Title | : | 5 Ways To Stop Arguing With Your Spouse About Money |
Lasting | : | 5.30 |
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Views | : | 44 rb |
But I can't get her to COMMIT to anything! Comment from : @robbieswrath9329 |
The last time im being transparent i have no money left for myself Comment from : @adamarchy5000 |
Hi brad me and my husband we fight a lot when it comes to money even he is nt ready to start a family bcz am not earing well like him i do have my own music institution and i help him with almost all the sharings even he is not ready always he gives one reason we are not well settled to have a baby but i don't think so please help me out Comment from : @aavishkara3368 |
I feel like on my own page alone I’m worried about our future our kids future always trying to save something My wife isn’t worried at all about saving it’s always about what she needs and wants So whatever I save just goes to her wants and needs Comment from : @chrisvelasquez8323 |
I discussed the issue to her parents They would not believe me So I decided to excommunicated because they weren't interested in what I had to say I don't go to their family gatheringslike Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas or birthdays either This has worked out find for me because I no longer have to being ignored by her family I put up with it for over twenty yearsno more Comment from : @davidhefner8853 |
We’re not married but my gf wants access to all of my money Comment from : @leroysinclair8499 |
Pretty sure us savers have tried to start a budget My husband won't even talk about money I can see why savers hide money Comment from : @RaceySpacey |
I work and earn some dolars but always we get misunderstandings about money spending with my husbandbr I gat my own parents to buy something for, I also have siblings that I need to help with some upkeep once in a while brbrWe discussed and agreed that I put half of my salary on our family account and I remain with half Recently I used my half to buy what I felt like and he got pissed that am wasteful What can I do? I don't have a piece of mind when buying things I feel like whenever I buy something he with think or even judge that I waste money by buying unnecessary stuffs As a woman I need these so called unnecessary stuffs brbrHow should we handle this I am tired of being labelled un responsible! Comment from : @saphurahnabaasa3156 |
Thanks for this But my partner doesn't trust me he thinks I keep a secret on how much I have cos he doesn't have assess to my second bank accountbrI take care of children at home I work one time in a week he work the whole time but he keeps mute about all incomes in his accountbrI ain't keeping any secreti need advice Comment from : @Wura2024 |
Well what do you do when u know all the financial risks their taking are going to make u literally not be able to pay bills😑😑he doest care, I've tried talking to him hw just doesn't want to hear it cards are maxed out and he still wants to go to shows Comment from : @melissahanson1134 |
My question is girl want to be with boys family but the boy plays a important role in money he should mainly focus on future than after he should focus on mom's food dad's health that's it simple this is the trick of a married boy but the point is "he won't do like that" 😂 so girls brain get damaged and his mom life gets shortage What happens if he said money details to his wife, what she will eat or what? 😂😂 Her point of view is future secureness that's it neither she don't want any ornaments or bunglows or anything just she thinks about her "childrens" future security that's it 👍 always husband's are wrong it's just a simple trick the above one, oh god why they will earn lakhs and why they will marry we don't know 😠 if they want to enjoy means throw money so many girls will come but don't marry that's it 👍 simple oh I can't understand this puzzled brain boys 😒😤 Comment from : @pala6348 |
I'm from India How much do u think a wife should be getting from her spouse to run a monthly expenditure So I want to talk in rps Comment from : @allaboutswatches |
Lol, the wife is buying shoes and the man is “investing” in a round of golf You lost all credibility with me🙄 Comment from : @nicolecook3041 |
When it comes to money its always a weird situationyou argue about money if you don't hsve enough of it and you also argue if you hsve a lot of it its always a power trip thing Comment from : @liut9596 |
Hey Bradit is almost 12 years after our marriage my wife has many debts which she did without my knowledgeso i wanted to divorce with her Help me need ur advice Comment from : @sashiao4236 |
Someone can explain to me what happens when you are earning more 🙆♂️🙆♂️ I am almost giving up Comment from : @totozworldkenya |
Sir due to Lockdown my finances are badly affected But she fails to understand this Constant rude behavior is very common from her side brpls help Comment from : @mushtaqmemon3148 |
Why should we have to be sensative of their egos! They’re old enough to get reprimanded Comment from : @memelc5655 |
My problem happened when we bought a used cheap car I started buying cleaning products and important maintenance things She just thought I was starting an expensive hobby cause she's never owned a car "Oil change,new brakes, air filter??? For what" lol I was saving money by doing it myself That backfired to you only spend money and time on the car Comment from : @emmanuelgutierrez8616 |
Y some wife stole husband money Comment from : @kc-gq6zx |
My husband doesn’t work although he’s more qualified than me He wants to build his own business but keeps procrastinating for one reason or other We manage with my income but it doesn’t suffice as 1/3rd of my salary goes for loan repayment We somehow manage but mostly at the end of the month we end up borrowing All my gold is mortgaged which I’ve no clue how to clear There’s another loan for him which he doesn’t repay Don’t know when they’ll file a suit against him He has some ancestral property which he’s planning to sell but has been procrastinating for around 10 years now When I pick up the topic he gets angry & storms out of the room I tried to track monthly expenses but he was furious about it and I dropped He’s the one who manages money & my account He’s otherwise loving & caring for me & our kids so I try to avoid fighting or leaving him I don’t know how to get it right I’m so stressed out Comment from : @elsaabraham5841 |
Separation and kids is awkward thobrbrLike a day after paying $400 in child support for 1 child my ex will request i pay for a big cloths shop for them which puts me in a awkward position because I've just paid $400 and we are no longer a couple living in separate houses brbrI don't like being put on the spot I like to plan exactly how much I think I will save every month and make targets Comment from : @danbruno5945 |
Hi Brad I'm Nepali married for 20 years We both earn but me retiring soon much earlier than him How to be safe and independent economically now and after retirement? I have lot of mental torture regarding money and income How to share your earning in family and be safe yourself too? Comment from : @umachhetree9271 |
Hi Brad how to relief from blame that you hide money from my husband While I'm spending my earning on buying car and land in his name I want to be safe and independent after my retirement Comment from : @umachhetree9271 |
geez this is why I am afraid to get married Comment from : @paulxD25863 |
This is very good! How about making a video about parents not cussing in front of there children in their arguments? or telling each other to shut up! Comment from : @matthewmeno5279 |
My now husband wanted to keep me in USA to get married, so I had to give up on a full scholarship He said that he would pay for it there but it turns out that he could never afford it on the first place Now I'm back in my country to study but this time I don't have a scholarship He doesn't put money on the joint account and I asked for his help to pay for it but he said I'll get nothing because I'm gone We argued about it so many times and he always promises he'll put a deposit the next week but it's been months What should I do? Comment from : @Fernanda-wo1qk |
My spouse works So they think they can spend their check like a retard even though we have incorporated their check in the bill paying They even go as far as to take check loans out to spend on crap on Facebook so when their check finally comes in, it’s already half gone Comment from : @fulano787 |
Hey Brad what do u do when ur sbrPartner spends eveything he's got even after having the talk many times and u can't control the finances because and the bills keep piling up Comment from : @phoebe6248 |
Is it best you have separate acct you have your money and he have his? Comment from : @locsqueencourtney5690 |
Thank you for these tips I don't know how to begin the conversation with my boyfriend We've lived together now since April 2017 and money had been a volatile topic the whole time I make substantially less than he does and he's often ends the conversation with statements like "you don't need to worry about it, I've got everything taken care of" or "you're not paying for anything so why do you need to know" recently he was laid off and it was for 2 months, in that time I became aware by stumbling onto it that our insurance had lapsed and in an argument about money I learned his account was overdrawn for sone time and we were behind on bills I feel shut down and insignificant after these arguments I try to do what I can but he doesn't include me I only just got the key to ot mailbox last September when he began a new job that takes him away from home for weeks at a time I'm scared this is sone form of abuse I don't want to believe that but I'm feeling more and more defeated every day Comment from : @saraw7038 |
You have borrowed far too much money and you are on far too tight a budget if you have to worry about money from €100 to €1000 If you are both on minimum wage well maybe but society was not designed for a couple on minimum wage to be happy Capitalism wasnt designed to be fair Invest in your education Comment from : @C05597641 |
Find a new spouse Comment from : @C05597641 |
What if all your suggestions in this video has been tried and one partner still continues to be irresponsible and lies about spending brbrFor example lets say the discussion has already been had and the partner agrees, yet the pattern continuesOr one can ask about the spending and partner continues to lie and sticks to the lie Comment from : @thedevildiva1 |
hi brad my husband is very greedy both of us working he was not ready even to spend for my delivery he is ready to spend only for his mom and sishe wants all my salary and harassing mentaly taking my salary statement ,for last 1 month we are staying separately our son is with me no contact so far Comment from : @sumarajeev3971 |
My husband is into business with his father doesnt save any thing for us nor keeps track of how much he earns actuallyHe lied to me about his finances before marriagenow even for smallest amount he asks his father and they have control over him for everythinghe doesn't take my responsibility Infact he doesnt have for himself so gets frustrated i am at my parents place as we had a fight as i told him to be independent personhe is highly educated but under shadowparents control is there for everything and now his sister too influences against mePl help Comment from : @lisasomaiya4344 |
hi Brad my ex fund in my account some money now he wants to withdraw full money and don want to give me some of it share bz the money is black money wht should I do he now fight with me bz of the money issue Comment from : @manishasihra317 |
Lol Chris Rocks described it best br"Nothing dries up a pussy more than a woman reaching for her purse Its as if her purse sends a message to her pussy that dries it up" Comment from : @InbredRengade |
What if my boyfriend of 3 years and the father of our 1 year old is the one who is working and pays the bills? I’m a stay at home mom, I recently noticed he has been broke and got some toilet paper from his mom I asked him what was going on and if he was spending money on other things He got really defensive and yelled at me He called me a bitch and dumbass and said it’s none of my business and he doesn’t want to open up about that part of his life with me and he never will be opened to it It really shocked me and hurt me I know I don’t work right now and me asking about this is brand new to him but I feel it’s s deal breaker I feel he’s being secretive for a reason or he isn’t that serious about me It really hurts, if I was working I wouldn’t be like this with the money I make, I would be open and even if I didn’t like the way he was approaching the situation and I was annoyed I would respect his feelings and ease his mind I wouldn’t want him thinking I’m hiding things and that I’m not serious about him I understand he may not be use to this but I feel he should be willing to meet me halfway and put himself in my shoes One more thing that makes me feel bad is that he was married before and based off of things he’s shared with me, he was really open with his ex wife I know bringing up the past isn’t always the best thing to do but i can’t help how I feel He gave her his iCloud password and they bought a home together So obviously he knows what being open with finances is with someone and when it comes to me he’s being to closed out I’ve never dealt with something like this 😢😔 I know if he continues to be like this we won’t workout I don’t want to know every single little detail but if I ask him questions about money I want to have him be open I also don’t want to feel like we live two separate lives and aren’t being open with one another To me being with someone physically isn’t enough You need to be with them emotionally and financially as well I hope we can get past this and he can make baby steps and meet me halfway eventually I can’t be with someone who’s closed out and doesn’t want to be open Comment from : @hime9513 |
Hi Brad my significant other and I fight a lot when it comes to money when its payday everything is okay, but when the money dries up its suddenly me who has spent too much I do make a budget and ask him to do it together with me, but he is never too interested in it but when it doesn't quite work out how he wants the month to the blame is on me How can I change this? and another question Him and I both work, but I am the one who tends to suffer the most when it comes to buying something for myself because he always spends the money on himself without asking me I tend to say nothing because arguing isn't always the key but how can I make him understand that he is not the only one who works hard and would like to buy something for themselves? plus sometimes the money is just not there for those new pants or those new gadgets PS we have two kids and one on the way thanks in advance Comment from : @marynarose8080 |
Brad, my ex girlfriend broke up with me a couple of weeks ago and right after the breakup I was so desperate and scared of losing her forever from my life that I asked to be friends with her I know that being friends with your ex would ruin your chances of getting back together with them, but is there any way that I could possibly get out of this situation? Comment from : @icefiredragon9830 |
My ex boyfriend broke it off with me yesterday and I've been wondering what went wrong it first started off two days ago with me accusing him of ignoring me & he got really mad and told me not to text him because he'll just leave me on read So sure enough, he left me on read after every paragraph I sent him, telling him how much I need him in my life I'm now entering the NC rule and it's really hard because I have urges to go and listen to his songs that relate to us & I often lose my appetite because I'm not texting him I don't even want to leave the house today, I posted on my Snapchat a quote from his song saying, "temporary feelings, that's just a shame" and that caused him to unfriend me on Snapchat and Facebook It really hurt me, but I still have hope that he'll add me back on both after realizing that he misses me because he often does and says things out of anger I'm hoping that he'll text me after the NC rule is completed because I truly do miss him & want him in my life Does NC still work if you're unfriended on social media?, thank you! Comment from : @ariannakele |
what should I do if my ex broke up with me because she feels like we "aren't meant for each other" which is complete bullshit btw Comment from : @linebackerpride6666 |
I know it's off topic, but is there an estimated time your ex should contact you during the no contact period?? I'm about three weeks in, should she already have contacted me? Comment from : @ryanroland5579 |
brad after the nc period and you start contact with your ex again, is it natural for them to speak to you like just a friend? my ex speaks back to me and is mature and that but she doesnt really flirt that much, or send a lot of emojis besides the laughing or smiling one is this normal? or am i just in the friend zone? Comment from : @brandonblack8854 |
my ex just messaged me saying "just wanted to let you know that i miss you alot and im sorry for all the shit ive put you through" its been 3 weeks since the break up is this a good thing? what should i do? Comment from : @BrandonLee0610 |
my ex blocked my number and all social media because i didnt give her space what do i do Comment from : @sinmavi |
Me and my ex broke up because I was being too clingy and I wanna show him that I've changedwe haven't talked for a few daysis there anyway I can get him back Comment from : @sydneymayhew2390 |
Hi Brad I've got the mend the marriage and the EX factor they are very interesting i'm still on the 30 day no contact but 20 days in she has a big running for charity should I message her wishing her luck Comment from : @TheWillToFight |
could you maybe do a video on on how to gain your exes trust for you again?? or maybe give me a little advice?? thanks Comment from : @BrandonLee0610 |
Hey brad what do you do if your ex went back to their previous ex before me I think i was the rebound Comment from : @andrewzoleta9006 |
Hi Brad, 4 weeks in no contact with my ex I found that her best friend's checking my whatsapp pics and fb uploads actively Also my ex seems to drop hints on her social media but they're rather negative like 'someone cares about you, not me but someone' or 'we accept the love we think we deservesorry my love' I think I should extend the no contact a couple of weeks more, what you think? Comment from : @raylopez9217 |
I look forward to more videos Comment from : @Tracks777 |
hello brad hope you're having a good daymy ex broke up with meit was a bad breakup and she said that we will never be togethernow Im in no contactshe occasionally texts me to which I barely reply she said that she misses me nowbrwhat should I do next brad???? Comment from : @chikky98 |
hi brad! how to rebuild the relationship with your ex without met him how to convense him for marry?? Comment from : @mimimi637 |
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