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What if everyone had a classical education? | Rebekah Hagstrom | TEDxMahtomedi

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Information What if everyone had a classical education? | Rebekah Hagstrom | TEDxMahtomedi

Title :  What if everyone had a classical education? | Rebekah Hagstrom | TEDxMahtomedi
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Frames What if everyone had a classical education? | Rebekah Hagstrom | TEDxMahtomedi

Description What if everyone had a classical education? | Rebekah Hagstrom | TEDxMahtomedi

Comments What if everyone had a classical education? | Rebekah Hagstrom | TEDxMahtomedi

This country was founded and has been maintained through violence and many more immoral practices and many good practices, both findings can be true
Comment from : @brettmacklin3650

Wait, when was the consensus reached that John Adams, Einstein, Ben Franklin, Darwin or any other of the men she showed, had good morals? Or even well educated for that matter?
Comment from : @brettmacklin3650

Argue and debate? What is that? 11 years later ppl aren’t willing to accept others viewpoints
Comment from : @romeysiamese6662

Students are not learning logic public school and as a result struggle in college, in particular STEM fields At my university we struggle heavily with attrition, especially in my field (Electrical Engineering) This video explains why the students that come from the Classical Christian schools in our area have such an advantage Me and a few professors at Stanford have been struggling tooth and nail to get logic reintroduced at the K-12 level; turns out classical schools have been teaching it for centuries I can imagine this has a huge, lifelong impact
Comment from : @SignalProcessingWithPaul

Why were certain words edited out?
Comment from : @andrewjackson9697

A classical education means learning Latin and Greek
Comment from : @joelcowan8950

I had one child go through an excellent public school and one child go through a Classical Education private school The difference is stark I know children are all different, but the experience allowed me to see my child's classmates and to have some interaction and tracking with them during and after they graduated The bottom line was made clear by Rebekah when she said, "We know that this works"
Comment from : @MiklRngr

Martin Luther and Charles Darwin are not good examples of classically educated people
Comment from : @juancarlosjarquin6281

We desperately need classical education
Comment from : @inkland2003

Any man that knows his trade and has read fifty good books is respectable
Comment from : @nativecompanion1562

정말 유용한 영상이네요 고전교육이 꼭 필요한 시대입니다 많은 사람이 보고 학교시스템이 안된다면 집에서라도 부모님들이 고전교육을 염두에 두고 자녀들을 가르치면 좋겠습니다
Comment from : @sypark8176

Horace Mann, Matthew Arnold, and John Dewey changed our education systems
Comment from : @jamessheffield4173

It is just like Classical Conversations! I'm so satisfied with my education😃
Comment from : @valerieborella

At 8:13 Just to comment there is no evidence that we have a soul so how should it be a part of education?
Comment from : @junodonatus4906

44 seconds into this video there is a flaw in what she is saying She's ignoring the fact that many of the early scientists had to overcome their religious upbringing and reconcile it with empirical evidence - in which case they went with the evidence In their case, faith based beliefs were a hindrance
Comment from : @junodonatus4906

Her dream of what the world would be like with a classical education for all students was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard
Comment from : @kingofthorns203

What an unique woman I deeply love the ones whom putting education at the top of their values
Comment from : @Faisal4

I am glad that I knew classical education before My 2 kids( 6&5 years old) attend the Classical Christian school here in Utah I am the witness of how advanced they are compared to the neighbors Because of great books, they started reading in K& grade 1; they had already developed the great conversation at this early stage
Comment from : @blaisebizimana2062

Nah, it’s better to know the 800 genders than to know about Plato’s Cave
Comment from : @TheNecessaryEvil

Marty Luther figures
Comment from : @jamesmonahan9408

Who's values?
Comment from : @hanskung3278

So clear and persuasive ALL children need this kind of rigorous education to The Glory of God Alone
Comment from : @ronnieblanchet4072

I taught at 2 private classical Christian schools Phenomenal method of education… 🔥🔥
Comment from : @RegineBrady

"the scholar has lived in many times and is therefore in some degree immune from the great cataract of nonsense that pours from the press and the microphone of his own age" br-Clive Staples Lewis
Comment from : @daneowen208

Read Battle for the American Mind by Pete Hegseth
Comment from : @savannah82005

Jimmy Carter founded the Department of Education Since that time the US has slipped towards the bottom in public education Abolish the DOE
Comment from : @Wolfshield7

The best education there is
Comment from : @raymonddonahue7282

Audio keeps cutting off randomly ?
Comment from : @lederppz6202

How do I integrate classical education principles into public school practice?
Comment from : @timothygudz8756

I wish I had a classical education growing up Really makes you wonder what your life could of been like had we been educated how we needed, and by what peaked our interests
Comment from : @kimchloe4458

Being an alumni of Ill St Univ, and Dartmouth, I couldn't agree with the speaker more Yes, we're better off if everyone receives classical education, especially at one's early age
Comment from : @苑舉民

Amazing talk
Comment from : @paule-myriamcham165

So like we tried burger King McDonald's Wendy's 711 grilled items lol we tried has station burritos n our kids just kept getting sick weird what do u know?
Comment from : @peteypete1984

No one would be rolling up there sleeve for technocratic elites that brag about lowering the pop and putting u in the metaverse
Comment from : @peteypete1984

What if everyone was 5’ 5” tall?
Comment from : @orwellhuxley6301


Comment from : @vincitomniaveritas8491

Classical ed, with its rational principles and attempt to realism, is vastly better than Progressive ed But it tends to be authoritarian because it cant ground its ideas in concrete reality brbrComprachicos-Ayn Rand; attack on Progressive ed and alternative of conceptualizingbrTeaching Johnny To Think-Leonard Peikoff; application of rational mind to educationbrArt Of Teaching-Gilbert Highet; classical ed brFounders And The Classics: Greece, Rome And The American Enlightenment-Carl RichardbrCulture Of Classicism: Ancient Greece and Rome In American Intellectual Life, 1780-1910-Caroline Winterer
Comment from : @TeaParty1776

Weve been trying to get high without having to paybr-sung by Marianne Faithfull, classically educated, '60s rocker
Comment from : @TeaParty1776

What if everyone end of story
Comment from : @findvoltage

Wow elitist much (1:30)?
Comment from : @jnwilliams1986

Karl Marx had a classical education as well
Comment from : @epicureandisipline820

Too bad American children are taught what to think instead of how to think
Comment from : @nickbenjamin3546

Currently they’re canceling these classic authors and writers out of schools
Comment from : @nicolemarie6464

Howard University, a HBCU, just voted to do away with its Classics Department
Comment from : @Johnoftheshire

Wow, incredible that people still refer standardized test results as a meter of intelligence
Comment from : @HarmonyPeaceBalance

Comment from : @michellecarter1354

Awesome talk! My kids are in a great classical school in Katy, Texas and the benefits are immense!
Comment from : @francisokafor6212

This dillemma could've been avoided if said parent realized the parent's role is to train and teach, not institutions
Comment from : @tarar297

I am jealous of my brother, who was able (and did) take Latin in high school, majored in Greek in college; and got both an MD and a JDbecause he was interested! I got an advanced degree, but how far could I have gotten had I had my brothers' education
Comment from : @willmpet

Classical? No mentioned of ancient Greece and Rome and No physical education whatsoever! Plato was a wrestler This is no classical education this another tax exempt religion school!
Comment from : @gr8life12

This system would really be beneficial for all of mankind The problem is that the elites do not wish for the average person to become above average because they would no longer be elite for long Great talk Hope we can change the world by thinking like this God bless
Comment from : @mchaudry9811

I wonder how classical education would come near me How can i start such a school? Who would help me start it
Comment from : @sarahmbyamukama3312

Why are some of her words silent?
Comment from : @ciannacoleman5125

This is ALMOST the worst possible definition of classicism No mention of VIRTUE No mention of truth, beauty, goodness (This is the same definition of classicism that Classical Conversations uses based mainly upon one essay by Dorothy Sayer) Cursive writing has zero to do with classicism (although it is good) Latin mention is goodThe Latin-Centered Curriculum would agree with this and the use of classics But, seriously, a passing mention of "Judeo-Christian values" without a deeper talk about Truth, Beauty, Virtue is a lackluster classicism If your goal is to do well on standardized testsok But if your goal is to produce little human beingser
Comment from : @cw4091

Well, it would be great if it came without the religious indoctrination
Comment from : @redforrori

Mortimer Adler had a similar idea He thought we should do away with the educational tracking that starts in high school and provide the same curriculum to all students
Comment from : @DBobbyscomedynews

This is the goal of r/ClassicalEducation I love it!
Comment from : @NodakBro

Charles Darwin bwahahaha!brOne of these things is not like the other
Comment from : @Charlie_Davidson

Our sons are in a classical Ed christian school, after two years in a highly rated public school No comparison Classical Ed all the way
Comment from : @DJ-sx9kv

She covered the science of classical logic in about 15 seconds That makes sense, since the science of classical logic hasn't been taught in our State controlled public schools for more than a century The Underground History of American Education by John Gatto
Comment from : @williamspringer9447

This is the education I have always longed to have But, say "classical education" in my country and you'll pass off as a snobby elitist Thank you Madam for reviving the spirit and the wisdom of the centuries
Comment from : @andreapavaluca9670

After studying at a French school, I start to learn Latin by myselfbrIf I could get a euro for every time someone said "WHY? LATIN IS A DEAD LANGUAGE!" I might be a zillionaire Those uncultured swines
Comment from : @willlexie

low quality audio, it cuts out roughly every 30 seconds, very annoying
Comment from : @Razer217

Wow this sounds amazing!
Comment from : @michellec3871

Alternative education isn't necessarily the worst thing It depends upon the society environment a given civilization or social network is pursuing or has pursued in the past Propensities concerning affect and effect upon the civilization, whether directl, or through the society, may seem absent depending upon the environment but I'm not sure such social and civil contracts are absent in any proposed social group, the argument seems to be concerning the extent to which we observe the affect of a social contract on any proposed social group, or effect of the societies social contracts in any proposed environment There may be a place for every possible form of education in most proposed civilizations There are definitely reasonable exceptions to the aformentioned hypothesis
Comment from : @ronruddick2972

The fact that I agree with what she says in no way diminishes my distaste for the evangelistic tone of most of these However high-minded and eloquent, I just can’t take all that much TED
Comment from : @mencken8

big mood unless u happen to not be able to afford it
Comment from : @abbyderoco9939

as a classically educated person I am so glad we are seeing a rebirth of classicism
Comment from : @sophiaschlenoff523

theybare cutting out speaches, realy political correct
Comment from : @jimhump3575

Debate team options for states that don't allow equal access?
Comment from : @LampWaters

If they were educated properly, this would be a Catholic state
Comment from : @tommyofaquino

I think you might need a larger sample
Comment from : @dualitycat

Teaching History sequentially is not the best way to teach it History did not happen sequentially There were lots of events happening at once Also, there is the history of everything and those things overlap,for example the guilded age overlaps with the end of Westward expansion and England's Victorian and Eduardian ages The history of industrialism overlaps them all The Irish potato famine coincides with the height of immigration in the United States and the height of the abolitionist movement
Comment from : @misfithomemaker3683

Does anyone know of a more secular classical education route?
Comment from : @estacoda545

Comment from : @justanon8198

Glad to see this I had gotten used to the idea that TED is always liberal mushrooms No, here is some solid conservative fare that I heartily approve of brbrKids go to school about 1000 hours each year, 12,000 hours for the whole 12 years Think what schools could teach if they tried
Comment from : @BruceDeitrickPrice

Classical conversations - we are looking at this method for our children We ar so excited to homes school Wife and I don’t even have children yet But we will be home schooling that’s for sure! Seeing the BS our nephews and niece are going through we hands down want to homeschool We already are financially planning for wife to be a sat at home mom and teacher
Comment from : @rb7454

Some great points are made here I appreciate classical education, but I wonder if there is something inherent in it that produces profound cultural blindspots I think I'd prefer for my children to receive whatever type of education produced a mind like James Baldwin's, but even he had some interesting blindspots Plus, I'm sure a great deal of struggle and marginalization have a lot to do with developing the fascinating character of someone like Baldwin, this is a type of struggle most folks would rather spare their children
Comment from : @dawncoleman4421

This approach is called "the Trivium" There is also "the Quadrivium"
Comment from : @JamesLoweryHypnotherapy

I was happy to study in a European school, the last and most important exam was simply an essay They would call it " maturity exam" You would have to prove yourself being able to form a well-argumented, well-structured piece of writing They would give you 10 topics to choose from and 6h, pen, paper and water No helping materials I remember my topic was "Eternal values expressed through the works of art" I don't know, if we had a classical educationprobably
Comment from : @crstn111

Judeo-Christian is an oxymoronbrbrChristianity embraces everything of worth that Judaism ever stood for
Comment from : @Salparadise808

Geewiz I have know idea why our violent, multicultural society can't learn? It's a real mystery
Comment from : @patheally

What's amazing is that people think she's discovered the wheel or something Of course classical education is better Anyone who has studied in Europe or is European knows that the American education system is messed up This isn't news folks There is no continuity to our current system No reason for teaching things that's what the classical system excels in teaching the whole in order to create an ideal type of citizen
Comment from : @jamesm3967

Martin Luther was not a great thinker he was a religious nutjob who unfortunately convinced a bunch of uneducated people to follow him; just like the Catholic Church he despised so much
Comment from : @TheLuciferianAvatar

Need to send more liberal children to these classical schools so they can start using some reasoning
Comment from : @Romans_116

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