Title | : | 12 Perguruan Tinggi yang Unik dan Aneh |
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Not the most quirky thing in the world, but I go to a music school, so just by walking around and going to classes, I can see up to 10 different pianos in a day, and usually end up playing at least two of them It's fun Comment from : @glamethyst9144 |
I love that the Buddhist college is doing remote learning 😂brbr"Just sit on your couch and breathe Now send us a check" Comment from : @bipolarbear7325 |
My daughter graduated from Reed So did Dr Demento 😊 Comment from : @peggywoods4327 |
Look into Berea College, Berea KY it isn't like other colleges It was the first integrated, co-educational college in the South, and it has not charged students tuition - students work on campus and in businesses to pay for their college Comment from : @richardlgambrell1144 |
Berea College, Berea KY If you know, you know! (1996-1997, 1998-2000) Long live the "Dick Tree" that fell during the tornado of 1996! brFirst integrated college in the "South", work/study program, totally Christian (nondenominational)! Comment from : @5amsoundesign |
Uncle Charlie's Summer Camp (UC Santa Cruz)! Physics, 1987 Comment from : @douglasstrother6584 |
I have four friends who all went to Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus Clown College at different times They all had an amazing experience and at least two of them went on to tour with the Circus Sadly, the Clown College is no longer in operation Comment from : @tessat338 |
my college Mary Baldwin has the same high school program as Bard, called the Program for the Exceptionally Gifted (PEG) and until the last couple years, was still all women's we had an entire dorm of teenage girls doing high school and college classes at the same time we also had the only all female corps of cadets in the world: VWIL Comment from : @dominoShane |
Thank you for the shout-out @MentalFloss! Oaksterdam University has been going strong since 2007 @OaksterdamVideos Comment from : @OaksterdamVideos |
Sounds like a lot of colleges preparing people to be productive members of society Comment from : @jphilb |
Texas A&M University’s nuclear reactor came online December 18, 1961brbrMaybe you can do a list show about university nuclear reactors Comment from : @bluethundermonk |
This is also 12 great settings/character backstories for your next modern TTRPG game Comment from : @LowGuppy |
Was hoping to see the University of Connecticut's puppetry degree! Comment from : @writtenrain |
Kind of surprised North Carolina School for the Arts didn’t make the list Comment from : @ElizabethEstervig |
Georgia College & State University ( and yes the & is official) is situated on the old Georgia State Penitentiary, which is just a block from the old Governor's mansion which is also part of the campusbrbrThe prisoners were utilized to make munitions during the Civil War brbrThat's just crazy Prisoners with access to bullets just a block from the governor Only in the South, folks, only in the South Comment from : @LadySkyfire |
My hometown's university, Odense, wasn't build with a main entrance (but multiple side entrances) or multiple floors, as everybody are equal (designed in 1966)brIt now has multiple floors (mostly in the extensions) and the main entrance was build and opened in 2000 Comment from : @himtraldi |
Purdue has a working nuclear reactor Comment from : @DaveJacoby |
Somehow it took Erin mentioning gelato for me to not think of American college life as a potentially horrendous experience XD Comment from : @Apophis324 |
Honorary mention to University High School in Urbana, IL, home to not one, not two, but three Nobel prize winners Their mascot is the gargoyle, and thanks to a subfreshman class that combines 7th and 8th grades into one year, most of the students are a year younger than typical, leading to a record losing streak for the basketball team The math and chess teams, on the other hand, got bumped up into competing with far larger schools so they wouldn't perpetually dominate other schools their size The annual Agora Week lets students and staff alike teach pretty much whatever classes they like, from "How to Blow Up the Chem Lab" to "Transformers Appreciation" to lost wax jewelry making while I was a student There's no lunchroom, an open campus, and a tradition of lockers hanging open because students were actually trusted to behave themselves The building is four stories tall, but only got an elevator several years after I'd graduated, thus ruining the longstanding tradition of selling elevator passes to subfreshmen Comment from : @CritterKeeper01 |
After the SATs, I got mail from Harvey Mudd University, which seemed to be positioning itself as even nerdier and quirkier than MIT or CalTech Their program was heavy on computer science, engineering, and mathematics; they also featured pictures of their kazoo and unicycle band Thanks to some ugly architecture, their mascot is Wally the Wart, an anthropomorphic concrete wart Their first three dorms having been dubbed East, West, and North, their fourth dorm was dubbed "South" despite it being the farthest north of the four Comment from : @CritterKeeper01 |
NC State University also has an on campus nuclear reactor Comment from : @Shadow-RAM |
Reed is not the only school with a reactor; Oregon State University is just 2 hours away and also has one on campus Comment from : @PunkiePieGames |
Carnegie Mellon University had a music major in bagpipes in the 1970s Do they still have it? Comment from : @batya7 |
Knox College in Galesburg IL has Flunk Day with the mud pit, an Honor Board, Green Oaks term, self-designed majors, theme houses, and students identify as Knox Weird It was founded by two groups of different ultra-religious people in 1837 (they had class on Christmas back in the day because it's a pagan holiday) but since they refused to agree on a denomination it wasn't founded as a Christian school so it's not religious at all these days Comment from : @chompsn9 |
Portland also has the naked bike ride, so, that all tracks lol Comment from : @JesReally |
And Steve Jobs attended Reed for a short time Comment from : @christophercasey7388 |
Nudity and a nuclear reactor? So, my freshman roommate? Yeah, he was…interesting Not in a good way 😢 Comment from : @drewsaunders2531 |
My son graduated from McPherson college, in 2014 (in McPherson, KS,) with a bachelor's degree in Automotive Restoration I think he said he got a minor in history Comment from : @kandipiatkowski8589 |
8:59 Tattoo artists cannot use anaesthetic during any body piercing, so they have to know what they're doing Tongue studs can go terribly wrong, if they pierce the lingual artery in the tongue The lingual artery runs under the jaw and ends at the tip of the tongue Comment from : @JohnVKaravitis |
Evergreen State College, which has shown up on multiple listings for its mascot (a geoduck) as doesn't do letter grades (in addition to the narrative evales, which students also have to write as one of only 2 graduation requirements-the other being having a minimum number of credits earned), there are no real set majors/minors, and you instead choose a program that will cover your classes for 1-3 semesters My first year, I took a linguistics program that didn't just study linguistics, but also gave credits for modern issues, and history as we studied the history of England and America through the changes on the English language, dating back to the writing of Beowulf Comment from : @Rainears129 |
About the University of Alaska at Fairbanks, you might search for photos of the students posing in swimwear with the thermometer reading -45 F Comment from : @tombirkland |
New College in Florida used to be quirky and unique, until the governor gutted it Comment from : @jliller |
I got so many emails from Bard’s college at Simon’s Rock as a high schooler I always figured it was some for profit thing since they advertised so hard Comment from : @kf10147 |
I’m surprised you didn’t mention Sarah Lawrence All undergrads major in liberal arts and must take a variety of classes to graduate Comment from : @kf10147 |
Purdue University also has a nuclear reactor Comment from : @ericpouliot639 |
Rensselear Polytechnic Institute operates a low powered nuclear reactor It is said to have enough power to lurn on a light bulbbrThey decided to not install it on campus, but 2 counties away in Schenectady NY Comment from : @brianshea2515 |
I went to the University of Buffalo in the late 80's and early 90's They had a functional nuclear reactor there, but it was decommissioned in 1994 Comment from : @rickseiden1 |
Fun to hear both my undergrad (Reed) and my current workplace (Roanoke) mentioned here! ❤ Comment from : @hannahrobbins1017 |
No mention of McDonald's Hamburger university? Comment from : @michaelbaucom4019 |
Reed College is NOT the only campus with a working nuclear reactor MIT has operated one since 1958 and has upgrades planned for 2027 brbr enwikipediaorg/wiki/MIT_Nuclear_Research_Reactor Comment from : @disorganizedorg |
This is trivia There are many more nontraditional colleges if the researcher had done there homework! Comment from : @tacowa |
I know when I went to the university of Cincinnati in the 90's I had a roommate that was going to be a mortician Though I think most of his classes were at a satellite campus Comment from : @jarstal |
Warren Wilson College and Berea College can give you the cow milking experience Comment from : @shellerk |
Both Texas A&M and UT Austin have working Nuclear Reactors A&M has had theirs since 1957 Comment from : @connecticutaggie |
For what it's worth, St John's College has two campuses One is in Annapolis, MD and the other is in Santa Fe, NM Both have the same "Great Books" curriculum Comment from : @eely225 |
Eating Sirenswhile watching this video!brbrThey are Johnsonville Andouille Sausages with Louisiana Hot Sauce on them! Comment from : @btetschner |
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