comment from : @adamblackedition5529

what is the music calling?
Comment from : @khang-z4v7e

stealing all these points for my English speaking exam lmaoooo
Comment from : @sonicsupersam7793

Mind opening 😊thanks alot❤
Comment from : @bsqnn1508

space is not a single thing most of what is outlined completely independent from sending people into space human space travel is not that important and a relic of mobilizing public to fund space programs, or using these programs as political tools brbrjust send robots
Comment from : @levislevitas

Calling space exploration a waste of money is like calling living a normal life a waste of time
Comment from : @okman9684

I think space exploration is worth it Worth it without humans onboard We should probably put more effort towards developing more powerful radiation-hardened SoCs New Horizons, Cassini and Perseverance were awesome, but one thing holding back is lack of computational power to act more autonomously
Comment from : @drill_fiend1097

It's not the money It's the danger Try a video about dealing with no or low gravity, extra radiation, lack of oxygen, and lack of water
Comment from : @Trag-zj2yo

Comment from : @prajwaljh6514

I don't believe that humans should continue to explore outer space With so many problems here on Earth, why waste resources on space exploration? There are hungry people, environmental issues, and political turmoil to deal with Plus, space is dangerous and unpredictable There's no guarantee that a mission will be successful or that astronauts will return home safely However, I do understand the arguments in favor of space exploration Discoveries made in space could potentially benefit us all, and the pursuit of knowledge is a noble endeavor But for now, I think we should focus on solving the problems that we face on our own planet
Comment from : @JPdynabook

I'm still looking for Earth in No Man's Sky
Comment from : @raybugati3763

Yes, Every Planet should have at least a remote control Base built onto it for continual monitoring by humanity, and DEEP space probes set out to each and every star within 80 light years
Comment from : @SeaJay_Oceans

I am a ordinary person I can't see going in to space will make it better for us on earth when man on earth can't stop the snow from doing what it in December 2022 to the earth !!
Comment from : @mrcool9084

Wouldn't it be better spending the money on stopping deforestation, stopping the slaughter of endangered animals ,how can we think of striving for greatness when we cant stop poaching hunting animal's for sport and outdated remedies made from parts of animals, and the Forrest around the world are being destroyed and the loss of them has a lot to do with climate change God forbid mankind ever discovered a new planet they would destroy it just as we have destroyed earth
Comment from : @danielmcfarland6116

Lety me say YES to that questionbrWe fight for resource and space here on Earth So Space it give that space and a lot of resources No need to make useless war like Rusia make now to Ukrain
Comment from : @slevinshafel9395

We can say that about other project which would help solve the "real" problems We never needed this venture for jobs before we had it We are the asteroid destroying ourselves!
Comment from : @worldview730

This video is why humanity sucks The space industry only takes up 5 of the yearly budget? That is 24 billion dollars It takes 33 billion per year to solve world hunger I hope you idiots know while you are searching the stars, people on earth are dying What do you want to find so badly that you'd rather let people die here on earth?
Comment from : @Spencer-4

Just hollow words, space exploration doesn't have any intrinsic value
Comment from : @lonewolf645

Space exploration isn’t really worth the money because humans aren’t really meant for space travel
Comment from : @jonjonboi3701

Is religion?
Comment from : @floorsweepings666

This is an age old tired argument/discussion! Why spend/waste money on nuclear weapons that will never ever be used! NASA's annual budget is but a tiny fraction of the total annual budget that is spent/wasted on nuclear weapons! Think of the possibilities and what could be achieved with space exploration if the money that is currently spent/wasted on nuclear weapons that will never ever be used was used or a significant portion of it was used for the purposes of space exploration instead! The money that is being spent/wasted on nuclear weapons is holding back (stagnating) progress in advancing exploration, science, technology & knowledge! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Comment from : @AndrewHillis_2024

however this is not a reason to think every space program is worth its money compared with other programs
Comment from : @MusikCassette

Very well said Thank you
Comment from : @bruceweese8558

Terrific video I have students who are researching reasons for space exploration and this will help them and their classmates
Comment from : @mikeszeligowski5782

A very good presentation I would add that Earth monitoring has a direct impact on our lives Farmers can see the state of their crops, monitor water usage, etc Climate science is reliant on being able to measure things in the atmosphere which are difficult to do from the surface at a useful scale Weather satellites follow weather systems and allow forecasters to issue warnings The NASA websites listings run to pages The fact that commercial companies now spend billions on fleets of satellites for communications, mapping and monitoring are reason enough to go to space
Comment from : @sadiqmohamed681

Just one year of military spending in the US is more than the entire running history of the funding for NASA
Comment from : @EchoesDistant

Beautifully done
Comment from : @donnabrown75

Answer: YesbrWhy? Because it’s brand new money for us to use in the economybrTake a look at the accounting
Comment from : @MichaeldeSousaCruz

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