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Going from low-income to “rich” (part one)

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Title :  Going from low-income to “rich” (part one)
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Description Going from low-income to “rich” (part one)

Comments Going from low-income to “rich” (part one)

What ethnicity are you ?
Comment from : @cygnusvismus9240

You're not rich, you're well off Unless you don't have enough money to live in comfort for the rest of your life in you're 30s without working, you're not even wealthy Being rich means having enough money to own a mansion, luxury cars (not premium, not Mercedes Benz, Audi, BMW, Lincoln, Cadillac, Lexus, etc), a yacht, a plane and be able to afford it without working 😂 That's something people don't get
Comment from : @bobfg3130

not needing to check the prices at the grocery store is such a life goal
Comment from : @rimaoulhaj9910

it makes you economically conservative not socially conservative most wealthy people are left-wing socially, and economically they are corporatists And the ones who think they're not corporatists are delusional or they're lying, which applies to essentially all celebrities and politicians who pretend to be relatable and to have any kind of actual empathy for experiences they have absolutely no concept of brbrBut I know what you mean it's hard to say what class you are because I'm upper middle class in California but I think that basically means I'm like upper class in most places in the world, but in California that just means two-story house in a suburb and a pet or two
Comment from : @Velereonics

Not having kids makes it so much easier for adults to provide for themselves
Comment from : @bernadettesandoval3990

I'm more liberal as a middle class woman at 40 than I was as a poor woman at 20
Comment from : @kimberlygilliam6112

I tell people if I ever got into money I'd help people after I got settled in I have no interest in a luxurious lifestyle, and would rather give the extra money away lol
Comment from : @vvitch-mist20

"Rich in a functional sense" really resonated with me I know exactly what you mean
Comment from : @krissykay7940

This is the type of financial content I like to see Genuine, introspective and not societally tone deaf I live on benefits in my country with an extensive social security and while I too struggle for it I also think everybody without what I have should have what I have It doesn’t make me inconsiderate to the hardship of those who have it worse than me, but it does keep me conscious about how people who have never had to file monthly benefit applications can be completely out of touch with the realities of low income The whole point is, nobody deserves to live in that sort of uncerstainty and insecurity, and my fortune should not be upheld by the hardship of those in worse situations than me
Comment from : @AammaK

"The world is so FUCKING unfair!"but you just explained that you grew up low income and were able to raise yourself into relative wealth Was it just the luck of the draw or did you work really hard and make good choices to achieve that?
Comment from : @sassyplatypus

Thank you You are so honest It is helpful
Comment from : @bridgetmccormick6130

Not surprised to find out she went radically left She has some of the worst and most poorly researched financial videos on the internet 😅
Comment from : @alexag8461

Your glasses suit you 😎
Comment from : @eunicef1

Only insecure people become more conservative as they get money
Comment from : @ahm7944

Those things that you mentioned are a big deal You EARNED THEM!
Comment from : @cmaden78

❤ that shirt
Comment from : @cmaden78

You should help people in need like feeding the starving or helping the homeless
Comment from : @drake1312

She’s a troll, yall
Comment from : @Edgarto156

Off topic, but I love your style Very classy
Comment from : @stephanieparsons1056

When i was young my mom who worked three jobs once took my piggy bank of $5 dollars in coins to buy bread and milk for the 5 of us I had the sudden realization that my life had completely changed as an adult when i realized 30 years later i had no idea how much milk cost
Comment from : @Happyfeet10985

I see it the opposite way I worked so much to get out of the situation i was born into, that when someone who made bad choices, lots of debt (student loan or otherwise), kids they couldn't support, ect asks the government to tax me to bail them out, I'm kinda pissedbrbrIt's kinda like, while they were living it up, i had my nose to the grindstone, but now the bills come due they want me to pay for their fun How is that fair?brbrTake student loans, for example I worked full-time in the summer, part-time during the winter, and went to the cheapest in state school while living with 6 roommates That's how i graduated with less than 8k in loans I know people who went the out of state route, taking massive loans to go to the best school that would accept them How is it fair for them to put their debt on me? Let alone put their debt on people who never got the opportunity to go to college
Comment from : @parker9012

Same, sis, same💕
Comment from : @heatfoley2

Comment from : @julianarodriguex899

Someone sneezed on your face?
Comment from : @allisonangier1631

I feel like most rich people are liberal 🤷‍♀️ It’s the working middle class that tends to be most conservative
Comment from : @hollysmith7812

I'm kind of obsessed with your glasses 😅 love them ❤️
Comment from : @lbr88x30

I still check prices/shop sales, I still worry all the time & every penny I spend is a meticulous decision Poverty hasn’t left my soul
Comment from : @worldtraveler3044

Not significant really but I love that top Perfect green
Comment from : @ClaireGreen-wd2gm

Knowing this, do you think it would be a beneficial use of your time to try to develop legislation to teach financial literacy in high school to children? Well, I realize you are citing luck, that can also send a message that people don’t have any control
Comment from : @mjatis

Thank you for that I’m not even considered upper middle class but I realized how different life is with some modicum of wealth
Comment from : @Airwr3ck

What on earth is the point of this rambling?
Comment from : @laurame7412

You are amazing You can still have empathy for others less fortunate because you get it We would all choose rich if we could Some people earn it, but most are born into it Same thing with being poor Some are poor because of bad choices, but a lot were just born into it and don’t know how to make the change
Comment from : @Chris-tg3qy

Sure if you bring it up with all your context great it won’t sound tacky But who goes around says hey I’m rich Just because they don’t say it doesn’t mean you have to be offended by it
Comment from : @Jayl__

Same; I went from homeless with a baby 30 years ago to owning my own home and living upper middle class, and if anything I am the Bernie Sanders of my family I am constantly voicing how f’ed up things are for the younger generation and how we need more social safety nets in place I will always fight for the right to better our education system and equal rights for everyone And don’t get me started on our tax system and tax cuts the rich get 🤬
Comment from : @kimberlylopez3230

And is it fair? I really get your situation, and how grateful and warm hearted you are Keep speaking up
Comment from : @julianolan2860

Other than the ones like you I say Eat the Rich They are just bullying bastards Greedy
Comment from : @beastshawnee

You're not rich, you're wealthy There's a difference You'll fade a die broke
Comment from : @Anonymous-mp7yr

This is a perfect example of how money can't buy happiness
Comment from : @cosymoments

I don't care about what class you are
Comment from : @Mattchupichue

I mean its no crime to be conservative I'm politically conservative and financially liberal If I have the means I'll give easily however I still am a conservative Its okay to have opinions and change them too I'm trying to have a story like yours one day!
Comment from : @TashPointOh96

I think that's unfair and this coming from a 1st generation American and working smart to be come rich Ppl treat you different if you're open about being wealthy and like you resent them or feel entitled Also, some rich ppl let their kids know they are not rich, their parents are I like this because you don't want your children to not value a dollar earned
Comment from : @SincerelySandcha

I grew up unattractive and didn’t realize how differently good looking people are treated until I had my beautiful son
Comment from : @RandomRainReels

Nice flex
Comment from : @mogaliz2185

So cute 😏
Comment from : @tonyp333777

Gee, you’re special
Comment from : @kathleenfarris8710

It's wild, every rich person uses the exact same story but none of them seem to realize it How do they listen to each other and not realize they're saying the same things
Comment from : @BussyBuster69

You worked for it!
Comment from : @cindyriehm7411

So true
Comment from : @dragonshydragon

Grateful that there’s people like you who can actually appreciate what it’s like
Comment from : @lindseyschatz6182

Girl that's not rich That's middle class The class slide is real
Comment from : @Lolibeth

Good for you It's also heartening to see you spread your wisdom and knowledge in a way that is supportive of lower-income folks and not patronizing or condescending
Comment from : @chriscjamison

You're rich, don't try to lessen it by giving a modified name Trying to downplay it sounds exactly like what you're complaining about loool
Comment from : @eezekiel07

No you were rich… poor folks call themselves poor not “low income”
Comment from : @alleikat01

I went from growing up with a single mom on welfare and am currently barely middle class-ish The difference is ENORMOUS The gap is GAPING People don't understand
Comment from : @The_Binninator

People who say it’s vulgar or inappropriate to talk about money have it and don’t want others to take it Those of us without money know that talking about money empowers us
Comment from : @hill9948

Comment from : @taylorgayhart9497

There are so many kinds of unfair that we really can't do much about, like having great vs sh*b*/b parents love/don't love you However, in the United States, the wealth divide is beyond sustaining a healthy society and therefore successful nation and any efforts to lessen the wealth divide causes convervatives to ignorantly cry "socialism" all while their Trump King specifically empowers elites and gives tax breaks to the uber wealthy and tried as hard as he could to end ACA which would have thrown millions off of any health insurance, and so widened that wealth gap even more
Comment from : @sunshinelizard1

Hey wait I'm also rich Like not really but I grew up poor girl just found myself earning a salary
Comment from : @JMott

Millennials as a group were born with a radical desire for equality More than any previous generations of that century I think
Comment from : @big-onions-and-ogres

Unequal is not the same as unfair Just is something very brutal and harsh That's why we are social as a society That's the opposite of just
Comment from : @MaestroGlanz


Comment from : @jkhauge

If you order at a restaurant by looking at the food and not the prices, you are rich
Comment from : @michaelmanfred4008

Ii grew up not wanting for the basics I wouldn't say my family was rich I don't have to worry about money now I still watch prices at the grocery store!
Comment from : @johndoe-wv3nu

My dude is like "were poor", but this is the most comfortable ive lived, with no debt, too So greatful for this perspective
Comment from : @HellxHathxNo

I grew up in a family that was technically middle class, but my parents lived paycheck to paycheck I've worked crap jobs most of my working life (about 17 years) and now I have anjob making $44k before taxes and it feels like a miracle I'm not rich, not even middle class, but with a little bit of budgeting I'm not worrying about moneybrbrThe more money I make the more ways I find to donate the excess to other people It makes me happy to do so
Comment from : @Amelia7o9

I grew up in many different economic situations because of my parents both having multiple marriages and moving around I've been poor my whole adulthood and I just we all need to have a very honest conversation about money and power and self-worth as a species Cause it doesn't have to be this hard, but it is and it'll take a lot of work to fix it Thank you for making efforts to not become part of the problem and taking it even further by deconstructing this stuff and educating others That's like step one of many thousands of steps, so thank you for being willing to take it Hopefully others will be likewise encouraged and we can begin to shift the needle
Comment from : @twhimsy

So rich that nobody has told you those glasses are terrible for youThey are too big for your face and do not complement its shape
Comment from : @fluffymeisterfresh

Same Older I get and more money I get, the more angry & socialist I get
Comment from : @szigtema

That's why you're still a leftist! You don't let go of resentment and don't look into things past the first few nuggests of easily digestible information
Comment from : @dianaquill9969

Rich compared to WHO? A beggar in the street of your American city or the emir of Qatar????
Comment from : @TheEmmaLucille

This I think I’ve become even more socially-conscious about how money fuels inequality in things like healthcare
Comment from : @hotbluflame2933

I wish the clip didn't cut out RIGHT before you were gonna say your whole point
Comment from : @RLybarger1986

I love how real you are and how you actually take responsibility for your employees!
Comment from : @AshleyZieman

Same The better off I get, the more I want to help
Comment from : @emills767

You don't have to work out resentment toward people who grew up in wealth (and remain wealthy especially) in therapybrbrYou need to work through those issues through the revolution comrade! /mostly joking
Comment from : @kitmakin289

I am with you Grew up in a trailer At one point three of us living in an RV trailer that most rich people take camping I now make six figures I am “rich” in that I’m comfortable upper middle class My life is entirely different and I hate the people I work with in the stem field that think poor people are lazy or dumb They have no clue They all came from college educated families They have no idea what the real world is like and I have a real chip on my shoulder when it comes to dealing with them They have no idea what it’s like to struggle and come up from the bottom
Comment from : @MyLifeInTheDesert

The Super Buy is part of that counted income?
Comment from : @anon6116

For you, you value money more than having a family, at this point in time That is going to affect your perception You said you had to go to therapy because of other people's wealth That is something to really consider
Comment from : @Shasta31487

No kids, no real purpose in life Travel worldwide and watch how other ordinary women live with kids, husbands, and godly connections What iPhone is nice about the ordinary, simple things all the old folks reminisce They talk about how much they love Read Steve Jobs's last essay before it’s too late for you young lady 😢
Comment from : @Babygirl80572

I also don't check prices at the grocery store but I eat those consequences literally when I'm out of money lmao
Comment from : @minniem-ms

Can’t wait for the rich people (no matter how they grew up) to shut the f up Read the room
Comment from : @soyestee

We actually really need rich (at least by this definition) people to be radical because you need priviledge to do things like spread class conciousness on youtube, start mutual aid networks, run local political campaigns You can't do that sh*t when you need to use all your time making rent (Although also we really need to pay non-profit employees more so the people affected by the issues they adress can afford to work for them)
Comment from : @sammylincroft

And yet you still don’t want kids, even though you are in the perfect position to support and raise them
Comment from : @FancyRPGCanada

I feel you 100 Also grew up low income with lots of family emergencies and now I'm almost middle class (I recently finally started making 6 figures) and I, too, resent rich friends who are totally out of touch My privileged friends try to portray themselves as not being privileged when I know their parents spent $1 million on their private education from grade 9 through private college, paid for their apartment, insurance, cell phone, travels to Europe and Asia 'til almost age 30, and gave them 20 house down payment What gets me is they have the audacity to think they have grit, resilience, merit when they were fed by a platinum spoon all their lives Just gross imho
Comment from : @jjn6914

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